def __init__(self): ''' Constructor ''' DB.__init__(self) self.cfg = Configuration.Instance() # @UndefinedVariable self.sid = get_uuid() logging.debug('session uuid:%s' % self.sid)
def __init__(self): ''' Constructor ''' cmd.Cmd.__init__(self) self.cfg = Configuration.Instance() # @UndefinedVariable # current command self.cmd = None self.arg = None self.line = None # no 'Cmd' output in non-interactive mode interactive = os.isatty(0) if not interactive: f = open(os.devnull, 'w') sys.stdout = f
def l(cmd, retcode, msg, log_level): ''' logging message facility which logs and returns log message cmd command-line with params retcode command return-code msg informative message log_level log level of the message ''' logging.debug("[IN] %s" % cmd) logging.debug("[OUT] %s, log_level:%d" % (msg, log_level)) interactive = Configuration.Instance().interactive # @UndefinedVariable if interactive: c = ANSIColours.Instance() # @UndefinedVariable if log_level == DEBUG: if not interactive: msg = "0|%s" % msg else: msg = "%s%s%s" % (c.get('white'), msg, c.endc) logging.debug(msg) if log_level == INFO: if not interactive: msg = "0|%s" % msg else: msg = "%s%s%s" % (c.get('blue'), msg, c.endc) if log_level == WARN: if not interactive: msg = "0|%s" % msg else: msg = "%s%s%s" % (c.get('magenta'), msg, c.endc) logging.warn(msg) if log_level == ERROR: if not interactive: msg = "1|%s" % msg else: msg = "%s%s%s" % (c.get('red'), msg, c.endc) logging.error(msg) if log_level == CRITICAL: # @UndefinedVariable if not interactive: msg = "1|%s" % msg else: msg = "%s%s%s" % (c.get('red', True), msg, c.endc) logging.critical(msg) return msg
def main(): # check '~/.pyraxshell' and config files exist, create them if missing if not check_dir_home(): print("This is the first time 'pyraxshell' runs, please, configure " "'%s' according to your needs" % CONFIG_FILE) #create db DB() Sessions.Instance().create_table_sessions() # @UndefinedVariable Sessions.Instance().create_table_commands() # @UndefinedVariable # create default configuration file Configuration.Instance() # @UndefinedVariable sys.exit(0) # ######################################## # VERSION CHECK if not version.check_version_file(): sys.exit(1) # ######################################## # LOGGING start_logging() logging.debug('starting') # from baseconfigfile import BaseConfigFile # bcf = BaseConfigFile() # ######################################## # ACCOUNTS accounts = Account.Instance() # @UnusedVariable @UndefinedVariable # config file is read by 'BaseConfigFile' constructor # ######################################## # CONFIGURATION cfg = Configuration.Instance() # @UndefinedVariable # override settings with CLI params cfg.parse_cli(sys.argv) logging.debug("configuration: %s" % cfg) # set user's log level if specified if not Configuration.Instance().log_level == None: # @UndefinedVariable l = logging.getLogger() for h in l.handlers: h.setLevel(cfg.log_level) # ######################################## # START SESSION Sessions.Instance().start_session() # @UndefinedVariable # Sessions.Instance().insert_table_commands('IN', 'OUT') # @UndefinedVariable # ######################################## # DO STUFF # handle configuration if cfg.pyrax_http_debug == True: pyrax.set_http_debug(True) if cfg.pyrax_no_verify_ssl == True: # see: pyrax.set_setting("verify_ssl", False) # start notifier Notifier().start() # main loop Cmd_Pyraxshell().cmdloop()