def deactivate_invoice(invoice_id): try: conn, cur = connect_db() actual_date ="%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S") if request.get_json() and 'force_delete' in request.get_json() and request.get_json()['force_delete']: delete_sql = ("DELETE FROM invoices " + "WHERE id = '" + invoice_id + "';") deleted_info = "Invoice Removed Succesfully" else: delete_sql = ("UPDATE invoices " + " SET isactive = False, deactiveAt = '" + actual_date + "' WHERE id = '" + invoice_id + "';") deleted_info = "Invoice Deactivated Succesfully" print(delete_sql) cur.execute(delete_sql) conn.commit() except (Exception, psycopg2.DatabaseError) as error: print(error) return jsonify({'error': 'Invoice to remove was not found'}), 503 finally: close_db(conn, cur) return jsonify({"message": deleted_info}), 200
def update_invoice(invoice_id): if request.get_json(): try: conn, cur = connect_db() set_string = "" for k in request.get_json().keys(): set_string += str(k) + " = '" + str(request.get_json()[k]) + "', " set_string = set_string[:-2] update_sql = ("UPDATE invoices " + " SET " + set_string + " WHERE id = '" + invoice_id + "';") cur.execute(update_sql) conn.commit() except (Exception, psycopg2.DatabaseError) as error: print(error) return jsonify({'error': 'Invoice to update was not found'}), 503 finally: close_db(conn, cur) return jsonify({"message":"Updated Succesfully"}), 200 else: return jsonify({'error': 'No requested body found'}), 400
def get_invoices_by_id(invoice_id): try: conn, cur = connect_db() cur.execute("SELECT id, document, description, amount, referenceMonth, referenceYear, createdAt, isActive, deactiveAt " + "FROM invoices WHERE id = '" + invoice_id + "';") row = cur.fetchone() if row: invoice = Invoice.generate_from_row(row) else: return jsonify({'error': 'Invoice not found'}), 503 except (Exception, psycopg2.DatabaseError) as error: print(error) return jsonify({"error":"Could not connect to Database"}), 503 finally: close_db(conn, cur) return jsonify(invoice.__dict__), 200
def create_invoice(): if request.get_json(): try: conn, cur = connect_db() if 'id' in request.get_json(): invoice = Invoice(request.get_json(), request.get_json()['id']) else: invoice = Invoice(request.get_json()) insert_string = ("INSERT INTO invoices VALUES('" + str( + "', '" + invoice.document + "', '" + invoice.description + "', " + str(invoice.amount) + ", '" + str(invoice.referenceMonth) + "', '" + str(invoice.referenceYear) + "', '" + str(invoice.createdAt) + "', " + str(invoice.isActive) + ");") cur.execute(insert_string) conn.commit() except (Exception, psycopg2.DatabaseError) as error: print(error) return jsonify({'error': 'Some error inserting data'}), 503 finally: close_db(conn, cur) return jsonify(invoice.__dict__), 201 else: return jsonify({'error': 'No requested body found'}), 400
def list_invoices(): try: # Obtendo o valor da query para ordenacao order_query = request.args.get('order') order_string = order_invoices(order_query) except: print("Error generating order query") return jsonify({"error":"Something went wrong. Please, Contact the admin"}), 503 try: # Obtendo valores de filtro filter_string = filter_invoices(request.args) except: print("Error generating filter query") return jsonify({"error":"Something went wrong. Please, Contact the admin"}), 400 try: (conn, cur) = connect_db() psql_query_string = """ SELECT id, document, description, amount, referenceMonth, referenceYear, createdAt, isActive, deactiveAt FROM invoices """ psql_query_string += filter_string + order_string cur.execute(psql_query_string) rows = cur.fetchall() print("The number of parts: ", cur.rowcount) list_invoices = [] for row in rows: invoice = Invoice.generate_from_row(row) list_invoices.append(invoice.__dict__) except (Exception, psycopg2.DatabaseError) as error: print(error) return jsonify({"error":"Could not connect to Database"}), 503 finally: close_db(conn, cur) try: # Tratando o valor das paginas page = int(request.args.get('page')) if request.args.get('page') else 1 page = page if page > 1 else 1 limit = 5 # Itens por pagina links_json = generate_links_json(page, limit, list_invoices) invoices = separate_result_per_page(list_invoices, limit, page) result = create_list_result(links_json, limit, cur.rowcount, invoices) return jsonify(result), 200 except: print("Error while separeting itens per page") return jsonify({"error":"Something went wrong. Please, Contact the admin"}), 400