def __init__(self): super().__init__() # QT Config self.title = "UET-CAM" self.icon = QIcon(resource_path('data/icon/uet.png')) # Declare Main Variable = 0 self.number_tested = 0 self.number_success = 0 self.number_error1 = 0 self.number_error2 = 0 self.number_error3 = 0 self.count = 0 self.coord = 0 self.cap_detect = any self.cap_check = any self.get_cap_detect = False self.get_cap_check = False self.Controller = PLC() self.command = "" self.wait = True self.count_file = open(resource_path('data/demo/Test/count.txt'), 'r+') self.count_current_ok = int(self.count_file.readline()) self.count_current_ng = int(self.count_file.readline()) self.count_file.close() # Run QT self.initUI()
def __init__(self): super().__init__() # QT Config self.title = "UET-CAM" self.icon = QIcon(resource_path('data/icon/uet.png')) # Declare Main Variable = 0 self.number_tested = 0 self.number_success = 0 self.number_error1 = 0 self.number_error2 = 0 self.number_error3 = 0 self.count = 0 self.cap_detect = any self.cap_check = any self.get_cap_detect = False self.get_cap_check = False self.Controller = PLC() self.command = "" # Run QT self.initUI()
class App(QMainWindow): def __init__(self): super().__init__() # QT Config self.title = "UET-CAM" self.icon = QIcon(resource_path('data/icon/uet.png')) # Declare Main Variable = 0 self.number_tested = 0 self.number_success = 0 self.number_error1 = 0 self.number_error2 = 0 self.number_error3 = 0 self.count = 0 self.cap_detect = any self.cap_check = any self.get_cap_detect = False self.get_cap_check = False self.Controller = PLC() self.command = "" self.delay = True self.wait = False self.demo_count = 0 self.report_one_time = True self.error_one_time = True self.count_file = open(resource_path('data/demo/Test/count.txt'), 'r+') self.count_current_ok = int(self.count_file.readline()) self.count_current_ng = int(self.count_file.readline()) self.count_file.close() # Run QT self.initUI() def initUI(self): # Config Main Window self.setWindowTitle(self.title) self.setWindowIcon(self.icon) self.setWindowState(Qt.WindowFullScreen) self.setStyleSheet("background-color: rgb(171, 171, 171);") # Config Auto Fit Screen Scale Variables = QDesktopWidget().screenGeometry() self.width_rate = / 1920 self.height_rate = / 1080 self.font_rate = math.sqrt( * + * ) / math.sqrt(1920 * 1920 + 1080 * 1080) # Show UET LOGO self.uet_logo = QLabel(self) self.uet_pixmap = QPixmap(resource_path('data/icon/uet.png')).scaled( 111 * self.width_rate, 111 * self.width_rate, Qt.KeepAspectRatio) self.uet_logo.setPixmap(self.uet_pixmap) self.uet_logo.setGeometry(100 * self.width_rate, 10 * self.height_rate, 111 * self.width_rate, 111 * self.height_rate) # Show Title self.title_label = QLabel("HỆ THỐNG KIỂM TRA LINH KIỆN (CAM-UET-MEMS)", self) self.title_label.setGeometry(341 * self.width_rate, 17 * self.height_rate, 1300 * self.width_rate, 95 * self.height_rate) font_title = QFont('', int(35 * self.font_rate), QFont.Bold) self.title_label.setFont(font_title) self.title_label.setStyleSheet("color: rgb(255, 255, 255);") # Show Current Time self.time_label = QLabel(self) self.time_label.setAlignment(Qt.AlignCenter) self.time_label.setGeometry(1500 * self.width_rate, 20 * self.height_rate, 430 * self.width_rate, 95 * self.height_rate) font_timer = QFont('', int(40 * self.font_rate), QFont.Bold) self.time_label.setFont(font_timer) timer = QTimer(self) timer.timeout.connect(self.updateTimer) timer.start(1000) self.time_label.setStyleSheet("color: rgb(255, 255, 255);") # Show Detect Camera self.cam1_name = QLabel("DETECT CAMERA", self) self.cam1_name.setGeometry(55 * self.width_rate, 127 * self.height_rate, 728 * self.width_rate, 60 * self.height_rate) self.cam1_name.setAlignment(Qt.AlignCenter) self.cam1_name.setStyleSheet("background-color: rgb(50, 130, 184);" "color: rgb(255, 255, 255);" "font: bold 14pt;") self.cam1 = QLabel(self) self.cam1.setGeometry(55 * self.width_rate, 185 * self.height_rate, 728 * self.width_rate, 410 * self.height_rate) self.cam1.setStyleSheet("border-color: rgb(50, 130, 184);" "border-width: 5px;" "border-style: inset;") # Show Check Camera self.cam2_name = QLabel("CHECK CAMERA", self) self.cam2_name.setGeometry(55 * self.width_rate, 606 * self.height_rate, 728 * self.width_rate, 60 * self.height_rate) self.cam2_name.setAlignment(Qt.AlignCenter) self.cam2_name.setStyleSheet("background-color: rgb(50, 130, 184);" "color: rgb(255, 255, 255);" "font: bold 14pt;") self.cam2 = QLabel(self) self.cam2.setGeometry(55 * self.width_rate, 666 * self.height_rate, 728 * self.width_rate, 410 * self.height_rate) self.cam2.setStyleSheet("border-color: rgb(50, 130, 184);" "border-width: 5px;" "border-style: inset;") # Set Font self.font = QFont('', int(14 * self.font_rate), QFont.Bold) # Trays Information self.tray = [] for i in range(2): tray_name = QLabel("TRAY {}".format(i + 1), self) tray_name.setGeometry((980 + 400 * i - 5) * self.width_rate, 127 * self.height_rate, 372 * self.width_rate, 60 * self.height_rate) tray_name.setAlignment(Qt.AlignCenter) tray_name.setStyleSheet("background-color:rgb(50, 130, 184);" "color: rgb(255, 255, 255);" "font: bold 14pt;") table_margin = QLabel(self) table_margin.setGeometry( (980 + 400 * i - 5) * self.width_rate, 181 * self.height_rate, 372 * self.width_rate, 417 * self.height_rate) table_margin.setStyleSheet("border-color: rgb(50, 130, 184);" "border-width: 5px;" "border-style: inset;") table = QTableWidget(7, 3, self) table.setGeometry((980 + 400 * i) * self.width_rate, 186 * self.height_rate, int(362 * self.width_rate) + 1, int(408 * self.height_rate) + 0.5) table.horizontalHeader().hide() table.verticalHeader().hide() for j in range(3): table.setColumnWidth(j, 120 * self.width_rate) for j in range(7): table.setRowHeight(j, 58 * self.height_rate) table.setFont(self.font) table.setStyleSheet("color: rgb(255, 255, 255);") self.tray.append(table) for c in range(42): self.tray[int(math.floor(c / 21))].setItem( c % 7, int(math.floor(c / 7) - math.floor(c / 21) * 3), QTableWidgetItem()) self.tray[int(math.floor(c / 21))].item( c % 7, int(math.floor(c / 7) - math.floor(c / 21) * 3)).setBackground( QColor(192, 192, 192)) # Table Info Area self.s_name = QLabel("INFORMATION", self) self.s_name.setGeometry(830 * self.width_rate, 606 * self.height_rate, 734 * self.width_rate, 60 * self.height_rate) self.s_name.setAlignment(Qt.AlignCenter) self.s_name.setStyleSheet("background-color:rgb(50, 130, 184);" "color: rgb(255, 255, 255);" "font: bold 14pt;") self.statistic_table = QTableWidget(5, 3, self) self.statistic_table.setGeometry(830 * self.width_rate, 666 * self.height_rate, int(734 * self.width_rate) + 1, int(410 * self.height_rate) + 1) self.statistic_table.horizontalHeader().hide() self.statistic_table.verticalHeader().hide() self.statistic_table.setFont(self.font) self.statistic_table.setStyleSheet("color: rgb(255, 255, 255);" "text-align: center;" "border-width: 5px;" "border-style: inset;" "border-color: rgb(50, 130, 184);") for j in range(3): self.statistic_table.setColumnWidth(j, 241 * self.width_rate) for j in range(5): self.statistic_table.setRowHeight(j, 80 * self.height_rate) tested_item = QTableWidgetItem("TESTED") tested_item.setTextAlignment(Qt.AlignCenter) tested_item.setFont(self.font) self.statistic_table.setItem(0, 0, tested_item) success_item = QTableWidgetItem("SUCCESS") success_item.setTextAlignment(Qt.AlignCenter) success_item.setFont(self.font) self.statistic_table.setItem(1, 0, success_item) error1_item = QTableWidgetItem("NEED RETEST") error1_item.setTextAlignment(Qt.AlignCenter) error1_item.setFont(self.font) self.statistic_table.setItem(2, 0, error1_item) error2_item = QTableWidgetItem("CONNECTION ERROR") error2_item.setTextAlignment(Qt.AlignCenter) error2_item.setFont(self.font) self.statistic_table.setItem(3, 0, error2_item) error3_item = QTableWidgetItem("FAILURE") error3_item.setTextAlignment(Qt.AlignCenter) error3_item.setFont(self.font) self.statistic_table.setItem(4, 0, error3_item) # Note Table self.s_name = QLabel("REPORT", self) self.s_name.setGeometry(1590 * self.width_rate, 606 * self.height_rate, 300 * self.width_rate, 60 * self.height_rate) self.s_name.setAlignment(Qt.AlignCenter) self.s_name.setStyleSheet("background-color:rgb(50, 130, 184);" "color: rgb(255, 255, 255);" "font: bold 14pt;") self.textBox = QPlainTextEdit(self) self.textBox.setGeometry(1590 * self.width_rate, 666 * self.height_rate, 300 * self.width_rate, 410 * self.height_rate) self.textBox.setFont(QFont('', int(14 / self.font_rate), QFont.Bold)) # Exit Button self.exit_button = QPushButton(self) self.exit_pixmap = QPixmap( resource_path('data/icon/close.jpg')).scaled( 100 * self.width_rate, 100 * self.width_rate, Qt.KeepAspectRatio) self.exit_icon = QIcon(self.exit_pixmap) self.exit_button.setIcon(self.exit_icon) self.exit_button.setIconSize(QSize(50, 50)) self.exit_button.setGeometry(1878 * self.width_rate, -8 * self.height_rate, 50 * self.width_rate, 50 * self.height_rate) self.exit_button.setHidden(0) self.exit_button.setStyleSheet("border: none") self.exit_button.clicked.connect(self.close) # Create Thread # self.camera_thread = Camera() # self.camera_thread.setup.connect(self.setup_camera) self.main_thread = Thread() self.main_thread.progress.connect(self.main_process) self.plc_g_thread = Query() self.plc_g_thread.progress.connect(self.get_command) self.plc_s_thread = Send() self.plc_s_thread.progress.connect(self.send_command) # Run Thread self.setup_camera() # self.camera_thread.start() self.main_thread.start() self.plc_g_thread.start() self.plc_s_thread.start() # Hàm stream CAMERA DETECT lên giao diện def update_detect_image(self, img): rgbImage = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) h, w, ch = rgbImage.shape bytesPerLine = ch * w convertToQtFormat = QImage(, w, h, bytesPerLine, QImage.Format_RGB888) self.cam1.setPixmap(QPixmap.fromImage(convertToQtFormat)) # Hàm stream CAMERA CHECK lên giao diện def update_check_image(self, img): rgbImage = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) h, w, ch = rgbImage.shape bytesPerLine = ch * w convertToQtFormat = QImage(, w, h, bytesPerLine, QImage.Format_RGB888) self.cam2.setPixmap(QPixmap.fromImage(convertToQtFormat)) def update_statistic(self, data): self.number_tested += 1 # Reset giá trị đếm khi kiểm tra hết linh kiện if self.count == 42: self.count = 0 # Bỏ qua khi không có linh kiện trong mảng dữ liệu while[self.count] != 1: self.count += 1 # Cập nhật số liệu Kiểm tra tested = QTableWidgetItem("{}".format(self.number_tested) + " / {}".format( tested.setTextAlignment(Qt.AlignCenter) self.statistic_table.setItem(0, 1, tested) ratio_tested = QTableWidgetItem("{} %".format( int(self.number_tested / * 100))) ratio_tested.setTextAlignment(Qt.AlignCenter) self.statistic_table.setItem(0, 2, ratio_tested) # Lấy số liệu linh kiện tray_idx = self.count // 21 row = 6 - self.count % 21 % 7 col = self.count % 21 // 7 # Thông báo đẩy if data == "1": self.number_success += 1 self.tray[tray_idx].item(row, col).setBackground(QColor(67, 138, 94)) self.textBox.appendPlainText("Linh Kiện Tray {}".format(tray_idx + 1) + " Hàng {}".format(row + 1) + " Cột {}".format(col + 1) + " Hoạt Động Tốt!\n") elif data == "0": self.number_error3 += 1 self.tray[tray_idx].item(row, col).setBackground(QColor(232, 80, 91)) self.textBox.appendPlainText("Linh Kiện Tray {}".format(tray_idx + 1) + " Hàng {}".format(row + 1) + " Cột {}".format(col + 1) + " Bị Hỏng!\n") elif data == "-1": self.number_error1 += 1 self.tray[tray_idx].item(row, col).setBackground(QColor(255, 255, 51)) self.textBox.appendPlainText( "Linh Kiện Tray {}".format(tray_idx + 1) + " Hàng {}".format(row + 1) + " Cột {}".format(col + 1) + " Gặp Lỗi Vị Trí Trên Jig. Đề Nghị Kiểm Tra!\n") elif data == "404": self.number_error2 += 1 self.tray[tray_idx].item(row, col).setBackground(QColor(255, 128, 0)) self.textBox.appendPlainText( "Linh Kiện Tray {}".format(tray_idx + 1) + " Hàng {}".format(row + 1) + " Cột {}".format(col + 1) + " Gặp Lỗi Kết Nối Với Bộ Test. Đề Nghị Kiểm Tra!\n") # Cập nhật số liệu success = QTableWidgetItem("{}".format(self.number_success) + " / {}".format(self.number_tested)) success.setTextAlignment(Qt.AlignCenter) self.statistic_table.setItem(1, 1, success) ratio_success = QTableWidgetItem("{} %".format( int(self.number_success / self.number_tested * 100))) ratio_success.setTextAlignment(Qt.AlignCenter) self.statistic_table.setItem(1, 2, ratio_success) error1 = QTableWidgetItem("{}".format(self.number_error1) + " / {}".format(self.number_tested)) error1.setTextAlignment(Qt.AlignCenter) self.statistic_table.setItem(2, 1, error1) ratio_error1 = QTableWidgetItem("{} %".format( int(self.number_error1 / self.number_tested * 100))) ratio_error1.setTextAlignment(Qt.AlignCenter) self.statistic_table.setItem(2, 2, ratio_error1) error2 = QTableWidgetItem("{}".format(self.number_error2) + " / {}".format(self.number_tested)) error2.setTextAlignment(Qt.AlignCenter) self.statistic_table.setItem(3, 1, error2) ratio_error2 = QTableWidgetItem("{} %".format( int(self.number_error2 / self.number_tested * 100))) ratio_error2.setTextAlignment(Qt.AlignCenter) self.statistic_table.setItem(3, 2, ratio_error2) error3 = QTableWidgetItem("{}".format(self.number_error3) + " / {}".format(self.number_tested)) error3.setTextAlignment(Qt.AlignCenter) self.statistic_table.setItem(4, 1, error3) ratio_error3 = QTableWidgetItem("{} %".format( int(self.number_error3 / self.number_tested * 100))) ratio_error3.setTextAlignment(Qt.AlignCenter) self.statistic_table.setItem(4, 2, ratio_error3) # Linh kiện kiểm tra xong sẽ xóa khỏi mảng dữ liệu[self.count] = 0 self.count += 1 # Chờ lệnh self.delay = False # Hàm Khởi tạo giá trị cho Bảng số liệu def init_statistic(self): tested = QTableWidgetItem("{}".format(0) + " / {}".format( tested.setTextAlignment(Qt.AlignCenter) self.statistic_table.setItem(0, 1, tested) ratio_tested = QTableWidgetItem("{} %".format(0)) ratio_tested.setTextAlignment(Qt.AlignCenter) self.statistic_table.setItem(0, 2, ratio_tested) success = QTableWidgetItem("{}".format(0) + " / {}".format(0)) success.setTextAlignment(Qt.AlignCenter) self.statistic_table.setItem(1, 1, success) ratio_success = QTableWidgetItem("{} %".format(0)) ratio_success.setTextAlignment(Qt.AlignCenter) self.statistic_table.setItem(1, 2, ratio_success) error1 = QTableWidgetItem("{}".format(0) + " / {}".format(0)) error1.setTextAlignment(Qt.AlignCenter) self.statistic_table.setItem(2, 1, error1) ratio_error1 = QTableWidgetItem("{} %".format(0)) ratio_error1.setTextAlignment(Qt.AlignCenter) self.statistic_table.setItem(2, 2, ratio_error1) error2 = QTableWidgetItem("{}".format(0) + " / {}".format(0)) error2.setTextAlignment(Qt.AlignCenter) self.statistic_table.setItem(3, 1, error2) ratio_error2 = QTableWidgetItem("{} %".format(0)) ratio_error2.setTextAlignment(Qt.AlignCenter) self.statistic_table.setItem(3, 2, ratio_error2) error3 = QTableWidgetItem("{}".format(0) + " / {}".format(0)) error3.setTextAlignment(Qt.AlignCenter) self.statistic_table.setItem(4, 1, error3) ratio_error3 = QTableWidgetItem("{} %".format(0)) ratio_error3.setTextAlignment(Qt.AlignCenter) self.statistic_table.setItem(4, 2, ratio_error3) # Chờ lệnh self.delay = False def update_data(self, data): # Update Data to Table for c in range(42): self.tray[int(math.floor(c / 21))].setItem( c % 7, int(math.floor(c / 7) - math.floor(c / 21) * 3), QTableWidgetItem()) if bool(data[c]): self.tray[int(math.floor(c / 21))].item( c % 7, int(math.floor(c / 7) - math.floor(c / 21) * 3)).setBackground( QColor(102, 102, 255)) += 1 # Send Data to PLC = data self.Controller.sendData() def updateTimer(self): cr_time = QTime.currentTime() time = cr_time.toString('hh:mm AP') self.time_label.setText(time) def main_process(self): if self.command == "Idle": # Kiểm tra xem đã nhận Camera Check chưa if self.get_cap_detect == True: # Reset Main Variables = 0 self.number_tested = 0 self.number_success = 0 self.number_error1 = 0 self.number_error2 = 0 self.number_error3 = 0 self.count = 0 # Hiện Video khi chờ # ret, image = image = cv2.imread( resource_path('data/demo/Detect/origin.jpg')) image = cv2.resize( image, (int(717 * self.width_rate), int(450 * self.height_rate)), interpolation=cv2.INTER_AREA) # Resize cho Giao diện self.update_detect_image(image) elif self.command == "Detect": # Kiểm tra xem đã nhận Camera Check chưa if self.get_cap_detect == True: # Lấy dữ liệu từ camera # ret, image = image = cv2.imread( resource_path('data/demo/Detect/origin.jpg')) resize_img = cv2.resize( image, (int(717 * self.width_rate), int(450 * self.height_rate)), interpolation=cv2.INTER_AREA) # Resize cho Giao diện detect = Detect() # Xử lý Ảnh detect.image = cv2.resize(image, (1920, 1080), interpolation=cv2.INTER_AREA) detect.thresh() # Detect YES/NO result = detect.check(detect.crop_tray_1) result = np.append(result, detect.check(detect.crop_tray_2)) self.update_detect_image(resize_img) # Đưa ảnh lên giao diện # Gửi kết quả Detect YES/NO cho PLC và Table self.update_data(result) self.init_statistic() self.command = "Wait" elif self.command == "Check": # Kiểm tra xem đã nhận Camera Check chưa if self.get_cap_check == True: # Demo có CAMERA CHECK # ret, image = # Lấy dữ liệu từ camera # resize_img = cv2.resize(image, (int(717 * self.width_rate), int(450 * self.height_rate)), interpolation = cv2.INTER_AREA) # Resize cho Giao diện # Demo ảnh có sẵn rand_list = os.listdir(resource_path('data/demo/Test/data')) folder = random.choice(rand_list) image = cv2.imread( resource_path('data/demo/Test/data/' + folder + '/image.jpg')) resize_img = cv2.resize( image, (int(717 * self.width_rate), int(450 * self.height_rate)), interpolation=cv2.INTER_AREA) # Resize cho Giao diện self.update_check_image(resize_img) # Đưa video lên giao diện # Khai báo kiểm tra Jig CheckOnOK = CheckOn() CheckOnOK.image = image # Nếu không có linh kiện trên Jig if CheckOnOK.check(CheckOnOK.crop_image()) == 0: self.Controller.command = "SOS" self.Controller.sendCommand() self.wait = False self.command = "Wait" # Nếu có linh kiện trên Jig else: # Kiểm tra lệch crop_list = checkAlign.crop_image(image) mean = checkAlign.calc_mean_all(crop_list) check = checkAlign.check(mean) # Kết quả trả về linh kiện không lệch if check: # Auto lưu dữ liệu kiểm thử # self.count_file = open(resource_path('data/demo/Test/count.txt'), 'w') # os.mkdir(resource_path('data/demo/Test/data/OK-{}'.format(self.count_current_ok))) # cv2.imwrite('data/demo/Test/data/OK-{}/image.jpg'.format(self.count_current_ok), image) # f = open(resource_path('data/demo/Test/data/OK-{}/mean.txt'.format(self.count_current_ok)), 'x') # for i in range(4): # cv2.imwrite('data/demo/Test/data/OK-{}/'.format(self.count_current_ok) + 'crop_{}.jpg'.format(i+1), crop_list[i]) # f.write(str(int(mean[i])) + " ") # self.count_current_ok += 1 # self.count_file.write(str(self.count_current_ok) + "\n" + str(self.count_current_ng)) # self.count_file.close() # Đổi State -> Gửi State mới cho PLC self.Controller.command = "Grip-1" self.Controller.sendCommand() # Kết quả trả về linh kiện lệch else: # Auto lưu dữ liệu kiểm thử # self.count_file = open(resource_path('data/demo/Test/count.txt'), 'w') # os.mkdir(resource_path('data/demo/Test/data/NG-{}'.format(self.count_current_ng))) # cv2.imwrite('data/demo/Test/data/NG-{}/image.jpg'.format(self.count_current_ng), image) # f = open(resource_path('data/demo/Test/data/NG-{}/mean.txt'.format(self.count_current_ng)), 'x') # for i in range(4): # cv2.imwrite('data/demo/Test/data/NG-{}/'.format(self.count_current_ng) + 'crop_{}.jpg'.format(i+1), crop_list[i]) # f.write(str(int(mean[i])) + " ") # self.count_current_ng += 1 # self.count_file.write(str(self.count_current_ok) + "\n" + str(self.count_current_ng)) # self.count_file.close() # Đổi State -> Gửi State mới cho PLC self.Controller.command = "Grip-0" self.Controller.sendCommand() self.wait = False self.command = "Wait" # Nhận kết quả từ PLC -> Cập nhật bảng số liệu -> Gửi lệnh cho PLC tiếp tục gắp linh kiện mới -> Chờ tay gắp elif self.command == "1": self.wait = True self.update_statistic(self.command) self.command = "Wait" elif self.command == "0": self.wait = True self.update_statistic(self.command) self.command = "Wait" elif self.command == "-1": self.wait = True self.update_statistic(self.command) self.command = "Wait" elif self.command == "404": self.wait = True self.update_statistic(self.command) self.command = "Wait" # Kết thúc -> Xuất ra thông báo elif self.Controller.command == "Finish": if self.report_one_time: self.report_one_time = False QMessageBox.about( self, "Kiểm Tra Hoàn Tất", "Đã Kiểm Tra " + str( + " linh kiện!\n" + "Còn " + str(self.number_error1) + " linh kiện cần kiểm tra lại!") self.command = "Stop" self.delay = True self.wait = True # Dừng khẩn cấp elif self.command == "Interrupt": if self.error_one_time: self.error_one_time = False QMessageBox.about(self, "Dừng Khẩn Cấp", "Không thấy linh kiện trên Jig!") self.command = "Stop" # Init Camera def setup_camera(self): # Khai báo USB Camera Detect Config # self.cap_detect = cv2.VideoCapture(0) # Khai báo USB Camera Detect Config # self.cap_detect.set(3, 1920) # self.cap_detect.set(4, 1080) self.get_cap_detect = True # Khai báo USB Camera Check Config # self.cap_check = cv2.VideoCapture(1) # self.cap_check.set(3, 1280) # self.cap_check.set(4, 720) self.get_cap_check = True # Loop Get Command from PLC def get_command(self): print(self.command + " - " + self.Controller.queryCommand()) if self.Controller.queryCommand( ) != "Finish" and self.Controller.queryCommand( ) != "Reset" and self.wait == False: self.command = self.Controller.queryCommand() if self.command != "Idle" and self.command != "Grip" and self.command != "Grip-1" and self.command != "Grip-0": self.wait = True elif self.Controller.queryCommand() == "Finish": self.Controller.command = self.Controller.queryCommand() elif self.Controller.queryCommand() == "Reset": self.cam1.clear() self.cam2.clear() for c in range(42): self.tray[int(math.floor(c / 21))].setItem( c % 7, int(math.floor(c / 7) - math.floor(c / 21) * 3), QTableWidgetItem()) self.tray[int(math.floor(c / 21))].item( c % 7, int(math.floor(c / 7) - math.floor(c / 21) * 3)).setBackground( QColor(192, 192, 192)) self.statistic_table.clear() tested_item = QTableWidgetItem("TESTED") tested_item.setTextAlignment(Qt.AlignCenter) tested_item.setFont(self.font) self.statistic_table.setItem(0, 0, tested_item) success_item = QTableWidgetItem("SUCCESS") success_item.setTextAlignment(Qt.AlignCenter) success_item.setFont(self.font) self.statistic_table.setItem(1, 0, success_item) error1_item = QTableWidgetItem("NEED RETEST") error1_item.setTextAlignment(Qt.AlignCenter) error1_item.setFont(self.font) self.statistic_table.setItem(2, 0, error1_item) error2_item = QTableWidgetItem("CONNECTION ERROR") error2_item.setTextAlignment(Qt.AlignCenter) error2_item.setFont(self.font) self.statistic_table.setItem(3, 0, error2_item) error3_item = QTableWidgetItem("FAILURE") error3_item.setTextAlignment(Qt.AlignCenter) error3_item.setFont(self.font) self.statistic_table.setItem(4, 0, error3_item) self.textBox.clear() self.report_one_time = True self.error_one_time = True self.count = 0 self.Controller.command = "Idle" self.Controller.sendCommand() self.wait = False self.delay = True # Loop Send Command to PLC def send_command(self): if self.delay == False: self.Controller.command = "Grip" self.Controller.sendCommand() # if self.count > 0: self.Controller.sendCount(self.count + 1) self.wait = False self.delay = True