def main(): # pragma: no cover # import ipdb; ipdb.set_trace() # BREAKPOINT try: ch, fh = logger_init() cfg = lisa_config_init() args = parser_init(cfg) # rint args["arg"] oseg_argspec_keys = config.get_function_keys( OrganSegmentation.__init__) if args["debug"]: ch.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) args["debug_mode"] = True if args["iparams"] is not None: params = misc.obj_from_file(args["iparams"], filetype='pickle') else: params = config.subdict(args, oseg_argspec_keys) logger.debug('params ' + str(params)) oseg = OrganSegmentation(**params) if args["no_interactivity"]: oseg.ninteractivity() oseg.save_outputs() else: # mport_gui() from lisaWindow import OrganSegmentationWindow from PyQt4.QtGui import QApplication app = QApplication(sys.argv) oseg_w = OrganSegmentationWindow(oseg) # noqa # import pdb; pdb.set_trace() sys.exit(app.exec_()) except Exception as e: # mport exceptionProcessing exceptionProcessing.reportException(e) print traceback.format_exc()
def main(): #logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) logger = logging.getLogger() logger.setLevel(logging.WARNING) ch = logging.StreamHandler() logger.addHandler(ch) #logger.debug('input params') print 'version: ', qmisc.getVersionString() ### # Configuration is has three sources: # * Default function values # * Config file 'organ_segmentation.config' in directory with application # * Config file 'organ_segmentation.config' in output data directory # # It is read in this order so the last one has highest priority ### ## read confguraton from file, use default values from OrganSegmentation cfgplus = { 'datapath': None, 'viewermax': 300, 'viewermin': -100, 'output_datapath': os.path.expanduser("~/lisa_data"), 'lisa_operator_identifier': "", 'experiment_caption': '' } cfg = config.get_default_function_config(OrganSegmentation.__init__) cfg.update(cfgplus) # now is in cfg default values cfg = config.get_config("organ_segmentation.config", cfg) # read user defined config in user data cfg = config.get_config( os.path.join(cfg['output_datapath'], "organ_segmentation.config"), cfg ) # input parser parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description='Segment vessels from liver \n\ \npython\n\ \npython -mroi -vs 0.6') parser.add_argument('-dd', '--datapath', default=cfg["datapath"], help='path to data dir') parser.add_argument('-d', '--debug', action='store_true', help='run in debug mode') parser.add_argument( '-vs', '--working_voxelsize_mm', default=cfg["working_voxelsize_mm"], type=eval, # type=str, help='Insert working voxelsize. It can be number or \ array of three numbers. It is possible use original \n \ resolution or half of original resolution. \n \ -vs 3 \n \ -vs [3,3,5] \n \ -vs orig \n \ -vs orig*2 \n \ -vs orig*4 \n \ ' ) parser.add_argument('-mroi', '--manualroi', action='store_true', help='manual crop before data processing', default=cfg["manualroi"]) parser.add_argument('-op', '--output_datapath', default=cfg["output_datapath"], help='path for output data') parser.add_argument('-ol', '--output_label', default=1, help='label for segmented data') parser.add_argument( '--slab', default=cfg["slab"], type=eval, help='labels for segmentation,\ example -slab "{\'liver\':1, \'lesions\':6}"') parser.add_argument( '-acr', '--autocrop', help='automatic crop after data processing', default=cfg["autocrop"]) parser.add_argument( '-iparams', '--iparams', default=None, help='filename of ipars file with stored interactivity') parser.add_argument( '-sp', '--segparams', type=eval, default=cfg["segparams"], help='params for segmentation,\ example -sp "{\'pairwise_alpha_per_mm2\':90}"') parser.add_argument( '-tx', '--texture_analysis', action='store_true', help='run with texture analysis') parser.add_argument('-exd', '--exampledata', action='store_true', help='run unittest') parser.add_argument('-ed', '--edit_data', action='store_true', help='Run data editor') parser.add_argument( '-vmax', '--viewermax', type=eval, # type=int, help='Maximum of viewer window, set None for automatic maximum.', default=cfg["viewermax"]) parser.add_argument( '-vmin', '--viewermin', type=eval, # type=int, help='Minimum of viewer window, set None for automatic minimum.', default=cfg["viewermin"]) parser.add_argument( '-so', '--show_output', action='store_true', help='Show output data in viewer') parser.add_argument('-a', '--arg', nargs='+', type=float) parser.add_argument( '-ec', '--experiment_caption', type=str, # type=int, help='Short caption of experiment. No special characters.', default=cfg["experiment_caption"]) parser.add_argument( '-oi', '--lisa_operator_identifier', type=str, # type=int, help='Identifier of Lisa operator.', default=cfg["experiment_caption"]) parser.add_argument( '-ss', '--segmentation_smoothing', action='store_true', help='Smoothing of output segmentation', default=cfg["segmentation_smoothing"] ) args_obj = parser.parse_args() args = vars(args_obj) #print args["arg"] oseg_argspec_keys = config.get_function_keys(OrganSegmentation.__init__) # voxelsize_mm can be number or array #if args.voxelsize_mm != 'orig': #TODO easy way to set half of resolution # if isinstance(args["working_voxelsize_mm"], numbers.Number) # if args["working_voxelsize_mm"] == -1: # args["working_voxelsize_mm"] = 'orig' ## todo and so on # if not args["working_voxelsize_mm"].startswith('orig'): # #import pdb; pdb.set_trace() # args["working_voxelsize_mm"] = eval(args["working_voxelsize_mm"]) # #args["segparams"] = eval(args["segparams"]) #args["slab"] = eval(args["slab"]) #args["viewermin"] = eval(args["viewermin"]) #args["viewermax"] = eval(args["viewermax"]) if args["debug"]: logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) if args["exampledata"]: args["datapath"] = '../sample_data/\ matlab/examples/sample_data/DICOM/digest_article/' if args["iparams"] is not None: iparams = misc.obj_from_file(args["iparams"], filetype='pickle') oseg = OrganSegmentation(**iparams) else: #else: #dcm_read_from_dir('/home/mjirik/data/medical/data_orig/46328096/') #data3d, metadata = dcmreaddata.dcm_read_from_dir() data3d, metadata, qt_app = readData3d(args["datapath"]) args['datapath'] = metadata['datadir'] oseg_params = config.subdict(args, oseg_argspec_keys) oseg_params["data3d"] = data3d oseg_params["metadata"] = metadata oseg_params['qt_app'] = qt_app oseg = OrganSegmentation(**oseg_params) oseg.interactivity(args["viewermin"], args["viewermax"]) #igc = pycut.ImageGraphCut(data3d, zoom = 0.5) #igc.interactivity() #igc.make_gc() #igc.show_segmentation() # volume #volume_mm3 = np.sum(oseg.segmentation > 0) * audiosupport.beep() print( "Volume " + str(oseg.get_segmented_volume_size_mm3() / 1000000.0) + ' [l]') #pyed = py3DSeedEditor.py3DSeedEditor(oseg.data3d, contour = # oseg.segmentation) print("Total time: " + str(oseg.processing_time)) if args["show_output"]: oseg.show_output() #print savestring save_outputs(args, oseg, qt_app) # import pdb; pdb.set_trace() return