def stats(): clearScreen() print('Printing nation list') print('') print('| Score |Wealth |Tech Level| Name ') rankCounter = [] for x in range(0, len(NATION_ARRAY)): rankCounter.append((NATION_ARRAY[x][0]['Score'], x)) rankCounter.sort(reverse=True) for x in range(0, len(rankCounter)): index = rankCounter[x][1] score = str(NATION_ARRAY[index][0]['Score']) for y in range(0, (10 - len(score))): score = score + ' ' tradeScore = str(NATION_ARRAY[index][0]['Finance']['wealth']) for z in range(0, (10 - len(tradeScore))): tradeScore = tradeScore + ' ' techScore = str(NATION_ARRAY[index][0]['Tech']['level']) for z in range(0, (10 - len(techScore))): techScore = techScore + ' ' print('|' + score + '|' + tradeScore + '|' + techScore + '|' + ' ' + str(NATION_ARRAY[index][-1])) buffer = input('Press any button to continue \n') clearScreen()
def financeBeuro(myNation,year): financeSelection = ' ' while financeSelection != '': clearScreen() # print('$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$') # print(' WELCOME TO THE FINANCE BEURO 😊💰 ') # print('$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$') print('$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$') print(' WELCOME TO THE FINANCE BEURO ;-) ') print('$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$') print('') print('My Team: ' + str(myNation[1])) print('Wealth : ' + str(myNation[0]['Finance']['wealth']) ) print('Year: ' + str(year)) print('') print('[1] Gamble') print('[2] Trade Exchange') print('[3] Exit') print(' ') print(' ') print('****************************************') print(' ') print(' ') financeSelection = str(input('Please chose an option \n')) print(financeSelection) if financeSelection == '1': myNation = gambleMenu(myNation,year) if financeSelection == '2': myNation = tradeMenu(myNation,year) if financeSelection == '3': print('exiting...') break return(myNation)
def selectNation(NATION_ARRAY): clearScreen() NationChoice = '' nationSelected = '' while nationSelected != 'Y': print('') print('Printing nation list') print('') for x in range(0, len(NATION_ARRAY)): print(str(x) + '. ' + str(NATION_ARRAY[x][-1])) print('') while NationChoice not in range(0, len(NATION_ARRAY)): try: NationChoice = int(input('Please chose a country \n')) except: print("Entered incorrectly, please try again") fast_print('Your chosen country is : ' + str(NATION_ARRAY[NationChoice][-1]) + '\n') print('') buffer = input('Press any button to continue \n') clearScreen() myNation = NATION_ARRAY[NationChoice] myNationIndex = NationChoice nationSelected = 'Y' return (myNation, myNationIndex)
def nextYear(year, myNation, NATION_ARRAY, myNationIndex): clearScreen() fast_print('Processing next year....') print('') # ITERATE FOR EACH TEAM for x in range(0, len(NATION_ARRAY)): currentNation = NATION_ARRAY[x] index = x # AI TEAM DECISION if currentNation != myNation: NATION_ARRAY = setAIMoves(index, currentNation, NATION_ARRAY) # ACTION CARRIED OUT FOR ALL USERS NATION_ARRAY = action(index, currentNation, NATION_ARRAY, p, myNationIndex) # Only talling scores at the end....may need to change print('Tallying scores') NATION_ARRAY = tallyScores(NATION_ARRAY) NATION_ARRAY = defaultNextStep(NATION_ARRAY) UPDATE_WEALTH_VALUATION = ' TO BE COMPLETED' year = year + 1 print('*Hint* You can change how much you see in the options menu') print('') print('') buffer = input('Press any button to continue') return (year, NATION_ARRAY)
def tradeMenu(myNation,year): clearScreen() financeSelection = ' ' while financeSelection != '': print('$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$') print(' $$$$ TRADE EXCHANGE $$$$$ ') print('$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$') print('') print('My Team: ' + str(myNation[1])) print('Year: ' + str(year)) print('Wealth : ' + str(myNation[0]['Finance']['wealth'])) print('') print('Gold : ' + str(myNation[0]['Finance']['gold'])) print('Gems : ' + str(myNation[0]['Finance']['gems'])) print('Rare Metals : ' + str(myNation[0]['Finance']['raremetals'])) print('Oil : ' + str(myNation[0]['Finance']['oil'])) print('') print('[1] Buy') print('[2] Sell') print('[3] Exit') print(' ') print(' ') print('***************************************************') print(' ') print(' ') financeSelection = str(input('Please chose an option \n')) print(financeSelection) if financeSelection == '1': myNation = buyMenu(myNation,year) if financeSelection == '2': fast_print('Chose to sell') if financeSelection == '3': print('exiting...') return(myNation)
def buyMenu(myNation,year): financeSelection = ' ' while financeSelection != '': clearScreen() # print('$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$') # print(' 💰💰💰 BUY BUY BUY 💰💰💰💰 ') # print('$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$') print('$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$') print(' £££ BUY BUY BUY $$$ ') print('$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$') print('') print('My Team: ' + str(myNation[1])) print('Year: ' + str(year)) print('Wealth : ' + str(myNation[0]['Finance']['wealth'])) print('Stash: ' + str(myNation[0]['Finance']['gold']) + ' : ' + str(myNation[0]['Finance']['gems']) + ' : ' + str(myNation[0]['Finance']['raremetals']) + ' : ' + str(myNation[0]['Finance']['oil']) ) print('') print('Gold : ' + '$200') print('Gems : ' + '$300') print('Rare Metals : ' + '$20') print('Oil : ' + '$10') print('') print('[1] Buy Gold') print('[2] Buy Gems') print('[3] Buy Metals') print('[4] Buy Oil') print('') print('') print('[R] Return') #print('[M] Main Menu') print(' ') print(' ') print('***************************************************') print(' ') print(' ') fast_print('These features are not ready yet....sorry :( \n') financeSelection = str(input('Please chose an option \n')) print(financeSelection) if financeSelection == '1': # buy funcion # (item, price, credits) # max = round(credits/price) down # input('How many do you want to buy? ' ) fast_print('Bought Gold') print('') if financeSelection == '2': fast_print('Bought Gems') print('') if financeSelection == '3': fast_print('Bought metals') print('') if financeSelection == '4': fast_print('Bought Oil') print('') if financeSelection == 'R' or financeSelection == 'r': return(myNation) if financeSelection == 'M' or financeSelection == 'm': print('exiting...') return(myNation)
def gambleMenu(myNation,year): clearScreen() print('My Team: ' + str(myNation[1])) print('Year: ' + str(year)) print('Trade Credits: ' + str(myNation[0]['Finance']['wealth'])) print(' ') print('') flag = 0 creditsAvailable = int(myNation[0]['Finance']['wealth']) gambleAmount = 0 if creditsAvailable < 1: print('you do not have enough credits, sorry') flag = 1 if flag == 1: print('you do not have enough credits, exiting, sorry') return(myNation) fast_print('How much do you wish to gamble? \n') while gambleAmount < 1: try: gambleAmount = int(input('Input amount between 1 and ' + str(creditsAvailable) + '\n')) except: print("Entered incorrectly, please try again") if gambleAmount > creditsAvailable: fast_print('Entered too much') return(myNation) # Decrement wealth now. myNation[0]['Finance']['wealth'] = myNation[0]['Finance']['wealth'] - gambleAmount myNation[0]['Nextmove'] = 'gamble',gambleAmount print('You will gamble ' + str(myNation[0]['Nextmove'][1]) + ' in the next round') buffer = input('press any key to continue') skipflag = 'y' return(myNation)
# START MENU # 1. SELECT NATION OPTION # 2. VIEW COUNTRY # 3. VIEW RULES # 4. VIEW CREDITS # 5. START GAME # ===================================================================== # ===================================================================== # ===================================================================== """ selection = '' while selection != 'Done': clearScreen() print('*****************MENU*******************') print('') print('') print('[1] Start Game') print('[2] Select your Nation') print('[3] Country Stats') print('[4] Game rules') print('[5] Credits') print('[6] JukeBox') print('[7] Back') print('') print('') try:
def start(userName, myNation): assistant = 'Arbiter: ' fast_print('**rustle**....**clunk** ..."oh not again!" \n') fast_print(str(assistant) + '....wait... \n') time.sleep(0.7) fast_print( str(assistant) + '..who the hell are you? How did you get in here? ... \n') userName = input('Enter your name \n') print(' ') med_print(str(userName) + ': ... im ' + str(userName) + '\n') fast_print(str(assistant) + 'ah, so YOU are the one. \n') time.sleep(0.4) fast_print( str(assistant) + 'Its truly an honour to meet you ' + str(userName) + ' please know that we all appreciate your sacrifice \n') fast_print(str(assistant) + '...are you ready? \n ') print('') input(' Press any key to start..') fast_print( str(assistant) + 'executing dynamic cascade sequence now, this should feel... uh..uh.... \n ' ) time.sleep(0.6) fast_print('....a little weird \n ') time.sleep(1.50) clearScreen() time.sleep(1.50) for y in range(0, 3): for x in range(0, 10): print('XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX') time.sleep(0.50) fast_print('..........universe destruction in progress......\n') for x in range(0, 10): print('XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX') time.sleep(0.50) for x in range(0, 10): print('XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX') time.sleep(0.50) for x in range(0, 10): print('XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX') fast_print('....booting up universe simulation #16725 omega .......\n') for y in range(0, 3): for x in range(0, 10): print('><><><>><><><>><><><>><><><>><><><>><><><>><><><>><><><') time.sleep(0.50) time.sleep(0.580) for y in range(0, 3): for x in range(0, 5): print('asklfdj;l;j;adfj;kj;afdkjaklsdjfaghaldg;asdkjf;lkja;ajd') time.sleep(0.30) for x in range(0, 5): print('skakdf 9873472393khgfas lalsdjhf lkladf iuhwer 82348989') time.sleep(0.30) for x in range(0, 5): print('sweir;nvda;eradf jasd;klfjasfjghlaadsljfh lasdhfhdlafdd') time.sleep(0.50) for y in range(0, 3): for x in range(0, 10): print('XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX') time.sleep(0.50) clearScreen() time.sleep(1.10) med_print('....Lead me, follow me, or get out of my way ........ \n') print('(George S Patton)') time.sleep(1.90) clearScreen() for x in range(0, 20): print(' ') time.sleep(0.50) print('') y = 5 for x in range(0, 5): print(str(y)) y = y - 1 time.sleep(1.20) clearScreen() fast_print('Good morning commander ' + str(userName) + '..... \n') fast_print('') time.sleep(0.80) fast_print( 'The year is 1949, the devestating and costly war has finally come to an end.\nIt is your responsibility to lead ' + str(myNation[-1]) + ' to greatness. \n') time.sleep(0.80) fast_print( 'There are many ways to win, trade, politics, war....the path is up to you? \n' ) time.sleep(1.50) return (userName)