def server_addons_checkout(): if ("" == config.option("server-addons")): return addons_list = config.option("server-addons").rsplit(", ") for name in addons_list: git_update(name, True) return
def web_apps_addons_checkout(): if ("" == config.option("web-apps-addons")): return addons_list = config.option("web-apps-addons").rsplit(", ") for name in addons_list: git_update(name, True) return
def sdkjs_addons_checkout(): if ("" == config.option("sdkjs-addons")): return addons_list = config.option("sdkjs-addons").rsplit(", ") for name in addons_list: if name in config.sdkjs_addons: git_update(config.sdkjs_addons[name], True) return
def get_web_apps_addons(): result = {} if ("" == config.option("web-apps-addons")): return result addons_list = config.option("web-apps-addons").rsplit(", ") for name in addons_list: result[name] = [True, False] return result
def sdkjs_addons_desktop_param(): if ("" == config.option("sdkjs-addons-desktop")): return [] params = [] addons_list = config.option("sdkjs-addons-desktop").rsplit(", ") for name in addons_list: params.append("--addon=" + name) return params
def server_addons_checkout(): if ("" == config.option("server-addons")): return addons_list = config.option("server-addons").rsplit(", ") for name in addons_list: if name in config.server_addons: git_update(config.server_addons[name]) return
def get_server_addons(): result = {} if ("" == config.option("server-addons")): return result addons_list = config.option("server-addons").rsplit(", ") for name in addons_list: result[name] = [True, False] return result
def web_apps_addons_param(): if ("" == config.option("web-apps-addons")): return [] params = [] addons_list = config.option("web-apps-addons").rsplit(", ") for name in addons_list: params.append("--addon=" + name) return params
def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.dtype = get_or_default(kwargs, "dtype", theano.config.floatX) self.scope = get_or_default(kwargs, "scope", "linear") self.concat = get_or_default(kwargs, "concat", False) self.multibias = get_or_default(kwargs, "multibias", False) self.bias = option(use=True, initializer=zeros_initializer) self.weight = option(output_major=False, initializer=uniform_initializer)
def server_addons_param(): if ("" == config.option("server-addons")): return [] params = [] addons_list = config.option("server-addons").rsplit(", ") for name in addons_list: if name in config.server_addons: params.append("--addon=" + config.server_addons[name]) return params
def get_client(): """ Returns an xmpp client object that connects to the xmpp server specified in harvest's configuration. """ if config.option("debug"): return xmpp.Client(server=config.option("server")) else: return xmpp.Client(server=config.option("server"), debug=[])
def qt_setup(platform): compiler = config.check_compiler(platform) qt_dir = config.option("qt-dir") if ( -1 == platform.find("_xp")) else config.option("qt-dir-xp") qt_dir = (qt_dir + "/" + compiler["compiler"]) if platform_is_32(platform) else ( qt_dir + "/" + compiler["compiler_64"]) set_env("QT_DEPLOY", qt_dir + "/bin") return qt_dir
def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.dtype = get_or_default(kwargs, "dtype", theano.config.floatX) self.scope = get_or_default(kwargs, "scope", "feedforward") self.activation = get_or_default(kwargs, "activation", theano.tensor.nnet.sigmoid) self.concat = get_or_default(kwargs, "concat", False) self.multibias = get_or_default(kwargs, "multibias", False) self.bias = option(use=True, initializer=zeros_initializer) self.weight = option(output_major=False, initializer=uniform_initializer)
def make(): if ("1" == base.get_env("OO_NO_BUILD_JS")): return if ("core" == config.option("module")): return base_dir = base.get_script_dir() + "/.." out_dir = base_dir + "/out/js/" branding = config.option("branding-name") if ("" == branding): branding = "onlyoffice" out_dir += branding base.create_dir(out_dir) # builder build_interface(base_dir + "/../web-apps/build") build_sdk_builder(base_dir + "/../sdkjs/build") base.create_dir(out_dir + "/builder") base.copy_dir(base_dir + "/../web-apps/deploy/web-apps", out_dir + "/builder/web-apps") base.copy_dir(base_dir + "/../sdkjs/deploy/sdkjs", out_dir + "/builder/sdkjs") # desktop build_sdk_desktop(base_dir + "/../sdkjs/build") if config.check_option("module", "desktop"): build_sdk_desktop(base_dir + "/../sdkjs/build") base.create_dir(out_dir + "/desktop") base.copy_dir(base_dir + "/../sdkjs/deploy/sdkjs", out_dir + "/desktop/sdkjs") base.copy_dir(base_dir + "/../web-apps/deploy/web-apps", out_dir + "/desktop/web-apps") base.delete_dir(out_dir + "/desktop/web-apps/apps/documenteditor/embed") base.delete_dir(out_dir + "/desktop/web-apps/apps/documenteditor/mobile") base.delete_dir(out_dir + "/desktop/web-apps/apps/presentationeditor/embed") base.delete_dir(out_dir + "/desktop/web-apps/apps/presentationeditor/mobile") base.delete_dir(out_dir + "/desktop/web-apps/apps/spreadsheeteditor/embed") base.delete_dir(out_dir + "/desktop/web-apps/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile") base.copy_file( base_dir + "/../web-apps/apps/api/documents/index.html.desktop", out_dir + "/desktop/web-apps/apps/api/documents/index.html") build_interface(base_dir + "/../desktop-apps/common/loginpage/build") base.copy_file( base_dir + "/../desktop-apps/common/loginpage/deploy/index.html", out_dir + "/desktop/index.html") return
def sdkjs_addons_checkout(): if ("" == config.option("sdkjs-addons")): return addons_list = config.option("sdkjs-addons").rsplit(", ") for name in addons_list: git_update(name, True) if ("" != config.option("sdkjs-addons-desktop")): addons_list = config.option("sdkjs-addons-desktop").rsplit(", ") for name in addons_list: git_update(name, True) return
def qt_config(platform): config_param = config.option("module") + " " + config.option("config") config_param_lower = config_param.lower() if (-1 != platform.find("xp")): config_param += " build_xp" if ("ios" == platform): set_env("BITCODE_GENERATION_MODE", "bitcode") set_env("ENABLE_BITCODE", "YES") config_param = config_param.replace("desktop", "") config_param += " iphoneos device" if (-1 == config_param_lower.find("debug")): config_param += " release" return config_param
def get_sdkjs_addons(): result = {} if ("" == config.option("sdkjs-addons")): return result addons_list = config.option("sdkjs-addons").rsplit(", ") for name in addons_list: result[name] = [True, False] if ("" != config.option("sdkjs-addons-desktop")): addons_list = config.option("sdkjs-addons-desktop").rsplit(", ") for name in addons_list: result[name] = [True, False] return result
def make(): if ("1" != config.option("develop")): return if not dependence.check_dependencies(): exit(1) build_server.build_server_develop() build_js.build_js_develop(base_dir + "/../../..") develop_config_server.make() if ("" != config.option("branding")): branding_develop_script_dir = base_dir + "/../../../" + config.option( "branding") + "/build_tools/scripts" if base.is_file(branding_develop_script_dir + "/"): base.cmd_in_dir(branding_develop_script_dir, "python", [""], True) exit(0)
def _call_vcvarsall_and_return_env(arch): vcvarsall = config.option("vs-path") + "/vcvarsall.bat" interesting = set(("INCLUDE", "LIB", "LIBPATH", "PATH")) result = {} keys = "" popen = subprocess.Popen('"%s" %s & set' % (vcvarsall, arch), stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) try: stdout, stderr = popen.communicate() popen.wait() lines = stdout.split("\n") for line in lines: if '=' not in line: continue line = line.strip() key, value = line.split('=', 1) key = key.upper() if key in interesting: if value.endswith(os.pathsep): value = value[:-1] result[key] = value finally: popen.stdout.close() popen.stderr.close() return result
def descr(name): option = config.option(name) descr = option.description() doc = option.documentation() if doc: descr += "\n" + doc return descr
def build_js_develop(root_dir): #_run_npm_cli(root_dir + "/sdkjs/build") external_folder = config.option("--external-folder") if (external_folder != ""): external_folder = "/" + external_folder _run_npm(root_dir + external_folder + "/sdkjs/build") _run_grunt(root_dir + external_folder + "/sdkjs/build", get_build_param(False) + base.sdkjs_addons_param()) _run_grunt(root_dir + external_folder + "/sdkjs/build", ["develop"] + base.sdkjs_addons_param()) _run_npm(root_dir + external_folder + "/web-apps/build") _run_npm(root_dir + external_folder + "/web-apps/build/sprites") _run_grunt(root_dir + external_folder + "/web-apps/build/sprites", []) old_cur = os.getcwd() old_product_version = base.get_env("PRODUCT_VERSION") base.set_env("PRODUCT_VERSION", old_product_version + "d") os.chdir(root_dir + external_folder + "/web-apps/vendor/framework7-react") base.cmd("npm", ["install"]) base.cmd("npm", ["run", "deploy-word"]) base.cmd("npm", ["run", "deploy-cell"]) base.cmd("npm", ["run", "deploy-slide"]) base.set_env("PRODUCT_VERSION", old_product_version) os.chdir(old_cur) return
def fetchone(self,, transaction=None): if direction != or not self._giveone: return None self._giveone = False row_data = [(o,, getattr(config, o))) for o in [ for c in self.columns()]] return
def make(): path = base.get_script_dir() + "/../../core/Common/3dParty/openssl" old_cur = os.getcwd() os.chdir(path) base.set_env("ANDROID_HOME", base.get_android_sdk_home()) if (-1 != config.option("platform").find("android") and not base.is_dir("./build/android")):["./"]) if (-1 != config.option("platform").find("ios") and not base.is_dir("./build/ios")):["./"]) os.chdir(old_cur) return
def check_dependencies(): if (host_platform == 'windows' and not check_vc_components()): return False if (host_platform == 'mac'): return True checksResult = CDependencies() checksResult.append(check_git()) checksResult.append(check_nodejs()) if (host_platform == 'linux'): checksResult.append(check_npm()) checksResult.append(check_curl()) checksResult.append(check_7z()) checksResult.append(check_java()) checksResult.append(check_erlang()) checksResult.append(check_rabbitmq()) checksResult.append(check_gruntcli()) if (host_platform == 'windows'): checksResult.append(check_buildTools()) if (config.option("sql-type") == 'mysql'): checksResult.append(check_mysqlServer()) else: checksResult.append(check_postgreSQL()) server_addons = [] if (config.option("server-addons") != ""): server_addons = config.option("server-addons").rsplit(", ") if ("server-lockstorage" in server_addons): checksResult.append(check_redis()) if (len(checksResult.install) > 0): install_args = [''] install_args += checksResult.get_uninstall() install_args += checksResult.get_removepath() install_args += checksResult.get_install() if (host_platform == 'windows'): install_args[0] = './scripts/develop/' + install_args[0] code = libwindows.sudo(unicode(sys.executable), install_args) elif (host_platform == 'linux'): base.cmd_in_dir('./scripts/develop/', 'python', install_args) get_updates() check_npmPath() if (config.option("sql-type") == 'mysql'): return check_MySQLConfig(checksResult.sqlPath) return check_postgreConfig(checksResult.sqlPath)
def qt_config(platform): config_param = config.option("module") + " " + config.option( "config") + " " + config.option("features") config_param_lower = config_param.lower() if (-1 != platform.find("xp")): config_param += " build_xp" if ("ios" == platform): set_env("BITCODE_GENERATION_MODE", "bitcode") set_env("ENABLE_BITCODE", "YES") config_param = config_param.replace("desktop", "") config_param += " iphoneos device" if (-1 == config_param_lower.find("debug")): config_param += " release" if ("mac_arm64" == platform): config_param += " apple_silicon use_javascript_core" if config.check_option("module", "mobile"): config_param += " support_web_socket" return config_param
def make(): if ("1" != config.option("develop")): return if not dependence.check_dependencies(): exit(1) build_server.build_server_develop() build_js.build_js_develop(base_dir + "/../../..") develop_config_server.make() exit(0)
def copy_sdkjs_plugins_server(dst_dir, is_name_as_guid=False, is_desktop_local=False): plugins_dir = get_script_dir() + "/../../sdkjs-plugins" plugins_list_config = config.option("sdkjs-plugin-server") if ("" == plugins_list_config): return plugins_list = plugins_list_config.rsplit(", ") for name in plugins_list: copy_sdkjs_plugin(plugins_dir, dst_dir, name, is_name_as_guid, is_desktop_local) return
def make(): path = base.get_script_dir() + "/../../core/Common/3dParty/curl" old_cur = os.getcwd() os.chdir(path) if (-1 != config.option("platform").find("android")): if base.is_dir(path + "/build/android"): os.chdir(old_cur) return["./"]) elif (-1 != config.option("platform").find("ios")): if base.is_dir(path + "/build/ios"): os.chdir(old_cur) return["./"]) os.chdir(old_cur) return
def git_update(repo): print("[git] update: " + repo) url = "" + repo + ".git" if config.option("git-protocol") == "ssh": url = "[email protected]:ONLYOFFICE/" + repo + ".git" folder = get_script_dir() + "/../../" + repo is_not_exit = False if not is_dir(folder): cmd("git", ["clone", url, folder]) is_not_exit = True old_cur = os.getcwd() os.chdir(folder) cmd("git", ["fetch"], False if ("1" != config.option("update-light")) else True) if is_not_exit or ("1" != config.option("update-light")): cmd("git", ["checkout", "-f", config.option("branch")]) cmd("git", ["pull"], False if ("1" != config.option("update-light")) else True) os.chdir(old_cur) return
def create_pull_request(branches_to, repo, is_no_errors=False, is_current_dir=False): print("[git] create pull request: " + repo) url = "" + repo + ".git" if config.option("git-protocol") == "ssh": url = "[email protected]:ONLYOFFICE/" + repo + ".git" folder = get_script_dir() + "/../../" + repo if is_current_dir: folder = repo is_not_exit = False if not is_dir(folder): retClone = cmd("git", ["clone", url, folder], is_no_errors) if retClone != 0: return is_not_exit = True old_cur = os.getcwd() os.chdir(folder) branch_from = config.option("branch") cmd("git", ["checkout", "-f", branch_from], is_no_errors) cmd("git", ["pull"], is_no_errors) for branch_to in branches_to: if "" != run_command("git log origin/" + branch_to + "..origin/" + branch_from)["stdout"]: cmd("git", ["checkout", "-f", branch_to], is_no_errors) cmd("git", ["pull"], is_no_errors) cmd("hub", [ "pull-request", "--force", "--base", branch_to, "--head", branch_from, "--message", "Merge from " + branch_from + " to " + branch_to ], is_no_errors) if 0 != cmd("git", [ "merge", "origin/" + branch_from, "--no-ff", "--no-edit" ], is_no_errors): print_error("[git] Conflicts merge " + "origin/" + branch_from + " to " + branch_to + " in repo " + url) cmd("git", ["merge", "--abort"], is_no_errors) else: cmd("git", ["push"], is_no_errors) os.chdir(old_cur) return
def connect_client(client): """ Attempts to connect the given xmpp client object. Logs an error and raises some sort of xmpp error if connection fails. """ try: client.connect() except Exception, e:'Connecting to %s failed.', config.option("server")) raise e
def make(): if (-1 == config.option("platform").find("mac") and -1 == config.option("platform").find("ios")): return current_dir_old = os.getcwd() print("[build]: socketrocket") os.chdir(current_dir) if (-1 != config.option("platform").find("mac")): if not base.is_dir(current_dir + "/build/mac_64") or not base.is_dir( current_dir + "/build/mac_arm_64"): buildMacOS() elif (-1 != config.option("platform").find("ios")): if not base.is_dir(current_dir + "/build/ios"): buildIOS() os.chdir(current_dir_old) return
def setup_xmpp(handler): """ Sets up harvest's xmpp connection, and returns a client object to use it. If the username specified in harvest's configuration has not been registered yet, it's automatically registered with the config-specified password. The returned client object has its 'presence' and 'iq' events handled by the given handler object. """ client = get_client() connect_client(client) if not auth_client(client): logging.warning('Unrecognized XMPP account: %s! Attempting registration...', config.option("username")) ident = {"username": config.option("username"), "password": config.option("password")} if not xmpp.features.register(config.option("client"), config.option("server"), ident): raise Exception('XMPP New Account registration failed. Bailing out!') else:'Registered %s. Restarting setup...', config.option("username")) # At this point, we have created a new XMPP account, and need to restart # the setup process. return SetupXmpp() register_handlers(client, handler) return client
def main(): LOGFORMAT = '%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(filename)s %(lineno)s %(message)s' logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG, filemode='a', format=LOGFORMAT, filename=config.option('log_file')) logging.debug('Starting main thread') # Delayed import because the path is not set before this point. sys.path.insert(0, config.option("path")) from handler import DDSHandler from harvest import Combine client = setup_xmpp(DDSHandler()) logging.debug('Connection started') combine = Combine(client, timeout=10) combine.daemon = True combine.start() # wrrrrrrr try: process_client(client) except KeyboardInterrupt: # SIGINT logging.debug('Shutting down.') combine.die() combine.join()
def auth_client(client): """ Attempts to authenticate the given xmpp client object with the username and password credentials specified in harvest's config. Returns True if the client was successfully authed, and False otherwise """ try:'Authenticating %s...', config.option("username")) auth = client.auth(config.option("username"), config.option("password"), config.option("resource"), sasl=False) if not auth:'Auth may have failed for %s.', config.option("username")) return auth except:'Authentication failed for %s.', config.option("username")) return False
return corr_x def reconstruct(corr_x,W,b,b_rec,input_layer): hidden = T.nnet.sigmoid(,W) + b) recon =,W.T) + b_rec if not input_layer: recon = T.nnet.sigmoid(recon) return recon def cost(x,recon_x,kl_divergence): if not kl_divergence: return T.mean(T.sum((x - recon_x)**2,axis=1)) else: return -T.mean(T.sum(x * T.log(recon_x) + (1 - x) * T.log(1 - recon_x), axis=1)) output_file = config.option("output_file","Output of pretraining.") @output_file def save(P,output_file):"Saving model.") @output_file def load(P,output_file):"Loading model.") P.load(output_file) def build_validation_callback(P): def validation_callback(prev_score,curr_score): if curr_score < prev_score: save(P) return validation_callback if __name__ == "__main__":
def __init__(self, req): """Initialize the global wiking handler instance. The argument 'req' is the initial request which triggered the Handler creation, however the handler will normally exist much longer than for this single request and its method 'handle()' will be called to handle also other requests (including this one). The constructor only needs the request instance to gather some global information to be able to initialize the configuration etc. """ # Initialize the global configuration stored in 'wiking.cfg'. config_file = req.option("config_file") if config_file: # Read the configuration file first, so that the request options have a higher priority. wiking.cfg.user_config_file = config_file for option in wiking.cfg.options(): name = value = req.option(name) if value and name != "config_file": if name in ("translation_path", "resource_path", "modules"): separator = value.find(":") != -1 and ":" or "," value = tuple([d.strip() for d in value.split(separator)]) if name == "translation_path": value = tuple(wiking.cfg.translation_path) + value elif name == "resource_path": value += tuple(wiking.cfg.resource_path) elif isinstance(option, wiking.cfg.NumericOption): if value.isdigit(): value = int(value) else: log(OPERATIONAL, "Invalid numeric value for '%s':" % name, value) continue elif isinstance(option, wiking.cfg.BooleanOption): if value.lower() in ("yes", "true", "on"): value = True elif value.lower() in ("no", "false", "off"): value = False else: log(OPERATIONAL, "Invalid boolean value for '%s':" % name, value) continue elif not isinstance(option, wiking.cfg.StringOption): log(OPERATIONAL, "Unable to set '%s' through request options." % name) continue setattr(wiking.cfg, name, value) # Apply default values which depend on the request. server_hostname = wiking.cfg.server_hostname if server_hostname is None: # TODO: The name returned by req.server_hostname() works for simple # cases where there are no server aliases, but we can not guarantee # that it is really unique. Thus might be safer to raise an error # when req.primary_server_hostname() returns None and require # configuring server_hostname explicitly. server_hostname = req.primary_server_hostname() or req.server_hostname() wiking.cfg.server_hostname = server_hostname domain = server_hostname if domain.startswith("www."): domain = domain[4:] if wiking.cfg.webmaster_address is None: wiking.cfg.webmaster_address = "webmaster@" + domain if wiking.cfg.default_sender_address is None: wiking.cfg.default_sender_address = "wiking@" + domain if wiking.cfg.dbname is None: wiking.cfg.dbname = server_hostname if wiking.cfg.resolver is None: wiking.cfg.resolver = wiking.WikingResolver(wiking.cfg.modules) # Modify pytis configuration. import pytis.util import config config.dblisten = False config.log_exclude = [pytis.util.ACTION, pytis.util.EVENT, pytis.util.DEBUG] for option in ("dbname", "dbhost", "dbport", "dbuser", "dbpass", "dbsslm", "dbschemas"): setattr(config, option, getattr(wiking.cfg, option)) config.dbconnections = wiking.cfg.connections config.dbconnection = config.option("dbconnection").default() config.resolver = wiking.cfg.resolver del config self._application = application = wiking.module.Application self._exporter = wiking.cfg.exporter(translations=wiking.cfg.translation_path) application.initialize(req) # Save the current handler instance for profiling purposes. Handler._instance = self
import data_io import cPickle as pickle from pprint import pprint from itertools import izip, chain from theano_toolkit import updates from theano_toolkit.parameters import Parameters import config import chunk import frame_label_data import validator import model import epoch_train_loop learning_file = config.option("learning_file","Parameters used during updates (e.g. momentum..).") temporary_file = config.option("temporary_file","File to save temporary parameters while training.") @learning_file @temporary_file def save_state(P,update_vars,temporary_file,learning_file):"Saving model and state.") @learning_file @temporary_file def load_state(P,update_vars,learning_file,temporary_file):"Loading previous model and state.") P.load(temporary_file) update_vars.load(learning_file)
import config import math from itertools import izip import numpy as np import theano import theano.tensor as T batch_size = config.option("batch_size","Size of the batches.", def create_shared_variable(data_variable): shared_var = theano.shared(np.zeros((1,) * data_variable.ndim, dtype=data_variable.dtype)) = "%s_shared"%data_variable return shared_var def create_shared_variables(inputs): return { var:create_shared_variable(var) for var in inputs } @batch_size def build_trainer(inputs,updates,outputs=None,batch_size=256,mapping=None): """ Creates a shared variables and a function to load chunk into shared variables and train """ if mapping is None: mapping = create_shared_variables(inputs) idx = T.iscalar('idx') train = theano.function( inputs = [idx], outputs = outputs, updates = updates,
def run(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description="Dump Pytis application specifications to STDOUT", epilog=( "Additionally, you can pass other valid Pytis command line arguments, " "such as --dbhost or --dbname to override certain configuration file " "options." ), ) parser.add_argument( "-w", "--wiking", action="store_true", help="Dump a wiking application (Pytis wx application is the default)" ) parser.add_argument( "-e", "--exit-on-error", action="store_true", help=( "Print traceback and exit when exception occurs. " "By default, the error message is printed to the " "dump output and the program continues." ), ) parser.add_argument( "-x", "--exclude", nargs="+", metavar="NAME", default=(), help="Name(s) of specification(s) to skip" ) parser.add_argument( "-i", "--include", nargs="+", metavar="NAME", default=(), help="Dump only given specification name(s)" ) parser.add_argument("--config", required=True, metavar="PATH", help="Configuration file path") args, argv = parser.parse_known_args() import config try: config.add_command_line_options([sys.argv[0], "--config", args.config] + argv) except getopt.GetoptError as e: parser.print_help() sys.exit(1) config.log_logger = (NullLogger, (), {}) import lcg lcg.log = lambda *args, **kwargs: None if args.wiking: import wiking wiking.cfg.user_config_file = config.config_file config.resolver = wiking.cfg.resolver = wiking.WikingResolver(wiking.cfg.modules) config.dbconnections = wiking.cfg.connections config.dbconnection = config.option("dbconnection").default() resolver = config.resolver processed, errors = 0, 0 if args.include: names = args.include else: if args.wiking: base_class = wiking.Module else: base_class = pytis.presentation.Specification names = sorted(name for name, cls in resolver.walk(cls=base_class)) for name in names: if name not in args.exclude: try: if args.wiking: cls = resolver.wiking_module_cls(name) if not hasattr(cls, "Spec"): continue module = resolver.wiking_module(name) spec = module.Spec(cls) data = module._data else: spec = resolver.specification(name) if not spec.public: continue data_spec = spec.data_spec() data = data_spec.create(dbconnection_spec=config.dbconnection) # print ' ', spec.table view_spec = spec.view_spec() record = pytis.presentation.PresentedRow(view_spec.fields(), data, None) for fid in sorted(record.keys()): t = record.type(fid) f = view_spec.field(fid) attr = ( # ('label', f.label()), ("not_null", t.not_null()), # We care only about the resulting not_null value which # is printed above, not about type's not_null argument. ("type", (str(t).replace(" not_null=True", "").replace(" not_null=False", ""))), ("editable", f.editable()), ("computer",, ) attributes = " ".join("%s=%s" % (k, v) for k, v in attr if v is not None) print OBJID_REGEX.sub("", "%s.%s %s" % (name, fid, attributes)).encode("utf-8") print except Exception as e: if args.exit_on_error: try: import cgitb tb = cgitb.text(sys.exc_info()) except: import traceback tb = "".join(traceback.format_exception(*sys.exc_info())) + "\n" sys.stderr.write(tb) sys.stderr.write("Failed on specification: %s\n\n" % name) sys.exit(1) else: print "ERROR: %s: %s: %r" % (name, e.__class__.__name__, e) errors += 1 processed += 1 sys.stderr.write( "Processed %d specifications with %d errors%s.\n" % (processed, errors, " (grep output for '^ERROR:' or use --exit-on-error)" if errors else "") )
def _create_data_object(self): columns = [, config.option(option).type()) for option in self._layout().order()] return, columns).create()