def add_startup_linux(): filename = os.path.abspath(__file__) dirname = os.path.dirname(filename) if os.path.exists("/usr/share/applications/Tickeys.desktop"): # install by deb with open("/usr/share/applications/Tickeys.desktop") as f: DESKTOP_FILE = elif command_exist('tickeys'): # used pip installed DESKTOP_FILE = '''\ [Desktop Entry] Type=Application Categories=Application; Exec=tickeys Icon=%s/tickeys.png Terminal=true Hidden=false NoDisplay=false StartupNotify=true X-GNOME-Autostart-enabled=true Name=Tickeys Comment=Instant audio feedback when typing. For Linux. ''' % dirname else: # not install yet(run in py) DESKTOP_FILE = '''\ [Desktop Entry] Type=Application Categories=Application; Path=%s Exec=python Terminal=true Icon=%s/tickeys.png Hidden=false NoDisplay=false StartupNotify=true X-GNOME-Autostart-enabled=true Name=Tickeys Comment=Instant audio feedback when typing. For Linux. ''' % (dirname, dirname) try: # it is stupid command_list = [] for dirname in map(os.path.expanduser, StartupPath): filename = os.path.join(dirname, DesktopEntryName) command_list.append('"mkdir -p %s"' % dirname) command_list.append('echo "%s" >> %s' % (DESKTOP_FILE, filename)) command_list.append('chmod 777 %s' % filename) command_str = " | ".join(command_list) command = "gksudo --message password " + command_str commands.getstatusoutput(command) configer.autostart = True configer.save_config() except Exception, e: print e logger.debug("Add to startup fail:" + str(e)) return False
def delete_startup_linux(): try: command_list = [] for dirname in map(os.path.expanduser, StartupPath): command_list.append("rm %s/%s" % (dirname, DesktopEntryName)) command_str = " | ".join(command_list) command = "gksudo --message password " + command_str commands.getstatusoutput(command) configer.autostart = False configer.save_config() except Exception, e: logger.debug("Delete startup fail:" + str(e)) return False