예제 #1
def main():


	#cm.init() #Initializes and connects to the stockdata database

	sock = urllib2.urlopen( url )
	feed = sock.read()

	#etree testing here

	data = etree.HTML(feed) #Converts the html feed to etree, that can be traversed by xpath expressions

	# Extract the title
	titletag = data.xpath('//head/title/text()') #Selects the text from the first title inside the <head> tags
	title = titletag[0].split("|")[0] #Takes the one and only element returned by the above line, splits it by the character "|", creates the new list from the splitted elements and chooses the first element, which is known to be the name of the stock
	#print title

	# Extract the interesting div which contains the <p> "tunnuslukuja"

	rootDiv = data.xpath(".//p[text()='Tunnuslukuja']")[0].getparent()[1] # selects a <p> with text 'Tunnuslukuja', creates a list of it, chooses the first element from the list (it is known that there's only one element) and gets its parent. The [1] at the end then chooses the second child of the original root
	texts = []
	values = []

	for element in rootDiv.iter():

		if element.tag == 'tr': 
			#print ""				# Do nothing when encountering a new row

		if (element.tag == "td") or (element.tag == "br"):
			#	print "TAG: " + element.tag
			#except AttributeError:
			#	pass

				text = element.text.replace(u'\xa0', ' ').replace(u'\x80', 'e').replace(u'\u20ac', 'e') #For some reason \x80 covers the euro character as well
				#print "TEXT: " + text

				texts.append( text )

			except AttributeError:

				tail = element.tail.replace(u'\u20ac', 'e')
				#print "TAIL: " + tail

				values.append( tail )

			except AttributeError:
	stockid = url.split('=')[1]

	fetchtime = datetime.utcnow()

	# Most horrible line ever. Refactor this (as well as everything else :D )
	valueList = [fetchtime, stockid, title, values[1].split('(')[1].split(')')[0], texts[2], texts[4], texts[6], texts[8], texts[10].split(' ')[1] + texts[10].split(' ')[2]]

	# Store the values into the database. Separata all database related things into own file and class connectionManager

	#print datetime.utcnow()

	cm = connectionManager("stockdata.db")



예제 #2
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-\
import tornado.web
import tornado.escape
import tornado.websocket
from connectionManager import connectionManager
from player import Player

connections = connectionManager()

class AuthWebSocketHandler(tornado.websocket.WebSocketHandler):
	def initialize(self):
		self.db = tornado.database.Connection("localhost", "test", user="******", password="******")
	def get_current_user(self):
		user = self.get_secure_cookie("user")

		if user:
			return tornado.escape.json_decode(user)
			return None

class ClientSocket(AuthWebSocketHandler):

	player = None

	def allow_draft76(self):
		return True
	def open(self):
		user = self.get_current_user()
		if not user: