def witchScence(sourceImg, preferStartIndex=0, preferStartLabel=None): count = len(Configure.getScenes().values()) if preferStartLabel: for x in range(count): if list(Configure.getScenes().values() )[x].name == preferStartLabel: preferStartIndex = x if preferStartIndex >= count: return "halt" #返回一个不存在的场景让它报错 fistIndex = preferStartIndex - count origList = list(Configure.getScenes().values()) scenes = [] for x in range(fistIndex, preferStartIndex): scenes.append(origList[x]) for scence in scenes: points = [] found = len(scence.templates) > 0 for template in scence.templates: print(template.path) # showimg(sourceImg) # showimg(templateImg) found, result = matchTemplate.hasItem(sourceImg, template.getImg(), template.threshold) if found: points.append(result) else: break if found: return, points return None, None
def main(argv): global device global limitMove global fleet opts, args = getopt.getopt( argv, "c:d:l:p:f:", ["chapter=", "device=", "limie=", "profile=", "fleet="]) subchapterName = None Configure.setResRootDir("./res/1080p_ch") for opt, arg in opts: if opt in ("-c", "--chapter"): subchapterName = arg elif opt in ("-d", "--device"): device = arg print("device " + str(device)) elif opt in ("-l", "--limit"): limitMove = (arg == "True") print("device " + str(device)) elif opt in ("-p", "--profile"): print("profile " + str(arg)) Configure.setResRootDir(arg) elif opt in ("-f", "--fleet"): print("fleet " + str(arg)) fleet = int(arg) # print(isSubchapterScene()) getpic.screenshotStart(device) battle(subchapterName)
def isFleet2(sourceImg=None): if sourceImg is None: sourceImg = getScreenshot() template = Configure.getButton("flat2") hasItem, loc = matchTemplate.hasItem(sourceImg, template.getImg(), template.threshold) return hasItem
def isSubchapterScene(sourceImg=None): if sourceImg is None: sourceImg = getScreenshot() subTemplate = Configure.getScenes()['subchapter'].templates[0].path locs = matchTemplate.matchSingleTemplate(sourceImg, cv.imread(subTemplate), 0.9) return len(locs) > 0
def precombat(locations, sourceImg, subchapterName): print("locations: " + str(locations)) s, e = splitSubchapterName(subchapterName) try: template = Configure.getSubchapter(s, e).labels[0] templateImg = template.getImg() attempt = 0 attemptTimes = 2 for x in range(attemptTimes): print("find subchapter label " + template.path + ", attempt " + str(attempt)) result, location = matchTemplate.hasItem(sourceImg, templateImg, template.threshold) if result: location = location[0] click(location[0], location[1], templateImg.shape[1] / 2, templateImg.shape[0] / 2, 70) time.sleep(2) break sourceImg = getScreenshot() time.sleep(2) attempt += 1 if attempt < attemptTimes: time.sleep(2) return 'gofight' print("could not find subchapter label " + subchapterName) findChapter(subchapterName) except KeyError: print(subchapterName + " chapter configuration not found") return 'precombat'
def clickCancel(locations, sourceImg, subchapterName): btn = Configure.getButton("cancel") hasItem, loc = matchTemplate.hasItem(sourceImg, cv.imread(btn.path), btn.threshold) if hasItem: click(x=loc[0][0], y=loc[0][1], w=50, h=50, deltaT=50) time.sleep(2) return
def findSelfLocation(sourceImg=None): if sourceImg is None: sourceImg = getScreenshot() selfIcon = Configure.getButton("self") hasItem, location = matchTemplate.hasItem(sourceImg, cv.imread(selfIcon.path), selfIcon.threshold) return location
def clickBotton(name, sourceImg=None): if sourceImg is None: sourceImg = getScreenshot() btn = Configure.getButton(name) hasItem, loc = matchTemplate.hasItem(sourceImg, btn.getImg(), btn.threshold) if hasItem: click(x=loc[0][0], y=loc[0][1], w=50, h=50, deltaT=50) time.sleep(3)
def formation(locations, sourceImg, subchapterName): locations = locations[0][0] print(locations) click(locations[0] + 10, locations[1] + 10, 200, 60, 80) time.sleep(2) bb = Configure.getScenes()["formation"].templates[0] hasItem, aa = matchTemplate.hasItem(sourceImg, cv.imread(bb.path), bb.threshold) if not hasItem: time.sleep(10) return 'battleend' else: return 'formation'
def disband(locations, sourceImg, subchapterName): global needDisBand if needDisBand: clickSceneTemplate(locations, sourceImg, subchapterName) return 'disbandY' else: clickCancel(locations, sourceImg, subchapterName) sourceImg = getScreenshot() disbandLabel = Configure.getScenes()['disband'].templates[0] hasItem, loc = matchTemplate.hasItem(sourceImg, cv.imread(disbandLabel.path), disbandLabel.threshold) if not hasItem: needDisBand = True return None
def findChapter(subchapterName): # goto first chapter by clicking last chapter btn 10 times s, e = splitSubchapterName(subchapterName) sourceImg = getScreenshot() chapter = Configure.getChapter(s) template = chapter.labels[0] # templateImg = cv.imread(template.path) hasChapter, loc = matchTemplate.hasItem(sourceImg, template.getImg(), template.threshold) if hasChapter: click(loc[0][0], loc[0][1], 20, 20, 50) return page = chapter.pageIndex count = 12 btnLeft = Configure.getButton("lastchapter") btnright = Configure.getButton("nextchapter") imgLeftBtn = btnLeft.getImg() imgRightBtn = btnright.getImg() hasLeft, locL = matchTemplate.hasItem(sourceImg, imgLeftBtn, btnLeft.threshold) hasRight, locR = matchTemplate.hasItem(sourceImg, imgRightBtn, btnright.threshold) if hasLeft: funClickLeft = fpartial(click, x=locL[0][0], y=locL[0][1] - imgLeftBtn.shape[0], w=50, h=-90, deltaT=50) else: funClickLeft = fpartial(print, "") if hasRight: funClickRight = fpartial(click, x=locR[0][0], y=locR[0][1] - imgRightBtn.shape[0], w=50, h=-90, deltaT=50) else: funClickRight = fpartial(print, "") print("========================== " + str(hasLeft) + " ==== " + str(hasRight) + " ==========") if not hasLeft: print("btn lastChapter not found") count = 0 if (not hasRight) and (not hasLeft): return print("========================== click left " + str(count) + " ==========") while (count > 0): clickLeft = (10 * random.random()) > 1 if clickLeft: funClickLeft() count -= 1 else: funClickRight() count += 1 time.sleep(2) extraRight = round(3 * random.random()) count = page + extraRight i = count print("========================== click right " + str(count) + " ==========") while (i > 0): clickRight = (10 * random.random()) > 1.5 if clickRight: funClickRight() time.sleep(1.5) i -= 1 else: funClickLeft() time.sleep(2) i = min(count, i + 1) count = extraRight sourceImg = getScreenshot() hasLeft, loc = matchTemplate.hasItem(sourceImg, imgLeftBtn, btnLeft.threshold) hasRight, loc = matchTemplate.hasItem(sourceImg, imgRightBtn, btnright.threshold) if not hasRight: print("btn lastChapter not found") count = 10 - page if (not hasRight) and (not hasLeft): return print("========================== click left " + str(count) + " ==========") while (count > -1): funClickLeft() time.sleep(1) count -= 1
def subchapter(locations, sourceImg, subchapterName): global limitMove if switchFleet(sourceImg): sourceImg = getScreenshot() s, e = splitSubchapterName(subchapterName) subchapter = Configure.getSubchapter(s, e) count = subchapter.fight enemyIconsImg = [] enemyIconsMask = [] bossIconImg = [] bossIconMask = [] iconCount = len(subchapter.enemyIcons) for enemyIcon in subchapter.enemyIcons[0:int(iconCount / 2)]: if "boss" in enemyIcon: bossIconImg.append(cv.imread(enemyIcon)) else: enemyIconsImg.append(cv.imread(enemyIcon)) for enemyIcon in subchapter.enemyIcons[int(iconCount / 2):]: if "boss" in enemyIcon: bossIconMask.append(cv.imread(enemyIcon)) else: enemyIconsMask.append(cv.imread(enemyIcon)) enemyLoc = None limitCount = 3 while count > 0: count -= 1 print("subchapter") sourceImg = getScreenshot() if not isSubchapterScene(sourceImg): bb = Configure.getScenes()["formation"].templates[0] hasItem, aa = matchTemplate.hasItem(sourceImg, cv.imread(bb.path), bb.threshold) if hasItem: return 'formation' else: time.sleep(10) return 'battleend' locs = [] offset = (40, 60) size = (90, 60) if (not limitMove) or (enemyLoc is None): iconIndex = 0 while len(locs) <= 0 and iconIndex < len(bossIconImg): locs = findEnemies(sourceImg, [bossIconImg[iconIndex]], [bossIconMask[iconIndex]]) offset = (0, 0) size = (bossIconImg[iconIndex].shape[1] - 10, bossIconImg[iconIndex].shape[0] - 10) iconIndex += 1 iconIndex = 0 if len(locs) <= 0: locs = findEnemies(sourceImg, enemyIconsImg, enemyIconsMask) offset = (40, 60) size = (90, 60) # while len(locs) <= 0 and iconIndex < len(enemyIconsImg): # locs = findEnemies(sourceImg, [enemyIconsImg[iconIndex]], [enemyIconsMask[iconIndex]]) # iconIndex += 1 # offset = (40, 60) # size = (90, 60) if len(locs) <= 0: inputhelper.dragRandom(3) continue enemyLoc = locs[-1] if limitMove: lastLoc = findSelfLocation(sourceImg) if len(lastLoc) <= 0: print("self not found") inputhelper.dragRandom() enemyLoc = None continue else: lastLoc = lastLoc[0] while True: if not clickToFight2(enemyLoc, offset, size): time.sleep(2) break time.sleep(1) sourceImg = getScreenshot() bb = Configure.getButton("outrange") hasItem, aa = matchTemplate.hasItem(sourceImg, cv.imread(bb.path), bb.threshold) if hasItem: break bb = Configure.getButton("blockout") hasItem, aa = matchTemplate.hasItem(sourceImg, cv.imread(bb.path), bb.threshold) if hasItem: locs.remove(enemyLoc) if len(locs) <= 0: inputhelper.dragRandom(3) time.sleep(1) break else: enemyLoc = locs[-1] continue else: break time.sleep(5) while limitMove: selfLoc = findSelfLocation(sourceImg) if len(selfLoc) <= 0 or isSelfMoved(lastLoc, selfLoc[0]): limitCount = 3 break limitCount -= 1 if len(selfLoc) > 0: print("self found") selfLoc = selfLoc[-1] else: print("self not found") inputhelper.dragRandom() enemyLoc = None time.sleep(2) break global minDistance distH = (selfLoc[0] - enemyLoc[0]) distV = (selfLoc[1] - enemyLoc[1]) if distH * distH + distV * distV >= minDistance * minDistance: distH = distH / 2 distV = distV / 2 if limitCount == 0 or distH * distH + distV * distV < 100 * 100: # enemyLoc = None # break if len(locs) == 1: # clickBotton("withdraw") # return None inputhelper.dragRandom() enemyLoc = None break else: locs.remove(enemyLoc) enemyLoc = locs[-1] break print("limitMove self: " + str(selfLoc) + ", dist " + str(distH) + ", " + str(distV) + ", loc " + str(enemyLoc)) clickToFight2([selfLoc[0] - distH, selfLoc[1] - distV], offset, size) lastLoc = selfLoc time.sleep(5) sourceImg = getScreenshot() return None