def getProfileInfo(username): tic = time.perf_counter() api = c.setupTwitterAuth() try: user = api.get_user(username) except TweepError as e: return {"Error": e} # Remove _normal from profile image URL profile_image_url = user.profile_image_url_https url = re.sub('_normal', '', profile_image_url) userInfo = { "name":, "username": user.screen_name, "location": str(user.location), "profile_location": str(user.profile_location), "geo_enabled": user.geo_enabled, "statuses_count": user.statuses_count, "followers_count": user.followers_count, "friends_count": user.friends_count, "verified": user.verified, "profile_image_url": url } toc = time.perf_counter() debugPrint(f"getProfileInfo in {toc - tic:0.4f} seconds") return userInfo
def putDataForUserGermany(): global engine api = configscript.setupTwitterAuth() places = api.geo_search(query="Germany", granularity="country") place_id = places[0].id tweets = tw.Cursor(, q="place:%s" % place_id, tweet_mode='extended', lang='en').items() for tweet in tweets: username = tweet.user.screen_name allTweets = tw.Cursor(api.user_timeline, screen_name=username, tweet_mode="extended", exclude_replies=False, include_rts=False, lang='en').items(150) listAllTweets = list(allTweets) if (len(listAllTweets) < 1): continue tweetsDict = m.getTweetsDict(listAllTweets) score = m.getOverallScore(tweetsDict) if (score == -1): continue tweetsonlyscore = m.tweetsOnlyScore(tweetsDict) scoremax = m.getHappiestTweet(tweetsonlyscore) scoremin = m.getSaddestTweet(tweetsonlyscore) dict = { username: { "score": score, "min": scoremin["score"], "max": scoremax["score"] } } df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(dict, orient='index') = 'username' df.to_sql('germany_users', con=engine, if_exists='append') engine.execute( "DELETE FROM germany_users T1 USING germany_users T2 WHERE T1.ctid < T2.ctid AND T1.username = T2.username;" ) engine.dispose()
def putDataDB(): global engine api = configscript.setupTwitterAuth() places = api.geo_search(query="Denmark", granularity="country") place_id = places[0].id tweets = tw.Cursor(, q="place:%s" % place_id, tweet_mode='extended', lang='en').items() df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(m.getTweetsDictRaw(tweets), orient='index') df.set_index('id', inplace=True) df.to_sql('tweets', con=engine, if_exists='append') engine.execute( "DELETE FROM tweets T1 USING tweets T2 WHERE T1.ctid < T2.ctid AND = AND T1.score = T2.score AND T1.created = T2.created;" ) engine.dispose()
def celebrityScore(username): print(username) global engine api = configscript.setupTwitterAuth() allTweets = tw.Cursor(api.user_timeline, screen_name=username, tweet_mode="extended", exclude_replies=False, include_rts=False, lang='en').items() listAllTweets = list(allTweets) if (len(listAllTweets) == 0): return tweetsDict = m.getTweetsDict(listAllTweets) score = m.getOverallScore(tweetsDict) if (score == -1): return user = api.get_user(username) # Remove _normal from profile image URL profile_image_url = user.profile_image_url_https url = re.sub('_normal', '', profile_image_url) dict = {username: {"score": score, "pic": url}} df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(dict, orient='index') = 'username' df.to_sql('celebrity', con=engine, if_exists='append') engine.execute( "DELETE FROM celebrity T1 USING celebrity T2 WHERE T1.ctid < T2.ctid AND T1.username = T2.username;" ) engine.dispose()
def getData(username, count): global lastDate # Set up Twitter API api = c.setupTwitterAuth() tic = time.perf_counter() print("Count: " + str(count)) tweets = api.user_timeline(screen_name=username, exclude_replies=False, include_rts=False, lang="en", tweet_mode='extended', count=200) alltweets = [] alltweets.extend(tweets) oldest = tweets[-1].id while len(alltweets) < count: tweets = api.user_timeline(screen_name=username, exclude_replies=False, include_rts=False, lang="en", tweet_mode='extended', count=200, max_id=oldest - 1) if len(tweets) == 0: break oldest = tweets[-1].id alltweets.extend(tweets) debugPrint(f"{len(alltweets)} Tweets downloaded") try: user = api.get_user(username) except TweepError as e: print(e) return {"Error": e.args[0][0]['message']} if (len(alltweets) == 0): return {"Error": "No tweets"} toc = time.perf_counter() print(f"Downloaded data in {toc - tic:0.4f} seconds") listAllTweets = {username: alltweets} if (username not in listAllTweets): return {"Error": True} tic = time.perf_counter() engine = create_engine(config('POSTGRESS')) tweets = listAllTweets[username] tweetsDict, wordDict = getTweetsDict(tweets) tweetsOnlyScores = tweetsOnlyScore(tweetsDict) userinfo = getProfileInfo(username) overallScore = getOverallScore(tweetsDict) topWords = { "top": nlargest(5, wordDict, key=wordDict.get), "bottom": nsmallest(5, wordDict, key=wordDict.get) } wordsAmount = len(wordDict) highest, lowest, week = getWeekScores(tweetsDict) dateobjectEaliest = tweetsDict[len(tweetsDict) - 1]["created"] formattedEarliestDate = formatDate(dateobjectEaliest) formattedLatestDate = formatDate( str(lastDate.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'))) celebrityscore = getClosestsCelebrities(username, overallScore, engine) allcelebrities = getAllCelebrities(engine) danishuserscore = getDanishUsersScore(overallScore, engine), nationalAverages = getNationalScores(engine) scoreEvolutionData = scoreEvolution(tweetsDict) averagesRange = getLowestAndHighestAverages(scoreEvolutionData) data = { "userinfo": userinfo, "overallscore": overallScore, "tweets": { "happiest": getHappiestTweet(tweetsOnlyScores), "saddest": getSaddestTweet(tweetsOnlyScores) }, "alltweets": tweetsDict, "topfivewords": topWords, "wordsmatched": wordsAmount, "highestweekscore": highest, "lowestweekscore": lowest, "weekscores": week, "tweetstart": formattedEarliestDate, "tweetend": formattedLatestDate, "tweetsamount": len(tweetsDict), "celebrityscore": celebrityscore, "allcelebrities": allcelebrities, "danishuserscore": danishuserscore, "nationalAverages": nationalAverages, "monthlyaverages": scoreEvolutionData, "averagesRange": averagesRange } toc2 = time.perf_counter() print(f"Done in {toc2 - tic:0.4f} seconds") return data