예제 #1
	def computeChannels(self, n, k=2):
		from constraint import Problem
		from constraint import SomeInSetConstraint
		found = False
		nodes = tuple(self.nodes())
		p = Problem()
		p.addVariables(list(self.nodes()), range(n,0,-1)) # reverse ordering the domain biases the constraint solver towards smaller numbers
		def addConstraint(node1, node2, dist, diff):
			if(node1 in node2.neighbors(dist)):
				p.addConstraint(lambda x, y: abs(x - y) >= diff,(node1, node2))
				return True
			return False

		for i in xrange(len(nodes)-1):
			n1 = nodes[i]
			for j in xrange(i+1,len(nodes)):
				n2 = nodes[j]
				if(not addConstraint(n1, n2, 2, k)): # each node pair needs no more than 1 constraint
					addConstraint(n1, n2, 4, 1)
		for rowIter in self.rows():
			row = tuple(rowIter)
			for i in xrange(len(row)-1):
				p.addConstraint(lambda x, y: y == (x + k) % n + 1,(row[i], row[i+1]))
		for colIter in self.columns():
			col = tuple(colIter)
			for i in xrange(len(col)-1):
				p.addConstraint(lambda x, y: y == (x + k - 1) % n + 1,(col[i], col[i+1]))
		solution = p.getSolution()
		if(solution == None):
			return found
		found = True
		for node,channel in p.getSolution().iteritems():
			node.channel = channel
		return True
예제 #2
def solve():
    problem = Problem()
    problem.addVariables("abcdxefgh", range(1, 10))
    problem.addConstraint(lambda a, b, c, d, x:
                          a < b < c < d and a + b + c + d + x == 27, "abcdx")
    problem.addConstraint(lambda e, f, g, h, x:
                          e < f < g < h and e + f + g + h + x == 27, "efghx")
    solutions = problem.getSolutions()
    return solutions
예제 #3
def solve(size):
    problem = Problem()
    cols = range(size)
    rows = range(size)
    problem.addVariables(cols, rows)
    for col1 in cols:
        for col2 in cols:
            if col1 < col2:
                problem.addConstraint(lambda row1, row2: row1 != row2,
                                      (col1, col2))
    solutions = problem.getSolutions()
    return solutions
def solve():
    problem = Problem()
    problem.addVariables("twofur", range(10))
    problem.addConstraint(lambda o, r: (2 * o) % 10 == r, "or")
    problem.addConstraint(lambda w, o, u,
                          r: ((10 * 2 * w) + (2 * o)) % 100 == u * 10 + r, "wour")
    problem.addConstraint(lambda t, w, o, f, u, r:
                          2 * (t * 100 + w * 10 + o) ==
                          f * 1000 + o * 100 + u * 10 + r, "twofur")
    problem.addConstraint(NotInSetConstraint([0]), "ft")
    solutions = problem.getSolutions()
    return solutions
예제 #5
def solve():
    problem = Problem()
    problem.addVariables("abc", range(1, 10))
    minvalue = 999 / (9 * 3)
    minsolution = {}
    for solution in problem.getSolutions():
        a = solution["a"]
        b = solution["b"]
        c = solution["c"]
        value = (a * 100 + b * 10 + c) / (a + b + c)
        if value < minvalue:
            minsolution = solution
    return minvalue, minsolution
예제 #6
def solve():
    problem = Problem()
    size = 8
    cols = range(size)
    rows = range(size)
    problem.addVariables(cols, rows)
    for col1 in cols:
        for col2 in cols:
            if col1 < col2:
                problem.addConstraint(lambda row1, row2, col1=col1, col2=col2:
                                      abs(row1 - row2) != abs(col1 - col2) and
                                      row1 != row2, (col1, col2))
    solutions = problem.getSolutions()
    return solutions, size
def solve():
    problem = Problem()
    problem.addVariables("seidoz", range(10))
    problem.addConstraint(lambda s, e: (2 * s) % 10 == e, "se")
    problem.addConstraint(lambda i, s, z, e: ((10 * 2 * i) + (2 * s)) % 100 ==
                          z * 10 + e, "isze")
    problem.addConstraint(lambda s, e, i, d, o, z:
                          2 * (s * 1000 + e * 100 + i * 10 + s) ==
                          d * 1000 + o * 100 + z * 10 + e, "seidoz")
    problem.addConstraint(lambda s: s != 0, "s")
    problem.addConstraint(lambda d: d != 0, "d")
    solutions = problem.getSolutions()
    return solutions
예제 #8
def solve():
    problem = Problem()

    # Define the variables: 9 rows of 9 variables rangin in 1...9
    for i in range(1, 10):
        problem.addVariables(range(i * 10 + 1, i * 10 + 10), range(1, 10))

    # Each row has different values
    for i in range(1, 10):
        problem.addConstraint(AllDifferentConstraint(), range(i * 10 + 1, i * 10 + 10))

    # Each colum has different values
    for i in range(1, 10):
        problem.addConstraint(AllDifferentConstraint(), range(10 + i, 100 + i, 10))

    # Each 3x3 box has different values
    problem.addConstraint(AllDifferentConstraint(), [11, 12, 13, 21, 22, 23, 31, 32, 33])
    problem.addConstraint(AllDifferentConstraint(), [41, 42, 43, 51, 52, 53, 61, 62, 63])
    problem.addConstraint(AllDifferentConstraint(), [71, 72, 73, 81, 82, 83, 91, 92, 93])

    problem.addConstraint(AllDifferentConstraint(), [14, 15, 16, 24, 25, 26, 34, 35, 36])
    problem.addConstraint(AllDifferentConstraint(), [44, 45, 46, 54, 55, 56, 64, 65, 66])
    problem.addConstraint(AllDifferentConstraint(), [74, 75, 76, 84, 85, 86, 94, 95, 96])

    problem.addConstraint(AllDifferentConstraint(), [17, 18, 19, 27, 28, 29, 37, 38, 39])
    problem.addConstraint(AllDifferentConstraint(), [47, 48, 49, 57, 58, 59, 67, 68, 69])
    problem.addConstraint(AllDifferentConstraint(), [77, 78, 79, 87, 88, 89, 97, 98, 99])

    # Some value is given.
    initValue = [
        [0, 9, 0, 7, 0, 0, 8, 6, 0],
        [0, 3, 1, 0, 0, 5, 0, 2, 0],
        [8, 0, 6, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
        [0, 0, 7, 0, 5, 0, 0, 0, 6],
        [0, 0, 0, 3, 0, 7, 0, 0, 0],
        [5, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 7, 0, 0],
        [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 9],
        [0, 2, 0, 6, 0, 0, 0, 5, 0],
        [0, 5, 4, 0, 0, 8, 0, 7, 0],

    for i in range(1, 10):
        for j in range(1, 10):
            if initValue[i - 1][j - 1] != 0:
                problem.addConstraint(lambda var, val=initValue[i - 1][j - 1]: var == val, (i * 10 + j,))

    # Get the solutions.
    solutions = problem.getSolutions()
    return solutions
def solve():
    problem = Problem()
    problem.addVariables(range(1, 21), ["A", "B", "C", "D", "E"])
    problem.addConstraint(SomeInSetConstraint(["A"], 4, True))
    problem.addConstraint(SomeInSetConstraint(["B"], 4, True))
    problem.addConstraint(SomeInSetConstraint(["C"], 4, True))
    problem.addConstraint(SomeInSetConstraint(["D"], 4, True))
    problem.addConstraint(SomeInSetConstraint(["E"], 4, True))
    for row in range(len(STUDENTDESKS) - 1):
        for col in range(len(STUDENTDESKS[row]) - 1):
            lst = [STUDENTDESKS[row][col], STUDENTDESKS[row][col + 1],
                   STUDENTDESKS[row + 1][col], STUDENTDESKS[row + 1][col + 1]]
            lst = [x for x in lst if x]
            problem.addConstraint(AllDifferentConstraint(), lst)
    solutions = problem.getSolution()
    return solutions
def solve():
    problem = Problem()
    problem.addVariables("sendmory", range(10))
    problem.addConstraint(lambda d, e, y: (d + e) % 10 == y, "dey")
    problem.addConstraint(lambda n, d, r, e, y: (n * 10 + d + r * 10 + e) % 100 == e * 10 + y, "ndrey")
        lambda e, n, d, o, r, y: (e * 100 + n * 10 + d + o * 100 + r * 10 + e) % 1000 == n * 100 + e * 10 + y, "endory"
        lambda s, e, n, d, m, o, r, y: 1000 * s + 100 * e + 10 * n + d + 1000 * m + 100 * o + 10 * r + e
        == 10000 * m + 1000 * o + 100 * n + 10 * e + y,
    problem.addConstraint(NotInSetConstraint([0]), "sm")
    solutions = problem.getSolutions()
    return solutions
예제 #11
def derive_depths(marker_list, additional_constraints=[]):
    """Use constraint programming to derive the paragraph depths associated
    with a list of paragraph markers. Additional constraints (e.g. expected
    marker types, etc.) can also be added. Such constraints are functions of
    two parameters, the constraint function (problem.addConstraint) and a
    list of all variables"""
    if not marker_list:
        return []
    problem = Problem()

    # Marker type per marker
    problem.addVariables(["type" + str(i) for i in range(len(marker_list))],
    # Index within the marker list
    problem.addVariables(["idx" + str(i) for i in range(len(marker_list))],
    # Depth in the tree, with an arbitrary limit of 10
    problem.addVariables(["depth" + str(i) for i in range(len(marker_list))],
    all_vars = []
    for i in range(len(marker_list)):
        all_vars.extend(['type' + str(i), 'idx' + str(i), 'depth' + str(i)])

    # Always start at depth 0
    problem.addConstraint(rules.must_be(0), ("depth0",))

    for idx, marker in enumerate(marker_list):
        idx_str = str(idx)
                              ("type" + idx_str, "idx" + idx_str))

        prior_params = ['type' + idx_str, 'idx' + idx_str, 'depth' + idx_str]
        for i in range(idx):
            prior_params += ['type' + str(i), 'idx' + str(i), 'depth' + str(i)]

        problem.addConstraint(rules.same_type, prior_params)
        problem.addConstraint(rules.diff_type, prior_params)

    # @todo: There's probably efficiency gains to making these rules over
    # prefixes (see above) rather than over the whole collection at once
    problem.addConstraint(rules.same_depth_same_type, all_vars)
    problem.addConstraint(rules.stars_occupy_space, all_vars)

    for constraint in additional_constraints:
        constraint(problem.addConstraint, all_vars)

    return [Solution(solution) for solution in problem.getSolutions()]
예제 #12
from constraint import Problem, AllDifferentConstraint
from itertools import product
from functools import partial

columns = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h']
rows = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]

mapping = dict((x, y) for x, y in zip(columns, rows))

def bishop_func(a, b, x, y): return abs(mapping[x] - mapping[y]) != abs(a - b) or a == b

problem = Problem()

problem.addVariables(columns, rows)

for column1, column2 in product(columns, columns):
    problem.addConstraint(partial(bishop_func, x = column1, y = column2), (column1, column2))

for solution in problem.getSolutions():
    print sorted(solution.iteritems())

예제 #13
def derive_depths(original_markers, additional_constraints=[]):
    """Use constraint programming to derive the paragraph depths associated
    with a list of paragraph markers. Additional constraints (e.g. expected
    marker types, etc.) can also be added. Such constraints are functions of
    two parameters, the constraint function (problem.addConstraint) and a
    list of all variables"""
    if not original_markers:
        return []
    problem = Problem()
    marker_list = _compress_markerless(original_markers)

    # Depth in the tree, with an arbitrary limit of 10
    problem.addVariables(["depth" + str(i) for i in range(len(marker_list))],

    # Always start at depth 0
    problem.addConstraint(rules.must_be(0), ("depth0",))

    all_vars = []
    for idx, marker in enumerate(marker_list):
        type_var = "type{}".format(idx)
        depth_var = "depth{}".format(idx)
        # Index within the marker list. Though this variable is redundant, it
        # makes the code easier to understand and doesn't have a significant
        # performance penalty
        idx_var = "idx{}".format(idx)

        typ_opts = [t for t in markers.types if marker in t]
        idx_opts = [i for t in typ_opts for i in range(len(t))
                    if t[i] == marker]
        problem.addVariable(type_var, typ_opts)
        problem.addVariable(idx_var, idx_opts)

        problem.addConstraint(rules.type_match(marker), [type_var, idx_var])
        all_vars.extend([type_var, idx_var, depth_var])

        if idx > 0:
            pairs = all_vars[3*(idx-1):]
            problem.addConstraint(rules.depth_check, pairs)

        if idx > 1:
            pairs = all_vars[3*(idx-2):]
            problem.addConstraint(rules.markerless_sandwich, pairs)
            problem.addConstraint(rules.star_sandwich, pairs)

    # separate loop so that the simpler checks run first
    for idx in range(1, len(marker_list)):
        # start with the current idx
        params = all_vars[3*idx:3*(idx+1)]
        # then add on all previous
        params += all_vars[:3*idx]
        problem.addConstraint(rules.sequence, params)

    # @todo: There's probably efficiency gains to making these rules over
    # prefixes (see above) rather than over the whole collection at once
    problem.addConstraint(rules.same_parent_same_type, all_vars)
    problem.addConstraint(rules.stars_occupy_space, all_vars)

    for constraint in additional_constraints:
        constraint(problem.addConstraint, all_vars)

    solutions = []
    for assignment in problem.getSolutionIter():
        assignment = _decompress_markerless(assignment, original_markers)
    return solutions
예제 #14
def derive_depths(original_markers, additional_constraints=None):
    """Use constraint programming to derive the paragraph depths associated
    with a list of paragraph markers. Additional constraints (e.g. expected
    marker types, etc.) can also be added. Such constraints are functions of
    two parameters, the constraint function (problem.addConstraint) and a
    list of all variables"""
    if additional_constraints is None:
        additional_constraints = []
    if not original_markers:
        return []
    problem = Problem()
    marker_list = _compress_markerless(original_markers)
    # Depth in the tree, with an arbitrary limit of 10
    problem.addVariables(["depth" + str(i) for i in range(len(marker_list))],

    # Always start at depth 0
    problem.addConstraint(rules.must_be(0), ("depth0",))

    all_vars = []

    for idx, marker in enumerate(marker_list):
        type_var = "type{0}".format(idx)
        depth_var = "depth{0}".format(idx)
        # Index within the marker list. Though this variable is redundant, it
        # makes the code easier to understand and doesn't have a significant
        # performance penalty
        idx_var = "idx{0}".format(idx)

        typ_opts = [t for t in markers.types if marker in t]
        idx_opts = [i for t in typ_opts for i in range(len(t))
                    if t[i] == marker]
        problem.addVariable(type_var, typ_opts)
        problem.addVariable(idx_var, idx_opts)

        problem.addConstraint(rules.type_match(marker), [type_var, idx_var])
        all_vars.extend([type_var, idx_var, depth_var])

        if idx > 0:
            pairs = all_vars[3 * (idx - 1):]
            problem.addConstraint(pair_rules, pairs)

        if idx > 1:
            pairs = all_vars[3 * (idx - 2):]
            problem.addConstraint(rules.triplet_tests, pairs)

    # separate loop so that the simpler checks run first
    for idx in range(1, len(marker_list)):
        # start with the current idx
        params = all_vars[3 * idx:3 * (idx + 1)]
        # then add on all previous
        params += all_vars[:3 * idx]
        problem.addConstraint(rules.continue_previous_seq, params)

    # @todo: There's probably efficiency gains to making these rules over
    # prefixes (see above) rather than over the whole collection at once
    problem.addConstraint(rules.same_parent_same_type, all_vars)
    for constraint in additional_constraints:
        constraint(problem.addConstraint, all_vars)

    solutions = []
    for assignment in problem.getSolutionIter():
        assignment = _decompress_markerless(assignment, original_markers)
        if len(solutions) == 10:
            break # to prevent infinite solution loops
    return solutions
from constraint import AllDifferentConstraint, InSetConstraint, Problem

# variables
jobs = "FA EA PA RO AC".split()
deskcolor = "Aqua Maroon Pink Cream Purple".split()
travel = "Fiji France Canada Japan Thailand".split()
drinks = "Peppermint GreenTea Chamomile EarlGrey EnglishBreakfast".split()
suburb = "Brunswick, Werribee, Frankston, Oakleigh, StKilda".split(", ")

# There are five houses.
minn, maxn = 1, 5
problem = Problem()
# value of a variable is the number of a house with corresponding property
variables = jobs + deskcolor + travel + drinks + suburb
problem.addVariables(variables, range(minn, maxn + 1))

# All jobs, colors, travel, drinks, and suburb are unique to each person
for vars_ in (jobs, deskcolor, travel, drinks, suburb):
    problem.addConstraint(AllDifferentConstraint(), vars_)

# RULE 4: The cream desk is to the left of the purple desk.
#NOTE: interpret it as 'cream desk number' < 'purple desk number'
problem.addConstraint(lambda a, b: a < b, ["Cream", "Purple"])

# RULE 8: In the middle desk the drink is Chamomile
#NOTE: interpret "middle" in a numerical sense (not geometrical)
problem.addConstraint(InSetConstraint([(minn + maxn) // 2]), ["Chamomile"])

# RULE 9: The leftmost desk's job is Financial analyst.
#NOTE: interpret "the first" as the desk number.
예제 #16
파일: cal.py 프로젝트: jhjaggars/hours
        return "\n".join([
            " ".join(self.formatday(d, wd, width) for (d, wd) in theweek),
            " ".join(self.formathours(d, wd, width) for (d, wd) in theweek),

CALENDAR = MCalendar()
days = [d for d in CALENDAR.itermonthdates(YEAR, MONTH) if d.month == MONTH]

def all_assigned(assignments, variables):
    return [assignments.get(v, Unassigned)
            for v in variables].count(Unassigned) == 0

problem = Problem()

problem.addVariables(days, list(range(0, 17)))

for d in days:
    if d.day in special:
        problem.addConstraint(InSetConstraint([special[d.day]]), [d])
    elif d.weekday() in regular:
        problem.addConstraint(InSetConstraint([regular[d.weekday()]]), [d])


soln = problem.getSolution()
CALENDAR.sched = {k.day: v for k, v in soln.items()}
예제 #17
class GraphletsConstraints(X86AnalyzerBase):
    #__registers32Bit = ["eax","ebx","ecx","edx","esi","edi","ebp","esp"]
    __dictNames = ['ref','tar']
    __printConds = False
    def __init__(self,nodeGradesInfos=[]):

        self.problem = Problem(MinConflictsSolver())
        # this is to make it human readable ..
        # we will generator the solution only when we need it and then cache it
        # TODO make __
        self.sol = None 
        for key in self.rewriteDict.keys():
            self.rewriteDict[key]['symbolCache'] = {}
            self.rewriteDict[key]['curLine'] = 1
            self.rewriteDict[key]['curPos'] = 1
    def getEmptyDict(self):
        d = X86AnalyzerBase.getEmptyDict(self)
        for key in d.keys():
            d[key]['transitions'] = []
            d[key]['valuesTrackDict'] = {}
            #if key != self.REGISTER:
            d[key]['domain'] = set()
            #self.rewriteDict[key]['inCmdCounter'] = 1
        return d
    # this will add recorded value to dict, even if there is a conflict it will be recorded...
    def insertToDictWithType(self,tarCmdNum,fromStr,refCmdNum,toStr,typeStr,dict2insert=None):

        assert(dict2insert != None)
        #if typeStr != self.REGISTER:

    def commitChanges(self,tmpDict):
        for key in self.rewriteDict.keys():
            #if key != self.REGISTER:

    # black list has no generation:) , we can use the rwdict type as they are the same..
    def getRewriteWithType(self,tarCmdNum,fromStr,typeStr,FoundBlacklistElement):
        if self.sol == None:

        if self.rewriteDict[typeStr]['curLine'] < tarCmdNum :
            self.rewriteDict[typeStr]['curLine'] = tarCmdNum
            self.rewriteDict[typeStr]['curPos'] = 1

        varName = self.getVarName(self.getShort(typeStr), tarCmdNum, self.rewriteDict[typeStr]['curPos'])
        self.rewriteDict[typeStr]['curPos'] += 1
        if self.sol != None and varName in self.sol:
            # we have a value! update cache and return it
            newVal = self.sol[varName]
            self.rewriteDict[typeStr]['symbolCache'][fromStr] = newVal
            return newVal
        elif fromStr in self.rewriteDict[typeStr]['symbolCache']:
            return self.rewriteDict[typeStr]['symbolCache'][fromStr]
            #not found in this type's map in this generation, return original
            return fromStr

    def getShort(self,name):
        if name == self.FUNCNAME:
            return "f"
        elif name == self.VAR:
            return "m"
        elif name == self.REGISTER:
            return "r"
        else :
            raise hell
    def getVarName(self,preFix,curLine,curPos):
        return preFix + str(curLine) + "-" + str(curPos) + "_TAR"

    # TODO - make this __
    def callSol(self):
        # we need to go over each dict that is useable, and feed vars and constraints
        for typeDict in [x for x in self.rewriteDict.keys() if self.rewriteDict[x]['useAble']==True ]:
            curLine = 1
            curPos = 1
            preFix = self.getShort(typeDict)
            #if typeDict != self.REGISTER:
            domain = list(self.rewriteDict[typeDict]['domain']) 
            #    domain =self.__registers32Bit
            for (line,tarStr,refStr) in self.rewriteDict[typeDict]['transitions']:
                if curLine < line:
                    curPos = 1
                    curLine = line
                tarName = self.getVarName(preFix, curLine, curPos)
                if (self.__printConds):
                    print "CONS(text) -> " + tarName + " == " + refStr 
                if tarStr in self.rewriteDict[typeDict]['valuesTrackDict'] != None:
                    if (self.__printConds):
                        print "CONS(bag) -> " + self.rewriteDict[typeDict]['valuesTrackDict'][tarStr] + " == " + tarName 
                self.rewriteDict[typeDict]['valuesTrackDict'][tarStr] = tarName
        self.sol = self.problem.getSolution()
        if traceHack:
            print "(Number of broken - " + str(self.problem.getSolver().getHack()) + ")",

    def varsEqual(self,v1, v2):
        return v1==v2
    def checkInputVsTarget(self,target):
        def retFunc(inputVal):
            return inputVal == target
        return retFunc     
    def getSolution(self):
        if self.sol == None:
        return self.sol
    def printSol(self,sol):
        #better call sol!
        if sol == None:
            print "NO SOL!"
        last = 1
        for key in sorted(sol.iterkeys()):
            if int(key[1:2]) != last:
                last = int(key[1:2])
                print ""
            print key + ": " + sol[key] + " ",
    def getBrokenNumber(self):
        return self.problem.getSolver().getHack()
예제 #18
class GraphletsConstraints(X86AnalyzerBase):

    #__registers32Bit = ["eax","ebx","ecx","edx","esi","edi","ebp","esp"]

    __dictNames = ['ref', 'tar']

    __printConds = False

    def __init__(self, nodeGradesInfos=[]):

        X86AnalyzerBase.__init__(self, nodeGradesInfos)
        self.problem = Problem(MinConflictsSolver())
        # this is to make it human readable ..
        # we will generator the solution only when we need it and then cache it

        # TODO make __
        self.sol = None

        for key in self.rewriteDict.keys():
            self.rewriteDict[key]['symbolCache'] = {}
            self.rewriteDict[key]['curLine'] = 1
            self.rewriteDict[key]['curPos'] = 1


    def getEmptyDict(self):
        d = X86AnalyzerBase.getEmptyDict(self)
        for key in d.keys():
            d[key]['transitions'] = []
            d[key]['valuesTrackDict'] = {}
            #if key != self.REGISTER:
            d[key]['domain'] = set()
            #self.rewriteDict[key]['inCmdCounter'] = 1

        return d

    # this will add recorded value to dict, even if there is a conflict it will be recorded...
    def insertToDictWithType(self,

        assert (dict2insert != None)
        dict2insert[typeStr]['transitions'].append((tarCmdNum, fromStr, toStr))

        #if typeStr != self.REGISTER:

    def commitChanges(self, tmpDict):
        for key in self.rewriteDict.keys():
            #if key != self.REGISTER:

    # black list has no generation:) , we can use the rwdict type as they are the same..
    def getRewriteWithType(self, tarCmdNum, fromStr, typeStr,

        if self.sol == None:

        if self.rewriteDict[typeStr]['curLine'] < tarCmdNum:
            self.rewriteDict[typeStr]['curLine'] = tarCmdNum
            self.rewriteDict[typeStr]['curPos'] = 1

        varName = self.getVarName(self.getShort(typeStr), tarCmdNum,
        self.rewriteDict[typeStr]['curPos'] += 1

        if self.sol != None and varName in self.sol:
            # we have a value! update cache and return it
            newVal = self.sol[varName]
            self.rewriteDict[typeStr]['symbolCache'][fromStr] = newVal
            return newVal
        elif fromStr in self.rewriteDict[typeStr]['symbolCache']:
            return self.rewriteDict[typeStr]['symbolCache'][fromStr]
            #not found in this type's map in this generation, return original
            return fromStr

    def getShort(self, name):
        if name == self.FUNCNAME:
            return "f"
        elif name == self.VAR:
            return "m"
        elif name == self.REGISTER:
            return "r"
            raise hell

    def getVarName(self, preFix, curLine, curPos):
        return preFix + str(curLine) + "-" + str(curPos) + "_TAR"

    # TODO - make this __
    def callSol(self):
        # we need to go over each dict that is useable, and feed vars and constraints
        for typeDict in [
                x for x in self.rewriteDict.keys()
                if self.rewriteDict[x]['useAble'] == True
            curLine = 1
            curPos = 1

            preFix = self.getShort(typeDict)
            #if typeDict != self.REGISTER:
            domain = list(self.rewriteDict[typeDict]['domain'])
            #    domain =self.__registers32Bit
            for (line, tarStr,
                 refStr) in self.rewriteDict[typeDict]['transitions']:
                if curLine < line:
                    curPos = 1
                    curLine = line

                tarName = self.getVarName(preFix, curLine, curPos)

                self.problem.addVariables([tarName], domain)
                if (self.__printConds):
                    print "CONS(text) -> " + tarName + " == " + refStr

                if tarStr in self.rewriteDict[typeDict][
                        'valuesTrackDict'] != None:
                    if (self.__printConds):
                        print "CONS(bag) -> " + self.rewriteDict[typeDict][
                            'valuesTrackDict'][tarStr] + " == " + tarName
                    self.problem.addConstraint(self.varsEqual, [
                self.rewriteDict[typeDict]['valuesTrackDict'][tarStr] = tarName

                curPos += 1

        self.sol = self.problem.getSolution()
        if traceHack:
            print "(Number of broken - " + str(
                self.problem.getSolver().getHack()) + ")",

    def varsEqual(self, v1, v2):
        return v1 == v2

    def checkInputVsTarget(self, target):
        def retFunc(inputVal):
            return inputVal == target

        return retFunc

    def getSolution(self):
        if self.sol == None:

        return self.sol

    def printSol(self, sol):
        #better call sol!

        if sol == None:
            print "NO SOL!"

        last = 1
        for key in sorted(sol.iterkeys()):
            if int(key[1:2]) != last:
                last = int(key[1:2])
                print ""

            print key + ": " + sol[key] + " ",

    def getBrokenNumber(self):
        return self.problem.getSolver().getHack()
예제 #19
S = len(grid)  # size of the grid
assert all(len(row) == S for row in grid)
assert len(groupnames) == S

rownames = list(range(S))
columnnames = list(range(S))

def isadjacent(cell0, cell1):
    (i0, j0), (i1, j1) = cell0, cell1
    return abs(i0 - i1) <= 1 and abs(j0 - j1) <= 1

problem = Problem()
problem.addVariables(cellnames, [0, 1])  # 1 = has a star

# Each row, column, and group must have exactly N stars
for row in rownames:
                          [(x, y) for x, y in cellnames if y == row])
for col in columnnames:
                          [(x, y) for x, y in cellnames if x == col])
for cells in groupcells.values():
    problem.addConstraint(ExactSumConstraint(N), cells)

# Adjacent cells may not both have a star
for cell0 in cellnames:
    for cell1 in cellnames:
        if cell0 < cell1 and isadjacent(cell0, cell1):
예제 #20
class GraphletsConstraints(RWEngineBase):
    __printConds = False
    def __init__(self,nodeGradesInfos):
        self.nodeGradesInfos = nodeGradesInfos
        self.sol = None
    # a field is somthing seperated by " " , an argument is a list of params seperated by "," ; a member is a param seperated by "+"
    def breakCommand(self,cmd):
        cmdFields = seperateCmd(cmd)
        if len(cmdFields) ==0:
            print "asd"
        assert (len(cmdFields) >0)
        if len(cmdFields) == 1 :
            return {'nemonic':cmdFields[0],'nemonicWithDecoretors':" ".join(cmdFields[0:-1]),'ParamsList':[]}
            return {'nemonic':cmdFields[0],'nemonicWithDecoretors':" ".join(cmdFields[0:-1]),'ParamsList':cmdFields[-1].split(",")}
    #TODO - add to this..
    lvalCmdsStarts = ["mov","sub","add","xor"]
    def getNemonicType(self,nemonic):
        if any(map(lambda startString: nemonic.startswith(startString),self.lvalCmdsStarts)):
            return "WriteThenRead"
            return "Read"
    FuncPrefix = "f"
    VARPrefix = "s"
    RegisterPrefix = "r"
    OffsetPrefix = "o"
    OtherPrefix = "X"
    def getPrefix(self,Str):
        if isVarStr(Str):
            return self.VARPrefix
        elif isRegisterStr(Str):
            return self.RegisterPrefix
        elif isOffset(Str):
            return self.OffsetPrefix
            return self.OtherPrefix 

    def varsEqual(self,v1, v2):
        return v1==v2
    def checkInputVsTarget(self,target):
        def retFunc(inputVal):
            return inputVal == target
        return retFunc     

    def getVarName(self,prefix,lineNumber,varsInThisLine):
        return prefix + str(lineNumber) + "-" + str(varsInThisLine) + "_TAR"

    def getMembers(self,param):
        refMembers = param.split("+")
        refMembers[0] = refMembers[0][1:] #remove [ from first
        refMembers[-1] = refMembers[-1][0:-1]  # remove ] from last (they can be the same one!)
        return refMembers

    def getDomains(self):
        domains = {self.FuncPrefix:set(),self.VARPrefix:set(),self.RegisterPrefix:set(),self.OffsetPrefix:set()}
        def getCmdSymbols(cmd):
            cmdBasicInfo = self.breakCommand(cmd)
            for param in cmdBasicInfo['ParamsList']:
                if param.startswith("["):
                    for member in self.getMembers(param):
                        yield member
                    yield param
        def getCmds(cmdsDelimited):
            return filter(None,cmdsDelimited.split(";"))
        for cmdList in itertools.imap(lambda nodeGradesInfo:getCmds(nodeGradesInfo['refCode']),self.nodeGradesInfos):
            for cmd in cmdList:
                if isCall(cmd):
                    prefix = self.FuncPrefix
                    for symbol in getCmdSymbols(cmd):
                        prefix = self.getPrefix(symbol)
                        if prefix != self.OtherPrefix:
        for domainName in domains.keys():
            domains[domainName] = list(domains[domainName])
        return domains

    def callSol(self):
        domains = self.getDomains()
        self.problem = Problem(MinConflictsSolver())
        tarSymbolsCache = {}
        self.varsInThisLine = 0
        def addInTraceletCons(tarVal,newVarName):
            if (self.__printConds):
                print "CONS(IN) -> " + tarSymbolsCache[tarVal] + " == " + newVarName 
        def addCrossTraceletCons(refVal,newVarName,refPrefix):
            if (self.__printConds):
                print "CONS(CROSS) -> " + newVarName + " == " + refVal
        def addVarWithPrefix(prefix,lineNumber):
            newVarName = self.getVarName(prefix,lineNumber,self.varsInThisLine)
            if len(domains[prefix]) == 0:
                print "EMP"
            return newVarName
        # mode can be - WRITE or NORMAL
        def doDF(refSymbol,tarSymbol,lineNumber,refPrefix,tarPrefix,nemonicType):
            if refPrefix == self.OtherPrefix or tarPrefix == self.OtherPrefix:
            newVarName = addVarWithPrefix(tarPrefix,lineNumber)
            if (refPrefix == tarPrefix):
            if tarSymbol in tarSymbolsCache:  
            if tarPrefix != self.RegisterPrefix or nemonicType=="WriteThenRead":
                tarSymbolsCache[tarSymbol] = newVarName
        #for matchedCmd in itertools.chain(map(lambda nodeInfo:nodeInfo['matchedCmds'],self.nodeGradesInfos)):
        tarBase = 0
        refBase = 0
        for nodeInfo in self.nodeGradesInfos:
            for matchedCmd in nodeInfo['matchedCmds']:
                self.varsInThisLine = 1
                # if these cmds are not an operational match, we cannot cross tracelet match them.
                if matchedCmd['operationMatch'] == True:
                    currentLineNumber = tarBase + matchedCmd['tarCmdNum'] #  matchedCmd['tarCmdNum'] is 1 based so we are ok
                    if matchedCmd['tar'] =="" or matchedCmd['ref'] =="":
                    tarCmdBasicInfo = self.breakCommand(matchedCmd['tar'])
                    refCmdBasicInfo = self.breakCommand(matchedCmd['ref'])
                    if len(tarCmdBasicInfo['ParamsList'])>0 and len(refCmdBasicInfo['ParamsList'])>0:
                        if tarCmdBasicInfo['nemonic'] == 'call':
                            doDF(refCmdBasicInfo['ParamsList'][0], tarCmdBasicInfo['ParamsList'][0], currentLineNumber, self.FuncPrefix,self.FuncPrefix, "Read")
                            nemonicType = self.getNemonicType(tarCmdBasicInfo['nemonic'])
                            for (refParam,tarParam) in zip(refCmdBasicInfo['ParamsList'],tarCmdBasicInfo['ParamsList']):
                                tarIsMem = "[" in tarParam
                                if tarIsMem != ("[" in refParam):
                                    print matchedCmd
                                    print "BOY"
                                assert  tarIsMem == ("[" in refParam)
                                if not tarIsMem:
                                    tarPreFix = self.getPrefix(tarParam)
                                    refPreFix = self.getPrefix(refParam)
                                    doDF(refParam, tarParam, currentLineNumber, tarPreFix,refPreFix, nemonicType)
                                    # TODO - return this to find more classes when we have time...
                                    if nemonicType == "WriteThenRead":  
                                        if tarPreFix != self.RegisterPrefix:
                                            print matchedCmd
                                        assert (tarPreFix == self.RegisterPrefix)
                                        # the write is only to the left most param, rest are normal
                                    # this is memory! , first remove '[',']'
                                    for (refMember,tarMember) in zip(self.getMembers(refParam),self.getMembers(tarParam)):
                                        tarPreFix = self.getPrefix(tarMember)
                                        refPreFix = self.getPrefix(refMember)
                                        doDF(refMember, tarMember, currentLineNumber, tarPreFix,refPreFix, nemonicType)
                                nemonicType = "Read"
                    #TODO handle the False clause ?
            tarBase += nodeInfo['tarCode'].count(";")
            refBase += nodeInfo['refCode'].count(";")
        self.sol = self.problem.getSolution()
        #print self.sol
    def getBrokenNumber(self):
        return self.problem.getSolver().getHack()
    # TODO - make this __
    def getRW(self):
        sol = self.getSolution()
        tarBase = 0
        symbolsCache = {}
        self.varsInThisLine = 0
        TotalLineNumber = 0
        def getRewrittenSymbolUpdateCache(prefix,symbol):
            varName = self.getVarName(prefix, TotalLineNumber, self.varsInThisLine)
            if sol != None and varName in sol:
                symbolsCache[symbol] = sol[varName]
                return sol[varName]
                return symbol
        def rewrittenParam(param):
            if param.startswith("["):
                rewrittenMembers = []
                for member in self.getMembers(param):
                    rewrittenMembers.append(getRewrittenSymbolUpdateCache(self.getPrefix(member), member))
                return "[" + "+".join(rewrittenMembers) + "]"
                newParam = getRewrittenSymbolUpdateCache(self.getPrefix(param), param)
                return newParam
        for nodeInfo in self.nodeGradesInfos:
            cmdsStr = nodeInfo['tarCode']
            rewrittenCmds = []
            lastLineNumber = 0 #filter(None,)
            for (lineNumber,cmd) in enumerate(cmdsStr.split(";")):
                TotalLineNumber = tarBase + lineNumber + 1 # we are one based
                lastLineNumber = lineNumber +1  # we are one based
                self.varsInThisLine = 1
                if cmd != "":
                    tarCmdBasicInfo = self.breakCommand(cmd)
                    if len(tarCmdBasicInfo['ParamsList'])>0:
                        if tarCmdBasicInfo['nemonic'] == 'call':
                            rewrittenCmds.append("call " + getRewrittenSymbolUpdateCache(self.FuncPrefix,tarCmdBasicInfo['ParamsList'][0]))
                            rewrittenCmds.append(tarCmdBasicInfo['nemonicWithDecoretors'] + " " + ",".join(map(rewrittenParam,tarCmdBasicInfo['ParamsList'])))
                    # this mostly cuz of bugs, but if i wont accumidate them it will cause a bad grade for nothing..(everything else wont be aligned)
            tarBase += lastLineNumber-1
            yield ";".join(rewrittenCmds)
    def getSolution(self):
        if self.sol == None:
        return self.sol
    def printSol(self,sol):
        #better call sol!
        if sol == None:
            print "NO SOL!"
        last = 1
        for key in sorted(sol.iterkeys()):
            if int(key[1:2]) != last:
                last = int(key[1:2])
                print ""
            print key + ": " + sol[key] + " ", 
예제 #21
def solve():
    problem = Problem()

    # Define the variables: 9 rows of 9 variables rangin in 1...9
    for i in range(1, 10):
        problem.addVariables(range(i * 10 + 1, i * 10 + 10), range(1, 10))

    # Each row has different values
    for i in range(1, 10):
                              range(i * 10 + 1, i * 10 + 10))

    # Each colum has different values
    for i in range(1, 10):
                              range(10 + i, 100 + i, 10))

    # Each 3x3 box has different values
                          [11, 12, 13, 21, 22, 23, 31, 32, 33])
                          [41, 42, 43, 51, 52, 53, 61, 62, 63])
                          [71, 72, 73, 81, 82, 83, 91, 92, 93])

                          [14, 15, 16, 24, 25, 26, 34, 35, 36])
                          [44, 45, 46, 54, 55, 56, 64, 65, 66])
                          [74, 75, 76, 84, 85, 86, 94, 95, 96])

                          [17, 18, 19, 27, 28, 29, 37, 38, 39])
                          [47, 48, 49, 57, 58, 59, 67, 68, 69])
                          [77, 78, 79, 87, 88, 89, 97, 98, 99])

    # Some value is given.
    initValue = [
        [0, 9, 0, 7, 0, 0, 8, 6, 0],
        [0, 3, 1, 0, 0, 5, 0, 2, 0],
        [8, 0, 6, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
        [0, 0, 7, 0, 5, 0, 0, 0, 6],
        [0, 0, 0, 3, 0, 7, 0, 0, 0],
        [5, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 7, 0, 0],
        [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 9],
        [0, 2, 0, 6, 0, 0, 0, 5, 0],
        [0, 5, 4, 0, 0, 8, 0, 7, 0],

    for i in range(1, 10):
        for j in range(1, 10):
            if initValue[i - 1][j - 1] != 0:
                    lambda var, val=initValue[i - 1][j - 1]: var == val,
                    (i * 10 + j, ))

    # Get the solutions.
    solutions = problem.getSolutions()
    return solutions
예제 #22
파일: zebra.py 프로젝트: 0xfe/experiments
from constraint import AllDifferentConstraint, InSetConstraint, Problem

# variables
colors        = "blue red green white yellow".split()
nationalities = "Norwegian Ukranian Japanese Spaniard English".split()
pets          = "fox dog horse snails zebra".split()
drinks        = "tea coffee milk orange water".split()
fruits    = "grapes kiwi bananas peach grapefruit".split()

# There are five houses.
minn, maxn = 1, 5
problem = Problem()
# value of a variable is the number of a house with corresponding property
variables = colors + nationalities + pets + drinks + fruits
problem.addVariables(variables, range(minn, maxn+1))

# Each house has its own unique color.
# All house owners are of different nationalities.
# They all have different pets.
# They all drink different drinks.
# They all smoke different fruits.
for vars_ in (colors, nationalities, pets, drinks, fruits):
    problem.addConstraint(AllDifferentConstraint(), vars_)

# In the middle house they drink milk.
#NOTE: interpret "middle" in a numerical sense (not geometrical)
problem.addConstraint(InSetConstraint([(minn + maxn) // 2]), ["milk"])
# The Norwegian lives in the first house.
#NOTE: interpret "the first" as a house number
problem.addConstraint(InSetConstraint([minn]), ["Norwegian"])
# The green house is on the left side of the white house.
예제 #23
from constraint import Problem, AllEqualConstraint

problem = Problem()
problem.addVariables(["a", "b"], [[1,3], [2,4], [5,6]])
problem.addConstraint(AllEqualConstraint(), ["a", "b"])
solutions = problem.getSolutions()

print (solutions)