def setActiveMods(mods, keepuimods=True, temporary=True): # uimods works the same as in getActiveMods """ keepuimods: None: Replace all active mods with 'mods' True: Keep the UI mods already activated activated False: Keep only the non-UI mods that were activated activated So set it True if you want to set gameplay mods, and False if you want to set UI mods. temporary: Set this when mods are activated due to joining a game. """ if keepuimods is not None: keepTheseMods = getActiveMods( keepuimods ) # returns the active UI mods if True, the active non-ui mods if False else: keepTheseMods = [] allmods = keepTheseMods + mods logger.debug('setting active Mods: {}'.format([mod.uid for mod in allmods])) s = "active_mods = {\n" for mod in allmods: s += "['%s'] = true,\n" % str(mod.uid) s += "}" if not temporary: global selectedMods logger.debug('selectedMods was: {}'.format(Settings.get('play/mods'))) selectedMods = [str(mod.uid) for mod in allmods] logger.debug('Writing selectedMods: {}'.format(selectedMods)) Settings.set('play/mods', selectedMods) logger.debug('selectedMods written: {}'.format( Settings.get('play/mods'))) try: f = open(PREFSFILENAME, 'r') data = except:"Couldn't read the game.prefs file") return False else: f.close() if"active_mods\s*=\s*{.*?}", data, re.S): data = re.sub("active_mods\s*=\s*{.*?}", s, data, 1, re.S) else: data += "\n" + s try: f = open(PREFSFILENAME, 'w') f.write(data) except:"Cound't write to the game.prefs file") return False else: f.close() return True
def saveSettings(self): Settings.set('notifications/enabled', self.enabled) Settings.set('notifications/popup_lifetime', self.popup_lifetime) Settings.set('notifications/popup_position', self.popup_position.value) Settings.set('notifications/ingame', self.ingame_notifications.value) self.client.actionNsEnabled.setChecked(self.enabled)
def AdminUserErrorDialog(): from config import Settings ignore_admin = Settings.get("client/ignore_admin", False, bool) if not ignore_admin: box = QtWidgets.QMessageBox() box.setText( "FAF should not be run as an administrator!<br><br>This probably means you need " "to fix the file permissions in C:\\ProgramData.<br>Proceed at your own risk." ) box.setStandardButtons(QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Ignore | QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Close) box.setIcon(QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Critical) box.setWindowTitle("FAF privilege error") if box.exec_() == QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Ignore: Settings.set("client/ignore_admin", True)
def saveSettings(self): Settings.set(self._settings_key+'/mode', self.mode) self.parent.mode = self.mode
def _saveRelations(self): if self._key is not None: Settings.set(self._key, list(self._relations))
def saveSettings(self): Settings.set(self._settings_key + '/mode', self.mode) self.parent.mode = self.mode
def saveSettings(self): Settings.set(self._settings_key+'/popup', self.popup) Settings.set(self._settings_key+'/sound', self.sound)
def saveSettings(self): Settings.set('notifications/enabled', self.enabled) Settings.set('notifications/popup_lifetime', self.popup_lifetime) self.client.actionNsEnabled.setChecked(self.enabled)