import congress # Congressional representatives have properties like: # - name # - party # - state # - loyalty_factor (% of votes with their party) # # See the file for more details. representatives = congress.read_from_file() ### Can you write code to display the correct answers? # 1. What type of object is held inside the 'representatives' variable? print(type(representatives)) # 2. How many representatives are there? print(len(representatives)) # 3. Display the name of the last representative. print(representatives[-1].name) # print(representatives) # 4. Which rep is most loyal to their party? loyalty = 0 most_loyal = representatives[0].name # for person in range(len(representatives)): # x = representatives[person]
import congress # Congressional representatives have properties like: # - name # - party # - state # - loyalty_factor (% of votes with their party) # # See the file for more details. representatives = congress.read_from_file() ### Can you write code to display the correct answers? # 1. What type of object is held inside the 'representatives' variable? print(type(representatives)) # 2. How many representatives are there? print(len(representatives)) # 3. Display the name of the last representative. print(representatives[-1].name) # 4. Which rep is most loyal to their party? loyalty = 0 most_loyal = representatives[0].name
from congress import ElectedOfficial from congress import read_from_file # Congressional representatives have: # - name # - party # - state # - laziness_factor (% of votes missed) representatives = read_from_file() # 1. Make sure that read_from_file() returns a list object. assert type(representatives) is list # 2. Ensure that there are 442 representives. assert 442 == len(representatives) # 3. Ensure that each item in the list is of type ElectedOfficial for rep in representatives: assert type(rep) is ElectedOfficial print("Congratulations, all assertions passed!")