예제 #1
파일: tests.py 프로젝트: EDUlib/edx-ora
 def create_grader_and_rubric(self, sub, scores):
     grader_dict = {
         "feedback" : "",
         "status" : "S",
         "grader_id" : "1",
         "grader_type" : "IN",
         "confidence" : 1,
         "score" : sum(scores),
         "submission_id" : sub.id,
         "errors" : [],
         'rubric_scores_complete' : True,
         'rubric_scores' : scores
예제 #2
 def create_grader_and_rubric(self, sub, scores):
     grader_dict = {
         "feedback": "",
         "status": "S",
         "grader_id": "1",
         "grader_type": "IN",
         "confidence": 1,
         "score": sum(scores),
         "submission_id": sub.id,
         "errors": [],
         'rubric_scores_complete': True,
         'rubric_scores': scores
예제 #3
def save_grade(request):
    Supports POST requests with the following arguments:

    location: string
    grader_id: int
    submission_id: int
    score: int
    feedback: string
    submission_key : string

    Returns json dict with keys

    version: int
    success: bool
    error: string, present if not success
    if request.method != "POST":
        raise Http404

    post_data = request.POST.dict().copy()

    for tag in ['location', 'grader_id', 'submission_id', 'submission_key', 'score', 'feedback', 'submission_flagged']:
        if not tag in post_data:
            return util._error_response("Cannot find needed key {0} in request.".format(tag), _INTERFACE_VERSION)

    location = post_data['location']
    grader_id = post_data['grader_id']
    submission_id = post_data['submission_id']

    #Submission key currently unused, but plan to use it for validation in the future.
    submission_key = post_data['submission_key']
    score = post_data['score']

    #This is done to ensure that response is properly formatted on the lms side.
    feedback_dict = post_data['feedback']

    rubric_scores_complete = request.POST.get('rubric_scores_complete', False)
    rubric_scores = request.POST.getlist('rubric_scores', [])

    is_submission_flagged = request.POST.get('submission_flagged', False)
    if isinstance(is_submission_flagged, basestring):
        is_submission_flagged = (is_submission_flagged.lower()=="true")

    status = GraderStatus.success
    confidence = 1.0

    is_answer_unknown = request.POST.get('answer_unknown', False)
    if isinstance(is_answer_unknown, basestring):
        is_answer_unknown = (is_answer_unknown.lower()=="true")

    if is_answer_unknown:
        status = GraderStatus.failure
        confidence = 0.0

        score = int(score)
    except ValueError:
        #Score may not be filled out if answer_unknown or flagged
        if is_answer_unknown or is_submission_flagged:
            score = 0
            return util._error_response("Expected integer score.  Got {0}".format(score), _INTERFACE_VERSION)

    except Exception:
        return util._error_response(
            data={"msg": "Submission id {0} is not valid.".format(submission_id)}

    #Patch to handle rubric scores in the case of "I don't know" or flagging if scores aren't filled out
    if is_answer_unknown or is_submission_flagged and len(rubric_scores)==0:
        success, targets=rubric_functions.generate_targets_from_rubric(sub.rubric)
        rubric_scores = [0 for l in targets]
        rubric_scores_complete = True

    success, error_message = grader_util.validate_rubric_scores(rubric_scores, rubric_scores_complete, sub)
    if not success:
        return util._error_response(
            data={"msg": error_message}

    d = {'submission_id': submission_id,
         'score': score,
         'feedback': feedback_dict,
         'grader_id': grader_id,
         'grader_type': 'PE',
         # Humans always succeed (if they grade at all)...
         'status': status,
         # ...and they're always confident too.
         'confidence': confidence,
         #And they don't make any errors
         'errors' : "",
         'rubric_scores_complete' : rubric_scores_complete,
         'rubric_scores' : rubric_scores,
         'is_submission_flagged' : is_submission_flagged,

    #Currently not posting back to LMS.  Only saving grader object, and letting controller decide when to post back.
    (success, header) = grader_util.create_and_handle_grader_object(d)
    if not success:
        return util._error_response("There was a problem saving the grade.  Contact support.", _INTERFACE_VERSION)

    #error,msg = util.post_results_to_xqueue(xqueue_session,json.dumps(header),json.dumps(post_data))

    return util._success_response({'msg': "Posted to queue."}, _INTERFACE_VERSION)
예제 #4
파일: views.py 프로젝트: dcadams/edx-ora
def peer_grading(request):
    Temporary peer grading view.  Can be removed once real peer grading is wired in.
    Handles both rendering and AJAX Posts.
    post_data = {}
    saved = False
    location = "i4x://MITx/6.002x/problem/OETest"
    student_id = "2"

    if request.method == 'POST':
        post_data = request.POST.dict().copy()
        for tag in ['score', 'submission_id', 'max_score', 'student_id', 'feedback', 'type']:
            if not post_data.has_key(tag):
                return HttpResponse("Failed to find needed key {0}".format(tag))

            post_data['score'] = int(post_data['score'])
            post_data['max_score'] = int(post_data['max_score'])
            post_data['submission_id'] = int(post_data['submission_id'])
            post_data['student_id'] = post_data['student_id']
            post_data['feedback'] = {'feedback' : post_data['feedback']}
        except Exception:
            return HttpResponse("Can't parse score into an int.")

        if post_data['type'] == "calibration":
            calibration_data = {
                'submission_id': post_data['submission_id'],
                'score': post_data['score'],
                'feedback': post_data['feedback'],
                'student_id': student_id,
                'location': location,
                success, data = create_and_save_calibration_record(calibration_data)
            except Exception:
                return HttpResponse("Could not create calibration record.")

            if not success:
                return HttpResponse(data)

            return HttpResponse("Calibration record created!  Reload for next essay.")

        elif post_data['type'] == "submission":
                created, header = create_and_handle_grader_object({
                    'score': post_data['score'],
                    'status': GraderStatus.success,
                    'grader_id': student_id,
                    'grader_type': "PE",
                    'confidence': 1,
                    'submission_id': post_data['submission_id'],
                    'feedback': post_data['feedback'],
                    'errors' : "",
            except Exception:
                return HttpResponse("Cannot create grader object.")

            return HttpResponse("Submission object created!  Reload for next essay.")
            return HttpResponse("Invalid grader type.")

    if request.method == 'GET':
        post_data = {}
        success, data = check_calibration_status(location, student_id)
        if not success:
            return HttpResponse(data)

        calibrated = data['calibrated']
        url_base = settings.GRADING_CONTROLLER_INTERFACE['url']
        if not url_base.endswith("/"):
            url_base += "/"

        if calibrated:
            found, sub_id = get_single_peer_grading_item(location, student_id)
            post_data['submission_id'] = sub_id
            if not found:
                except Exception:
                    return HttpResponse("Could not find submission_id in post_data")
                return HttpResponse("No available grading.  Check back later.")

                sub_id = post_data['submission_id']
                sub = Submission.objects.get(id=int(sub_id))
            except Exception:
                except Exception:
                    return HttpResponse("Could not find key submission_id in post data.")
                return HttpResponse("Invalid submission id in session.  Cannot find it.  Try reloading.")

            if sub.state in [SubmissionState.finished]:
                return HttpResponse("Invalid submission id in session.  Sub is marked finished.  Try reloading.")

            rendered = render_to_string('instructor_grading.html', {
                'score_points': [i for i in xrange(0, sub.max_score + 1)],
                'ajax_url': url_base,
                'text': sub.student_response,
                'location': sub.location,
                'prompt': sub.prompt,
                'rubric': sub.rubric,
                'sub_id': sub.id,
                'max_score': sub.max_score,
                'type': 'submission',
                'student_id': student_id,
            return HttpResponse(rendered)
            success, data = get_calibration_essay(location, student_id)

            if not success:
                return HttpResponse(data)

            rendered = render_to_string("instructor_grading.html", {
                'score_points': [i for i in xrange(0, data['max_score'] + 1)],
                'ajax_url': url_base,
                'text': data['student_response'],
                'location': location,
                'prompt': data['prompt'],
                'rubric': data['rubric'],
                'sub_id': data['submission_id'],
                'max_score': data['max_score'],
                'type': 'calibration',
                'student_id': student_id,

            return HttpResponse(rendered)
예제 #5
파일: views.py 프로젝트: EDUlib/edx-ora
def save_grade(request):
    Supports POST requests with the following arguments:

    course_id: int
    grader_id: int
    submission_id: int
    score: int
    feedback: string

    Returns json dict with keys

    version: int
    success: bool
    error: string, present if not success
    if request.method != "POST":
        return util._error_response("Request needs to be GET", _INTERFACE_VERSION)

    course_id = request.POST.get('course_id')
    grader_id = request.POST.get('grader_id')
    submission_id = request.POST.get('submission_id')
    score = request.POST.get('score')
    feedback = request.POST.get('feedback')
    skipped = request.POST.get('skipped')=="True"
    rubric_scores_complete = request.POST.get('rubric_scores_complete', False)
    rubric_scores = request.POST.getlist('rubric_scores', [])
    is_submission_flagged = request.POST.get('submission_flagged', False)
    if isinstance(is_submission_flagged, basestring):
        is_submission_flagged = is_submission_flagged.lower() == 'true'

    if (# These have to be truthy
        not (course_id and grader_id and submission_id) or
        # These have to be non-None
        score is None or feedback is None):
        return util._error_response("required_parameter_missing", _INTERFACE_VERSION)

    if skipped:
        success, sub = staff_grading_util.set_instructor_grading_item_back_to_preferred_grader(submission_id)

        if not success:
            return util._error_response(sub, _INTERFACE_VERSION)

        return util._success_response({}, _INTERFACE_VERSION)

        score = int(score)
    except ValueError:
        return util._error_response(
            data={"msg": "Expected integer score.  Got {0}".format(score)})

    except Exception:
        return util._error_response(
            data={"msg": "Submission id {0} is not valid.".format(submission_id)}

    rubric= first_sub_for_location.rubric
    rubric_success, parsed_rubric =  rubric_functions.parse_rubric(rubric)

    if rubric_success:
        success, error_message = grader_util.validate_rubric_scores(rubric_scores, rubric_scores_complete, sub)
        if not success:
            return util._error_response(
                data={"msg": error_message}

    d = {'submission_id': submission_id,
         'score': score,
         'feedback': feedback,
         'grader_id': grader_id,
         'grader_type': 'IN',
         # Humans always succeed (if they grade at all)...
         'status': GraderStatus.success,
         # ...and they're always confident too.
         'confidence': 1.0,
         #And they don't make errors
         'errors' : "",
         'rubric_scores_complete' : rubric_scores_complete,
         'rubric_scores' : rubric_scores,
         'is_submission_flagged' : is_submission_flagged,

    success, header = grader_util.create_and_handle_grader_object(d)

    if not success:
        return util._error_response("grade_save_error", _INTERFACE_VERSION,
                                    data={'msg': 'Internal error'})

    return util._success_response({}, _INTERFACE_VERSION)
예제 #6
def save_grade(request):
    Supports POST requests with the following arguments:

    course_id: int
    grader_id: int
    submission_id: int
    score: int
    feedback: string

    Returns json dict with keys

    version: int
    success: bool
    error: string, present if not success
    if request.method != "POST":
        return util._error_response("Request needs to be GET",

    course_id = request.POST.get('course_id')
    grader_id = request.POST.get('grader_id')
    submission_id = request.POST.get('submission_id')
    score = request.POST.get('score')
    feedback = request.POST.get('feedback')
    skipped = request.POST.get('skipped') == "True"
    rubric_scores_complete = request.POST.get('rubric_scores_complete', False)
    rubric_scores = request.POST.getlist('rubric_scores', [])
    is_submission_flagged = request.POST.get('submission_flagged', False)
    if isinstance(is_submission_flagged, basestring):
        is_submission_flagged = is_submission_flagged.lower() == 'true'

    if (  # These have to be truthy
            not (course_id and grader_id and submission_id) or
            # These have to be non-None
            score is None or feedback is None):
        return util._error_response("required_parameter_missing",

    if skipped:
        success, sub = staff_grading_util.set_instructor_grading_item_back_to_ml(

        if not success:
            return util._error_response(sub, _INTERFACE_VERSION)

        return util._success_response({}, _INTERFACE_VERSION)

        score = int(score)
    except ValueError:
        return util._error_response(
            data={"msg": "Expected integer score.  Got {0}".format(score)})

        sub = Submission.objects.get(id=submission_id)
        return util._error_response(
                "msg": "Submission id {0} is not valid.".format(submission_id)

    first_sub_for_location = Submission.objects.filter(
    rubric = first_sub_for_location.rubric
    rubric_success, parsed_rubric = rubric_functions.parse_rubric(rubric)

    if rubric_success:
        success, error_message = grader_util.validate_rubric_scores(
            rubric_scores, rubric_scores_complete, sub)
        if not success:
            return util._error_response("grade_save_error",
                                        data={"msg": error_message})

    d = {
        'submission_id': submission_id,
        'score': score,
        'feedback': feedback,
        'grader_id': grader_id,
        'grader_type': 'IN',
        # Humans always succeed (if they grade at all)...
        'status': GraderStatus.success,
        # ...and they're always confident too.
        'confidence': 1.0,
        #And they don't make errors
        'errors': "",
        'rubric_scores_complete': rubric_scores_complete,
        'rubric_scores': rubric_scores,
        'is_submission_flagged': is_submission_flagged,

    success, header = grader_util.create_and_handle_grader_object(d)

    if not success:
        return util._error_response("grade_save_error",
                                    data={'msg': 'Internal error'})

    return util._success_response({}, _INTERFACE_VERSION)
예제 #7
파일: views.py 프로젝트: qimi2008/edx-ora
def peer_grading(request):
    Temporary peer grading view.  Can be removed once real peer grading is wired in.
    Handles both rendering and AJAX Posts.
    post_data = {}
    saved = False
    location = "i4x://MITx/6.002x/problem/OETest"
    student_id = "2"

    if request.method == 'POST':
        post_data = request.POST.dict().copy()
        for tag in [
                'score', 'submission_id', 'max_score', 'student_id',
                'feedback', 'type'
            if not post_data.has_key(tag):
                return HttpResponse(
                    "Failed to find needed key {0}".format(tag))

            post_data['score'] = int(post_data['score'])
            post_data['max_score'] = int(post_data['max_score'])
            post_data['submission_id'] = int(post_data['submission_id'])
            post_data['student_id'] = post_data['student_id']
            post_data['feedback'] = {'feedback': post_data['feedback']}
            return HttpResponse("Can't parse score into an int.")

        if post_data['type'] == "calibration":
            calibration_data = {
                'submission_id': post_data['submission_id'],
                'score': post_data['score'],
                'feedback': post_data['feedback'],
                'student_id': student_id,
                'location': location,
                success, data = create_and_save_calibration_record(
                return HttpResponse("Could not create calibration record.")

            if not success:
                return HttpResponse(data)

            return HttpResponse(
                "Calibration record created!  Reload for next essay.")

        elif post_data['type'] == "submission":
                created, header = create_and_handle_grader_object({
                return HttpResponse("Cannot create grader object.")

            return HttpResponse(
                "Submission object created!  Reload for next essay.")
            return HttpResponse("Invalid grader type.")

    if request.method == 'GET':
        post_data = {}
        success, data = check_calibration_status(location, student_id)
        if not success:
            return HttpResponse(data)

        calibrated = data['calibrated']
        url_base = settings.GRADING_CONTROLLER_INTERFACE['url']
        if not url_base.endswith("/"):
            url_base += "/"

        if calibrated:
            found, sub_id = get_single_peer_grading_item(location, student_id)
            post_data['submission_id'] = sub_id
            if not found:
                    return HttpResponse(
                        "Could not find submission_id in post_data")
                return HttpResponse("No available grading.  Check back later.")

                sub_id = post_data['submission_id']
                sub = Submission.objects.get(id=int(sub_id))
                    return HttpResponse(
                        "Could not find key submission_id in post data.")
                return HttpResponse(
                    "Invalid submission id in session.  Cannot find it.  Try reloading."

            if sub.state in [SubmissionState.finished]:
                return HttpResponse(
                    "Invalid submission id in session.  Sub is marked finished.  Try reloading."

            rendered = render_to_string(
                'instructor_grading.html', {
                    'score_points': [i for i in xrange(0, sub.max_score + 1)],
                    'ajax_url': url_base,
                    'text': sub.student_response,
                    'location': sub.location,
                    'prompt': sub.prompt,
                    'rubric': sub.rubric,
                    'sub_id': sub.id,
                    'max_score': sub.max_score,
                    'type': 'submission',
                    'student_id': student_id,
            return HttpResponse(rendered)
            success, data = get_calibration_essay(location, student_id)

            if not success:
                return HttpResponse(data)

            rendered = render_to_string(
                "instructor_grading.html", {
                    [i for i in xrange(0, data['max_score'] + 1)],
                    'ajax_url': url_base,
                    'text': data['student_response'],
                    'location': location,
                    'prompt': data['prompt'],
                    'rubric': data['rubric'],
                    'sub_id': data['submission_id'],
                    'max_score': data['max_score'],
                    'type': 'calibration',
                    'student_id': student_id,

            return HttpResponse(rendered)
예제 #8
def save_grade(request):
    Supports POST requests with the following arguments:

    location: string
    grader_id: int
    submission_id: int
    score: int
    feedback: string
    submission_key : string

    Returns json dict with keys

    version: int
    success: bool
    error: string, present if not success
    if request.method != "POST":
        raise Http404

    post_data = request.POST.dict().copy()

    for tag in [
            'location', 'grader_id', 'submission_id', 'submission_key',
            'score', 'feedback', 'submission_flagged'
        if not tag in post_data:
            return util._error_response(
                "Cannot find needed key {0} in request.".format(tag),

    location = post_data['location']
    grader_id = post_data['grader_id']
    submission_id = post_data['submission_id']

    #Submission key currently unused, but plan to use it for validation in the future.
    submission_key = post_data['submission_key']
    score = post_data['score']

    #This is done to ensure that response is properly formatted on the lms side.
    feedback_dict = post_data['feedback']

    rubric_scores_complete = request.POST.get('rubric_scores_complete', False)
    rubric_scores = request.POST.getlist('rubric_scores', [])

    is_submission_flagged = request.POST.get('submission_flagged', False)
    if isinstance(is_submission_flagged, basestring):
        is_submission_flagged = (is_submission_flagged.lower() == "true")

    status = GraderStatus.success
    confidence = 1.0

    is_answer_unknown = request.POST.get('answer_unknown', False)
    if isinstance(is_answer_unknown, basestring):
        is_answer_unknown = (is_answer_unknown.lower() == "true")

    if is_answer_unknown:
        status = GraderStatus.failure
        confidence = 0.0

        score = int(score)
    except ValueError:
        return util._error_response(
            "Expected integer score.  Got {0}".format(score),

        sub = Submission.objects.get(id=submission_id)
        return util._error_response(
                "msg": "Submission id {0} is not valid.".format(submission_id)

    success, error_message = grader_util.validate_rubric_scores(
        rubric_scores, rubric_scores_complete, sub)
    if not success:
        return util._error_response("grade_save_error",
                                    data={"msg": error_message})

    d = {
        'submission_id': submission_id,
        'score': score,
        'feedback': feedback_dict,
        'grader_id': grader_id,
        'grader_type': 'PE',
        # Humans always succeed (if they grade at all)...
        'status': status,
        # ...and they're always confident too.
        'confidence': confidence,
        #And they don't make any errors
        'errors': "",
        'rubric_scores_complete': rubric_scores_complete,
        'rubric_scores': rubric_scores,
        'is_submission_flagged': is_submission_flagged,

    #Currently not posting back to LMS.  Only saving grader object, and letting controller decide when to post back.
    (success, header) = grader_util.create_and_handle_grader_object(d)
    if not success:
        return util._error_response(
            "There was a problem saving the grade.  Contact support.",

    #error,msg = util.post_results_to_xqueue(xqueue_session,json.dumps(header),json.dumps(post_data))

    return util._success_response({'msg': "Posted to queue."},
예제 #9
def save_grade(request):
    Supports POST requests with the following arguments:

    location: string
    grader_id: int
    submission_id: int
    score: int
    feedback: string
    submission_key : string

    Returns json dict with keys

    version: int
    success: bool
    error: string, present if not success
    if request.method != "POST":
        raise Http404

    post_data = request.POST.dict().copy()

    for tag in ["location", "grader_id", "submission_id", "submission_key", "score", "feedback", "submission_flagged"]:
        if not tag in post_data:
            return util._error_response("Cannot find needed key {0} in request.".format(tag), _INTERFACE_VERSION)

    location = post_data["location"]
    grader_id = post_data["grader_id"]
    submission_id = post_data["submission_id"]

    # Submission key currently unused, but plan to use it for validation in the future.
    submission_key = post_data["submission_key"]
    score = post_data["score"]

    # This is done to ensure that response is properly formatted on the lms side.
    feedback_dict = post_data["feedback"]

    rubric_scores_complete = request.POST.get("rubric_scores_complete", False)
    rubric_scores = request.POST.getlist("rubric_scores", [])

    is_submission_flagged = request.POST.get("submission_flagged", False)
    if isinstance(is_submission_flagged, basestring):
        is_submission_flagged = is_submission_flagged.lower() == "true"

    status = GraderStatus.success
    confidence = 1.0

    is_answer_unknown = request.POST.get("answer_unknown", False)
    if isinstance(is_answer_unknown, basestring):
        is_answer_unknown = is_answer_unknown.lower() == "true"

    if is_answer_unknown:
        status = GraderStatus.failure
        confidence = 0.0

        score = int(score)
    except ValueError:
        return util._error_response("Expected integer score.  Got {0}".format(score), _INTERFACE_VERSION)

        sub = Submission.objects.get(id=submission_id)
        return util._error_response(
            data={"msg": "Submission id {0} is not valid.".format(submission_id)},

    success, error_message = grader_util.validate_rubric_scores(rubric_scores, rubric_scores_complete, sub)
    if not success:
        return util._error_response("grade_save_error", _INTERFACE_VERSION, data={"msg": error_message})

    d = {
        "submission_id": submission_id,
        "score": score,
        "feedback": feedback_dict,
        "grader_id": grader_id,
        "grader_type": "PE",
        # Humans always succeed (if they grade at all)...
        "status": status,
        # ...and they're always confident too.
        "confidence": confidence,
        # And they don't make any errors
        "errors": "",
        "rubric_scores_complete": rubric_scores_complete,
        "rubric_scores": rubric_scores,
        "is_submission_flagged": is_submission_flagged,

    # Currently not posting back to LMS.  Only saving grader object, and letting controller decide when to post back.
    (success, header) = grader_util.create_and_handle_grader_object(d)
    if not success:
        return util._error_response("There was a problem saving the grade.  Contact support.", _INTERFACE_VERSION)

    # xqueue_session=util.xqueue_login()
    # error,msg = util.post_results_to_xqueue(xqueue_session,json.dumps(header),json.dumps(post_data))

    return util._success_response({"msg": "Posted to queue."}, _INTERFACE_VERSION)