예제 #1
 def test_snmp_get(self):
     client = snmp_client.SNMPClient(self.host, self.port)
     OID = ((1, 3, 6, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 0), None)
     client.get_command(OID, callback=self.mock_callback)
     self.assertEqual("Siemens, SIMATIC, S7-200", self.result)
     log_item = self.log_queue.get(True, 2)
     self.assertIsInstance(log_item['timestamp'], datetime)
     self.assertEqual('', log_item['remote'][0])
     self.assertEquals('snmp', log_item['data_type'])
예제 #2
 def test_snmp_set(self):
     client = snmp_client.SNMPClient(self.host, self.port)
     OID = ((1, 3, 6, 1, 2, 1, 1, 6, 0),
            rfc1902.OctetString('test comment'))
     client.set_command(OID, callback=self.mock_callback)
     # FIXME: no log entry for set commands
     client.get_command(OID, callback=self.mock_callback)
     self.assertEqual("test comment", self.result)
     get_log_item = self.log_queue.get(True, 5)
     self.assertIsInstance(get_log_item['timestamp'], datetime)
     self.assertEqual('', get_log_item['remote'][0])
     self.assertEquals('snmp', get_log_item['data_type'])
예제 #3
    def test_snmp_set(self):
        Objective: Test if we can set data via snmp_set
        client = snmp_client.SNMPClient(self.host, self.port)
        OID = ((1, 3, 6, 1, 2, 1, 1, 6, 0), rfc1902.OctetString('test comment'))
        client.set_command(OID, callback=self.mock_callback)
        client.get_command(OID, callback=self.mock_callback)

        set_log_item = self.log_queue.get(True, 5)
        self.assertEqual("test comment", self.result)
        self.assertIsInstance(set_log_item['timestamp'], datetime)
        self.assertEqual('', set_log_item['remote'][0])
        self.assertEquals('snmp', set_log_item['data_type'])
        self.assertIn('SNMPv3 Set:', set_log_item['data'][0]['request'])

        get_log_item = self.log_queue.get(True, 5)
        self.assertEqual("test comment", self.result)
        self.assertIsInstance(get_log_item['timestamp'], datetime)
        self.assertEqual('', get_log_item['remote'][0])
        self.assertEquals('snmp', get_log_item['data_type'])
        self.assertIn('SNMPv3 Get:', get_log_item['data'][0]['request'])
예제 #4
    def handle_startendtag(self, tag, attrs):
        """ handles template tags provided in XHTML notation.

            Expected format:    <condata source="(engine)" key="(descriptor)" />
            Example:            <condata source="snmp" key="" />

            at the moment, the parser is space- and case-sensitive(!),
            this could be improved by using REGEX for replacing the template tags
            with actual values.

        source = ''
        key = ''

        # only parse tags that are conpot template tags ( <condata /> )
        if tag == 'condata':

            # initialize original tag (needed for value replacement)
            origin = '<' + tag

            for attribute in attrs:

                # extend original tag
                origin = origin + ' ' + attribute[0] + '="' + attribute[1] + '"'

                # fill variables with all meta information needed to
                # gather actual data from the other engines (snmp, modbus, ..)
                if attribute[0] == 'source':
                    source = attribute[1]
                elif attribute[0] == 'key':
                    key = attribute[1]

            # finalize original tag
            origin += ' />'

            # we really need a key in order to do our work..
            if key:

                # deal with snmp powered tags:
                if source == 'snmp':

                    # initialize snmp client
                    client = snmp_client.SNMPClient(self.snmp_host, self.snmp_port)

                    # convert key to (int-)tuple filled OID descriptor
                    key = key.split('.')
                    key = (tuple(map(int, key)), None)
                    client.get_command(key, callback=self.mock_snmp_callback)

                    self.payload = self.payload.replace(origin, self.result)

                # deal with eval powered tags:
                elif source == 'eval':

                    result = ''

                    # evaluate key
                        result = eval(key)

                    self.payload = self.payload.replace(origin, result)