def test_1_sjgl(self): '''功率曲线展示 > 短期上报曲线 > 实际功率''' driver = self.driver driver.maximize_window() start( driver, '') if now_time()[0] != 1: print("waiting 70") time.sleep(70) click_list = ['功率曲线展示', '上报曲线'] #点击菜单 menu(driver, click_list) driver.find_element_by_id('search').click() #搜索 time.sleep(2) hang = '/html/body/div/div[2]/div[2]/div[2]/div[2]/div[2]/table/tbody/tr' global list_heng list_heng = get_heng(driver, hang) #获取表格数据 list_sjgl_yuan = get_col(list_heng, 3).copy() # 将表格数据生成列表 list_sjgl = del_list_tup(list_sjgl_yuan, ' ') if list_sjgl == []: print("列表查询数据为空,无法比较") else: sql_kk = "SELECT a.GATHER_DATE,a.GATHER_TIME,a.POWER_VALUE FROM GF_SPPS_POWER_HIS a \ WHERE a.GATHER_DATE='now_date()' ORDER BY a.GATHER_TIME asc" sql = sql_kk.replace("now_date()", now_date()) list_sql = get_oracle_h(sql, 2) # 查询数据库 print('实际功率表格数据为:', list_sjgl) print('实际功率sql数据为', list_sql) print('\n') self.assertEqual(list_sjgl, list_sql)
def test_1_tq(self): '''实时状态监控 > 实时气象曲线 > 天气预报温度''' driver=self.driver driver.maximize_window() start(driver,'') click_list = ['实时状态监控', '实时气象曲线'] #点击菜单 menu(driver,click_list) if now_time()[0]!=1: print("waiting 130") time.sleep(130) driver.find_element_by_id('search').click() #搜索 time.sleep(2) hang='/html/body/div/div[2]/div[2]/div[2]/div[2]/div[2]/table/tbody/tr' global list_heng today=now_date() list_heng=get_heng(driver,hang) #获取表格数据 list_tq_yuan = get_col_two(list_heng, 2).copy() # 将表格数据生成列表 list_tq = del_list_tup(list_tq_yuan, ' ') if list_tq == []: print("列表查询数据为空,无法比较") else: sql_kk = "SELECT a.PRE_TIME,a.ARI_TEM FROM GF_SPPS_NWP_DEAL a WHERE a.PRE_DATE='now_date()' ORDER BY a.PRE_TIME" sql = sql_kk.replace("now_date()", now_date()) list_sql = get_oracle_h(sql, 1) # 查询数据库 print('天气预报温度表格数据为:', list_tq) print('天气预报温度sql数据为', list_sql) print('\n') self.assertEqual(list_tq, list_sql)
def test_1_tianqi(self): '''气象信息展示 > 温度曲线 >天气预报''' self.driver = choose('firefox') driver = self.driver driver.maximize_window() start( driver, '') click_list = ['气象信息展示', '温度曲线'] #点击菜单 menu(driver, click_list) set_date(driver) driver.find_element_by_id('search').click() #搜索 time.sleep(2) hang = '/html/body/div/div[2]/div[2]/div[2]/div[2]/div[2]/table/tbody/tr' global list_heng list_heng = get_heng(driver, hang) #获取表格数据 list_wen_yuan = get_col(list_heng, 3).copy() #将表格数据生成列表 list_wen = del_list_tup(list_wen_yuan, ' ') if list_wen == []: print("列表查询数据为空,无法比较") else: list_wen.pop() list_sql = get_oracle_h('', "SELECT a.PRE_DATE,a.PRE_TIME,a.ARI_TEM \ FROM GF_SPPS_NWP_DEAL a WHERE PRE_DATE='2017-09-06' ORDER BY PRE_TIME asc", 2) #查询数据库 print('表格数据为:', list_wen) print('sql查询值为', list_sql) print('\n') self.assertEqual(list_wen, list_sql)
def test_4_llfd_y(self): '''实时状态监控 > 发电量曲线 > 理论发电量''' driver = self.driver driver.maximize_window() start(driver, '') click_list = ['实时状态监控', '发电量曲线'] # 点击菜单 menu(driver, click_list) if now_time()[0] != 1: print("waiting 70") time.sleep(70) set_date_one(driver,yes_date()) driver.find_element_by_id('search').click() # 搜索 time.sleep(2) hang = '/html/body/div/div[2]/div[2]/div[2]/div[2]/div[2]/table/tbody/tr' global list_heng list_heng = get_heng(driver, hang) # 获取表格数据 list_llfd_yuan = get_col_two(list_heng, 2).copy() # 将表格数据生成列表 list_llfd = del_list_tup(list_llfd_yuan, ' ') if list_llfd == []: print("列表查询数据为空,无法比较") else: sql_kk = "SELECT a.FOCA_TIME,a.THEORY_GENER_NUM \ FROM GF_SPPS_PROD_THEORY a WHERE a.FOCA_DATE='now_date()' and mod(to_char(to_date(a.foca_time,'HH24:mi:ss'),'mi'),15)=0 ORDER BY a.FOCA_TIME asc" sql = sql_kk.replace("now_date()", yes_date()) list_sql = get_oracle_h(sql, 2) # 查询数据库 print('理论发电量表格数据为:', list_llfd) print('理论发电量sql数据为', list_sql) print('\n') self.assertEqual(list_llfd, list_sql)
def test_4_cdq(self): '''实时状态监控 > 预测理论功率曲线 > 超短期 > 两天''' driver = self.driver driver.maximize_window() start( driver, '') click_list = ['实时状态监控', '预测理论功率曲线'] #点击菜单 menu(driver, click_list) if now_time()[0] != 1: print("waiting 70") time.sleep(70) set_date(driver, yes_date(), now_date()) driver.find_element_by_id('search').click() #搜索 time.sleep(2) hang = '/html/body/div/div[2]/div[2]/div[2]/div[2]/div[2]/table/tbody/tr' global list_heng list_heng = get_heng(driver, hang) #获取表格数据 list_cdq_yuan = get_col_two(list_heng, 2).copy() # 将表格数据生成列表 list_cdq = del_list_tup(list_cdq_yuan, ' ') if list_cdq == []: print("列表查询数据为空,无法比较") else: sql_kk = "SELECT a.PRE_TIME,a.PRE_POWER FROM SPPS_PREDICT_CDQ_DEAL a WHERE PRE_DATE" \ " in('yes_date()','now_date()') ORDER BY a.PRE_DATE,a.PRE_TIME" sql = sql_kk.replace("now_date()", now_date()) sql = sql.replace("yes_date()", yes_date()) list_sql = get_oracle_h(sql, 2) # 查询数据库 print('超短期表格数据为:', list_cdq) print('超短期sql数据为', list_sql) print('\n') self.assertEqual(list_cdq, list_sql)
def test_3_ycgl_two(self): '''功率曲线展示 > 预测曲线 > 短期预测曲线 > 预测功率 >两天''' driver = self.driver driver.maximize_window() start( driver, '') click_list = ['功率曲线展示', '预测曲线', '短期预测曲线'] # 点击菜单 menu(driver, click_list) if now_time()[0] != 1: print("waiting 70") time.sleep(70) set_date(driver, tom_date(), hou_date()) driver.find_element_by_id('search').click() # 搜索 time.sleep(2) hang = '/html/body/div/div[2]/div[2]/div[2]/div[2]/div[2]/table/tbody/tr' global list_heng list_heng = get_heng(driver, hang) # 获取表格数据 list_ycgl_yuan = get_col(list_heng, 3).copy() # 将表格数据生成列表 list_ycgl = del_list_tup(list_ycgl_yuan, ' ') if list_ycgl == []: print("列表查询数据为空,无法比较") else: sql_kk = "SELECT a.PRE_DATE,a.PRE_TIME,a.PRE_POWER \ FROM GF_SPPS_PREDICT_NWP_DEAL a WHERE a.PRE_DATE in ('tom_date()','hou_date()') ORDER BY a.PRE_DATE,a.PRE_TIME asc " sql = sql_kk.replace("tom_date()", tom_date()) sql = sql.replace("hou_date()", hou_date()) print(sql) list_sql = get_oracle_h(sql, 2) # 查询数据库 print('预测功率表格数据为:', list_ycgl) print('预测功率sql数据为', list_sql) print('\n') self.assertEqual(list_ycgl, list_sql)
def test_1_ycgl(self): '''功率曲线展示 > 预测曲线 > 超短期预测曲线 > 预测功率''' driver = self.driver driver.maximize_window() start( driver, '') click_list = ['功率曲线展示', '预测曲线', '超短期预测曲线'] #点击菜单 menu(driver, click_list) if now_time()[0] != 1: print("waiting 70") time.sleep(70) driver.find_element_by_id('search').click() #搜索 time.sleep(2) hang = '/html/body/div/div[2]/div[2]/div[2]/div[2]/div[2]/table/tbody/tr' global list_heng list_heng = get_heng(driver, hang) #获取表格数据 list_ycgl_yuan = get_col(list_heng, 3).copy() # 将表格数据生成列表 list_ycgl = del_list_tup(list_ycgl_yuan, ' ') if list_ycgl == []: print("列表查询数据为空,无法比较") else: sql_kk = "SELECT a.PRE_DATE, a.PRE_TIME, a.PRE_POWER FROM SPPS_PREDICT_CDQ_DEAL a WHERE " \ "PRE_DATE = 'tom_date()' and a.pre_date || ' ' || a.pre_time >to_char(sysdate - 0 / 24, 'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') ORDER BY PRE_TIME " sql = sql_kk.replace("tom_date()", now_date()) list_sql = get_oracle_h(sql, 2) # 查询数据库 print('超短期预测表格数据为:', list_ycgl) print('超短期预测sql数据为', list_sql) print('\n') self.assertEqual(list_ycgl, list_sql)