def get_modules_in_order(): """ Return a mapping between module_name and the order of the module. Returns: Dict. The output is of the form: {'module_a': 1, 'module_b': 2, ...} """ portspecs = configyml.get_modules("../config") # get_modules returns a dictionary in following form: # { 'modules': [{'name': 'array_ops'}, {'name': 'bayes'}, ..., # {'depends': ['array_ops'], 'name': 'stats'}, ... ] # } # The list of modules is pre-sorted using topological sort module_order = dict() for i, moduleinfo in enumerate(portspecs['modules']): module_order[moduleinfo['name']] = i return module_order
# Validate that db platform is correct if __check_db_port(portid) == False: __error("Invalid database platform specified.", True) # Adjust MADlib directories for this port (if they exist) global maddir_conf if os.path.isdir(maddir + "/ports/" + portid + "/" + dbver + "/config"): maddir_conf = maddir + "/ports/" + portid + "/" + dbver + "/config" global maddir_lib if os.path.isfile(maddir + "/ports/" + portid + "/" + dbver + \ "/lib/"): maddir_lib = maddir + "/ports/" + portid + "/" + dbver + \ "/lib/" # Get the list of modules for this port global portspecs portspecs = configyml.get_modules(maddir_conf) else: con_args = None dbrev = None ## # Parse COMMAND argument and compare with Ports.yml ## # Debugging... # print "OS rev: " + str(rev) + " > " + str(__get_rev_num(rev)) # print "DB rev: " + str(dbrev) + " > " + str(__get_rev_num(dbrev)) # Make sure we have the necessary paramaters to continue if args.command[0] != 'version': if not portid:
def main(argv): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description='MADlib package manager (' + rev + ')', argument_default=False, formatter_class=argparse.RawTextHelpFormatter, epilog="""Example: $ madpack install -s madlib -p greenplum -c gpadmin@mdw:5432/testdb This will install MADlib objects into a Greenplum database called TESTDB running on server MDW:5432. Installer will try to login as GPADMIN and will prompt for password. The target schema will be MADLIB. """) parser.add_argument( 'command', metavar='COMMAND', nargs=1, choices=['install','update','uninstall','reinstall','version','install-check'], help = "One of the following options:\n" + " install/update : run sql scripts to load into DB\n" + " uninstall : run sql scripts to uninstall from DB\n" + " reinstall : performs uninstall and install\n" + " version : compare and print MADlib version (binaries vs database objects)\n" + " install-check : test all installed modules\n" ) parser.add_argument( '-c', '--conn', metavar='CONNSTR', nargs=1, dest='connstr', default=None, help= "Connection string of the following syntax:\n" + " [user[/password]@][host][:port][/database]\n" + "If not provided default values will be derived for PostgerSQL and Greenplum:\n" + "- user: PGUSER or USER env variable or OS username\n" + "- pass: PGPASSWORD env variable or runtime prompt\n" + "- host: PGHOST env variable or 'localhost'\n" + "- port: PGPORT env variable or '5432'\n" + "- db: PGDATABASE env variable or OS username\n" ) parser.add_argument('-s', '--schema', nargs=1, dest='schema', metavar='SCHEMA', default='madlib', help="Target schema for the database objects.") parser.add_argument('-p', '--platform', nargs=1, dest='platform', metavar='PLATFORM', choices=portid_list, help="Target database platform, current choices: " + str(portid_list)) parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', dest='verbose', action="store_true", help="Verbose mode.") parser.add_argument('-l', '--keeplogs', dest='keeplogs', default=False, action="store_true", help="Do not remove installation log files.") ## # Get the arguments ## args = parser.parse_args() global verbose verbose = args.verbose __info("Arguments: " + str(args), verbose); global keeplogs keeplogs = args.keeplogs ## # Parse SCHEMA ## if len(args.schema[0]) > 1: schema = args.schema[0].lower() else: schema = args.schema.lower() ## # Parse DB Platform (== PortID) and compare with Ports.yml ## global portid if args.platform: try: # Get the DB platform name == DB port id portid = args.platform[0].lower() # Loop through available db ports for port in ports['ports']: if portid == port['id']: # Adjust MADlib directories for this port (if they exist) global maddir_conf if os.path.isdir(maddir + "/ports/" + portid + "/config"): maddir_conf = maddir + "/ports/" + portid + "/config" global maddir_lib if os.path.isfile(maddir + "/ports/" + portid + \ "/lib/libmadlib_" + portid + ".so"): maddir_lib = maddir + "/ports/" + portid + \ "/lib/libmadlib_" + portid + ".so" # Get the list of modules for this port global portspecs portspecs = configyml.get_modules(maddir_conf) # print portspecs except: portid = None __error("Can not find specs for port %s" % (args.platform[0]), True) else: portid = None ## # Parse CONNSTR (only if PLATFORM and DBAPI2 are defined) ## if portid: connStr = "" if args.connstr is None else args.connstr[0] (c_user, c_pass, c_host, c_port, c_db) = parseConnectionStr(connStr) # Find the default values for PG and GP if portid == 'postgres' or portid == 'greenplum': if c_user is None: c_user = os.environ.get('PGUSER', getpass.getuser()) if c_pass is None: c_pass = os.environ.get('PGPASSWORD', None) if c_host is None: c_host = os.environ.get('PGHOST', 'localhost') if c_port is None: c_port = os.environ.get('PGPORT', '5432') if c_db is None: c_db = os.environ.get('PGDATABASE', c_user) ## # Try connecting to the database ## __info("Testing database connection...", verbose) # Get password if c_pass is None: c_pass = getpass.getpass("Password for user %s: " % c_user) # Set connection variables global con_args con_args['host'] = c_host + ':' + c_port con_args['database'] = c_db con_args['user'] = c_user con_args['password'] = c_pass # Get MADlib version in DB dbrev = __get_madlib_dbver(schema) # Validate that db platform is correct if __check_db_port(portid) == False: __error("Invalid database platform specified.", True) else: con_args = None dbrev = None ## # Parse COMMAND argument and compare with Ports.yml ## # Debugging... # print "OS rev: " + str(rev) + " > " + str(__get_rev_num(rev)) # print "DB rev: " + str(dbrev) + " > " + str(__get_rev_num(dbrev)) # Make sure we have the necessary paramaters to continue if args.command[0] != 'version': if not portid: __error("Missing -p/--platform parameter.", True) if not con_args: __error("Unknown problem with database connection string: %s" % con_args, True) ### # COMMAND: version ### if args.command[0] == 'version': __print_revs(rev, dbrev, con_args, schema) ### # COMMAND: uninstall/reinstall ### if args.command[0] == 'uninstall' or args.command[0] == 'reinstall': if __get_rev_num(dbrev) == ['0']: __info("Nothing to uninstall. No version found in schema %s." % schema.upper(), True) return # Find any potential data to lose affected_objects = __run_sql_query(""" SELECT n1.nspname AS schema, relname AS relation, attname AS column, typname AS type FROM pg_attribute a, pg_class c, pg_type t, pg_namespace n, pg_namespace n1 WHERE n.nspname = '%s' AND t.typnamespace = n.oid AND a.atttypid = t.oid AND c.oid = a.attrelid AND c.relnamespace = n1.oid AND c.relkind = 'r' ORDER BY n1.nspname, relname, attname, typname""" % schema.lower() , True ); __info("*** Uninstalling MADlib ***", True) __info("***********************************************************************************", True) __info("* Schema %s and all database objects depending on it will be dropped!" % schema.upper(), True) if affected_objects: __info("* If you continue the following data will be lost (schema : table.column : type):", True) for ao in affected_objects: __info ( '* - ' + ao['schema'] + ' : ' + ao['relation'] + '.' + ao['column'] + ' : ' + ao['type'], True); __info("***********************************************************************************", True) __info("Would you like to continue? [Y/N]", True) go = raw_input('>>> ').upper() while go != 'Y' and go != 'N': go = raw_input('Yes or No >>> ').upper() # 2) Do the uninstall/drop if go == 'N': __info('No problem. Nothing dropped.', True) return elif go == 'Y': __info("> dropping schema %s" % schema.upper(), verbose) try: __run_sql_query("DROP SCHEMA %s CASCADE;" % (schema), True) except: __error("Cannot drop schema %s." % schema.upper(), True) __info('Schema %s (and all dependent objects) has been dropped.' % schema.upper(), True) __info('MADlib uninstalled successfully.', True) else: return ### # COMMAND: install/update/reinstall ### if ( args.command[0] == 'install' or args.command[0] == 'update' or args.command[0] == 'reinstall'): # Refresh MADlib version in DB if args.command[0] == 'reinstall': dbrev = __get_madlib_dbver(schema) print "" __info("*** Installing MADlib ***", True) # 1) Compare OS and DB versions. Continue if OS > DB. __print_revs(rev, dbrev, con_args, schema) if __get_rev_num(dbrev) >= __get_rev_num(rev): __info("Current MADlib version already up to date.", True) return # 2) Run installation try: __plpy_check(py_min_ver) __db_install(schema, dbrev) except: __error("MADlib installation failed.", True) ### # COMMAND: install-check ### if args.command[0] == 'install-check': # 1) Compare OS and DB versions. Continue if OS = DB. if __get_rev_num(dbrev) != __get_rev_num(rev): __print_revs(rev, dbrev, con_args, schema) __info("Versions do not match. Install-check stopped.", True) return # Create install-check user test_user = '******' + rev.replace('.','') + '_installcheck' try: __run_sql_query("DROP USER IF EXISTS %s;" % (test_user), False) except: __run_sql_query("DROP OWNED BY %s CASCADE;" % (test_user), True) __run_sql_query("DROP USER IF EXISTS %s;" % (test_user), True) __run_sql_query("CREATE USER %s;" % (test_user), True) # TO DO: # Change ALL to USAGE in the below GRANT command # and fix the failing modules which still write to MADLIB schema. __run_sql_query("GRANT ALL ON SCHEMA %s TO %s;" % (schema, test_user), True) # 2) Run test SQLs __info("> Running test scripts for:", verbose) # Loop through all modules for moduleinfo in portspecs['modules']: # Get module name module = moduleinfo['name'] __info("> - %s" % module, verbose) # Make a temp dir for this module (if doesn't exist) cur_tmpdir = tmpdir + '/' + module + '/test' __make_dir(cur_tmpdir) # Find the module dir (platform specific or generic) if os.path.isdir(maddir + "/ports/" + portid + "/modules/" + module): maddir_mod = maddir + "/ports/" + portid + "/modules" else: maddir_mod = maddir + "/modules" # Prepare test schema test_schema = "madlib_installcheck_%s" % (module) __run_sql_query("DROP SCHEMA IF EXISTS %s CASCADE; CREATE SCHEMA %s;" % (test_schema, test_schema), True) __run_sql_query("GRANT ALL ON SCHEMA %s TO %s;" % (test_schema, test_user), True) # Switch to test user and prepare the search_path pre_sql = '-- Switch to test user:\n' \ 'SET ROLE %s;\n' \ '-- Set SEARCH_PATH for install-check:\n' \ 'SET search_path=%s,%s;\n' \ % (test_user, test_schema, schema) # Loop through all test SQL files for this module sql_files = maddir_mod + '/' + module + '/test/*.sql_in' for sqlfile in sorted(glob.glob(sql_files)): result = 'PASS' # Set file names tmpfile = cur_tmpdir + '/' + os.path.basename(sqlfile) + '.tmp' logfile = cur_tmpdir + '/' + os.path.basename(sqlfile) + '.log' # If there is no problem with the SQL file milliseconds = 0 # Run the SQL run_start = retval = __run_sql_file(schema, maddir_mod, module, sqlfile, tmpfile, logfile, pre_sql) # Runtime evaluation run_end = milliseconds = round((run_end - run_start).seconds * 1000 + (run_end - run_start).microseconds / 1000) # Check the exit status if retval != 0: __error("Failed executing %s" % tmpfile, False) __error("Check the log at %s" % logfile, False) result = 'FAIL' keeplogs = True # Since every single statement in the test file gets logged, # an empty log file indicates an empty or a failed test elif os.path.isfile(logfile) and os.path.getsize(logfile) > 0: result = 'PASS' # Otherwise else: result = 'ERROR' # Spit the line print "TEST CASE RESULT|Module: " + module + \ "|" + os.path.basename(sqlfile) + "|" + result + \ "|Time: %d milliseconds" % (milliseconds) # Cleanup test schema for the module __run_sql_query( "DROP SCHEMA IF EXISTS %s CASCADE;" % (test_schema), True) # Drop install-check user __run_sql_query( "DROP OWNED BY %s CASCADE;" % (test_user), True) __run_sql_query( "DROP USER %s;" % (test_user), True)
def main(argv): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description="MADlib package manager (" + rev + ")", argument_default=False, formatter_class=argparse.RawTextHelpFormatter, epilog="""Example: $ madpack install -s madlib -p greenplum -c gpadmin@mdw:5432/testdb This will install MADlib objects into a Greenplum database called TESTDB running on server MDW:5432. Installer will try to login as GPADMIN and will prompt for password. The target schema will be MADLIB. """, ) parser.add_argument( "command", metavar="COMMAND", nargs=1, choices=["install", "update", "uninstall", "version", "install-check"], help="One of the following options:\n" + " install/update : run sql scripts to load into DB\n" + " uninstall : run sql scripts to uninstall from DB\n" + " version : compare and print MADlib version (binaries vs database objects)\n" + " install-check : test all installed modules\n", ) parser.add_argument( "-c", "--conn", metavar="CONNSTR", nargs=1, dest="connstr", default=None, help="Connection string of the following syntax:\n" + " [user[/password]@][host][:port][/database]\n" + "If not provided default values will be derived for PostgerSQL and Greenplum:\n" + "- user: PGUSER or USER env variable or OS username\n" + "- pass: PGPASSWORD env variable or runtime prompt\n" + "- host: PGHOST env variable or 'localhost'\n" + "- port: PGPORT env variable or '5432'\n" + "- db: PGDATABASE env variable or OS username\n", ) parser.add_argument( "-s", "--schema", nargs=1, dest="schema", metavar="SCHEMA", default="madlib", help="Target schema for the database objects.", ) parser.add_argument( "-p", "--platform", nargs=1, dest="platform", metavar="PLATFORM", choices=portid_list, help="Target database platform, current choices: " + str(portid_list), ) parser.add_argument("-v", "--verbose", dest="verbose", action="store_true", help="Verbose mode.") parser.add_argument( "-l", "--keeplogs", dest="keeplogs", default=False, action="store_true", help="Do not remove installation log files.", ) ## # Get the arguments ## args = parser.parse_args() global verbose verbose = args.verbose __info("Arguments: " + str(args), verbose) global keeplogs keeplogs = args.keeplogs ## # Parse SCHEMA ## if len(args.schema[0]) > 1: schema = args.schema[0] else: schema = args.schema ## # Parse DB Platform (== PortID) and compare with Ports.yml ## global portid if args.platform: try: # Get the DB platform name == DB port id portid = args.platform[0].lower() # Loop through available db ports for port in ports["ports"]: if portid == port["id"]: # Adjust MADlib directories for this port (if they exist) global maddir_conf if os.path.isdir(maddir + "/ports/" + portid + "/config"): maddir_conf = maddir + "/ports/" + portid + "/config" global maddir_lib if os.path.isfile(maddir + "/ports/" + portid + "/lib/libmadlib_" + portid + ".so"): maddir_lib = maddir + "/ports/" + portid + "/lib/libmadlib_" + portid + ".so" # Get the list of modules for this port global portspecs portspecs = configyml.get_modules(maddir_conf) # print portspecs except: portid = None __error("Can not find specs for port %s" % (args.platform[0]), True) else: portid = None ## # Parse CONNSTR (only if PLATFORM and DBAPI2 are defined) ## if portid: connStr = "" if args.connstr is None else args.connstr[0] (c_user, c_pass, c_host, c_port, c_db) = parseConnectionStr(connStr) # Find the default values for PG and GP if portid == "postgres" or portid == "greenplum": if c_user is None: c_user = os.environ.get("PGUSER", getpass.getuser()) if c_pass is None: c_pass = os.environ.get("PGPASSWORD", None) if c_host is None: c_host = os.environ.get("PGHOST", "localhost") if c_port is None: c_port = os.environ.get("PGPORT", "5432") if c_db is None: c_db = os.environ.get("PGDATABASE", c_user) ## # Try connecting to the database ## __info("Testing database connection...", verbose) # Get password if c_pass is None: c_pass = getpass.getpass("Password for user %s: " % c_user) # Set connection variables global con_args con_args["host"] = c_host + ":" + c_port con_args["database"] = c_db con_args["user"] = c_user con_args["password"] = c_pass # Get MADlib version in DB dbrev = __get_madlib_dbver(schema) # Validate that db platform is correct if __check_db_port(portid) == False: __error("Invalid database platform specified.", True) else: con_args = None dbrev = None ## # Parse COMMAND argument and compare with Ports.yml ## # Debugging... # print "OS rev: " + str(rev) + " > " + str(__get_rev_num(rev)) # print "DB rev: " + str(dbrev) + " > " + str(__get_rev_num(dbrev)) # Make sure we have the necessary paramaters to continue if args.command[0] != "version": if not portid: __error("Missing -p/--platform parameter.", True) if not con_args: __error("Unknown problem with database connection string: %s" % con_args, True) ### # COMMAND: version ### if args.command[0] == "version": __print_revs(rev, dbrev, con_args, schema) ### # COMMAND: install/update ### elif args.command[0] == "install" or args.command[0] == "update": # 1) Compare OS and DB versions. Continue if OS > DB. __print_revs(rev, dbrev, con_args, schema) if __get_rev_num(dbrev) >= __get_rev_num(rev): __info("Current MADlib version already up to date.", True) return # 2) Run installation try: __plpy_check(py_min_ver) __db_install(schema, dbrev) except: __error("MADlib installation failed.", True) ### # COMMAND: uninstall (drops the schema) ### if args.command[0] == "uninstall": if __get_rev_num(dbrev) == ["0"]: __info("Nothing to uninstall. No version found in schema %s." % schema.upper(), True) return __info("***************************************************************************", True) __info("* Schema %s and all database objects depending on it will be dropped!" % schema.upper(), True) __info("* This is potentially very dangerous operation! ", True) __info("***************************************************************************", True) __info("Would you like to continue? [Y/N]", True) go = raw_input(">>> ").upper() while go != "Y" and go != "N": go = raw_input("Yes or No >>> ").upper() # 2) Do the uninstall/drop if go == "N": __info("No problem. Nothing dropped.", True) return elif go == "Y": __info("> dropping schema %s" % schema.upper(), verbose) try: __run_sql_query("DROP SCHEMA %s CASCADE;" % (schema), True) except: __error("Cannot drop schema %s." % schema.upper(), True) __info("Schema %s (and all dependent objects) has been dropped." % schema.upper(), True) __info("MADlib uninstalled successfully.", True) else: return ### # COMMAND: install-check ### if args.command[0] == "install-check": # 1) Compare OS and DB versions. Continue if OS = DB. if __get_rev_num(dbrev) != __get_rev_num(rev): __print_revs(rev, dbrev, con_args, schema) __info("Versions do not match. Install-check stopped.", True) return # 2) Run test SQLs __info("> Running test scripts for:", verbose) # Loop through all modules for moduleinfo in portspecs["modules"]: # Get module name module = moduleinfo["name"] __info("> - %s" % module, verbose) # Make a temp dir for this module (if doesn't exist) cur_tmpdir = tmpdir + "/" + module + "/test" __make_dir(cur_tmpdir) # Find the module dir (platform specific or generic) if os.path.isdir(maddir + "/ports/" + portid + "/modules/" + module): maddir_mod = maddir + "/ports/" + portid + "/modules" else: maddir_mod = maddir + "/modules" # Loop through all test SQL files for this module sql_files = maddir_mod + "/" + module + "/test/*.sql_in" for sqlfile in glob.glob(sql_files): # Set file names tmpfile = cur_tmpdir + "/" + os.path.basename(sqlfile) + ".tmp" logfile = cur_tmpdir + "/" + os.path.basename(sqlfile) + ".log" # Run the SQL run_start = retval = __run_sql_file(schema, maddir_mod, module, sqlfile, tmpfile, logfile) # Runtime evaluation run_end = milliseconds = round((run_end - run_start).seconds * 1000 + (run_end - run_start).microseconds / 1000) # Analyze the output # If DB cmd line returned error if retval == 3: __error("Failed executing: %s" % tmpfile, False) __error("For details check: %s" % logfile, False) result = "FAIL" # If error log file exists elif os.path.getsize(logfile) > 0: result = "PASS" # Otherwise else: result = "ERROR" # Spit the line print "TEST CASE RESULT|Module: " + module + "|" + os.path.basename( sqlfile ) + "|" + result + "|Time: %d milliseconds" % (milliseconds)
""" Sort input strings based on the module name in them such that the module dependencies are resolved. Example: $ a/regress/b a/svec/b a/array_ops/b > a/svec/b a/regress/b a/array_opts/b Note this script assumes to be run at the exact current directory, so you need change directory first to run it. """ import configyml portspecs = configyml.get_modules("../config") def find_order(path): for i, moduleinfo in enumerate(portspecs['modules']): modname = moduleinfo['name'] if modname in path: return i # return as the last if not found. return len(portspecs['modules']) def main(args): print " ".join(sorted(args, key = find_order)) if __name__ == '__main__': import sys main(sys.argv[1:])
def main(argv): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description='MADlib package manager (' + rev + ')', argument_default=False, formatter_class=argparse.RawTextHelpFormatter, epilog="""Example: $ madpack install -s madlib -p greenplum -c gpadmin@mdw:5432/testdb This will install MADlib objects into a Greenplum database called TESTDB running on server MDW:5432. Installer will try to login as GPADMIN and will prompt for password. The target schema will be MADLIB. """) parser.add_argument( 'command', metavar='COMMAND', nargs=1, choices=[ 'install', 'update', 'uninstall', 'reinstall', 'version', 'install-check' ], help="One of the following options:\n" + " install/update : run sql scripts to load into DB\n" + " uninstall : run sql scripts to uninstall from DB\n" + " reinstall : performs uninstall and install\n" + " version : compare and print MADlib version (binaries vs database objects)\n" + " install-check : test all installed modules\n") parser.add_argument( '-c', '--conn', metavar='CONNSTR', nargs=1, dest='connstr', default=None, help="Connection string of the following syntax:\n" + " [user[/password]@][host][:port][/database]\n" + "If not provided default values will be derived for PostgerSQL and Greenplum:\n" + "- user: PGUSER or USER env variable or OS username\n" + "- pass: PGPASSWORD env variable or runtime prompt\n" + "- host: PGHOST env variable or 'localhost'\n" + "- port: PGPORT env variable or '5432'\n" + "- db: PGDATABASE env variable or OS username\n") parser.add_argument('-s', '--schema', nargs=1, dest='schema', metavar='SCHEMA', default='madlib', help="Target schema for the database objects.") parser.add_argument('-p', '--platform', nargs=1, dest='platform', metavar='PLATFORM', choices=portid_list, help="Target database platform, current choices: " + str(portid_list)) parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', dest='verbose', action="store_true", help="Verbose mode.") parser.add_argument('-l', '--keeplogs', dest='keeplogs', default=False, action="store_true", help="Do not remove installation log files.") ## # Get the arguments ## args = parser.parse_args() global verbose verbose = args.verbose __info("Arguments: " + str(args), verbose) global keeplogs keeplogs = args.keeplogs ## # Parse SCHEMA ## if len(args.schema[0]) > 1: schema = args.schema[0].lower() else: schema = args.schema.lower() ## # Parse DB Platform (== PortID) and compare with Ports.yml ## global portid if args.platform: try: # Get the DB platform name == DB port id portid = args.platform[0].lower() # Loop through available db ports for port in ports['ports']: if portid == port['id']: # Adjust MADlib directories for this port (if they exist) global maddir_conf if os.path.isdir(maddir + "/ports/" + portid + "/config"): maddir_conf = maddir + "/ports/" + portid + "/config" global maddir_lib if os.path.isfile(maddir + "/ports/" + portid + \ "/lib/libmadlib_" + portid + ".so"): maddir_lib = maddir + "/ports/" + portid + \ "/lib/libmadlib_" + portid + ".so" # Get the list of modules for this port global portspecs portspecs = configyml.get_modules(maddir_conf) # print portspecs except: portid = None __error("Can not find specs for port %s" % (args.platform[0]), True) else: portid = None ## # Parse CONNSTR (only if PLATFORM and DBAPI2 are defined) ## if portid: connStr = "" if args.connstr is None else args.connstr[0] (c_user, c_pass, c_host, c_port, c_db) = parseConnectionStr(connStr) # Find the default values for PG and GP if portid == 'postgres' or portid == 'greenplum': if c_user is None: c_user = os.environ.get('PGUSER', getpass.getuser()) if c_pass is None: c_pass = os.environ.get('PGPASSWORD', None) if c_host is None: c_host = os.environ.get('PGHOST', 'localhost') if c_port is None: c_port = os.environ.get('PGPORT', '5432') if c_db is None: c_db = os.environ.get('PGDATABASE', c_user) ## # Try connecting to the database ## __info("Testing database connection...", verbose) # Get password if c_pass is None: c_pass = getpass.getpass("Password for user %s: " % c_user) # Set connection variables global con_args con_args['host'] = c_host + ':' + c_port con_args['database'] = c_db con_args['user'] = c_user con_args['password'] = c_pass # Get MADlib version in DB dbrev = __get_madlib_dbver(schema) # Validate that db platform is correct if __check_db_port(portid) == False: __error("Invalid database platform specified.", True) else: con_args = None dbrev = None ## # Parse COMMAND argument and compare with Ports.yml ## # Debugging... # print "OS rev: " + str(rev) + " > " + str(__get_rev_num(rev)) # print "DB rev: " + str(dbrev) + " > " + str(__get_rev_num(dbrev)) # Make sure we have the necessary paramaters to continue if args.command[0] != 'version': if not portid: __error("Missing -p/--platform parameter.", True) if not con_args: __error( "Unknown problem with database connection string: %s" % con_args, True) ### # COMMAND: version ### if args.command[0] == 'version': __print_revs(rev, dbrev, con_args, schema) ### # COMMAND: uninstall/reinstall ### if args.command[0] == 'uninstall' or args.command[0] == 'reinstall': if __get_rev_num(dbrev) == ['0']: __info( "Nothing to uninstall. No version found in schema %s." % schema.upper(), True) return # Find any potential data to lose affected_objects = __run_sql_query( """ SELECT n1.nspname AS schema, relname AS relation, attname AS column, typname AS type FROM pg_attribute a, pg_class c, pg_type t, pg_namespace n, pg_namespace n1 WHERE n.nspname = '%s' AND t.typnamespace = n.oid AND a.atttypid = t.oid AND c.oid = a.attrelid AND c.relnamespace = n1.oid AND c.relkind = 'r' ORDER BY n1.nspname, relname, attname, typname""" % schema.lower(), True) __info("*** Uninstalling MADlib ***", True) __info( "***********************************************************************************", True) __info( "* Schema %s and all database objects depending on it will be dropped!" % schema.upper(), True) if affected_objects: __info( "* If you continue the following data will be lost (schema : table.column : type):", True) for ao in affected_objects: __info( '* - ' + ao['schema'] + ' : ' + ao['relation'] + '.' + ao['column'] + ' : ' + ao['type'], True) __info( "***********************************************************************************", True) __info("Would you like to continue? [Y/N]", True) go = raw_input('>>> ').upper() while go != 'Y' and go != 'N': go = raw_input('Yes or No >>> ').upper() # 2) Do the uninstall/drop if go == 'N': __info('No problem. Nothing dropped.', True) return elif go == 'Y': __info("> dropping schema %s" % schema.upper(), verbose) try: __run_sql_query("DROP SCHEMA %s CASCADE;" % (schema), True) except: __error("Cannot drop schema %s." % schema.upper(), True) __info( 'Schema %s (and all dependent objects) has been dropped.' % schema.upper(), True) __info('MADlib uninstalled successfully.', True) else: return ### # COMMAND: install/update/reinstall ### if (args.command[0] == 'install' or args.command[0] == 'update' or args.command[0] == 'reinstall'): # Refresh MADlib version in DB if args.command[0] == 'reinstall': dbrev = __get_madlib_dbver(schema) print "" __info("*** Installing MADlib ***", True) # 1) Compare OS and DB versions. Continue if OS > DB. __print_revs(rev, dbrev, con_args, schema) if __get_rev_num(dbrev) >= __get_rev_num(rev): __info("Current MADlib version already up to date.", True) return # 2) Run installation try: __plpy_check(py_min_ver) __db_install(schema, dbrev) except: __error("MADlib installation failed.", True) ### # COMMAND: install-check ### if args.command[0] == 'install-check': # 1) Compare OS and DB versions. Continue if OS = DB. if __get_rev_num(dbrev) != __get_rev_num(rev): __print_revs(rev, dbrev, con_args, schema) __info("Versions do not match. Install-check stopped.", True) return # Create install-check user test_user = '******' + rev.replace('.', '') + '_installcheck' try: __run_sql_query("DROP USER IF EXISTS %s;" % (test_user), False) except: __run_sql_query("DROP OWNED BY %s CASCADE;" % (test_user), True) __run_sql_query("DROP USER IF EXISTS %s;" % (test_user), True) __run_sql_query("CREATE USER %s;" % (test_user), True) # TO DO: # Change ALL to USAGE in the below GRANT command # and fix the failing modules which still write to MADLIB schema. __run_sql_query("GRANT ALL ON SCHEMA %s TO %s;" % (schema, test_user), True) # 2) Run test SQLs __info("> Running test scripts for:", verbose) # Loop through all modules for moduleinfo in portspecs['modules']: # Get module name module = moduleinfo['name'] __info("> - %s" % module, verbose) # Make a temp dir for this module (if doesn't exist) cur_tmpdir = tmpdir + '/' + module + '/test' __make_dir(cur_tmpdir) # Find the module dir (platform specific or generic) if os.path.isdir(maddir + "/ports/" + portid + "/modules/" + module): maddir_mod = maddir + "/ports/" + portid + "/modules" else: maddir_mod = maddir + "/modules" # Prepare test schema test_schema = "madlib_installcheck_%s" % (module) __run_sql_query( "DROP SCHEMA IF EXISTS %s CASCADE; CREATE SCHEMA %s;" % (test_schema, test_schema), True) __run_sql_query( "GRANT ALL ON SCHEMA %s TO %s;" % (test_schema, test_user), True) # Switch to test user and prepare the search_path pre_sql = '-- Switch to test user:\n' \ 'SET ROLE %s;\n' \ '-- Set SEARCH_PATH for install-check:\n' \ 'SET search_path=%s,%s;\n' \ % (test_user, test_schema, schema) # Loop through all test SQL files for this module sql_files = maddir_mod + '/' + module + '/test/*.sql_in' for sqlfile in sorted(glob.glob(sql_files)): result = 'PASS' # Set file names tmpfile = cur_tmpdir + '/' + os.path.basename(sqlfile) + '.tmp' logfile = cur_tmpdir + '/' + os.path.basename(sqlfile) + '.log' # If there is no problem with the SQL file milliseconds = 0 # Run the SQL run_start = retval = __run_sql_file(schema, maddir_mod, module, sqlfile, tmpfile, logfile, pre_sql) # Runtime evaluation run_end = milliseconds = round((run_end - run_start).seconds * 1000 + (run_end - run_start).microseconds / 1000) # Check the exit status if retval != 0: __error("Failed executing %s" % tmpfile, False) __error("Check the log at %s" % logfile, False) result = 'FAIL' keeplogs = True # Since every single statement in the test file gets logged, # an empty log file indicates an empty or a failed test elif os.path.isfile(logfile) and os.path.getsize(logfile) > 0: result = 'PASS' # Otherwise else: result = 'ERROR' # Spit the line print "TEST CASE RESULT|Module: " + module + \ "|" + os.path.basename(sqlfile) + "|" + result + \ "|Time: %d milliseconds" % (milliseconds) # Cleanup test schema for the module __run_sql_query( "DROP SCHEMA IF EXISTS %s CASCADE;" % (test_schema), True) # Drop install-check user __run_sql_query("DROP OWNED BY %s CASCADE;" % (test_user), True) __run_sql_query("DROP USER %s;" % (test_user), True)
""" Sort input strings based on the module name in them such that the module dependencies are resolved. Example: $ a/regress/b a/svec/b a/array_ops/b > a/svec/b a/regress/b a/array_opts/b Note this script assumes to be run at the exact current directory, so you need change directory first to run it. """ import configyml portspecs = configyml.get_modules("../config") def find_order(path): for i, moduleinfo in enumerate(portspecs['modules']): modname = moduleinfo['name'] if modname in path: return i # return as the last if not found. return len(portspecs['modules']) def main(args): print " ".join(sorted(args, key=find_order))
def main( argv): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description='MADlib package manager (' + rev + ')', argument_default=False, formatter_class=argparse.RawTextHelpFormatter, epilog="""Example: $ madpack install -s madlib -p greenplum -c gpadmin@mdw:5432/testdb This will install MADlib objects into a Greenplum database called TESTDB running on server MDW:5432. Installer will try to login as GPADMIN and will prompt for password. The target schema will be MADLIB. """) parser.add_argument( 'command', metavar='COMMAND', nargs=1, choices=['install','update','uninstall','version','install-check'], help="""One of the following options: install/update : run sql scripts to load into DB uninstall : run sql scripts to uninstall from DB version : compare and print MADlib version (binaries vs database objects) install-check : test all installed modules""") parser.add_argument( '-a', '--api', nargs=1, dest='api', metavar='API', help="Python module for your database platform (DBAPI2 compliant)") parser.add_argument( '-c', '--conn', metavar='CONNSTR', nargs=1, dest='connstr', default=None, help="connection string of the following syntax: user[/pass]@host:port/dbname") parser.add_argument( '-s', '--schema', nargs=1, dest='schema', metavar='SCHEMA', default='madlib', help="target schema for the database objects") parser.add_argument( '-p', '--platform', nargs=1, dest='platform', metavar='PLATFORM', choices=portid_list, help="target database platform, current choices: " + str(portid_list)) parser.add_argument( '-v', '--verbose', dest='verbose', action="store_true", help="more output") ## # Get the arguments ## args = parser.parse_args() global verbose verbose = args.verbose __info( "Arguments: " + str(args), verbose); ## # Parse DBAPI2 overwrite ## try: # Get the module name api = args.api[0] except: api = None # And try importing it if api != None: try: dbapi2 = __import_dbapi( api) __info( "Imported user defined dbapi2 module (%s)." % (api), verbose) except: __error( "cannot import dbapi2 module: %s. Try using the deafult one from Ports.yml file." % (args.api[0]), True) ## # Parse SCHEMA ## if len(args.schema[0]) > 1: schema = args.schema[0] else: schema = args.schema ## # Parse DB PLATFORM and compare with Ports.yml ## if args.platform: try: platform = args.platform[0] # Loop through available db ports for port in ports['ports']: if args.platform[0] == port['id']: # Get the DB name platform = args.platform # Get the Python DBAPI2 module portapi = port['dbapi2'] # Get the DB id global portid portid = port['id'] # Adjust MADlib directories for this port (if they exist) global maddir_conf if os.path.isdir( maddir + "/ports/" + portid + "/config"): maddir_conf = maddir + "/ports/" + portid + "/config" global maddir_lib if os.path.isfile( maddir + "/ports/" + portid + \ "/lib/libmadlib_" + portid + ".so"): maddir_lib = maddir + "/ports/" + portid + \ "/lib/libmadlib_" + portid + ".so" # Get the list of modules for this port global portspecs portspecs = configyml.get_modules( maddir_conf) # print portspecs except: platform = None __error( "Can not find specs for port %s" % (args.platform[0]), True) else: platform = None portapi = None ## # If no API defined yet (try the default API - from Ports.yml) ## if api is None and portapi != None: # For POSTGRES import Pygresql.pgdb from madpack package if portid.upper() == 'POSTGRES': try: sys.path.append( maddir + "/ports/postgres/madpack") dbapi2 = __import_dbapi( portapi) __info( "Imported dbapi2 module (%s) defined in Ports.yml." % (portapi), verbose) except: __error( "cannot import dbapi2 module: %s. You can try specifying a different one (see --help)." % (portapi), True) # For GREENPLUM use the GP one: $GPHOME/lib/python/pygresql else: try: dbapi2 = __import_dbapi( portapi) __info( "Imported dbapi2 module (%s) defined in Ports.yml." % (portapi), verbose) except: __error( "cannot import dbapi2 module: %s. You can try specifying a different one (see --help)." % (portapi), True) ## # Parse CONNSTR (only if PLATFORM and DBAPI2 are defined) ## if platform != None and dbapi2 and args.connstr != None: try: (c_user, c_dsn) = args.connstr[0].split('@') except: __error( "invalid connection string: missing '@' separator (see '-h' for help)", True) try: (c_user, c_pass) = c_user.split('/') except: pass_prompt = True c_pass = None if c_user == '': __error( "invalid connection string: missing 'user' parameter (see '-h' for help)", True) try: (c_dsn, c_db) = c_dsn.split('/') except: __error( "invalid connection string: missing '/' separator (see '-h' for help)", True) try: (c_host, c_port) = c_dsn.split(':') except: __error( "invalid connection string: missing ':' separator (see '-h' for help)", True) ## # Try connecting to the database ## __info( "Testing database connection...", verbose) # get password if c_pass == None: c_pass = getpass.getpass( "Password for user %s: " % c_user) # set connection variables global con_args con_args['host'] = c_dsn con_args['database'] = c_db con_args['user'] = c_user con_args['password'] = c_pass # Open connection global dbconn dbconn = dbapi2.connect( **con_args) __info( 'Database connection successful: %s@%s/%s' % (c_user, c_dsn, c_db), verbose) # Get MADlib version in DB dbrev = __get_madlib_dbver( schema) # Close connection dbconn.close() else: con_args = None dbrev = None ## # Parse COMMAND argument and compare with Ports.yml ## # Debugging... # print "OS rev: " + str(rev) + " > " + str(__get_rev_num( rev)) # print "DB rev: " + str(dbrev) + " > " + str(__get_rev_num( dbrev)) ### # COMMAND: version ### if args.command[0] == 'version': __print_revs( rev, dbrev, con_args, schema) ### # COMMAND: install/update ### elif args.command[0] == 'install' or args.command[0] == 'update': # 1) Compare OS and DB versions. Continue if OS > DB. __print_revs( rev, dbrev, con_args, schema) if __get_rev_num( dbrev) >= __get_rev_num( rev): __info( "Current MADlib version already up to date.", True) return # 2) Run installation dbconn = dbapi2.connect( **con_args) try: __plpy_check( py_min_ver) __db_install( schema, dbrev) except: __error( "MADlib installation failed.", True) dbconn.close() ### # COMMAND: uninstall (drops the schema) ### if args.command[0] == 'uninstall': # 1) Check versions and confirm deletion # __print_revs( rev, dbrev, con_args, schema) if __get_rev_num( dbrev) == ['0']: __info( "Nothing to uninstall. No version found in schema %s." % schema.upper(), True) return __info( "***************************************************************************", True) __info( "* Schema %s and all database objects depending on it will be dropped!" % schema.upper(), True) __info( "* This is potentially very dangerous operation! ", True) __info( "***************************************************************************", True) __info( "Would you like to continue? [Y/N]", True) go = raw_input( '>>> ').upper() while go != 'Y' and go != 'N': go = raw_input( 'Yes or No >>> ').upper() # 2) Do the uninstall/drop if go == 'N': __info( 'No problem. Nothing dropped.', True) return elif go == 'Y': dbconn = dbapi2.connect( **con_args) __info( "> dropping schema %s" % schema.upper(), verbose) try: cur = dbconn.cursor() cur.execute( "SET client_min_messages=WARNING;") cur.execute( "DROP SCHEMA %s CASCADE;" % (schema)) dbconn.commit(); except: __error( "Cannot drop schema %s." % schema.upper(), True) dbconn.close() __info( 'Schema %s (and all dependent objects) has been dropped.' % schema.upper(), True) __info( 'MADlib is uninstalled.', True) else: return ### # COMMAND: install-check ### if args.command[0] == 'install-check': # 1) Compare OS and DB versions. Continue if OS = DB. if __get_rev_num( dbrev) != __get_rev_num( rev): __print_revs( rev, dbrev, con_args, schema) __info( "Versions do not match. Install-check stopped.", True) return # 2) Run test SQLs __info( "> Running test scripts for:", verbose) # Loop through all modules for moduleinfo in portspecs['modules']: # Get module name module = moduleinfo['name'] __info("> - %s" % module, verbose) # Make a temp dir for this module (if doesn't exist) cur_tmpdir = tmpdir + '/' + module + '/test' __make_log_dir( cur_tmpdir) # Find the module dir (platform specific or generic) if os.path.isdir( maddir + "/ports/" + portid + "/modules/" + module): maddir_mod = maddir + "/ports/" + portid + "/modules" else: maddir_mod = maddir + "/modules" # Loop through all test SQL files for this module sql_files = maddir_mod + '/' + module + '/test/*.sql_in' for sqlfile in glob.glob( sql_files): # Set file names tmpfile = cur_tmpdir + '/' + os.path.basename(sqlfile) + '.tmp' logfile = cur_tmpdir + '/' + os.path.basename(sqlfile) + '.log' # Run the SQL run_start = retval = __db_run_sql( schema, maddir_mod, module, sqlfile, tmpfile, logfile) # Runtime evaluation run_end = milliseconds = round( (run_end - run_start).seconds * 1000 + (run_end - run_start).microseconds / 1000) # Analyze the output # If DB cmd line returned error if retval == 3: __error( "Failed executing: %s" % tmpfile, False) __error( "For details check: %s" % logfile, False) result = 'FAIL' # If error log file exists elif os.path.getsize( logfile) > 0: result = 'PASS' # Otherwise else: result = 'ERROR' # Spit the line print "TEST CASE RESULT|Module: " + module + \ "|" + os.path.basename(sqlfile) + "|" + result + \ "|Time: %d milliseconds" % (milliseconds)