예제 #1
def needed_on_branches(bug):
    """Based on blocking flags and attachment flags, determine which
    branches the bug needs uplifting to"""
    needed_on = []
    fixed_on = fixed_on_branches(bug)

    branches = c.read_value('repository.enabled_branches')
    blocking_flag = bug.get(c.read_value('rules.blocking_flag'))
    blocking_rules = c.read_value('rules.blocking_rules')
    patch_rules = c.read_value('rules.patch_rules')

    def _a(x):
        for y in x:
            if not y in needed_on and not y in fixed_on and y in branches:

    if blocking_flag in blocking_rules.keys():

    for flag in patch_rules.keys():
        for a in bug.get('attachments', []):
            for f in a.get('flags', []):
                if f['name'] == flag and f['status'] == '+':

    return needed_on
예제 #2
파일: uplift.py 프로젝트: jhford/uplift
def build_uplift_requirements(repo_dir):
    if os.path.exists(requirements_file) and util.ask_yn("Found existing requirements. Should they be used?"):
        bug_info = util.read_json(requirements_file)
        bug_info = {}
        enabled_branches = c.read_value('repository.enabled_branches')
        all_queries = c.read_value('queries')
        queries = []
        for branch in enabled_branches:

        bugs = [x for x in find_bugs(queries) if not is_skipable(x)]
        print "Fetching bug data"
        for bug_id in bugs:
            if is_skipable(bug_id):
            bug = bzapi.fetch_complete_bug(bug_id)
            print "+",
            needed_on = branch_logic.needed_on_branches(bug)
            if len(needed_on) == 0:
            b = bug_info[bug_id] = {}
            b['needed_on'] = needed_on
            b['already_fixed_on'] = branch_logic.fixed_on_branches(bug)
            b['summary'] = bug['summary']
        print "\nFinished fetching bug data"
        util.write_json(requirements_file, bug_info)
    return bug_info
예제 #3
def flags_to_set(for_branches):
    """Take a list of branches and return a dictionary that contains
    pairings of flag name and flag value.  For the purposes of this
    program, we always use 'fixed'."""
    fb = []
    branches = c.read_value('repository.enabled_branches')
    status_flags = c.read_value('rules.status_flags')
    for b in [x for x in for_branches if x in branches]:
        if b in status_flags.keys():
    return dict([(x, 'fixed') for x in fb])
예제 #4
파일: bzapi.py 프로젝트: jhford/uplift
def do_query(url, method='get', retry=False, **kwargs):
    """Light wrapper around the BzAPI which takes an API url,
    fetches the data then returns the data as a Python
    dictionary.  Only API errors are caught, and those are
    raised as FailedBZAPICall exceptions"""

    for i in range(0, c.read_value('bugzilla.api.attempts')):
            return _raw_query(method, url, i+1, **kwargs)
        except Exception, e:
            print "Query attempt %i failed: %s" % (i, e)
예제 #5
파일: reporting.py 프로젝트: jhford/uplift
def display_uplift_report(report, max_summary=90):
    """Generate a PrettyTable that shows the bug id, branch status
    and first up to 100 chars of the summary"""
    branches = c.read_value('repository.enabled_branches')
    headers = ['Bug'] + ['%s commit' % x for x in ['master'] + branches] + ['Summary']
    t = pt.PrettyTable(headers, sortby="Bug")
    t.align['Bug'] = "l"
    t.align['Summary'] = "l"
    for bug_id in [x for x in report.keys() if not uplift.is_skipable(x)]:
        bug = report[bug_id]
        row = [bug_id]
        master_commits = bug['commits']
        row.append("\n".join([x[:7] for x in master_commits]) if len(master_commits) > 0 else "skipped")
        for branch in branches:
            branch_commits = []
            for mcommit in master_commits:
                if bug.has_key('uplift_status'):
                    if branch in bug['uplift_status'][mcommit]['success'].keys():
                        branch_commit = bug['uplift_status'][mcommit]['success'][branch]
                        if branch_commit == mcommit:
                    elif branch in bug['uplift_status'][mcommit]['failure']:
            if len(branch_commits) == 0:
                row.append("\n".join([x[:7] for x in branch_commits]))

        t.add_row(row + [trim_words(bug['summary'])])
    return t
예제 #6
파일: bzapi.py 프로젝트: jhford/uplift
def compute_url(query, endpoint):
    """This is where we assemble the query.  We add in the BZ credentials
    here so that they don't end up in other parts of the program"""
    full_query = copy.deepcopy(query)
    api_host = c.read_value('bugzilla.api.host')
    return "%s%s%s?%s" % (api_host, "" if api_host.endswith("/") else "/", endpoint, urllib.urlencode(full_query))
예제 #7
파일: git.py 프로젝트: jhford/uplift
def create_gaia(repo_dir, gaia_url):
    # These two lines are stupid.  They break subtlely when
    # repo_dir isn't an absolute path. 
    repo_dir_p = os.path.split(repo_dir.rstrip(os.sep))[0]
    cache_dir = _cache_dir(os.path.abspath(repo_dir))

    # Initialize or update the cached copy of gaia
    if not os.path.isdir(cache_dir):
        print "Initial clone of Gaia cache directory"
        git_op(["clone", "--mirror", gaia_url, cache_dir],
        print "Fetching updates to Gaia cache directory"
        git_op(["fetch", "--all"], workdir=cache_dir)

    # Because we do all of the repository creation locally (i.e. cheaply), we don't
    # really want to risk having bad commits left around, so we delete the repo
    print "Deleting Gaia scratch directory"

    # Let's create the working copy of gaia.  We want to clone it from the
    # cache, fix the remotes and create the remote references in the local
    # copy by fetching from the actual remote.  We fetch the actual remote's
    # references because we want to create a copy of gaia that doesn't need
    # to use the cached copy when pushing changes
    print "Cloning Gaia scratch from cache"
    git_op(["clone", "file://%s" % cache_dir, repo_dir], workdir=repo_dir_p)
    git_op(["remote", "rename", "origin", "cache"], workdir=repo_dir)
    git_op(["remote", "add", "origin", gaia_url], workdir=repo_dir)
    print "Fetching remote references"
    git_op(["fetch", "origin"], workdir=repo_dir)
    branches = c.read_value('repository.enabled_branches')
    for branch in branches + ['master']:
        recreate_branch(repo_dir, branch, remote="origin")
예제 #8
def fixed_on_branches(bug):
    """Take a bug dictionary and use the bugzilla flags to determine
    which branches the bug is fixed or verifed on.  This does not
    look at the contents of the repository because that's impossible
    to do correctly.  If you git revert a commit, the original commit
    is still 'on' the branch, but substantively absent"""
    status_flags = c.read_value('rules.status_flags')
    branches = c.read_value('repository.enabled_branches')
    # I should figure out what this variable actually is and rename it!
    _branches = dict([(status_flags[k],k) for k in status_flags.keys()])
    b = []
    for x in ('fixed', 'verified'):
        for flag in _branches.keys():
            if bug.get(flag) == x and not _branches[flag] in b:
                if _branches[flag] in branches:
    return b
예제 #9
파일: uplift.py 프로젝트: jhford/uplift
def push(repo_dir):
    branches = c.read_value('repository.enabled_branches')
    preview_push_info = git.push(repo_dir, remote="origin", branches=branches, dry_run=True)
    print "If you push, you'd be pushing: "
    if not util.ask_yn('Do you wish to push?'):
        return None
    for i in range(5):
            rv = git.push(repo_dir, remote="origin", branches=branches, dry_run=False)
            util.write_json(push_info_file, rv)
            print "Push attempt %d worked" % int(i+1)
            return rv
            print "Push attempt %d failed" % int(i+1)
    raise git.PushFailure("remote %s branches %s" % (remote, util.e_join(branches)))
예제 #10
파일: reporting.py 프로젝트: jhford/uplift
def display_uplift_requirements(requirements, max_summary=90):
    """Generate a PrettyTable that shows the bug id, branch status
    and first up to 100 chars of the summary"""
    branches = c.read_value('repository.enabled_branches')
    headers = ['Bug'] + ['%s status' % x for x in branches] + ['Summary']
    t = pt.PrettyTable(headers, sortby="Bug")
    t.align['Bug'] = "l"
    t.align['Summary'] = "l"
    for bug_id in [x for x in requirements.keys() if not uplift.is_skipable(x)]:
        bug = requirements[bug_id]
        row = [bug_id]
        needed_on = bug['needed_on']
        fixed_on = bug['already_fixed_on']
        for branch in branches:
            if branch in fixed_on:
            elif branch in needed_on:

        t.add_row(row + [trim_words(bug['summary'])])
    return t
예제 #11
파일: driver.py 프로젝트: jhford/uplift
def main():
    args = sys.argv
    gaia_url = c.read_value('repository.url')
    gaia_path = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), gaia_url.split('/')[-1])

    if len(args) < 2:
        print "You must specify a command"

    cmd = args[1]
    cmd_args = args[2:]

    if cmd == 'show':
        bugs = uplift.build_uplift_requirements(gaia_path)
        print "\n\nRequirements for Bug uplift:"
        print reporting.display_uplift_requirements(bugs)
    elif cmd == 'uplift':
        requirements = uplift.build_uplift_requirements(gaia_path)
        full_requirements = find_commits.for_all_bugs(gaia_path, requirements)

        print "\n\nUplift requirements:"
        print reporting.display_uplift_requirements(full_requirements)
        uplift_report = uplift.uplift(gaia_path, gaia_url, full_requirements)
        print reporting.display_uplift_report(uplift_report)
            push_info = uplift.push(gaia_path)
            if push_info:
                    reporting.comment(gaia_path, uplift_report)
                except Exception as e:
                    print "ERROR: Commenting on the bugs failed"
                    print "  Fix the error and try again with:"
                    print "  uplift comments %s" % uplift.uplift_dated_file
                    print "DEBUG INFO FOLLOWS:"
                    print e
                print "To replay the comments for this push, run:"
                print "  uplift comments %s" % uplift.uplift_dated_file
        except git.PushFailure:
            print "ERROR: Pushing failed.  Try doing another uplift, and tell it to 'reuse' commits"

    elif cmd == 'update':
        git.create_gaia(gaia_path, gaia_url)
    elif cmd == 'merge':
        merge_hd.merge(gaia_path, gaia_url, cmd_args[0], cmd_args[1])
    elif cmd == 'comments':
        if len(cmd_args) == 0:
            uplift_report_file = uplift.uplift_report_file
        elif len(cmd_args) == 1 and os.path.exists(cmd_args[0]):
            uplift_report_file = os.path.abspath(cmd_args[0])
            print "ERROR: missing or too many json files"
        with open(uplift_report_file, 'rb') as f:
            uplift_report = json.load(f)
        reporting.comment(gaia_path, uplift_report)

    elif cmd == 'merge-comments':
        merge_hd.comment(gaia_path, cmd_args[0], cmd_args[1])
    elif cmd == "sort-commits":
        if len(cmd_args) < 3:
            print "ERROR: You must have a branch and at least one commit to sort"
        branch = cmd_args[1]
        commits = cmd_args[2:]
        print "->".join(git.sort_commits(gaia_path, commits, branch))
        print "ERROR: You did not specify a command!"