예제 #1
    def __init__(self,
        """Define a flat system from a SISO LTI system.

        Given a reachable, single-input/single-output, linear time-invariant
        system, create a differentially flat system representation.

        # Make sure we can handle the system
        if (not control.isctime(linsys)):
            raise control.ControlNotImplemented(
                "requires continuous time, linear control system")
        elif (not control.issiso(linsys)):
            raise control.ControlNotImplemented(
                "only single input, single output systems are supported")

        # Initialize the object as a LinearIO system

        # Find the transformation to chain of integrators form
        # Note: store all array as ndarray, not matrix
        zsys, Tr = control.reachable_form(linsys)
        Tr = np.array(Tr[::-1, ::])  # flip rows

        # Extract the information that we need
        self.F = np.array(zsys.A[0, ::-1])  # input function coeffs
        self.T = Tr  # state space transformation
        self.Tinv = np.linalg.inv(Tr)  # compute inverse once

        # Compute the flat output variable z = C x
        Cfz = np.zeros(np.shape(linsys.C))
        Cfz[0, 0] = 1
        self.Cf = Cfz @ Tr
예제 #2
    def __init__(self, sys):
        # Make sure we can handle the system
        if (not control.isctime(sys)):
            raise control.ControlNotImplemented(
                "requires continuous time, linear control system")
        elif (not control.issiso(sys)):
            raise control.ControlNotImplemented(
                "only single input, single output systems are supported")

        # Initialize the object and store system matrices
        FlatSystem.__init__(self, sys.states, sys.inputs)
        self.A = sys.A
        self.B = sys.B

        # Find the transformation to bring the system into reachable form
        zsys, Tr = control.reachable_form(sys)
        self.F = zsys.A[0,:]            # input function coeffs
        self.T = Tr                     # state space transformation
        self.Tinv = np.linalg.inv(Tr)   # computer inverse once
        # Compute the flat output variable z = C x
        Cfz = np.zeros(np.shape(sys.C)); Cfz[0, -1] = 1
        self.C = Cfz * Tr
예제 #3
    def __init__(self, sys):
        # Make sure we can handle the system
        if (not control.isctime(sys)):
            raise control.ControlNotImplemented(
                "requires continuous time, linear control system")
        elif (not control.issiso(sys)):
            raise control.ControlNotImplemented(
                "only single input, single output systems are supported")

        # Initialize the object and store system matrices
        FlatSystem.__init__(self, sys.states, sys.inputs)
        self.A = sys.A
        self.B = sys.B

        # Find the transformation to bring the system into reachable form
        zsys, Tr = control.reachable_form(sys)
        self.F = zsys.A[0, :]  # input function coeffs
        self.T = Tr  # state space transformation
        self.Tinv = np.linalg.inv(Tr)  # computer inverse once

        # Compute the flat output variable z = C x
        Cfz = np.zeros(np.shape(sys.C))
        Cfz[0, -1] = 1
        self.C = Cfz * Tr
예제 #4
    def __init__(self,
        """Define a flat system from a SISO LTI system.

        Given a reachable, single-input/single-output, linear time-invariant
        system, create a differentially flat system representation.

        linsys : StateSpace
            LTI StateSpace system to be converted
        inputs : int, list of str or None, optional
            Description of the system inputs.  This can be given as an integer
            count or as a list of strings that name the individual signals.
            If an integer count is specified, the names of the signal will be
            of the form `s[i]` (where `s` is one of `u`, `y`, or `x`).  If
            this parameter is not given or given as `None`, the relevant
            quantity will be determined when possible based on other
            information provided to functions using the system.
        outputs : int, list of str or None, optional
            Description of the system outputs.  Same format as `inputs`.
        states : int, list of str, or None, optional
            Description of the system states.  Same format as `inputs`.
        dt : None, True or float, optional
            System timebase.  None (default) indicates continuous
            time, True indicates discrete time with undefined sampling
            time, positive number is discrete time with specified
            sampling time.
        params : dict, optional
            Parameter values for the systems.  Passed to the evaluation
            functions for the system as default values, overriding internal
        name : string, optional
            System name (used for specifying signals)

        iosys : LinearFlatSystem
            Linear system represented as an flat input/output system

        # Make sure we can handle the system
        if (not control.isctime(linsys)):
            raise control.ControlNotImplemented(
                "requires continuous time, linear control system")
        elif (not control.issiso(linsys)):
            raise control.ControlNotImplemented(
                "only single input, single output systems are supported")

        # Initialize the object as a LinearIO system

        # Find the transformation to chain of integrators form
        # Note: store all array as ndarray, not matrix
        zsys, Tr = control.reachable_form(linsys)
        Tr = np.array(Tr[::-1, ::])  # flip rows

        # Extract the information that we need
        self.F = np.array(zsys.A[0, ::-1])  # input function coeffs
        self.T = Tr  # state space transformation
        self.Tinv = np.linalg.inv(Tr)  # compute inverse once

        # Compute the flat output variable z = C x
        Cfz = np.zeros(np.shape(linsys.C))
        Cfz[0, 0] = 1
        self.Cf = np.dot(Cfz, Tr)