def get(self, request): """ Metoda zwracajace dostawców dla których wykryto podatności Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) na podstawie zapytania GET HTTP użytkownika. Wymaga uzupełnionych danych la serwisów trzecich. :tags: CVE :param request: obiekt dla widoku Django z informacjami od użytkownika :return: dane w postaci json zawierajace ingormacje o dostawcach dla których istnieją podntości CVE """ try: credentials = Credential().cve_search connector = CVEConnector(credentials) vendors = connector.get_vendors_list() return Response(vendors) except CredentialsNotFoundError: host_address = Common(request).host_address settings_url = host_address + reverse('settings') return Response( { "error": "Unable to get vendor list.", "details": f"Please check settings on {settings_url}" }, status=status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST) except BaseException as ex: return Response( { "error": "Unable to get vendor list.", "details": str(ex) }, status=status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST)
def get_censys_data(self): try: credentials = Credential().censys connector = CensysConnector(credentials) except CredentialsNotFoundError: settings_url = self.host_address + reverse('settings') return { "censys": { "error": "Unable to get data from service " "Please create account on and add valid credentials " f"for SARENKA app on {settings_url}" } } try: response = connector.search_by_ip( # response.update({"banners": self.get_banner(response["ports"])}) return response except Exception as ex: print(ex) print(type(ex)) # censys nie udostępnia do importu klasy exceptionu CensysNotFoundException o.Ó return { "censys": { "error": f"Censys doesn't know anything about this {} host" } }
def response(ip_address): """Zwraca dane w formie jsona dla widoku Django""" try: credentials = Credential().censys connector = CensysConnector(credentials) response = connector.search_by_ip(ip_address) return response.to_json # TODO zmienić na serializatory except CredentialsNotFoundError: raise CensysHostSearchError( "Invalid settings for service")
def setUp(self): self.shodan_credentials = Credential(self.credentials_file_path).shodan
response = Connector.connect(self.vendor) return response['vendor'] def get_vendor_products(self, vendor: str): url = f'{self.vendor}{vendor}/' response = requests.get(url) return response def get_product(self, vendor: str, product: str): url = f'{self.vendor}{vendor}/{product}' response = requests.get(url) return response def get_db_info(self: str): response = requests.get(self.db_info) return response if __name__ == "__main__": # \sarenka\backend>python connectors\cve_search\ credentials = Credential().cve_search connector = Connector(credentials) response = connector.search_by_cve_code("CVE-2010-3333") for p in response.products: print(p) # print(connector.get_last_30_cves()) # print(connector.get_vendors_list()) # print(connector.get_vendor_products("microsoft")) # print(connector.get_product("microsoft","office")) # print(connector.get_db_info())
def setUp(self): self.censys_credentials = Credential().censys
def setUp(self): self.shodan_credentials = Credential(self.credentials_file_path).shodan self.connector = Connector(self.shodan_credentials) host_data = {"ip_str": "my_test_ip"} host = HostWrapper(host_data, "my_software_name")
def search_by_website(self, domain): return def search_favicon_murmur3(self, ip): #TODO spiąc z głównym jsonem odpowiedzi """ Wartośc niekryptogrficznego hasha dla faviconki strony""" favicon_hash = None try: response = requests.get('') favicon = codecs.encode(response.content, "base64") favicon_hash = mmh3.hash(favicon) except BaseException as ex: # nie każda strona webowa ma favikonki pass return {"favicon_hash": favicon_hash} if __name__ == "__main__": censys_credentials = Credential().censys connector = Connector(censys_credentials) response = connector.search_by_ip("") # # response = connector.search_by_ip("") # dziala # response = connector.search_by_ip("") # dziala Common.save_dict_to_file("8_8_8_8.json", response.to_json) # print(response) # Common.save_dict_to_file("C:\\Users\\dp\\Desktop\\sarenka\\backend\\connectors\\censys\\censys_ip.json", response) # print(connector.search_by_fingerprint("48177e03b47bdcb3b6ab28a92f8005b95302418cd5b9ede77a97eb918e4a2da2")) # print(connector.search_by_fingerprint("48177e03b47bdcb3b6ab28a92f8005b95302418cd5b9ede77a97eb918e4a2da2"))
def setUp(self): self.connector = connector.Connector( Credential(self.credentials_file_path).cve_search) self.existing_cve_code = "CVE-2019-1010298" self.not_existing_cve_code = "CVE-2012-0000000"