def on_command_start(message): bot.send_chat_action(, 'typing') bot.send_message(, logic.get_welcome_message(bot.get_me()), parse_mode="Markdown") bot.send_message(, logic.get_help_message(), parse_mode="Markdown") logic.register_account(
def on_command_start(message): bot.send_chat_action(, 'typing') bot.send_message(, util.get_welcome_message(bot.get_me()), parse_mode="Markdown") bot.send_message(, util.get_help_message(), parse_mode="Markdown")
def start(message): """ Sends a greeting message from config file and provides some basic bot configuration settings """ chatID = language = Language(chatID).lang languageMarkup = getLanguageMarkup(language) bot.send_sticker(chatID, greetingStickerId) greetingString = message.replies.hi.format(message.from_user.first_name, bot.get_me().username, commands.h) bot.send_message(chatID, greetingString, reply_markup=languageMarkup, parse_mode='html')
def settingsMarkup(chatID): markup = InlineKeyboardMarkup() currentSettings = Chats.objects(ID=chatID).get().settings settingsStrings = Language(chatID).strs.stg.strings for index, setting in enumerate(currentSettings): # * Will stop the foop if we have already iterated through all settings. # * Has to be stopped because "settings" object contains not only settings values, # * but some additional info connected to /settings command if index >= len(settingsStrings): break isOnString = '❌' settingObject = currentSettings[setting] if isinstance(settingObject, bool) and settingObject: isOnString = '✅' elif isinstance(settingObject, dict) and settingObject['haveTo']: isOnString = '✅' # * Creaing and adding all buttons to the markup. Will create using 2D array in config newButtons = [] for index, buttonInfo in enumerate(settingsStrings[index]): buttonText = buttonInfo[0] # * Formating button text if can be formated if canFormat(buttonText): buttonText = buttonText.format(settingObject['value']) tempButton = InlineKeyboardButton( f'{buttonText}', callback_data=buttonInfo[1], ) if not index: tempButton = InlineKeyboardButton( f'{buttonText} {isOnString}', callback_data=buttonInfo[1] ) newButtons.append(tempButton) markup.row(*newButtons) # ? Additional buttons buttonText = Language(chatID).strs.stg # * Editing button markup.row(InlineKeyboardButton( buttonText.editButtonValue, callback_data=additionalButtonCallbacks[0], )) # * Button to get more info markup.row(InlineKeyboardButton( buttonText.moreInfoButtonValue, callback_data=additionalButtonCallbacks[1] )) # * Button to move to Bot's chat addUrlButton(markup, Language(chatID).strs.goToBot[0], bot.get_me().username) # tempButton = InlineKeyboardButton( # f'{settingsStrings[index][0]} {isOnString}', # callback_data=settingsStrings[index][1] # ) # markup.add(tempButton) return markup
def sendStats(message): """ Sends a message with all words information in a special formated string, which is provide by 'stringsForStats' functionm. Gets informations from the database and splits the result of the funcion unsing built-in 'untils' methods. """ chatID = clearButton = types.InlineKeyboardButton( message.replies.skeyboard[0], callback_data=dumps(['toClearTrue', chatID]) ) # * Getting info from the DB to pass into the function currentChat = Chats.getChat(chatID) wordObjects = currentChat.words wordNumbers = [word.sentTimes for word in wordObjects] words = [word.text for word in wordObjects] sendToPrivate = Chats.getSettings(chatID)['sendPrivate'] chatName = None if sendToPrivate: chatName = formatedStrings = stringForStats(chatID, words, wordNumbers, True, chatName) markup = None # * Allowes to save message ids. More info in the class doc string editor = ResponsesManager(currentChat) if not formatedStrings: tempMessage = bot.send_message(, message.replies.nos) editor.addIDs(message.message_id, tempMessage) return # * If specified in settings will set chatID variable to users chat id, # * so the statistics will be sent not to the chat but to user pesonaly. if sendToPrivate: chatID = if formatedStrings: # * Sending a splited message and adding an inline keyboard to the last element, # * so the user will be able to everything faster and more comftable. try: for index, part in enumerate(formatedStrings): if index + 1 == len(formatedStrings): markup = getDeleteMarkup(commands.s, message, clearButton) if and Chats.getSettings(['sendPrivate']: addUrlButton(markup, message.replies.goToChat[0], tempMessage = bot.send_message( chatID, part, reply_markup=markup, disable_notification=True, parse_mode='html' ) editor.addIDs(message.message_id, tempMessage, chatID) if Chats.getSettings(['sendPrivate'] and != 'private': markup = types.InlineKeyboardMarkup() addUrlButton(markup, message.replies.goToBot[1], bot.get_me().username) editor.addIDs( message.message_id, bot.send_message(, message.replies.s[2].format( bot.get_me().username ), reply_markup=markup )) except apihelper.ApiException as e: print(e) editor.addIDs( message.message_id, bot.send_message(, message.replies.s[3].format( bot.get_me().username )))