예제 #1
    def exportgroup_remove_volumes_by_uri(
        self, exportgroup_uri, volumeIdList, sync=False, tenantname=None, projectname=None, snapshots=None, cg=None
        # if snapshot given then snapshot added to exportgroup
        volume_snapshots = volumeIdList
        if snapshots:
            resuri = None
            if cg:
                blockTypeName = "consistency-groups"
                from consistencygroup import ConsistencyGroup

                cgObject = ConsistencyGroup(self.__ipAddr, self.__port)
                resuri = cgObject.consistencygroup_query(cg, projectname, tenantname)
                blockTypeName = "volumes"
                if len(volumeIdList) > 0:
                    resuri = volumeIdList[0]
            volume_snapshots = []
            snapshotObject = Snapshot(self.__ipAddr, self.__port)
            for snapshot in snapshots:
                volume_snapshots.append(snapshotObject.snapshot_query("block", blockTypeName, resuri, snapshot))

        parms = {}

        parms["volume_changes"] = self._remove_list(volume_snapshots)
        o = self.send_json_request(exportgroup_uri, parms)
        return self.check_for_sync(o, sync)

        # initator
예제 #2
    def exportgroup_add_volumes(
        self, sync, exportgroupname, tenantname, projectname, volumenames, snapshots=None, cg=None

        exportgroup_uri = self.exportgroup_query(exportgroupname, projectname, tenantname)

        # get volume uri
        if tenantname is None:
            tenantname = ""
        # List of volumes.
        # incase of snapshots from volume, this will hold the source volume
        # URI.
        volume_snapshots = []
        if volumenames:
            volume_snapshots = self._get_resource_lun_tuple(volumenames, "volumes", None, tenantname, projectname, None)

        # if snapshot given then snapshot added to exportgroup
        if snapshots and len(snapshots) > 0:
            resuri = None
            if cg:
                blockTypeName = "consistency-groups"
                from consistencygroup import ConsistencyGroup

                cgObject = ConsistencyGroup(self.__ipAddr, self.__port)
                resuri = cgObject.consistencygroup_query(cg, projectname, tenantname)
                blockTypeName = "volumes"
                if len(volume_snapshots) > 0:
                    resuri = volume_snapshots[0]["id"]

            volume_snapshots = self._get_resource_lun_tuple(
                snapshots, "snapshots", resuri, tenantname, projectname, blockTypeName

        parms = {}
        # construct the body

        volChanges = {}
        volChanges["add"] = volume_snapshots
        parms["volume_changes"] = volChanges
        o = self.send_json_request(exportgroup_uri, parms)
        return self.check_for_sync(o, sync)