async def process_task(task, add_task) -> AsyncGenerator[Tuple[str, dict], None]: account_arn = f'arn:aws:iam::{task.account_id}:role/{AUDIT_READER_ROLE}' account_info = {'account_id': task.account_id} client_name, method_name = task.method.split('.', 1) try: session = _SESSION_CACHE[account_arn] = ( _SESSION_CACHE[account_arn] if account_arn in _SESSION_CACHE else await aio_sts_assume_role( src_role_arn=AUDIT_ASSUMER_ARN, dest_role_arn=account_arn, dest_external_id=READER_EID, )) async with session.client(client_name) as client: if hasattr(client, 'describe_regions'): response = await client.describe_regions() region_names = [ region['RegionName'] for region in response['Regions'] ] else: region_names = API_METHOD_SPECS[task.method].get( 'regions', [None]) for rn in region_names: async with session.client(client_name, region_name=rn) as client: async for response in load_task_response(client, task): if type(response) is DBEntry: if rn is not None: response.entity['region'] = rn yield (task.method, response.entity) elif type(response) is CollectTask: add_task(response) else:'log response', response) except ClientError as e: # record missing auditor role as empty account summary log.error(e, 'failed processing task') yield ( task.method, updated( account_info, recorded_at=parse_date( e.response['ResponseMetadata']['HTTPHeaders']['date']), ), )
async def fetch(session, url, fetch_over=0) -> dict: if fetch_over: await asyncio.sleep(fetch_over * random()) async with session.get(f'{url}', headers=HEADERS) as response: txt = await response.text() date_header = response.headers.get('Date') if date_header is None:'GET {url} -> status({response.status}) text({txt})') return {} result = {'recorded_at': parse_date(date_header)} try: return updated(result, json.loads(txt)) except JSONDecodeError:'GET {url} -> status({response.status}) text({txt})') return result
async def main(table_name): async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session: cids = [ c['id'] for c in (await fetch(session, '/computers')).get('computers', []) ]'loading {len(cids)} computer details') computers = await asyncio.gather( *[fetch_computer(session, cid) for cid in cids])'inserting {len(computers)} computers into {table_name}') rows = [ updated(c.get('computer'), computer_id=cid, recorded_at=c.get('recorded_at')) for cid, c in zip(cids, computers) ] db.insert(table_name, rows) return len(rows)
def process_aws_response(task, page): response_coldict = API_METHOD_SPECS[task.method]['response'] children_list = API_METHOD_SPECS[task.method].get('children', []) params = API_METHOD_SPECS[task.method].get('params', {}) base_entity = {} if task.account_id: base_entity['account_id'] = task.account_id base_entity.update({v: task.args[k] for k, v in params.items()}) if isinstance(page, (Exception, type(None))): base_entity['recorded_at'] = yield DBEntry(base_entity) return metadata = page['ResponseMetadata'] base_entity['recorded_at'] = parse_date(metadata['HTTPHeaders']['date']) if metadata['HTTPStatusCode'] != 200: yield DBEntry(base_entity) return base_entity.update(process_response_items(response_coldict, page)) iterated_entries = list(process_response_lists(response_coldict, page)) for entry in iterated_entries or [base_entity]: db_entry = DBEntry(updated(base_entity.copy(), entry)) yield db_entry for child in children_list: for method in child.get('methods', [child.get('method')]): request_args = child.get('args', {}) required_args = child.get('required_args', []) if any(v not in db_entry.entity for v in request_args.values()): continue if not all(db_entry.entity.get(k) for k in required_args): continue args = {k: db_entry.entity[v] for k, v in request_args.items()} yield CollectTask(task.account_id, method, args)