class Connect4GetCurrentPlayerTest(unittest.TestCase): """Tests the Game's get_current_player method.""" def setUp(self): = Game()"Tiffany", "\u25cb")"Kyle", "\u25cf") def tearDown(self): del def test_player_one(self): """ Ensures the Game returns the first Player if turn is even :return: Returns None """ = 8 current_player = self.assertEqual(current_player, Player("Tiffany", "\u25cb")) def test_player_two(self): """ Ensures the Game returns the second Player if turn is odd :return: Returns None """ = 17 current_player = self.assertEqual(current_player, Player("Kyle", "\u25cf"))
class Connect4UpdatePlayerTest(unittest.TestCase): """Tests the Game's update_player method.""" def setUp(self): = Game()"Tiffany", "\u25cb")"Kyle", "\u25cf") def tearDown(self): del def test_update_player(self): """ Ensures that the game increments the turn when asked. :return: Returns None """ self.assertEqual(, 1, "Fails to increment Game.turn")
class Connect4UpdateBoardTest(unittest.TestCase): """Tests the Game.update_board method.""" def setUp(self): = Game()"Tiffany", "\u25cb")"Kyle", "\u25cf") def tearDown(self): del def test_with_token_one(self): """ Ensures that an initial token correctly places in a column. :return: Returns None """ board = [[" "] * 6, [" "] * 6, [" "] * 6, [" "] * 6, ["\u25cb"] + [" "] * 5, [" "] * 6, [" "] * 6] self.assertEqual(, board, "Fails to update first in column correctly") def test_with_token_two(self): """ Ensures that a second token correctly places in a column. :return: Returns None """ += 1 board = [[" "] * 6, [" "] * 6, [" "] * 6, [" "] * 6, ["\u25cb"] + ["\u25cf"] + [" "] * 4, [" "] * 6, [" "] * 6] self.assertEqual(, board, "Fails to update first in column correctly")
class Connect4: """The Controller for the Connect 4 game.""" def __init__(self): self.view = View() self.model = Game() def main(self): # Clear the console, and print the instructions. self.view.show_instructions() # Create the two players self.create_player('\u25cf') self.create_player('\u25cb') self.view.welcome_players(self.model.get_current_player().name) while not self.update_player(): move = -1 msg = "" while move < 0: self.view.print_board(self.model.get_board()) move = self.get_move(self.model.get_current_player().name, msg) if self.check_move(self.model.get_board(), move): row = self.model.update_board(move) self.model.get_board()[move][row] = ' ' self.view.animate_turn( move, row, self.model.get_current_player().token, self.model.get_board()) else: msg = "That move is not legal; the column is full." move = -1 is_won = self.winner_check(self.model.get_board(), self.model.get_current_player().token) if is_won: self.view.declare_awesome(self.model.get_current_player().name) break else: self.view.declare_sadness() def create_player(self, token): """ Create a player by prompting for their name, and then storing that in the model Game. :param token: color this player's pieces will be :return: Returns None """ name = self.view.get_player_name() self.model.add_player(name, token) def get_move(self, name, msg=""): """ Gets a move from the user to pass to the game. :return: the column of Player's choice (int) """ return self.view.get_player_move(name, msg) - 1 def check_move(self, board, column): """ Verifies that a chosen move is legal. :param board: current state of the game board :param column: which column the player wants :return: whether the move is legal (bool) """ # Check to make sure the column is not full. if board[column][5] == ' ': return True return False def winner_check(self, board, token): """ Looks to see if the player that just moved won. :param board: current state of the game board :return: whether the move is legal (bool) """ # Vertical # for each column, make it a string, look for substring of four in a row for col in board: if (token * 4) in ''.join(col): return True # Horizontal for i in range(6): if (token * 4) in ''.join(column[i] for column in board): return True # Diagonal Right for i, j in product(range(4), range(3)): if (token * 4) in ''.join(board[i + k][j + k] for k in range(4)): return True # Diagonal Left for i, j in product(range(4), range(3, 6)): if (token * 4) in ''.join(board[i + k][j - k] for k in range(4)): return True # No solution found, so return False return False def update_player(self): """ Asks the game to update the turn and whether the game has ended in a tie. :return: whether the game ended in a tie (bool) """ self.model.update_player() if self.model.turn == 42: return True return False