def markAttendance(prn,
         "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")):
    connection = establishConnection()
    cursor = connection.cursor()
        """SELECT course_code FROM course WHERE course_name = '%s'""" %
    r = cursor.fetchone()
    if not r:
            f'Error: Course {course_name} does not exist in the database... Check spelling'
        return 'Failed: Unsuccessful in marking attendnace of student...'
        course_code = r[0]

    cursor.execute("""INSERT INTO attends VALUES(%s, '%s', '%s', %s) ; """ %
                   (prn, date_time, classroom, course_code))

    return f"Attendance of student with PRN {prn} for course {course_name} dated on {date_time} in venue {classroom} is succesfully recorded!"
def recordLectureConductedByFaculty(lecture, faculty_name, course_name):
    connection = establishConnection()
    cursor = connection.cursor()
        """ SELECT emp_id FROM faculty WHERE faculty_name = '%s' """ %
    r = cursor.fetchone()
    if not r:
        return 'Error: Faculty name {faculty_name} not found in the database'
        emp_id = r[0]

        """SELECT course_code FROM course WHERE course_name = '%s' """ %
    r = cursor.fetchone()
    if not r:
        return 'Error: Course name {course_name} not found in the database'
        course_code = r[0]

    cursor.execute("""INSERT INTO conducts VALUES('%s', '%s', %s, %s)""" %
                   (lecture[1], lecture[0], emp_id, course_code))
    return f"Lecture conducted by faculty {faculty_name} dated {lecture[1]} in classroom {lecture[0]} is recorded in the database."
예제 #3
def conexao():
    import connection

    connection = connection.conexao()
    cursor = connection.cursor()
    cursor.execute("SELECT * from cnpj order by id_cnpj desc")
    id_result = cursor.fetchone()
    id_cnpj_in = id_result[0]
    id_cnpj = id_cnpj_in + 1
    return id_cnpj
def recordLecture(classroom,
        "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")):
    connection = establishConnection()
    cursor = connection.cursor()
    cursor.execute("INSERT INTO lecture VALUES('%s', '%s')" %
                   (date_time, classroom))
    lecture = (classroom, date_time)
    return lecture
예제 #5
def get_booking_history():
    connection = psycopg2.connect(

    b_history = connection.cursor()
    new_dict = {}
    emailid = request.args['user']
    userdet_query = "select ud.firstname, ud.lastname from userdetails ud where ud.emailid='{}'".format(
    if emailid != '':
        user_det = b_history.fetchall()
        for res in user_det:
            firstname = res[0]
            lastname = res[1]
        book_history_query = "select  tk.ticketid, ct.sourcecityname, d.destname, d.destprov, s.journeydate, s.starttime, tk.seatsbooked, tk.payment, ud.firstname, ud.lastname from tickets tk, schedule s, cities ct, destination d, userdetails ud where tk.emailid=ud.emailid and tk.scheduleid=s.scheduleid and tk.destid=d.destid and s.sourcecityid=ct.sourcecityid and tk.emailid='{}' order by s.journeydate desc".format(
        book_history_res = b_history.fetchall()
        all_book_history = []
        for res in book_history_res:
            bk_hist_list = []
        new_dict['emailid'] = emailid
        new_dict['firstname'] = firstname
        new_dict['lastname'] = lastname
        new_dict['all_book_history'] = all_book_history
        return new_dict
        return new_dict
예제 #6
def connect(db_host, db_name, db_user, db_pwd):
    for x in range(5):
        print("Attempting to connect...")
            connection = mysql.connector.connect(host=db_host,
            if connection.is_connected():
                db_Info = connection.get_server_info()
                print("Connected to MySQL Server version ", db_Info)
                cursor = connection.cursor()
                cursor.execute("select database();")
                record = cursor.fetchone()
                print("Your connected to database: ", record)
                return connection
        except Error as e:
            print("Error while connecting to MySQL", e)

예제 #7
def confirm_signup():
    user = ''
    if session.get('email'):
        user = session['email']
    print("into signup")
    otp = request.form['otp']
    device = 'web'
    if 'device' in request.args:
        device = request.args['device']
    data = {'email': user, 'otp': otp}
    response ="", json=data)
    if device != 'mobile':
        if response.json() == 'SUCCESS':
            connection = psycopg2.connect(
            schd = connection.cursor()
            name = session['user_temp_name']
            phone = session['phonenumber_temp']
                "INSERT INTO userdetails (username,firstname,lastname,sex,emailid, phone, active_status,usertype) VALUES(%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s);",
                    name, name, name, 'm/f', session['email'], phone, True,
            session['token_id'] = user
            session['email'] = ''
            return render_template('home.html', user=user)
            session['email'] = ''
            return render_template('home.html', user=user)
        if response.json() == 'SUCCESS':
            return True
            return False
예제 #8
            NUM_SEQ_UNICO = int(row['NUM_SEQ_UNICO'])
            DSC_IMG_URL = row['DSC_IMG_URL']
            NUM_CPF = row['NUM_CPF']
            if NUM_CPF == None or NUM_CPF == '':
                NUM_CPF = None
                NUM_CPF = int(row['NUM_CPF'])
            print('Erro de tipo de dados')

        NUM_CODIGO = str(NUM_CODIGO)
        cursor = connection.cursor()  # cria um cursor
        cursor.execute("SELECT NUM_CODIGO from gtin_sefaz where NUM_CODIGO =" +
                       NUM_CODIGO)  # consulta sql
        result = cursor.fetchone()  # busca o resultado da consulta
        NUM_CODIGO = int(NUM_CODIGO)

            if result == None:

                cursor = connection.cursor()
                    "SELECT seq_id from gtin_sefaz order by seq_id desc")
                id_result = cursor.fetchone()
                seq_id_in = id_result[0]
                SEQ_ID = seq_id_in + 1
예제 #9
def book_ticket():
    connection = psycopg2.connect(
    schd = connection.cursor()
    cardNumber = request.form['cardNumber']
    expiryMonth = request.form['expiryMonth']
    expiryYear = request.form['expiryYear']
    cvCode = request.form['cvCode']
    number_of_travellers = request.form['passengers']
    scheduleid = request.form['scheduleid']
    username = request.form['user']
    bus_dict = {}
    active_status = True
    if username != '':
        if cardNumber == '1111111111111111' and expiryYear > '19' and expiryMonth > '03':
            print("into if")
                "SELECT s.sourcecityid, s.destid, s.journeydate, s.starttime, s.busid, s.scheduleid,s.price FROM schedule s WHERE scheduleid = %s",
            results = schd.fetchall()
            for res in results:
                bus_dict = {}
                source_city_id = res[0]
                destination_id = res[1]
                journeydate = res[2]
                starttime = res[3]
                busid = res[4]
                price = res[6]
                bus_dict['source_city_id'] = source_city_id
                bus_dict['destination_id'] = destination_id
                bus_dict['journeydate'] = journeydate
                bus_dict['starttime'] = starttime
                bus_dict['busid'] = busid
                bus_dict['scheduleid'] = res[5]
                bus_dict['price'] = int(res[6]) * int(number_of_travellers)
                bus_dict['username'] = username
                bus_dict['passengers'] = number_of_travellers
                print("Source City: " + source_city_id)
                print("Destination Name: " + destination_id)
                print("Bus start time: " + str(starttime))
                print("Bus id: " + str(busid))
                booking_time = int(time.time())
                    "INSERT INTO tickets (emailid,destid,seatsbooked,active_status,scheduleid,payment,booking_time) VALUES (%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s);",
                        username, destination_id,
                        int(number_of_travellers), active_status,
                        int(scheduleid), bus_dict['price'], booking_time
                    "UPDATE schedule SET seatsavailable = seatsavailable - %s WHERE scheduleid = %s",
                ticket_query = "select tk.ticketid, ud.firstname, ud.lastname, ud.emailid, ct.sourcecityname, d.destname, d.destprov, s.journeydate, s.starttime, tk.seatsbooked, tk.payment from userdetails ud, tickets tk, destination d, schedule s, cities ct where ud.emailid=tk.emailid and tk.destid=d.destid and tk.scheduleid=s.scheduleid and s.sourcecityid=ct.sourcecityid and tk.emailid='{}' order by booking_time desc Limit 1".format(

                ticket_results = schd.fetchall()

                for res in ticket_results:
                    pdf_ticketid = str(res[0])
                    pdf_name = str(res[1])
                    pdf_email = str(res[3])
                    pdf_source = str(res[4])
                    pdf_dest = str(res[5]) + ", " + str(res[6])
                    pdf_departure_date = str(res[7])
                    pdf_departure_time = str(res[8])
                    pdf_seatsbooked = str(res[9])
                    pdf_payment = "$" + str(res[10])

                pdfName = username.split(
                    '@')[0] + '_' + pdf_ticketid + '_ticket.pdf'
                pdfTitle = "Hi " + pdf_name + "! Here's your ticket."
                bookingReference = 'Ticket ID#: ' + pdf_ticketid
                name = 'Email: ' + pdf_email
                source = 'From: ' + pdf_source
                destination = 'To: ' + pdf_dest
                departureDay = 'Departure Day: ' + pdf_departure_date
                departureTime = 'Departure Time: ' + pdf_departure_time
                numberOfTravellers = 'Number Of Travellers: ' + pdf_seatsbooked
                amount_paid = 'Amount paid: ' + pdf_payment
                contactUs = 'Customer Support: [email protected]'

                pdf = canvas.Canvas(pdfName)

                pdf.setFont("Helvetica-Bold", 28)
                pdf.drawCentredString(280, 800, 'Travel Ticket')
                pdf.line(170, 790, 400, 790)

                pdf.setFont("Courier", 14)
                pdf.drawString(50, 740, pdfTitle)
                pdf.drawString(50, 720, bookingReference)
                pdf.drawString(50, 700, name)
                pdf.drawString(50, 680, source)
                pdf.drawString(50, 660, destination)
                pdf.drawString(50, 640, departureDay)
                pdf.drawString(50, 620, departureTime)
                pdf.drawString(50, 600, numberOfTravellers)
                pdf.drawString(50, 580, amount_paid)
                pdf.setFont("Courier-Bold", 12)
                pdf.drawString(50, 100, contactUs)

                pdf_name = pdfName
                msg = EmailMessage()
                from_ = "*****@*****.**"
                pwd = "canatour@123"
                msg['Subject'] = "Booking Successful - Canatour"
                msg['From'] = from_
                msg['To'] = username
                    'Please find attached your travel ticket. Hope you enjoy the journey.'

                with open(pdf_name, 'rb') as f:
                    file_data =
                    file_name =


                with smtplib.SMTP_SSL('') as smtp:
                    smtp.login(from_, pwd)

            return bus_dict
            print("into else")
            return bus_dict
        return "No user logged in"
예제 #10

connection = connection.conexao()

PATH = 'GS1BRcopia.xml'

tree = ET.parse(PATH)
root = tree.getroot()
id_segmento = 0
id_familia = 0
id_classe = 0
id_bloco = 0

for child in root.findall("segment"):
    cursor = connection.cursor()
    cursor.execute("SELECT * from gpc_segmento order by id_segmento desc")
    id_result = cursor.fetchone()
    id_segmento_in = id_result[0]
    id_segmento = id_segmento_in + 1
    gpc_segmento_id_segmento = id_segmento
    '''Mostra todos os segmentos'''
    if 'code' in child.keys():
        segmento = []
        s = child.items()
        cod_segmento = segmento[0][0][1]
        desc_segmento = segmento[0][1][1]
        print('segmento: ',cod_segmento,desc_segmento)

        '''INSERE SEGMENTO - tabela gpc_segmento'''
import os
import sys
import site
import timelib
import settings

# Set this to the path to your python library

import connection, transaction
cursor = connection.cursor()

def convert_chars(text):

	conv_table = [
		["\xc3\x84\xc3\xba", "“"],
		["\xc3\x84\xc3\xb9", "”"],
		["\xc3\x84\xc3\xae", "—"],
		["\xe2\x80\x9a\xc3\x84\xc3\xb4", "’"],
		["\xe2\x88\x9a\xc2\xba", "ü"],
		["\xe2\x80\x9a\xc3\x84\xc2\xa2", "•"],
		["\xe2\x80\x9a\xc3\x84\xc2\xb6", "…"],
예제 #12
def neuralcalculations(connection, ticker, date):
    date_parts = date.split("-")  # Explode Date
    year = date_parts[0]  # Grab The Date
    month = date_parts[1]  # Grab The Date
    day = date_parts[2]  # Grab The Date
    Today ='%Y-%m-%d')  # Grab Todays Date
    Entry = random.randint(2000000000, 60000000000)
    DayOfWeek = day  # Day of Week
    TickerSymbol = ticker  #Ticker Symbol

    day_name = datetime.strptime(
        (date), '%Y-%m-%d').strftime('%A')  # Grab Name of Requested Date
    trading_day = 0
    if (day_name == "Monday"):
        trading_day = 0.2
    elif (day_name == "Tuesday"):
        trading_day = 0.4
    elif (day_name == "Wednesday"):
        trading_day = 0.6
    elif (day_name == "Thursday"):
        trading_day = 0.8
    elif (day_name == "Friday"):
        trading_day = 1
        print("Fatal Error: Invalid Date Input Received"
              )  # Kill Program, Request Not Allowed
        sys.exit("Fatal Error")

    if ((month == "3") or (month == "4") or (month == "5")):
        trading_season = 0.25
    elif ((month == "6") or (month == "7") or (month == "8")):
        trading_season = 0.50
    elif ((month == "9") or (month == "10") or (month == "11")):
        trading_season = 0.75
    elif ((month == "12") or (month == "1") or (month == "2")):
        trading_season = 1.0
        print("Fatal Error: Could Not Calculate " + day_name +
              " Accurately")  # Kill Program, Something Went Very Wrong
        sys.exit("Fatal Error")

# Calculate Moving Average 200 Trading Days * From Date *
# ***************************************************************************
    with connection.cursor() as cursor:
        sql = "SELECT * FROM `StockPrices` WHERE `Ticker`=%s ORDER BY Date DESC"
        cursor.execute(sql, (ticker))
        MovingAvgBig = cursor.fetchall()

    days_list = rangedatelist(
        date, 286)  # Get List of Backdates In This Range (Including Weekends)

    MAB_Total = 0.0
    MAB_Averg = 0.0
    MAB_Count = 0

    for day in MovingAvgBig:
        MAB_Closing = day['Closing_Price']
        MAB_Date = day['Date']
        MAB_Date = datetime.strptime(MAB_Date,
                                     '%Y-%m-%d')  # Convert to Datetime

        if ((MAB_Date in days_list) and (MAB_Count < 200)):
            MAB_Count = MAB_Count + 1
            MAB_Total = MAB_Total + float(MAB_Closing)

    print("Counter Check: ", MAB_Count)
    MAB_Averg = (MAB_Total / MAB_Count)
    MAB_Averg = round(MAB_Averg, 2)
    print("200 Day Moving Average: ", MAB_Averg)
    update.large_moving_avg(connection, MAB_Averg, ticker)

    # Calculate Moving Average 200 Trading Days * From Date *
    # ***************************************************************************

    # Calculate Moving Average 5 Trading Days * From Date *
    # ***************************************************************************
    with connection.cursor() as cursor:
        sql = "SELECT * FROM `StockPrices` WHERE `Ticker`=%s ORDER BY Date DESC"
        cursor.execute(sql, (ticker))
        MovingAvgLittle = cursor.fetchall()

    drop_today = datetime.strptime(date, '%Y-%m-%d')
    back_today = drop_today - timedelta(days=1)
    back_today = back_today.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
    days_list = rangedatelist(
        7)  # Get List of Backdates In This Range (Including Weekends)

    MAL_Total = 0.0
    MAL_Averg = 0.0
    MAL_Count = 0

    for day in MovingAvgLittle:
        MAL_Closing = day['Closing_Price']
        MAL_Date = day['Date']
        MAL_Date = datetime.strptime(MAL_Date,
                                     '%Y-%m-%d')  # Convert to Datetime

        if ((MAL_Date in days_list) and (MAL_Count < 5)):
            MAL_Count = MAL_Count + 1
            MAL_Total = MAL_Total + float(MAL_Closing)

    print("Counter Check: ", MAL_Count)
    MAL_Averg = (MAL_Total / MAL_Count)
    MAL_Averg = round(MAL_Averg, 2)
    print("5 Day Moving Average: ", MAL_Averg)
    update.small_moving_avg(connection, MAL_Averg, ticker)

    # Calculate Moving Average 5 Trading Days * From Date *
    # ***************************************************************************

    # Calculate Volume Average 90 Trading Days * From Date *
    # ***************************************************************************
    with connection.cursor() as cursor:
        sql = "SELECT * FROM `StockPrices` WHERE `Ticker`=%s ORDER BY Date DESC"
        cursor.execute(sql, (ticker))
        MovingAvgVolume = cursor.fetchall()

    days_list = rangedatelist(
        date, 130)  # Get List of Backdates In This Range (Including Weekends)

    MAV_Total = 0.0
    MAV_Averg = 0.0
    MAV_Count = 0

    for day in MovingAvgVolume:
        MAV_Volume = day['Volume']
        MAV_Date = day['Date']
        MAV_Date = datetime.strptime(MAV_Date,
                                     '%Y-%m-%d')  # Convert to Datetime

        if ((MAV_Date in days_list) and (MAV_Count < 90)):
            MAV_Count = MAV_Count + 1
            MAV_Total = MAV_Total + float(MAV_Volume)

    print("Counter Check: ", MAV_Count)
    MAV_Averg = (MAV_Total / MAV_Count)
    MAV_Averg = round(MAV_Averg)
    print("Average Volume 90 Days: ", MAV_Averg)
    update.avg_volume_long(connection, MAV_Averg, ticker)

    # Calculate Volume Average 90 Trading Days * From Date *
    # ***************************************************************************

    # Calculate # of Tweets From Today *******************************************
    DailyTweets_Count = 0
    with connection.cursor() as cursor:
        sql = "SELECT * FROM `StockTweets` WHERE `Ticker`=%s AND `Date`=%s"
        cursor.execute(sql, (ticker, date))
        today_tweets = cursor.fetchall()
        DailyTweets_Count = cursor.rowcount
        update.today_tweets(connection, DailyTweets_Count, ticker)

# Calculate # Of Tweets From Today *******************************************

# Calculate Sentiment For The Day
# ***************************************************************************
# --------------------------------------------
# Short Term Sentiment Scale
#    0   Extremelly Negative Sentiment <-40
#    0.1                                -40 - -30
#    0.2                                -30 - -20
#    0.3                                -20 - -10
#    0.4                                -10 - -0
#    0.5 Neutral                         0
#    0.6                                 0  - 10
#    0.7                                 10 - 20
#    0.8                                 20 - 30
#    0.9                                 30 - 40
#    1   Significant Positive Sentiment    >50
# --------------------------------------------
    with connection.cursor() as cursor:
        sql = "SELECT * FROM `StockTweets` WHERE `Ticker`=%s AND `Date`=%s"
        cursor.execute(sql, (ticker, date))
        DaySentiment = cursor.fetchall()

        Daily_Sentiment = 0
        Daily_Count = 0.001
        for tweet in DaySentiment:
            Temp_Likes = 0
            Temp_Likes = float(tweet["Total_Likes"])
            Temp_Sentiment = 0
            Temp_Sentiment = float(tweet["Tweet_Sentiment"])
            Daily_Count = Daily_Count + 1

            while (Temp_Likes != 0):
                if ((Temp_Sentiment <= 90)
                        and (Temp_Sentiment >= -90)):  # Prevent Overbounds
                    Temp_Sentiment = (Temp_Sentiment * 0.15) + Temp_Sentiment
                Temp_Likes = Temp_Likes - 1
            Daily_Sentiment = Daily_Sentiment + Temp_Sentiment

        SentimentNormalized = (Daily_Sentiment / Daily_Count
                               )  # Calculate One Day Sentiment
        SentimentNormalized = round(SentimentNormalized)

    if (SentimentNormalized < -40):
        SentimentNormalized = float(0.0)
    elif ((SentimentNormalized >= -40) and (SentimentNormalized < -30)):
        SentimentNormalized = float(0.1)
    elif ((SentimentNormalized >= -30) and (SentimentNormalized < -20)):
        SentimentNormalized = float(0.2)
    elif ((SentimentNormalized >= -20) and (SentimentNormalized < -10)):
        SentimentNormalized = float(0.3)
    elif ((SentimentNormalized >= -10) and (SentimentNormalized < 0)):
        SentimentNormalized = float(0.4)
    elif (SentimentNormalized == 0):
        SentimentNormalized = float(0.5)
    elif ((SentimentNormalized > 0) and (SentimentNormalized < 10)):
        SentimentNormalized = float(0.6)
    elif ((SentimentNormalized >= 10) and (SentimentNormalized < 20)):
        SentimentNormalized = float(0.7)
    elif ((SentimentNormalized >= 20) and (SentimentNormalized < 30)):
        SentimentNormalized = float(0.8)
    elif ((SentimentNormalized >= 30) and (SentimentNormalized <= 40)):
        SentimentNormalized = float(0.9)
    elif (SentimentNormalized > 40):
        SentimentNormalized = float(1.0)
        print("Fatal Error: Could Not Calculate Sentiment Accurately")
        sys.exit("Fatal Error")

    print("Sentiment For " + day_name + "", SentimentNormalized)
    # Calculate Sentiment For The Day *******************************************

    # Calculate Sentiment + Volume Average 30 Actual Days * From Date *
    # ***************************************************************************
    # --------------------------------------------
    # Calculate and Normalize 30 Day Sentiment Average
    # Long Term Sentiment Scale
    #    0   General Negative Sentiment     <95
    #    0.1                                96
    #    0.2                                97
    #    0.3                                98
    #    0.4                                99
    #    0.5 Average                        100
    #    0.6                                101
    #    0.7                                102
    #    0.8                                103
    #    0.9                                104
    #    1   General Positive Sentiment    >105
    # --------------------------------------------

    days_list = rangedatelist(
        date, 29)  # Get List of Backdates In This Range (Including Weekends)
    SAB_Total = 0.0
    SAB_Averg = 0.0
    SAB_Count = 0

    TVA_Count = 0  # Daily Tweet Volume  Count
    TVA_Days = 0.001  # Daily Tweet Volume Total Days
    TVA_Total = 0  # Tweet Volume Average Total

    for day in days_list:  # For Each Day In Range, Calculate Sentiment Analysis
        TVA_Days = TVA_Days + 1
        SAB_Count = SAB_Count + 1
        day = day.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
        with connection.cursor() as cursor:
            sql = "SELECT * FROM `StockTweets` WHERE `Ticker`=%s AND `Date`=%s"
            cursor.execute(sql, (ticker, day))
            one_day = cursor.fetchall()

        Daily_Sentiment = 0
        Daily_Count = 0.001
        for tweet in one_day:
            TVA_Count = TVA_Count + 1
            Temp_Likes = 0
            Temp_Likes = float(tweet["Total_Likes"])
            Temp_Sentiment = 0
            Temp_Sentiment = float(tweet["Tweet_Sentiment"])
            Daily_Count = Daily_Count + 1

            while (Temp_Likes != 0):
                if ((Temp_Sentiment <= 90)
                        and (Temp_Sentiment >= -90)):  # Prevent Overbounds
                    Temp_Sentiment = (Temp_Sentiment * 0.15) + Temp_Sentiment
                Temp_Likes = Temp_Likes - 1
            Daily_Sentiment = Daily_Sentiment + Temp_Sentiment
        if (Daily_Sentiment == 0):
            TVA_Days = TVA_Days - 1  # Fix Averages If No Tweets On That Day

        Tweet_Sentiment = (Daily_Sentiment / Daily_Count
                           )  # Calculate One Day Sentiment
        SAB_Total = SAB_Total + Tweet_Sentiment  # Add One Day Sentiment To SAB Total
    TVA_Total = (TVA_Count / TVA_Days)
    SAB_Averg = (SAB_Total / SAB_Count)
    SAB_Averg = round(SAB_Averg)
    SAB_Averg = SAB_Averg + 100
    print("30 Day Sentiment", SAB_Averg)
    update.avg_sentiment_short(connection, SAB_Averg, ticker)

    print("30 Day Avg Tweets", TVA_Total)
    update.avg_tweets_short(connection, TVA_Total, ticker)

    if (SAB_Averg <= 95):
        SentimentLongTerm = float(0.0)
    elif (SAB_Averg == 96):
        SentimentLongTerm = float(0.1)
    elif (SAB_Averg == 97):
        SentimentLongTerm = float(0.2)
    elif (SAB_Averg == 98):
        SentimentLongTerm = float(0.3)
    elif (SAB_Averg == 99):
        SentimentLongTerm = float(0.4)
    elif (SAB_Averg == 100):
        SentimentLongTerm = float(0.5)
    elif (SAB_Averg == 101):
        SentimentLongTerm = float(0.6)
    elif (SAB_Averg == 102):
        SentimentLongTerm = float(0.7)
    elif (SAB_Averg == 103):
        SentimentLongTerm = float(0.8)
    elif (SAB_Averg == 104):
        SentimentLongTerm = float(0.9)
    elif (SAB_Averg >= 105):
        SentimentLongTerm = float(1.0)
        print("Fatal Error: Could Not Calculate Sentiment Accurately")
        sys.exit("Fatal Error")
# Calculate Sentiment + Volume Average 30 Actual Days * From Date *
# ***************************************************************************

# Grab Pricing For Two Trading Days Requested and Following
# ***************************************************************************
    if ((day_name == "Saturday") or (day_name == "Sunday")):
        print("Error: You cannot request a neural programming for a weekend")
        safety_check = 0
        with connection.cursor() as cursor:
            sql = "SELECT * FROM `StockPrices` WHERE `Ticker`=%s AND `Date`=%s"
            cursor.execute(sql, (ticker, date))
            prices_on_date = cursor.fetchall()
            safety_check = cursor.rowcount

        if (safety_check == 0):
            print("Error: No Date Record Exists For The Date Requested")
            sys.exit("Fatal Error #202")  # Kill Program, Bad User Input
            for pricing in prices_on_date:
                ThisDay_Volume = pricing["Volume"]
                ThisDay_Closing = pricing["Closing_Price"]
                ThisDay_HighPr = pricing["High_Price"]
                ThisDay_LowPr = pricing["Low_Price"]

                print("Lookup Volume:       ", ThisDay_Volume)
                print("Lookup High:         ", ThisDay_HighPr)
                print("Lookup Low:          ", ThisDay_LowPr)
                print("Lookup Close:        ", ThisDay_Closing)

        start_date = datetime.strptime(date, '%Y-%m-%d')
        forwardgo = start_date - timedelta(days=-1)
        forward_date = forwardgo.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
        no_weekends = datetime.strptime(
            '%Y-%m-%d').strftime('%A')  # Grab Name of Requested Date

        if (no_weekends == "Saturday"):
            start_date = datetime.strptime(forward_date, '%Y-%m-%d')
            forwardgo = start_date - timedelta(days=-2)
            forward_date = forwardgo.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
            no_weekends = datetime.strptime(
                '%Y-%m-%d').strftime('%A')  # Grab Name of Requested Date
            if ((no_weekends == "Saturday") or (no_weekends == "Sunday")):
                print("Fatal Error: Could Not Calculate Date Accurately"
                      )  # Kill Program, Something Went Very Wrong
                sys.exit("Fatal Error #203")
        elif (no_weekends == "Sunday"):
            start_date = datetime.strptime(forward_date, '%Y-%m-%d')
            forwardgo = start_date - timedelta(days=-1)
            forward_date = forwardgo.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
            no_weekends = datetime.strptime(
                '%Y-%m-%d').strftime('%A')  # Grab Name of Requested Date
            if ((no_weekends == "Saturday") or (no_weekends == "Sunday")):
                print("Fatal Error: Could Not Calculate Date Accurately"
                      )  # Kill Program, Something Went Very Wrong
                sys.exit("Fatal Error #204")

        print("Next Day: ", no_weekends)
        print("Next Day: ", forward_date)

        with connection.cursor() as cursor:
            sql = "SELECT * FROM `StockPrices` WHERE `Ticker`=%s AND `Date`=%s"
            cursor.execute(sql, (ticker, forward_date))
            prices_on_forward_date = cursor.fetchall()
            safety_check = cursor.rowcount

        NextDay_Volume = 0.01
        NextDay_HighPr = 0.01
        NextDay_LowPr = 0.01
        NextDay_Closing = 0.01

        for pricing in prices_on_forward_date:
            NextDay_Volume = pricing["Volume"]
            NextDay_Closing = pricing["Closing_Price"]
            NextDay_HighPr = pricing["High_Price"]
            NextDay_LowPr = pricing["Low_Price"]

        if (NextDay_Closing == 0.01):
            # For some reason no price record exists for this date, due to Market Holiday Possibly, Push Forward Again
            start_date = datetime.strptime(forward_date, '%Y-%m-%d')
            forwardgo = start_date - timedelta(days=-1)
            forward_date = forwardgo.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
            no_weekends = datetime.strptime(
                '%Y-%m-%d').strftime('%A')  # Grab Name of Requested Date

            if (no_weekends == "Saturday"):
                start_date = datetime.strptime(forward_date, '%Y-%m-%d')
                forwardgo = start_date - timedelta(days=-2)
                forward_date = forwardgo.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
                no_weekends = datetime.strptime(
                    '%Y-%m-%d').strftime('%A')  # Grab Name of Requested Date
                if ((no_weekends == "Saturday") or (no_weekends == "Sunday")):
                    print("Fatal Error: Could Not Calculate Date Accurately"
                          )  # Kill Program, Something Went Very Wrong
                    sys.exit("Fatal Error #205")
            elif (no_weekends == "Sunday"):
                start_date = datetime.strptime(forward_date, '%Y-%m-%d')
                forwardgo = start_date - timedelta(days=-1)
                forward_date = forwardgo.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
                no_weekends = datetime.strptime(
                    '%Y-%m-%d').strftime('%A')  # Grab Name of Requested Date
                if ((no_weekends == "Saturday") or (no_weekends == "Sunday")):
                    print("Fatal Error: Could Not Calculate Date Accurately"
                          )  # Kill Program, Something Went Very Wrong
                    sys.exit("Fatal Error #206")

            print("New Forward Date Selected: ", forward_date)
            with connection.cursor() as cursor:
                sql = "SELECT * FROM `StockPrices` WHERE `Ticker`=%s AND `Date`=%s"
                cursor.execute(sql, (ticker, forward_date))
                prices_on_forward_date = cursor.fetchall()
                safety_check = cursor.rowcount

            for pricing in prices_on_forward_date:
                NextDay_Volume = pricing["Volume"]
                NextDay_Closing = pricing["Closing_Price"]
                NextDay_HighPr = pricing["High_Price"]
                NextDay_LowPr = pricing["Low_Price"]

            if (NextDay_Closing == 0.01):
                print("Fatal Error: Forward Date Price Data Not Available")
                sys.exit("Fatal Error #207")

        print("Next Day-----------------------", no_weekends)
        print("Lookup Volume:      ", NextDay_Volume)
        print("Lookup High:        ", NextDay_HighPr)
        print("Lookup Low:         ", NextDay_LowPr)
        print("Lookup Close:       ", NextDay_Closing)
# Grab Pricing For Two Trading Days Requested and Following
# ***************************************************************************

# ***************************************************************************
# --------------------------------------------
# Calculate and Normalize Volume Trading
# Trading Volume Scale
#    0   Unusually Low Volume       0,1
#    0.1                            2,3
#    0.2                            4,5
#    0.3                            6,7
#    0.4                            8,9
#    0.5 Average                    10
#    0.6                            11,12
#    0.7                            13,14
#    0.8                            15,16
#    0.9                            17,18
#    1   Unusually High Volume      19,20
# --------------------------------------------

    ThisDay_Volume = int(ThisDay_Volume)
    MAV_Averg = int(MAV_Averg)
    if (ThisDay_Volume > MAV_Averg):
        Sub_Process = (ThisDay_Volume / MAV_Averg)
        Sub_Process = 10 * Sub_Process
        VolumeNormalized = Sub_Process
        if (Sub_Process > 20):  # Maximum Volume Increase Is Double
            Sub_Process = 20
            VolumeNormalized = Sub_Process
        elif (Sub_Process < 10):  # This shouldn't ever happen
            Sub_Process = 10
            VolumeNormalized = Sub_Process
    elif (ThisDay_Volume < MAV_Averg):
        Sub_Process = (ThisDay_Volume / MAV_Averg)
        Sub_Process = 10 * Sub_Process
        VolumeNormalized = Sub_Process
        if (Sub_Process < 0):  # No Negatives Allowed
            Sub_Process = 0
            VolumeNormalized = Sub_Process
        elif (Sub_Process > 10):  # This shouldn't ever happen
            Sub_Process = 10
            VolumeNormalized = Sub_Process
        VolumeNormalized = 10
    VolumeNormalized = round(VolumeNormalized)
    if ((VolumeNormalized == 0) or (VolumeNormalized == 1)):
        VolumeNormalized = float(0.0)
    elif ((VolumeNormalized == 2) or (VolumeNormalized == 3)):
        VolumeNormalized = float(0.1)
    elif ((VolumeNormalized == 4) or (VolumeNormalized == 5)):
        VolumeNormalized = float(0.2)
    elif ((VolumeNormalized == 6) or (VolumeNormalized == 7)):
        VolumeNormalized = float(0.3)
    elif ((VolumeNormalized == 8) or (VolumeNormalized == 9)):
        VolumeNormalized = float(0.4)
    elif (VolumeNormalized == 10):
        VolumeNormalized = float(0.5)
    elif ((VolumeNormalized == 11) or (VolumeNormalized == 12)):
        VolumeNormalized = float(0.6)
    elif ((VolumeNormalized == 13) or (VolumeNormalized == 14)):
        VolumeNormalized = float(0.7)
    elif ((VolumeNormalized == 15) or (VolumeNormalized == 16)):
        VolumeNormalized = float(0.8)
    elif ((VolumeNormalized == 17) or (VolumeNormalized == 18)):
        VolumeNormalized = float(0.9)
    elif ((VolumeNormalized == 19) or (VolumeNormalized == 20)):
        VolumeNormalized = float(1.0)
        print("Fatal Error: Could Not Calculate Volume Accurately")
        sys.exit("Fatal Error")
# ***************************************************************************

# Calculate and Normalize Daily Sentiment
# ***************************************************************************
# --------------------------------------------
# Calculate and Normalize Tweet Volume
# Tweet Volume Scale
#    0   Unusually Low Volume       0,1
#    0.1                            2,3
#    0.2                            4,5
#    0.3                            6,7
#    0.4                            8,9
#    0.5 Average                    10
#    0.6                            11,12
#    0.7                            13,14
#    0.8                            15,16
#    0.9                            17,18
#    1   Unusually High Volume      19,20
# --------------------------------------------

    DailyTweets_Count = int(DailyTweets_Count)
    TVA_Total = int(TVA_Total)
    if (DailyTweets_Count > MAV_Averg):
        Sub_Process = (DailyTweets_Count / TVA_Total)
        Sub_Process = 10 * Sub_Process
        TweetsNormalized = Sub_Process
        if (Sub_Process > 20):  # Maximum Volume Increase Is Double
            Sub_Process = 20
            TweetsNormalized = Sub_Process
        elif (Sub_Process < 10):  # This shouldn't ever happen
            Sub_Process = 10
            TweetsNormalized = Sub_Process
    elif (DailyTweets_Count < TVA_Total):
        Sub_Process = (DailyTweets_Count / TVA_Total)
        Sub_Process = 10 * Sub_Process
        TweetsNormalized = Sub_Process
        if (Sub_Process < 0):  # No Negatives Allowed
            Sub_Process = 0
            TweetsNormalized = Sub_Process
        elif (Sub_Process > 10):  # This shouldn't ever happen
            Sub_Process = 10
            TweetsNormalized = Sub_Process
        TweetsNormalized = 10
    TweetsNormalized = round(TweetsNormalized)
    if ((TweetsNormalized == 0) or (TweetsNormalized == 1)):
        TweetsNormalized = float(0.0)
    elif ((TweetsNormalized == 2) or (TweetsNormalized == 3)):
        TweetsNormalized = float(0.1)
    elif ((TweetsNormalized == 4) or (TweetsNormalized == 5)):
        TweetsNormalized = float(0.2)
    elif ((TweetsNormalized == 6) or (TweetsNormalized == 7)):
        TweetsNormalized = float(0.3)
    elif ((TweetsNormalized == 8) or (TweetsNormalized == 9)):
        TweetsNormalized = float(0.4)
    elif (TweetsNormalized == 10):
        TweetsNormalized = float(0.5)
    elif ((TweetsNormalized == 11) or (TweetsNormalized == 12)):
        TweetsNormalized = float(0.6)
    elif ((TweetsNormalized == 13) or (TweetsNormalized == 14)):
        TweetsNormalized = float(0.7)
    elif ((TweetsNormalized == 15) or (TweetsNormalized == 16)):
        TweetsNormalized = float(0.8)
    elif ((TweetsNormalized == 17) or (TweetsNormalized == 18)):
        TweetsNormalized = float(0.9)
    elif ((TweetsNormalized == 19) or (TweetsNormalized == 20)):
        TweetsNormalized = float(1.0)
        print("Fatal Error: Could Not Calculate Volume Accurately")
        sys.exit("Fatal Error")

# Calculate and Normalize Volume Trading
# ***************************************************************************

# Calculate Results From The Next Day
# ***************************************************************************
#  0.0   Stock price decreased
#  0.2   Stock price decreased by <1%
#  0.3
#  0.4
#  ———————————————————
#  0.4
#  0.5
#  0.6   Stock price increased by <1%
#  1.0 Stock price increased

    ThisDay_Closing = float(ThisDay_Closing)
    NextDay_Closing = float(NextDay_Closing)

    if (ThisDay_Closing <= NextDay_Closing):  # Stock price increased
        change_percent = ((
            (NextDay_Closing - ThisDay_Closing) / ThisDay_Closing) * 100)
        if (change_percent > 1.0):
            Output1 = 1.0
            Output2 = 1.0
            Output1 = 0.7
            Output2 = 0.7
    if (ThisDay_Closing > NextDay_Closing):  # Stock price decreased
        change_percent = ((
            (ThisDay_Closing - NextDay_Closing) / ThisDay_Closing) * 100)
        if (change_percent > 1.0):
            Output1 = 0.0
            Output2 = 0.0
            Output1 = 0.3
            Output2 = 0.3

    if (ThisDay_Closing <= NextDay_Closing):  # Stock price increased
        change_percent = ((
            (NextDay_Closing - ThisDay_Closing) / ThisDay_Closing) * 100)
        if (change_percent > 2.0):
            Output3 = 1.0
            Output4 = 1.0
            Output3 = 0.7
            Output4 = 0.7
    if (ThisDay_Closing > NextDay_Closing):  # Stock price decreased
        change_percent = ((
            (ThisDay_Closing - NextDay_Closing) / ThisDay_Closing) * 100)
        if (change_percent > 2.0):
            Output3 = 0.0
            Output4 = 0.0
            Output3 = 0.3
            Output4 = 0.3

    if (ThisDay_Closing <= NextDay_Closing):  # Stock price increased
        Output5 = 1.0
        Output6 = 1.0

    if (ThisDay_Closing > NextDay_Closing):  # Stock price decreased
        Output5 = 0.0
        Output6 = 0.0

    if (ThisDay_Closing > MAB_Averg):
        AboveBigMoving = 1
        AboveBigMoving = 0

    if (ThisDay_Closing < MAL_Averg):
        BelowLittleMoving = 1
        BelowLittleMoving = 0

# Calculate Results From The Next Day
# ***************************************************************************

# Algorithm Results
# ***************************************************************************
    print("Neural Network Normalized Data: ")
    print("Entry                                  ", Entry)
    print("Volume Normalized:    [0,20]           ", VolumeNormalized)
    print("Tweets Normalized:    [0,20]           ", TweetsNormalized)
    print("Sentiment Analysis:   [0,200]          ", SentimentNormalized)
    print("Above Big Moving:     [0,1]            ", AboveBigMoving)
    print("Below Little Moving:  [0,1]            ", BelowLittleMoving)
    print("Trading Day:          [1,5]            ", trading_day)
    print("Trading Season:       [Sp, Su, Fa, Wi] ", trading_season)

    print("Moving Avg Sentiment: [0,200]  ", SAB_Averg)

    print("Results:   [", Output1, ",", Output2, "]", " Up1%/Up/Down/Down1%")
    print("Results:   [", Output3, ",", Output4, "]", " Up2%/Up/Down/Down2%")
    print("Results:   [", Output5, ",", Output6, "]", " Up/Down")

        with connection.cursor() as cursor:
            sql = "SELECT * FROM `NeuralNetwork` WHERE `Date`=%s AND Ticker=%s"
            cursor.execute(sql, (date, ticker))
            result = cursor.fetchone()

        if result is None:
            print("Success: Inserting Neural Data Set:      ", ticker)
            with connection.cursor() as cursor:
                sql = "INSERT INTO `NeuralNetwork` (`Date`, `Entry`, `TradingDay`, `TradingSeason`, `VolumeNormalized`, `AboveBigMoving`, `BelowLittleMoving`, `TweetsVolumeNormalized`, `Sentiment`, `Ticker`, `Output1`, `Output2`, `Output3`, `Output4`, `Output5`, `Output6`, `Sentiment30`) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)"
                    sql, (date, Entry, trading_day, trading_season,
                          VolumeNormalized, AboveBigMoving, BelowLittleMoving,
                          TweetsNormalized, SentimentNormalized, ticker,
                          Output1, Output2, Output3, Output4, Output5, Output6,
            update.last_input(connection, ticker)
            print("Error: Neural Data Set Exists For The Date ", ticker, date)

        print("::: SAVING DATA ::: DO NOT CLOSE CONNECTION :::")
예제 #13
def neuralcalculations(connection, ticker, date):
        network = Network.load("neuralnetwork.json")
    except Exception as e:
        print("#101 Error: Neural Network Does Not Exist")
        sys.exit("Fatal Error")  # Kill Program, Bad User Input

    date_parts = date.split("-")  # Explode Date
    year = date_parts[0]  # Grab The Date
    month = date_parts[1]  # Grab The Date
    day = date_parts[2]  # Grab The Date
    Today ='%Y-%m-%d')  # Grab Todays Date
    Entry = random.randint(2000000000, 60000000000)
    DayOfWeek = day  # Day of Week
    TickerSymbol = ticker  # Ticker Symbol

    day_name = datetime.strptime(
        (date), '%Y-%m-%d').strftime('%A')  # Grab Name of Requested Date
    trading_day = 0
    if (day_name == "Monday"):
        trading_day = 0.2
    elif (day_name == "Tuesday"):
        trading_day = 0.4
    elif (day_name == "Wednesday"):
        trading_day = 0.6
    elif (day_name == "Thursday"):
        trading_day = 0.8
    elif (day_name == "Friday"):
        trading_day = 1
        print("#102 Fatal Error: Invalid Date Input Received"
              )  # Kill Program, Request Not Allowed
        sys.exit("Fatal Error")

    if ((month == "03") or (month == "04") or (month == "05")):
        trading_season = 0.25
    elif ((month == "06") or (month == "07") or (month == "08")):
        trading_season = 0.50
    elif ((month == "09") or (month == "10") or (month == "11")):
        trading_season = 0.75
    elif ((month == "12") or (month == "01") or (month == "02")):
        trading_season = 1.0
        print("#103 Fatal Error: Could Not Calculate " + day_name +
              " Accurately")  # Kill Program, Something Went Very Wrong
        sys.exit("Fatal Error")

    # Run this from Price records which will be updated LIVE
    # Calculate Live Stock Information *******************************************
    with connection.cursor() as cursor:
        sql = "SELECT * FROM `StockPrices` WHERE `Ticker`=%s AND `Date`=%s"
        cursor.execute(sql, (ticker, date))
        live_data = cursor.fetchall()

    for live in live_data:
        stock_price_live = live["Price"]
        stock_price_incr = live["Increase"]
        stock_price_volm = live["Volume"]
        MAV_Averg = live["AvgVolumeNinety"]
        MAL_Averg = live["ShortMovingAvg"]
        MAB_Averg = live["LongMovingAvg"]
    # Calculate Live Stock Information *******************************************

    # Calculate # of Tweets From Today *******************************************
    with connection.cursor() as cursor:
        sql = "SELECT * FROM `StockTweets` WHERE `Ticker`=%s AND `Date`=%s"
        cursor.execute(sql, (ticker, date))
        today_tweets = cursor.fetchall()
        DailyTweets_Count = cursor.rowcount
    # Calculate # Of Tweets From Today *******************************************

    # Calculate Sentiment For The Day
    # ***************************************************************************
    # --------------------------------------------
    # Short Term Sentiment Scale
    #    0   Extremelly Negative Sentiment <-40
    #    0.1                                -40 - -30
    #    0.2                                -30 - -20
    #    0.3                                -20 - -10
    #    0.4                                -10 - -0
    #    0.5 Neutral                         0
    #    0.6                                 0  - 10
    #    0.7                                 10 - 20
    #    0.8                                 20 - 30
    #    0.9                                 30 - 40
    #    1   Significant Positive Sentiment    >50
    # --------------------------------------------
    with connection.cursor() as cursor:
        sql = "SELECT * FROM `StockTweets` WHERE `Ticker`=%s AND `Date`=%s"
        cursor.execute(sql, (ticker, date))
        DaySentiment = cursor.fetchall()

        Daily_Sentiment = 0
        Daily_Count = 0.001
        for tweet in DaySentiment:
            Temp_Likes = 0
            Temp_Likes = float(tweet["Total_Likes"])
            Temp_Sentiment = 0
            Temp_Sentiment = float(tweet["Tweet_Sentiment"])
            Daily_Count = Daily_Count + 1

            while (Temp_Likes != 0):
                if ((Temp_Sentiment <= 90)
                        and (Temp_Sentiment >= -90)):  # Prevent Overbounds
                    Temp_Sentiment = (Temp_Sentiment * 0.15) + Temp_Sentiment
                Temp_Likes = Temp_Likes - 1
            Daily_Sentiment = Daily_Sentiment + Temp_Sentiment

        SentimentNormalized = (Daily_Sentiment / Daily_Count
                               )  # Calculate One Day Sentiment
        SentimentNormalized = round(SentimentNormalized)

    if (SentimentNormalized < -40):
        SentimentNormalized = float(0.0)
    elif ((SentimentNormalized >= -40) and (SentimentNormalized < -30)):
        SentimentNormalized = float(0.1)
    elif ((SentimentNormalized >= -30) and (SentimentNormalized < -20)):
        SentimentNormalized = float(0.2)
    elif ((SentimentNormalized >= -20) and (SentimentNormalized < -10)):
        SentimentNormalized = float(0.3)
    elif ((SentimentNormalized >= -10) and (SentimentNormalized < 0)):
        SentimentNormalized = float(0.4)
    elif (SentimentNormalized == 0):
        SentimentNormalized = float(0.5)
    elif ((SentimentNormalized > 0) and (SentimentNormalized < 10)):
        SentimentNormalized = float(0.6)
    elif ((SentimentNormalized >= 10) and (SentimentNormalized < 20)):
        SentimentNormalized = float(0.7)
    elif ((SentimentNormalized >= 20) and (SentimentNormalized < 30)):
        SentimentNormalized = float(0.8)
    elif ((SentimentNormalized >= 30) and (SentimentNormalized <= 40)):
        SentimentNormalized = float(0.9)
    elif (SentimentNormalized > 40):
        SentimentNormalized = float(1.0)
        print("#104 Fatal Error: Could Not Calculate Sentiment Accurately")
        sys.exit("Fatal Error")

    print("Sentiment For " + day_name + "", SentimentNormalized)
    # Calculate Sentiment For The Day *******************************************

    # Calculate Prediction Date *************************************************

    start_date = datetime.strptime(date, '%Y-%m-%d')
    forwardgo = start_date - timedelta(days=-1)
    forward_date = forwardgo.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
    no_weekends = datetime.strptime(
        '%Y-%m-%d').strftime('%A')  # Grab Name of Requested Date

    if (no_weekends == "Saturday"):
        start_date = datetime.strptime(forward_date, '%Y-%m-%d')
        forwardgo = start_date - timedelta(days=-2)
        forward_date = forwardgo.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
        no_weekends = datetime.strptime(
            '%Y-%m-%d').strftime('%A')  # Grab Name of Requested Date
        if ((no_weekends == "Saturday") or (no_weekends == "Sunday")):
            print("#105 Fatal Error: Could Not Calculate Date Accurately"
                  )  # Kill Program, Something Went Very Wrong
            sys.exit("Fatal Error")
    elif (no_weekends == "Sunday"):
        start_date = datetime.strptime(forward_date, '%Y-%m-%d')
        forwardgo = start_date - timedelta(days=-1)
        forward_date = forwardgo.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
        no_weekends = datetime.strptime(
            '%Y-%m-%d').strftime('%A')  # Grab Name of Requested Date
        if ((no_weekends == "Saturday") or (no_weekends == "Sunday")):
            print("#106 Fatal Error: Could Not Calculate Date Accurately"
                  )  # Kill Program, Something Went Very Wrong
            sys.exit("Fatal Error")

    forward_date_id = datetime.strptime((forward_date),

    # Calculate Prediction Date *************************************************

    # Calculate Sentiment + Tweet Volume Average 30 Actual Days * From Date *
    # ***************************************************************************
    # --------------------------------------------
    # Calculate and Normalize 30 Day Sentiment Average
    # Long Term Sentiment Scale
    #    0   General Negative Sentiment     <95
    #    0.1                                96
    #    0.2                                97
    #    0.3                                98
    #    0.4                                99
    #    0.5 Average                        100
    #    0.6                                101
    #    0.7                                102
    #    0.8                                103
    #    0.9                                104
    #    1   General Positive Sentiment    >105
    # --------------------------------------------

    days_list = rangedatelist(
        date, 29)  # Get List of Backdates In This Range (Including Weekends)
    SAB_Total = 0.0
    SAB_Averg = 0.0
    SAB_Count = 0

    TVA_Count = 0  # Daily Tweet Volume  Count
    TVA_Days = 0.001  # Daily Tweet Volume Total Days
    TVA_Total = 0  # Tweet Volume Average Total

    for day in days_list:  # For Each Day In Range, Calculate Sentiment Analysis
        TVA_Days = TVA_Days + 1
        SAB_Count = SAB_Count + 1
        day = day.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
        with connection.cursor() as cursor:
            sql = "SELECT * FROM `StockTweets` WHERE `Ticker`=%s AND `Date`=%s"
            cursor.execute(sql, (ticker, day))
            one_day = cursor.fetchall()

        Daily_Sentiment = 0
        Daily_Count = 0.001
        for tweet in one_day:
            TVA_Count = TVA_Count + 1
            Temp_Likes = 0
            Temp_Likes = float(tweet["Total_Likes"])
            Temp_Sentiment = 0
            Temp_Sentiment = float(tweet["Tweet_Sentiment"])
            Daily_Count = Daily_Count + 1

            while (Temp_Likes != 0):
                if ((Temp_Sentiment <= 90)
                        and (Temp_Sentiment >= -90)):  # Prevent Overbounds
                    Temp_Sentiment = (Temp_Sentiment * 0.15) + Temp_Sentiment
                Temp_Likes = Temp_Likes - 1
            Daily_Sentiment = Daily_Sentiment + Temp_Sentiment
        if (Daily_Sentiment == 0):
            TVA_Days = TVA_Days - 1  # Fix Averages If No Tweets On That Day

        Tweet_Sentiment = (Daily_Sentiment / Daily_Count
                           )  # Calculate One Day Sentiment
        SAB_Total = SAB_Total + Tweet_Sentiment  # Add One Day Sentiment To SAB Total
    TVA_Total = (TVA_Count / TVA_Days)
    SAB_Averg = (SAB_Total / SAB_Count)
    SAB_Averg = round(SAB_Averg)
    SAB_Averg = SAB_Averg + 100
    print("30 Day Sentiment", SAB_Averg)
    print("30 Day Avg Tweets", TVA_Total)

    if (SAB_Averg <= 95):
        SentimentLongTerm = float(0.0)
    elif (SAB_Averg == 96):
        SentimentLongTerm = float(0.1)
    elif (SAB_Averg == 97):
        SentimentLongTerm = float(0.2)
    elif (SAB_Averg == 98):
        SentimentLongTerm = float(0.3)
    elif (SAB_Averg == 99):
        SentimentLongTerm = float(0.4)
    elif (SAB_Averg == 100):
        SentimentLongTerm = float(0.5)
    elif (SAB_Averg == 101):
        SentimentLongTerm = float(0.6)
    elif (SAB_Averg == 102):
        SentimentLongTerm = float(0.7)
    elif (SAB_Averg == 103):
        SentimentLongTerm = float(0.8)
    elif (SAB_Averg == 104):
        SentimentLongTerm = float(0.9)
    elif (SAB_Averg >= 105):
        SentimentLongTerm = float(1.0)
        print("#201 Fatal Error: Could Not Calculate Sentiment Accurately")
        sys.exit("Fatal Error")
    # Calculate Sentiment + Volume Average 30 Actual Days * From Date *
    # ***************************************************************************

    # ***************************************************************************
    # --------------------------------------------
    # Calculate and Normalize Volume Trading
    # Trading Volume Scale
    #    0   Unusually Low Volume       0,1
    #    0.1                            2,3
    #    0.2                            4,5
    #    0.3                            6,7
    #    0.4                            8,9
    #    0.5 Average                    10
    #    0.6                            11,12
    #    0.7                            13,14
    #    0.8                            15,16
    #    0.9                            17,18
    #    1   Unusually High Volume      19,20
    # --------------------------------------------

    ThisDay_Volume = int(stock_price_volm)
    MAV_Averg = int(MAV_Averg)  # Pulled From LiveDatabase
    if (ThisDay_Volume > MAV_Averg):
        Sub_Process = (ThisDay_Volume / MAV_Averg)
        Sub_Process = 10 * Sub_Process
        VolumeNormalized = Sub_Process
        if (Sub_Process > 20):  # Maximum Volume Increase Is Double
            Sub_Process = 20
            VolumeNormalized = Sub_Process
        elif (Sub_Process < 10):  # This shouldn't ever happen
            Sub_Process = 10
            VolumeNormalized = Sub_Process
    elif (ThisDay_Volume < MAV_Averg):
        Sub_Process = (ThisDay_Volume / MAV_Averg)
        Sub_Process = 10 * Sub_Process
        VolumeNormalized = Sub_Process
        if (Sub_Process < 0):  # No Negatives Allowed
            Sub_Process = 0
            VolumeNormalized = Sub_Process
        elif (Sub_Process > 10):  # This shouldn't ever happen
            Sub_Process = 10
            VolumeNormalized = Sub_Process
        VolumeNormalized = 10
    VolumeNormalized = round(VolumeNormalized)
    if ((VolumeNormalized == 0) or (VolumeNormalized == 1)):
        VolumeNormalized = float(0.0)
    elif ((VolumeNormalized == 2) or (VolumeNormalized == 3)):
        VolumeNormalized = float(0.1)
    elif ((VolumeNormalized == 4) or (VolumeNormalized == 5)):
        VolumeNormalized = float(0.2)
    elif ((VolumeNormalized == 6) or (VolumeNormalized == 7)):
        VolumeNormalized = float(0.3)
    elif ((VolumeNormalized == 8) or (VolumeNormalized == 9)):
        VolumeNormalized = float(0.4)
    elif (VolumeNormalized == 10):
        VolumeNormalized = float(0.5)
    elif ((VolumeNormalized == 11) or (VolumeNormalized == 12)):
        VolumeNormalized = float(0.6)
    elif ((VolumeNormalized == 13) or (VolumeNormalized == 14)):
        VolumeNormalized = float(0.7)
    elif ((VolumeNormalized == 15) or (VolumeNormalized == 16)):
        VolumeNormalized = float(0.8)
    elif ((VolumeNormalized == 17) or (VolumeNormalized == 18)):
        VolumeNormalized = float(0.9)
    elif ((VolumeNormalized == 19) or (VolumeNormalized == 20)):
        VolumeNormalized = float(1.0)
        print("#202 Fatal Error: Could Not Calculate Volume Accurately")
        sys.exit("Fatal Error")
    # ***************************************************************************

    # Calculate and Normalize Daily Sentiment
    # ***************************************************************************
    # --------------------------------------------
    # Calculate and Normalize Tweet Volume
    # Tweet Volume Scale
    #    0   Unusually Low Volume       0,1
    #    0.1                            2,3
    #    0.2                            4,5
    #    0.3                            6,7
    #    0.4                            8,9
    #    0.5 Average                    10
    #    0.6                            11,12
    #    0.7                            13,14
    #    0.8                            15,16
    #    0.9                            17,18
    #    1   Unusually High Volume      19,20
    # --------------------------------------------

    DailyTweets_Count = int(DailyTweets_Count)
    TVA_Total = int(TVA_Total)
    if (DailyTweets_Count > MAV_Averg):
        Sub_Process = (DailyTweets_Count / TVA_Total)
        Sub_Process = 10 * Sub_Process
        TweetsNormalized = Sub_Process
        if (Sub_Process > 20):  # Maximum Volume Increase Is Double
            Sub_Process = 20
            TweetsNormalized = Sub_Process
        elif (Sub_Process < 10):  # This shouldn't ever happen
            Sub_Process = 10
            TweetsNormalized = Sub_Process
    elif (DailyTweets_Count < TVA_Total):
        Sub_Process = (DailyTweets_Count / TVA_Total)
        Sub_Process = 10 * Sub_Process
        TweetsNormalized = Sub_Process
        if (Sub_Process < 0):  # No Negatives Allowed
            Sub_Process = 0
            TweetsNormalized = Sub_Process
        elif (Sub_Process > 10):  # This shouldn't ever happen
            Sub_Process = 10
            TweetsNormalized = Sub_Process
        TweetsNormalized = 10
    TweetsNormalized = round(TweetsNormalized)
    if ((TweetsNormalized == 0) or (TweetsNormalized == 1)):
        TweetsNormalized = float(0.0)
    elif ((TweetsNormalized == 2) or (TweetsNormalized == 3)):
        TweetsNormalized = float(0.1)
    elif ((TweetsNormalized == 4) or (TweetsNormalized == 5)):
        TweetsNormalized = float(0.2)
    elif ((TweetsNormalized == 6) or (TweetsNormalized == 7)):
        TweetsNormalized = float(0.3)
    elif ((TweetsNormalized == 8) or (TweetsNormalized == 9)):
        TweetsNormalized = float(0.4)
    elif (TweetsNormalized == 10):
        TweetsNormalized = float(0.5)
    elif ((TweetsNormalized == 11) or (TweetsNormalized == 12)):
        TweetsNormalized = float(0.6)
    elif ((TweetsNormalized == 13) or (TweetsNormalized == 14)):
        TweetsNormalized = float(0.7)
    elif ((TweetsNormalized == 15) or (TweetsNormalized == 16)):
        TweetsNormalized = float(0.8)
    elif ((TweetsNormalized == 17) or (TweetsNormalized == 18)):
        TweetsNormalized = float(0.9)
    elif ((TweetsNormalized == 19) or (TweetsNormalized == 20)):
        TweetsNormalized = float(1.0)
        print("#203 Fatal Error: Could Not Calculate Volume Accurately")
        sys.exit("Fatal Error")

    # Calculate and Normalize Volume Trading
    # ***************************************************************************

    # ***************************************************************************
    # Check Above or Below Moving Averages

    if (stock_price_live > MAB_Averg):
        AboveBigMoving = 1
        AboveBigMoving = 0

    if (stock_price_live < MAL_Averg):
        BelowLittleMoving = 1
        BelowLittleMoving = 0
    # Check Above or Below Moving Averages
    # ***************************************************************************

    # Algorithm Results
    # ***************************************************************************
    print("Neural Network Normalized Data: ")
    print("Entry                                  ", Entry)
    print("Volume Normalized:    [0,1]            ", VolumeNormalized)
    print("Tweets Normalized:    [0,1]            ", TweetsNormalized)
    print("Sentiment Analysis:   [0,1]            ", SentimentNormalized)
    print("Above Big Moving:     [0,1]            ", AboveBigMoving)
    print("Below Little Moving:  [0,1]            ", BelowLittleMoving)
    print("Trading Day:          [0,1]            ", trading_day)
    print("Trading Season:       [Sp, Su, Fa, Wi] ", trading_season)
    print("Moving Avg Sentiment: [0,200]          ", SAB_Averg)

    outputs = network.process([
        trading_day, trading_season, VolumeNormalized, AboveBigMoving,
        BelowLittleMoving, VolumeNormalized, SentimentNormalized,

    result1 = round(outputs[0], 2)
    result2 = round(outputs[1], 2)

    print("Prediction:       [", result1, ",", result2, "]")

        with connection.cursor() as cursor:
            sql = "SELECT * FROM `Predictions` WHERE `PredictionDate`=%s AND Ticker=%s"
            cursor.execute(sql, (forward_date, ticker))
            result = cursor.fetchone()

        if result is None:
            print("Success: Inserting Prediction To Records:      ", ticker)
            with connection.cursor() as cursor:
                sql = "INSERT INTO `Predictions` (`Date`, `PredictionDate`, `Day_ID`, `PredictionDateName`, `Ticker`, `InitialPrice`, `Entry`, `Pred_Output1`, `Pred_Output2`) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)"
                    sql, (Today, forward_date, forward_date_id, no_weekends,
                          ticker, stock_price_live, Entry, result1, result2))
            print("Success: Updating Prediction In Records:      ", ticker)
            unique_entry = result["Entry"]

            cursor = connection.cursor()
            sql = "UPDATE Predictions SET Date=%s WHERE Entry=%s"
            cursor.execute(sql, (Today, unique_entry))

            cursor = connection.cursor()
            sql = "UPDATE Predictions SET InitialPrice=%s WHERE Entry=%s"
            cursor.execute(sql, (stock_price_live, unique_entry))

            cursor = connection.cursor()
            sql = "UPDATE Predictions SET PredictionDate=%s WHERE Entry=%s"
            cursor.execute(sql, (forward_date, unique_entry))

            cursor = connection.cursor()
            sql = "UPDATE Predictions SET PredictionDateName=%s WHERE Entry=%s"
            cursor.execute(sql, (no_weekends, unique_entry))

            cursor = connection.cursor()
            sql = "UPDATE Predictions SET Pred_Output1=%s WHERE Entry=%s"
            cursor.execute(sql, (result1, unique_entry))

            cursor = connection.cursor()
            sql = "UPDATE Predictions SET Pred_Output2=%s WHERE Entry=%s"
            cursor.execute(sql, (result2, unique_entry))

            cursor = connection.cursor()
            sql = "UPDATE Predictions SET Day_ID=%s WHERE Entry=%s"
            cursor.execute(sql, (forward_date_id, unique_entry))

        # Adjusted for possibility that network is not fully trained yet.
        # Fine tune this as time goes forward

        if ((result1 >= 0.0) and (result1 <= 0.15)):
            approx = 0.0
        elif ((result1 > 0.15) and (result1 < 0.45)):
            approx = 0.3
        elif ((result1 >= 0.45) and (result1 < 0.55)):
            approx = -1.0
        elif ((result1 >= 0.55) and (result1 < 0.85)):
            approx = 0.7
        elif ((result1 >= 0.85) and (result1 <= 1.00)):
            approx = 1.0

        if (approx == 0.0):
            prediction_event = "Significant Decrease"
        elif (approx == 0.3):
            prediction_event = "Decrease"
        elif (approx == 0.7):
            prediction_event = "Increase"
        elif (approx == 1.0):
            prediction_event = "Significant Increase"
        elif (approx == -1.0):
            prediction_event = "Inconclusive"

        confidence = 0
        boost = 0.0

        if (AboveBigMoving == 1):
            boost = boost + 0.13
        if (BelowLittleMoving == 1):
            boost = boost + 0.13

        if (approx == 0.0):
            if (result1 == 0.0):
                confidence = 10
            if (result1 == 0.01):
                confidence = 9
            if (result1 == 0.02):
                confidence = 9
            if (result1 == 0.03):
                confidence = 9
            if (result1 == 0.04):
                confidence = 8
            if (result1 == 0.05):
                confidence = 8
            if (result1 == 0.06):
                confidence = 7
            if (result1 == 0.07):
                confidence = 7
            if (result1 == 0.08):
                confidence = 6
            if (result1 == 0.09):
                confidence = 6
            if (result1 == 0.10):
                confidence = 6
            if (result1 == 0.11):
                confidence = 6
            if (result1 == 0.12):
                confidence = 6
            if (result1 == 0.13):
                confidence = 6
            if (result1 == 0.14):
                confidence = 6
            if (result1 == 0.15):
                confidence = 6
        if (approx == 0.3):
            if (result1 == 0.16):
                confidence = 5
            if (result1 == 0.17):
                confidence = 5
            if (result1 == 0.18):
                confidence = 5
            if (result1 == 0.19):
                confidence = 5
            if (result1 == 0.20):
                confidence = 5
            if (result1 == 0.21):
                confidence = 5
            if (result1 == 0.22):
                confidence = 6
            if (result1 == 0.23):
                confidence = 6
            if (result1 == 0.24):
                confidence = 7
            if (result1 == 0.25):
                confidence = 7
            if (result1 == 0.26):
                confidence = 7
            if (result1 == 0.27):
                confidence = 8
            if (result1 == 0.28):
                confidence = 8
            if (result1 == 0.29):
                confidence = 9
            if (result1 == 0.30):
                confidence = 9
            if (result1 == 0.31):
                confidence = 9
            if (result1 == 0.32):
                confidence = 8
            if (result1 == 0.33):
                confidence = 7
            if (result1 == 0.34):
                confidence = 6
            if (result1 == 0.35):
                confidence = 6
            if (result1 == 0.36):
                confidence = 5
            if (result1 == 0.37):
                confidence = 5
            if (result1 == 0.38):
                confidence = 4
            if (result1 == 0.39):
                confidence = 3
            if (result1 == 0.40):
                confidence = 3
            if (result1 == 0.41):
                confidence = 2
            if (result1 == 0.42):
                confidence = 2
            if (result1 == 0.43):
                confidence = 1
            if (result1 == 0.44):
                confidence = 1
        if (approx == -1.0):
            if (result1 == 0.45):
                confidence = 0
            if (result1 == 0.46):
                confidence = 0
            if (result1 == 0.47):
                confidence = 0
            if (result1 == 0.48):
                confidence = 0
            if (result1 == 0.49):
                confidence = 0
            if (result1 == 0.50):
                confidence = 0
            if (result1 == 0.51):
                confidence = 0
            if (result1 == 0.52):
                confidence = 0
            if (result1 == 0.53):
                confidence = 0
            if (result1 == 0.54):
                confidence = 0
        if (approx == 0.7):
            if (result1 == 0.55):
                confidence = 1
            if (result1 == 0.56):
                confidence = 1
            if (result1 == 0.57):
                confidence = 2
            if (result1 == 0.58):
                confidence = 2
            if (result1 == 0.59):
                confidence = 2
            if (result1 == 0.60):
                confidence = 3
            if (result1 == 0.61):
                confidence = 3
            if (result1 == 0.62):
                confidence = 4
            if (result1 == 0.63):
                confidence = 5
            if (result1 == 0.64):
                confidence = 5
            if (result1 == 0.65):
                confidence = 6
            if (result1 == 0.66):
                confidence = 7
            if (result1 == 0.67):
                confidence = 8
            if (result1 == 0.68):
                confidence = 8
            if (result1 == 0.69):
                confidence = 9
            if (result1 == 0.70):
                confidence = 9
            if (result1 == 0.71):
                confidence = 9
            if (result1 == 0.72):
                confidence = 8
            if (result1 == 0.73):
                confidence = 8
            if (result1 == 0.74):
                confidence = 7
            if (result1 == 0.75):
                confidence = 7
            if (result1 == 0.76):
                confidence = 6
            if (result1 == 0.77):
                confidence = 6
            if (result1 == 0.78):
                confidence = 6
            if (result1 == 0.79):
                confidence = 5
            if (result1 == 0.80):
                confidence = 5
            if (result1 == 0.81):
                confidence = 5
            if (result1 == 0.82):
                confidence = 5
            if (result1 == 0.83):
                confidence = 5
            if (result1 == 0.84):
                confidence = 5
        if (approx == 1.0):
            if (result1 == 0.85):
                confidence = 5
            if (result1 == 0.86):
                confidence = 5
            if (result1 == 0.87):
                confidence = 5
            if (result1 == 0.88):
                confidence = 5
            if (result1 == 0.89):
                confidence = 5
            if (result1 == 0.90):
                confidence = 5
            if (result1 == 0.91):
                confidence = 6
            if (result1 == 0.92):
                confidence = 6
            if (result1 == 0.93):
                confidence = 6
            if (result1 == 0.94):
                confidence = 6
            if (result1 == 0.95):
                confidence = 7
            if (result1 == 0.96):
                confidence = 8
            if (result1 == 0.97):
                confidence = 9
            if (result1 == 0.98):
                confidence = 9
            if (result1 == 0.99):
                confidence = 9
            if (result1 == 1.00):
                confidence = 9

        confidence = (confidence + (confidence * boost))

        cursor = connection.cursor()
        sql = "UPDATE Stocks SET Prediction=%s WHERE Ticker=%s"
        cursor.execute(sql, (prediction_event, ticker))

        cursor = connection.cursor()
        sql = "UPDATE Stocks SET Prediction_Day=%s WHERE Ticker=%s"
        cursor.execute(sql, (no_weekends, ticker))

        cursor = connection.cursor()
        sql = "UPDATE Stocks SET Confidence=%s WHERE Ticker=%s"
        cursor.execute(sql, (confidence, ticker))

        cursor = connection.cursor()
        sql = "UPDATE Predictions SET Confidence=%s WHERE PredictionDate=%s AND Ticker=%s"
        cursor.execute(sql, (confidence, forward_date, ticker))

        cursor = connection.cursor()
        sql = "UPDATE Predictions SET Prediction=%s WHERE PredictionDate=%s AND Ticker=%s"
        cursor.execute(sql, (prediction_event, forward_date, ticker))

        print("::: SAVING DATA ::: DO NOT CLOSE CONNECTION :::")
예제 #14
    network = Network()
        8, 8, Network.ACTIVATION_SIGMOID)  # Hidden Layer, 10 Neurons, 8 inputs
        2, 8, Network.ACTIVATION_SIGMOID)  # Output Layer,  2 Neurons, 8 inputs
    print("Creating Neural Network...")

ITERATIONS = 500  # Number of iterations per training session
LEARN_RATE = 0.03  # The rate the network learns on each iteration
THRESHOLD = 0.001  # If this precision is reached, the training session is instantly complete

# Perform a quick training session
for i in range(0, ITERATIONS, 1):
    error = 0
    print("Learning to fly...")
    with connection.cursor() as cursor:
        sql = "SELECT * FROM `NeuralNetwork` ORDER BY Date DESC LIMIT 150"
        cursor.execute(sql, ())
        NeuralTraining = cursor.fetchall()

    for set in NeuralTraining:
        print("Finding hidden Robots...")
        train = [
            set["TradingDay"], set["TradingSeason"], set["VolumeNormalized"],
            set["AboveBigMoving"], set["BelowLittleMoving"],
            set["TweetsVolumeNormalized"], set["Sentiment"], set["Sentiment30"]
        Output1 = set["Output1"]
        Output2 = set["Output2"]
        error += network.train(train, [Output1, Output2], LEARN_RATE)