예제 #1
파일: comp.py 프로젝트: tomaarsen/Brainfuck
    def apply(self, state: State) -> (State, Base):
        # Check whether the state is an actual State object, and the statement inside is of the right form.
        if not self.applicable(state):
            raise Exception(f"State does not support using the {self} rule")

        # There exist two Comp rules because where we choose to split up the statement can be arbitrary,
        # as regardless of where we split we always get the same execution.
        # However, in our implementation, we can go for the simplest option which is to just take the first
        # legal statement and try to execute that.
        # This method will produce the smallest possible trees and chains.

        # Unpack the state values
        s, a, p, i, o = state.unpack()
        # Copy the array to avoid impacting the old state
        a = a.copy()
        # Get first legal statement
        index = 1
        if s[0] == "[":
            count = 1
            # Get the corresponding ]
            for c in s[1:]:
                if c == "]":
                    count -= 1
                elif c == "[":
                    count += 1
                index += 1
                if count <= 0:
            #    index = s.rindex("]") + 1
            #except ValueError:
            #    raise Exception("Syntax error detected in program, missing ]")
        # Split the statement into two separate statements
        s1 = s[:index]
        s2 = s[index:]
        # Get the new state from applying a rule
        before_state = State(s1, a, p, i, o)
            after_state, rule = self.interpreter.apply_rule(before_state)
            return FinalState(err=True), Error()

        self.interpreter.sequence.add_nested(before_state, rule, after_state)

        if isinstance(after_state, State):
            # If the new state is not final, then we append the remaining statement
            # back to statement s2
            ns, na, np, ni, no = after_state.unpack()
            s2 = ns + s2
            return State(s2, na, np, ni, no), self.co

            na, np, ni, no = after_state.unpack()
            # Otherwise, we simply keep s2 and use the new state values
            return State(s2, na, np, ni, no), self.ct
예제 #2
        def apply(self, state: State) -> (State, Base):
            # Check whether the state is an actual State object, and the statement inside is of the right form.
            if not self.applicable(state):
                raise Exception(f"State does not support using the {self} rule")

            # Unpack the information from the given state
            s, a, p, i, o = state.unpack()
            # Copy the array to avoid impacting the old state
            a = a.copy()
            # And create a State by prepending S to the [S]. 
            # We can do this by slicing off the first and last index from s
            s = s[1:-1] + s
            return State(s, a, p, i, o), self
예제 #3
    def initialize(self, program, inp = ""):
        if not isinstance(program, Statement):
            raise TypeError("Program must be passed as a str object.")
        if not isinstance(program, Input):
            raise TypeError("Input must be passed as a str object.")

        self.s = re.sub("[^\<\>\,\.\[\]\-\+]", "", program)

        self.rulecount = { # Reset rulecount
            Right().tex(): 0,
            Left().tex(): 0,
            Plus().tex(): 0,
            Minus().tex(): 0,
            Dot().tex(): 0,
            Comma().tex(): 0,
        # Initialize state variables
        a = defaultdict(lambda: 0)
        p = 0
        o = ""
        self.initial_state = State(self.s, a, p, inp, o)
예제 #4
    def __init__(self, before: State, rule: Base = None, after: Union[State, FinalState] = None):
        self.before = before.copy()
        self.rule = rule
        if after:
            self.after = after.copy()
            self.after = after

        self.nested = None
예제 #5
        def apply(self, state: State) -> (FinalState, Base):
            # Check whether the state is an actual State object, and the statement inside is of the right form.
            if not self.applicable(state):
                raise Exception(f"State does not support using the {self} rule")

            # Unpack the information from the given state
            s, a, p, i, o = state.unpack()
            # Copy the array to avoid impacting the old state
            a = a.copy()
            # And create a FinalState with these state values
            return FinalState(a, p, i, o), self
예제 #6
파일: left.py 프로젝트: tomaarsen/Brainfuck
 def apply(self, state: State) -> (FinalState, Base):
     # Check whether the state is an actual State object, and the statement inside is of the right form.
     if not self.applicable(state):
         raise Exception(f"State does not support using the {self} rule")
     # Unpack the state
     s, a, p, i, o = state.unpack()
     # Copy the array to avoid impacting the old state
     a = a.copy()
     # Apply the Left rule by decrementing data pointer
     p -= 1
     # Return a FinalState with the correct information
     return FinalState(a, p, i, o), self
예제 #7
    def apply(self, state: State) -> (FinalState, Base):
        # Check whether the state is an actual State object, and the statement inside is of the right form.
        if not self.applicable(state):
            raise Exception(f"State does not support using the {self} rule")

        # Unpack the state
        s, a, p, i, o = state.unpack()
        # Copy the array to avoid impacting the old state
        a = a.copy()
        # Apply the Dot rule by adding the char version of the currently
        # pointed at value to the output
        o += chr(a[p])
        # Return a FinalState with the correct information
        return FinalState(a, p, i, o), self
예제 #8
    def apply(self, state: State) -> (FinalState, Base):
        # Check whether the state is an actual State object, and the statement inside is of the right form.
        if not self.applicable(state):
            raise Exception(f"State does not support using the {self} rule")

        # Unpack the state
        s, a, p, i, o = state.unpack()
        # Copy the array to avoid impacting the old state
        a = a.copy()
        # Apply the Comma rule by setting the currently pointed to value to
        # the ordinal value corresponding to the first input character
        # and then updating i to remove this first character.
        a[p] = ord(i[0])
        i = i[1:]
        # Return a FinalState with the correct information
        return FinalState(a, p, i, o), self
예제 #9
    def __init__(self, s: Statement = "", i: Input = ""):
        if not isinstance(s, Statement):
            raise TypeError("Program must be passed as a str object.")
        if not isinstance(i, Input):
            raise TypeError("Input must be passed as a str object.")

        # Set up list of Rules to be used
        self.rules = [
            Comp(self) # Composition takes an instance of Interpreter as it will want to execute a rule.
        self.rulecount = {
            Right().tex(): 0,
            Left().tex(): 0,
            Plus().tex(): 0,
            Minus().tex(): 0,
            Dot().tex(): 0,
            Comma().tex(): 0,
        self.sequence = Sequence()
        self.s = re.sub("[^\<\>\,\.\[\]\-\+]", "", s)

        # Initialize state variables
        a = defaultdict(lambda: 0)
        p = 0
        o = ""
        self.initial_state = State(s, a, p, i, o)
        self.stepcount = 0

        if(len(self.s) > 0):
예제 #10
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# FileName:     main
# CreatedDate:  2018-10-30 01:53:18

import numpy as np
from configurations import State, Action, Observation
from bayesian_filter import BayesianFilter

if __name__ == '__main__':
    state_prob = np.array([0.5, 0.5])
    prob_matrix = np.array(
        [[[1.0, 0.0], [1.0, 0.0]], [[0.8, 0.2], [0.0, 1.0]]], dtype=np.float32)

    state = State(state_prob, prob_matrix)
    actions = Action(['push', 'do_nothing'])
    observations = Observation([[0.6, 0.4], [0.2, 0.8]])

    b = BayesianFilter(state, actions, observations)
    action_list = ['push', 'do_nothing', 'push']
    print(b.calculate_belief(action_list, 3))