def ContestsHandler(clients, request, path_params, query_params, documenter):
    The contests collection resource provides lists of contests filtered by
    various parameters.  If no fixture_list is specfied then only pinned contests
    over all upcoming fixture_lists will be provided (in this case
    fixture_lists will be be an empty list).

    **Example request**:

    .. sourcecode:: http

        GET /contests?fixture_list=8010
        Accept: application/json

    **Example response**:

    .. sourcecode:: http

        HTTP/1.1 200 OK
        Vary: Accept
        Content-Type: application/json
    contests_manager = FakeManager(clients)

    contests, fixture_lists = contests_manager.get_contests()

    data = {"contests": contests, "fixture_lists": fixture_lists}
    document = documenter(data)
    return Response(document, status=200)
def ContestHandler(clients, request, path_params, query_params, documenter):
    The individual contest resource provides detailed information about the
    contest, rules, associated fixtures and prize structures.

    **Authentication required**: No

    Responds with information about a contest, including sport, name, salary
    cap, size, entry count, entry fee, total prize amount, prize breakdown,
    fixtures, rules, start time.

    **Example request**:

    .. sourcecode:: http

        GET /contests/343434-2914582 HTTP/1.1
        Accept: application/json
    contest_manager = FakeManager(clients)

    fixture_list_id = path_params.fixture_list_id
    contest_id = path_params.contest_id
    choice =
    print("ContestHandler: ", fixture_list_id, contest_id, choice)

    if choice == "True":
        print("ContestHandler: FIRST CALL get_contest")
        contest = contest_manager.get_contest()
        print("ContestHandler: SECOND CALL get_contest")
        contest = contest_manager.get_contest()  # To show lru caching
        print("ContestHandler: THIRD CALL call_unexpected_thing")
        contest = contest_manager.get_contests()

    data = {"contest": contest}

    document = documenter(data)
    return Response(document, status=200)