def __init__(self, ds): """ input: ds (xr.Dataset) geometry dataset from one of the Geometry classes output: self.ds (xr.Dataset) original `ds` with additional fields: Tz (z) [degC] ambient potential temperature Sz (z) [psu] ambient salinity Plume/Sheet/Simple: spatially extended ambient T/S fields Ta (x,y) [degC] ambient potential temperature Sa (x,y) [psu] ambient salinity PICO/PICOP: single temperature/salinity values for model TaD () [degC] temperature at deepest part of grounding line Ta5 () [degC] temperature at 500 m Ta7 () [degC] temperature at 700 m TaL () [degC] temperature at """ assert 'draft' in ds self.ds = ds self.ds = self.ds.assign_coords({'z': np.arange(-5000., 0, 1)}) ModelConstants.__init__(self) return
def __init__(self, name, pdict=None): """ input: name .. (str) pdict .. (dict) parameter dictionary """ ModelConstants.__init__(self) assert name in cases = name self.pdict = pdict self.n = 5 return
def __init__(self, ds): #Read input self.dx = ds.x[1]-ds.x[0] self.dy = ds.y[1]-ds.y[0] if self.dx<0: print('inverting x-coordinates') ds = ds.reindex(x=list(reversed(ds.x))) self.dx = -self.dx if self.dy<0: print('inverting y-coordinates') ds = ds.reindex(y=list(reversed(ds.y))) self.dy = -self.dy self.ds = ds self.x = ds.x self.y = ds.y self.mask = ds.mask self.zb = ds.draft self.z = ds.z.values self.Tz = ds.Tz.values self.Sz = ds.Sz.values self.ind = np.indices(self.zb.shape) #Physical parameters ModelConstants.__init__(self) self.f = -1.37e-4 # Coriolis parameter [1/s] #Some input params = .8 # Nondimensional factor for Robert Asselin time filter self.slip = 1 # Nondimensional factor Free slip: 0, no slip: 2, partial no slip: [0..2] self.Ah = 6 # Laplacian viscosity [m^2/s] self.Kh = 1 # Diffusivity [m^2/s] self.dt = 40 # Time step [s] = 0.0245 # Parameter for Holland entrainment self.Cdtop= .0008 # Drag coefficient in Ustar self.utide = 0.01 # RMS tidal velocity [m/s] self.Pr = 13.8 # Prandtl number self.Sc = 2432. # Schmidt number self.nu0 = 1.95e-6 # Molecular viscosity [m^2/s] self.rhofw = 1000. # Density of freshwater [kg/m^3] self.boundop = 2 # Option for boundary conditions D,T,S. [use 1 for isomip] self.minD = 1. # Cutoff thickness [m] self.maxD = 3000. # Cutoff maximum thickness [m] self.vcut = 1.414 # Cutoff velocity U and V [m/s] self.Dinit = 10. # Initial uniform thickness [m] #Some parameters for displaying output self.diagday = .1 # Timestep at which to print diagnostics self.verbose = True self.saveday = 10 # Interval at which to save time-average fields [days] self.restday = 10 # Interval at which to save restart file [days]
def __init__(self, dp): ModelConstants.__init__(self) assert type(dp) == xr.core.dataset.Dataset assert 'x' in dp.coords for q in ['dgrl', 'draft', 'alpha', 'grl_adv', 'Ta', 'Sa', 'Tf']: assert q in dp, f'missing {q}' self.dp = dp # setting minimum angle to 0 self.dp['alpha'] = xr.where(self.dp.alpha > 0, self.dp.alpha, 0) # freezing point at corresponding grounding line, eqn (7) self.dp[ 'Tf0'] = self.l1 * self.dp.Sa + self.l2 + self.l3 * self.dp.grl_adv self.dp.Tf0.attrs = { 'long_name': 'potential pressure freezing point temperature at corresponding grounding line origin', 'units': 'degC' } # calculate dimensionless coordinate dgrl_=$\tilde{x}$ (28b) self.Ea = self.E0 * np.sin(self.dp.alpha) self.dT = self.dp.Ta - self.dp.Tf0 # self.dT = self.dT.where(self.dT>0,0) self.dp['dgrl_'] = self.l3*(self.dp.draft-self.dp.grl_adv)/self.dT/\ (1+self.Ce*(self.Ea/(self.CG+self.ct+self.Ea))**(3/4)) self.dp.dgrl_.attrs = { 'long_name': 'dimensionless coordinate tilde{x} in limited range [0,1); eqn. (28b)' } # self.dp['dgrl_'] = xr.where(self.dp.dgrl_>0,self.dp.dgrl_,0) self.dp['dgrl_'] = xr.where(self.dp.dgrl_ > 0, self.dp.dgrl_, 0) self.dp['dgrl_'] = xr.where(self.dp.dgrl_ < 1, self.dp.dgrl_, 1).where(self.dp.mask == 3) # reused parameter combinations self.f1 = * self.dp.Sa * self.g / (self.l3 * (self.L / self.cp)**3) self.f2 = (1 - self.cr1 * self.CG) / (self.Cd + self.Ea) self.f3 = self.CG * self.Ea / (self.CG + self.ct * self.Ea) return
def __init__(self, ds): """ initialize model class input: ds (xr.Dataset) contains: draft output: ds (xr.Dataset) with the following added fields: M Tk Sk mk q boxnr 0 refers to ambient (temperature/salinity) or total (area/melt) """ ModelConstants.__init__(self) self.ds = ds self.n = int(self.ds.n.values) self.fn_PICO_output = f'{path}/results/PICO/PICO_{self.ds.name_geo}_{self.ds.name_forcing}.nc' # intermediate constants for each box self.nulambda = self.rhoi/self.rhow*self.L/self.cp self.g1 = np.zeros((self.n+1)) # A_k*gamma^\star_T self.g2 = np.zeros((self.n+1)) # g1/nu/lambda = np.zeros((self.n+1)) # average pressure of box k for k in np.arange(1,self.n+1): self.g1[k] = abs(self.ds.area_k[k])*self.gammae # defined just above (A6) self.g2[k] = self.g1[k]/self.nulambda[k] = self.ds.p.where(['x','y']) self.M = xr.zeros_like(self.ds.draft).where(self.ds.mask==3) # melt(x,y) = 'melt' self.M.attrs = {'long_name':'dimensional melt', 'units':'m/yr'} self.T = np.zeros((self.n+1)) # box avg ambient temp self.S = np.zeros((self.n+1)) # box avg ambient temp self.m = np.zeros((self.n+1)) # box avg melt rate self.T[0] = self.ds.Ta.where(self.ds.draft==self.ds.draft.min()).mean().values self.S[0] = self.ds.Sa.where(self.ds.draft==self.ds.draft.min()).mean().values return
def __init__(self, name, n=None): """ input: name .. name of ice shelf n .. number of boxes in PICO model output: """ ModelConstants.__init__(self) assert name in glaciers = name if n is None: self.n = RealGeometry.find(, 'n') else: self.n = n self.fn = f'{path}/results/geometry/{name}_n{self.n}' self.fn_evo = f'{path}/results/advection/{name}' self.fn_isf = f'{path}/data/mask_polygons/{name}_isf.geojson' self.fn_grl = f'{path}/data/mask_polygons/{name}_grl.geojson' self.fn_grl2 = f'{path}/data/mask_polygons/{name}_grl2.geojson' self.fn_outline = f'{path}/data/mask_polygons/{name}_polygon.geojson' for fn in [self.fn_outline, self.fn_grl, self.fn_grl2, self.fn_isf]: assert os.path.exists(fn), f'file does not exists: {fn}' return
def __init__(self, ds): ModelConstants.__init__(self) self.ds = ds for q in ['draft', 'Ta', 'Sa', 'p', 'Tf']: assert q in self.ds, f'{q} missing' return