예제 #1
def correct_bxc_bxd():
    ANNOTS_DIR = ('/home/remoto/tomas.teijeiro/Escritorio/anots_dani/')
    RECORDS = [
        100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 111, 112, 113, 114,
        115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 121, 122, 123, 124, 200, 201, 202, 203, 205,
        207, 208, 209, 210, 212, 213, 214, 215, 217, 219, 220, 221, 222, 223,
        228, 230, 231, 232, 233, 234
    for rec in RECORDS:
        REF = ANNOTS_DIR + str(rec) + '.atr'
        TEST = ANNOTS_DIR + str(rec) + '.bxd'
        OUT = ANNOTS_DIR + str(rec) + '.bxD'
        ref = SortedList(MIT.read_annotations(REF))
        test = MIT.read_annotations(TEST)
        for tann in test:
            dummy = MIT.MITAnnotation()
            dummy.time = int(tann.time - UNITS.msec2samples(150))
            idx = ref.bisect_left(dummy)
                rann = next(
                    a for a in ref[idx:] if MIT.is_qrs_annotation(a)
                    and abs(a.time - tann.time) <= UNITS.msec2samples(150))
                tann.code = rann.code
            except StopIteration:
        MIT.save_annotations(test, OUT)
        print('Record {0} processed'.format(rec))
    print('The full database was successfully processed')
예제 #2
def correct_bxb():
    ANNOTS_DIR = ('/home/remoto/tomas.teijeiro/Escritorio/anots_dani/')
    RECORDS = [
        100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 111, 112, 113, 114,
        115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 121, 122, 123, 124, 200, 201, 202, 203, 205,
        207, 208, 209, 210, 212, 213, 214, 215, 217, 219, 220, 221, 222, 223,
        228, 230, 231, 232, 233, 234
    for rec in RECORDS:
        IN_FILE = ANNOTS_DIR + str(rec) + '.bxb'
        OUT_FILE = ANNOTS_DIR + str(rec) + '.bxd'
        anots = MIT.read_annotations(IN_FILE)
        out = []
        #Corrections according to the -o flag of the bxb utility.
        for ann in anots:
            if MIT.is_qrs_annotation(ann):
            #Missed beats
            elif ann.code == CODES.NOTE and ann.aux[0] not in ('O', 'X'):
                new = MIT.MITAnnotation()
                new.code = CODES.CHARMAP[ann.aux[0]]
                new.time = ann.time
        MIT.save_annotations(out, OUT_FILE)
        print('Record {0} processed'.format(rec))
    print('The full database was successfully processed')
예제 #3
        #Now we write the .hea and the .dat files.
        heafmt = ('{0} 1 {1} {2} {3}\n'
                  '{0}.dat 16 {4} 16 0 0 0 0 MLII\n')
        with open(PATH + NAME + '.hea', 'w') as hea:
            hea.write(heafmt.format(NAME, FREQ, len(sig),
                                    tp.strftime('%H:%M:%S %d/%m/%Y'), GAIN))
        with open(PATH + NAME + '.dat', 'w') as dat:
            fmt = '<'+'h'*len(sig)
            dat.write(struct.pack(fmt, *sig))
        #And we create the (AFIB annotations according to the loaded episodes.
        etp = tp + dt.timedelta(milliseconds=len(sig)*4)
        devid = next((d for d in AF_EPISODES if NAME.startswith(d)), None)
        annots = []
        if devid is not None:
            afibs = [ep for ep in AF_EPISODES[devid] if tp <= ep.start <= etp]
            for af in afibs:
                #Two annotations for each episode
                bann = MITAnnotation.MITAnnotation()
                bann.code = ECGCodes.RHYTHM
                bann.time = int((af.start-tp).total_seconds()*FREQ)
                bann.aux = b'(AFIB'
                eann = MITAnnotation.MITAnnotation()
                eann.code = ECGCodes.RHYTHM
                eann.time = int((min(etp, af.end)-tp).total_seconds()*FREQ)
                #The end of AF is encoded as 'back to normality'
                eann.aux = b'(N'
        #Annotations are stored in a file with the '.mbg' extension.
        MITAnnotation.save_annotations(annots, PATH+NAME+'.mbg')
예제 #4
def interp2ann(interp, btime=0, offset=0, include_format=True):
    Generates a list of annotations representing the observations from
    an interpretation. The *btime* optional parameter allows to include only
    the observations after a specific time point, and *offset* allows to define
    a constant time to be added to the time point of each annotation. An
    optional format annotation of type NOTE can be included at the beginning.

    NOTE: A first annotation is included at the beginning of the list, with
    time=*offset*, to indicate that the annotations are created with the
    specific format for Construe interpretations. This format includes the
    following features (for version 17.01):
        - Beat annotations include the specific delineation information for
        each lead in a dictionary in JSON format. The keys in this dictionary
        are the lead names, and the values are a sequence of integer numbers.
        Each triple in this sequence determines a wave within the QRS complex.
        - WFON and WFOFF annotations include the type of wave they delimit in
        the *subtyp* field. QRS complexes are described by the SYSTOLE code,
        while P and T waves limits have the PWAVE or TWAVE code, respectively.
        - PWAVE and TWAVE annotations include the amplitude of each lead, in
        a dictionary in JSON format in the AUX field.
    annots = sortedcontainers.SortedList()
    if include_format:
        fmtcode = MITAnnotation.MITAnnotation()
        fmtcode.code = C.NOTE
        fmtcode.time = int(offset)
        fmtcode.aux = FMT_STRING
    beats = list(interp.get_observations(o.QRS,
                                         filt=lambda q: q.time.start >= btime))
    #We get the beat observations in the best explanation branch.
    for beat in beats:
        #We tag all beats as normal, and we include the delineation. The
        #delineation on each lead is included as a json string in the peak
        beg = MITAnnotation.MITAnnotation()
        beg.code = C.WFON
        beg.subtype = C.SYSTOLE
        beg.time = int(offset + beat.earlystart)
        peak = MITAnnotation.MITAnnotation()
        peak.code = beat.tag
        peak.time = int(offset + beat.time.start)
        delin = {}
        for lead in beat.shape:
            shape = beat.shape[lead]
            displ = beg.time-peak.time
            waveseq = sum((w.pts for w in shape.waves), tuple())
            delin[lead] = tuple(int(w) for w in waveseq)
        peak.aux = json.dumps(delin)
        end = MITAnnotation.MITAnnotation()
        end.code = C.WFOFF
        end.subtype = C.SYSTOLE
        end.time = int(offset + beat.lateend)
    #P and T wave annotations
    pstart = beats[0].earlystart - ms2sp(400) if beats else 0
    tend = beats[-1].lateend + ms2sp(400) if beats else 0
    for wtype in (o.PWave, o.TWave):
        for wave in interp.get_observations(wtype, pstart, tend):
            if wave.earlystart >= btime:
                code = C.PWAVE if wtype is o.PWave else C.TWAVE
                beg = MITAnnotation.MITAnnotation()
                beg.code = C.WFON
                beg.subtype = code
                beg.time = int(offset + wave.earlystart)
                end = MITAnnotation.MITAnnotation()
                end.code = C.WFOFF
                end.subtype = code
                end.time = int(offset + wave.lateend)
                peak = MITAnnotation.MITAnnotation()
                peak.code = code
                peak.time = int((end.time+beg.time)/2.)
                peak.aux = json.dumps(wave.amplitude)
    #Flutter annotations
    for flut in interp.get_observations(o.Ventricular_Flutter, btime):
        vfon = MITAnnotation.MITAnnotation()
        vfon.code = C.VFON
        vfon.time = int(offset + flut.earlystart)
        for vfw in interp.get_observations(o.Deflection, flut.earlystart,
            wav = MITAnnotation.MITAnnotation()
            wav.code = C.FLWAV
            wav.time = int(offset + vfw.time.start)
        vfoff = MITAnnotation.MITAnnotation()
        vfoff.code = C.VFOFF
        vfoff.time = int(offset + flut.lateend)
    #All rhythm annotations
    for rhythm in interp.get_observations(o.Cardiac_Rhythm, btime):
        if not isinstance(rhythm, o.RhythmStart):
            rhyon = MITAnnotation.MITAnnotation()
            rhyon.code = C.RHYTHM
            rhyon.aux = C.RHYTHM_AUX[type(rhythm)]
            rhyon.time = int(offset + rhythm.earlystart)
    #The end of the last rhythm is also added as an annotation
        rhyoff = MITAnnotation.MITAnnotation()
        rhyoff.code = C.RHYTHM
        rhyoff.aux = ')'
        rhyoff.time = int(offset + rhythm.earlyend)
    except NameError:
        #If there are no rhythms ('rhythm' variable is undefined), we go on
    #Unintelligible R-Deflections
    for rdef in interp.get_observations(o.RDeflection, btime,
                                        filt=lambda a:
                                        a in interp.unintelligible or
                                        a in interp.focus):
        unint = MITAnnotation.MITAnnotation()
        #We store unintelligible annotations as artifacts
        unint.code = C.ARFCT
        unint.time = int(offset + rdef.earlystart)
    return annots
예제 #5
def _standardize_rhythm_annots(annots):
    Standardizes a set of annotations obtained from the interpretation
    procedure to make them compatible with the criteria applied in the
    MIT-BIH Arrhythmia database in the labeling of rhythms.
    dest = sortedcontainers.SortedList()
    for ann in annots:
        code = ann.code
        if code in (ECGCodes.RHYTHM, ECGCodes.VFON):
            #TODO remove this if not necessary
            if code is ECGCodes.VFON:
                newann = MITAnnotation.MITAnnotation()
                newann.code = ECGCodes.RHYTHM
                newann.aux = b'(VFL'
                newann.time = ann.time
            #For convention with original annotations, we only admit   #
            #bigeminies with more than two pairs, and trigeminies with #
            #more than two triplets,                                   #
            if ann.aux == b'(B':
                end = next((a for a in annots if a.time > ann.time
                           and a.code in (ECGCodes.RHYTHM, ECGCodes.VFON)),
                nbeats = searching.ilen(a for a in annots if a.time >= ann.time
                                        and a.time <= end.time and
                if nbeats < 7:
            if ann.aux == '(T':
                end = next((a for a in annots if a.time > ann.time
                           and a.code in (ECGCodes.RHYTHM, ECGCodes.VFON)),
                nbeats = searching.ilen(a for a in annots if a.time >= ann.time
                                        and a.time <= end.time and
                if nbeats < 7:
            # Pauses and missed beats are replaced by bradycardias (for #
            # consistency with the reference annotations).              #
            if ann.aux in (b'(BK', b'P'):
                ann.aux = b'(SBR'
            if ann.aux not in (b'(EXT', b'(CPT'):
                prev = next((a for a in reversed(dest)
                                       if a.code is ECGCodes.RHYTHM), None)
                if prev is None or prev.aux != ann.aux:
    #Atrial fibrillation correction #
    iterator = iter(dest)
    afibtime = 0
    while True:
            start = next(a.time for a in iterator
                         if a.code == ECGCodes.RHYTHM and a.aux == b'(AFIB')
            end = next((a.time for a in iterator
                              if a.code == ECGCodes.RHYTHM), dest[-1].time)
            afibtime += end-start
        except StopIteration:
    #If more than 1/20 of the time of atrial fibrillation...
    if annots and afibtime > (annots[-1].time-annots[0].time)/20.0:
        iterator = iter(dest)
        rhythms = ('(N', '(SVTA')
        start = next((a for a in iterator if a.code == ECGCodes.RHYTHM
                                               and a.aux in rhythms), None)
        while start is not None:
            end = next((a for a in iterator if a.code == ECGCodes.RHYTHM),
            #All normal rhythms that satisfy the Lian method to identify
            #afib by rhythm are now considered afib. We also check the
            #method considering alternate RRs to avoid false positives with
            fragment = dest[dest.bisect_left(start):dest.bisect_right(end)]
            rrs = np.diff([a.time for a in fragment
                                        if MITAnnotation.is_qrs_annotation(a)])
            if (is_afib_rhythm_lian(rrs) and
                            is_afib_rhythm_lian(rrs[0::2]) and
                start.aux = b'(AFIB'
            #Next rhythm
            start = (end if end.aux in rhythms else
                     next((a for a in iterator
                                        if a.code == ECGCodes.RHYTHM
                                              and a.aux in rhythms), None))
    #Paced rhythm identification #
    #To consider the presence of paced rhythms in a record, we require at
    #least a mean of one paced beat each 10 seconds.
    pacedrec = sum(1 for a in dest if a.code == ECGCodes.PACE) > 180
    if pacedrec:
        iterator = iter(dest)
        rhythms = (b'(AFIB', b'(N', b'(SBR', b'(SVTA')
        start = next((a for a in iterator if a.code == ECGCodes.RHYTHM
                                               and a.aux in rhythms), None)
        while start is not None:
            end = next((a for a in iterator if a.code == ECGCodes.RHYTHM),
            #If there are paced beats in a rhythm fragment, the full
            #rhythm is identified as paced.
            if any([start.time < a.time < end.time
                    and a.code == ECGCodes.PACE
                        for a in dest[dest.index(start):dest.index(end)]]):
                start.aux = b'(P'
            #Next rhythm
            start = (end if end.aux in rhythms else
                     next((a for a in iterator
                                        if a.code == ECGCodes.RHYTHM
                                              and a.aux in rhythms), None))
    # Redundant rhythm description removing #
    i = 1
    while i < len(dest):
        if dest[i].code is ECGCodes.RHYTHM:
            prev = next((a for a in reversed(dest[:i])
                                       if a.code is ECGCodes.RHYTHM), None)
            if prev is not None and prev.aux == dest[i].aux:
                i += 1
            i += 1
    return dest