def run(): app = QtWidgets.QApplication(sys.argv) form = Form() ui = Ui_Form() ui.setupUi(form) ui.set_controller(controller.make_controller(ui)) sys.exit(app.exec_())
def set_controller(self, arg, clear=True): if type(arg) is str: cont = load_controller(arg) else: name = arg.pop("name") cont = make_controller(name, arg) if not clear: self.controllers.append(cont) else: self.controllers = [cont]
'Y3': Axis(bpr, 'BRICK1CS3:Y', 8, 3) } brick_groups = { 'g1': '1,2->A,B', 'g2': '3,4->I', 'g3': 'MIXED CS3', 'g4': 'MIXED CS2' } brick_cs = { 'cs2': CoordSys('BRICK1:CS2', 2, 'CS2'), 'cs3': CoordSys('BRICK1:CS3', 3, 'CS3') } MyBrick = make_controller(brick_axes, brick_cs, brick_groups, brick_pv_root) class TestBrick(MyBrick): # noinspection PyAttributeOutsideInit def startup(self, init=True): a = self.axes r = self.real_axes # axis aliases self.height = self.X3 self.angle = self.Y3 self.jack1 = self.m3 self.jack2 = self.m4 # useful aliases for beamline test authoring
def initialize_settings(sigma_init=0.1, sigma_decay=0.9999): global population, filebase, game, controller, num_params, es, PRECISION, SOLUTION_PACKET_SIZE, RESULT_PACKET_SIZE population = num_worker * num_worker_trial filedir = 'results/{}/{}/log/'.format(exp_name, env_name) if not os.path.exists(filedir): os.makedirs(filedir) filebase = filedir + env_name + '.' + optimizer + '.' + str( num_episode) + '.' + str(population) controller = make_controller(args=config_args) num_params = controller.param_count print("size of model", num_params) if optimizer == 'ses': ses = PEPG(num_params, sigma_init=sigma_init, sigma_decay=sigma_decay, sigma_alpha=0.2, sigma_limit=0.02, elite_ratio=0.1, weight_decay=0.005, popsize=population) es = ses elif optimizer == 'ga': ga = SimpleGA(num_params, sigma_init=sigma_init, sigma_decay=sigma_decay, sigma_limit=0.02, elite_ratio=0.1, weight_decay=0.005, popsize=population) es = ga elif optimizer == 'cma': cma = CMAES(num_params, sigma_init=sigma_init, popsize=population) es = cma elif optimizer == 'pepg': pepg = PEPG(num_params, sigma_init=sigma_init, sigma_decay=sigma_decay, sigma_alpha=0.20, sigma_limit=0.02, learning_rate=0.01, learning_rate_decay=1.0, learning_rate_limit=0.01, weight_decay=0.005, popsize=population) es = pepg else: oes = OpenES(num_params, sigma_init=sigma_init, sigma_decay=sigma_decay, sigma_limit=0.02, learning_rate=0.01, learning_rate_decay=1.0, learning_rate_limit=0.01, antithetic=antithetic, weight_decay=0.005, popsize=population) es = oes PRECISION = 10000 SOLUTION_PACKET_SIZE = (5 + num_params) * num_worker_trial RESULT_PACKET_SIZE = 4 * num_worker_trial
import numpy as np import random import os import gym from env import make_env from controller import make_controller from utils import PARSER args = PARSER.parse_args() dir_name = 'results/{}/{}/record'.format(args.exp_name, args.env_name) if not os.path.exists(dir_name): os.makedirs(dir_name) controller = make_controller(args=args) total_frames = 0 env = make_env(args=args, render_mode=args.render_mode, full_episode=args.full_episode, with_obs=True, load_model=False) for trial in range(args.max_trials): try: random_generated_int = random.randint(0, 2**31 - 1) filename = dir_name + "/" + str(random_generated_int) + ".npz" recording_frame = [] recording_action = [] recording_reward = []
def main(): print("Setting niceness to 19") if "nice" in os.__dict__: os.nice(19) args = PARSER.parse_args() def make_env_with_args(): return make_env(args=args, keep_image=True, wrap_rnn=False) dir_name = get_path(args, "record", create=True) controller = None if args.extract_use_controller: controller = make_controller(args=args) env = make_env_with_args() has_camera_data = isinstance( env.observation_space, gym.spaces.Dict) and "camera" in env.observation_space.spaces format_str = "[{success:s}] {done:s} after {frames:4d} frames, reward {reward:6.1f} " \ "(Total: {total_frames:7d} frames, {successful_trials:3d}/{total_trials:3d} successful trials)" total_frames = 0 successful_trials = 0 for trial in range(args.max_trials): try: seed = random.randint(0, 2**31 - 1) filename = dir_name / (str(seed) + ".npz") np.random.seed(seed) env.seed(seed) recording_image = [] recording_camera = [] recording_action = [] recording_reward = [] recording_done = [] # random policy if args.extract_use_controller: controller.init_random_model_params(stddev=np.random.rand() * 0.01) repeat_action = np.random.randint(1, 11) action = [0] * args.a_width total_reward = 0 obs = env.reset() frame = 0 ended_early = False for frame in range(args.max_frames): # Save current observation recording_image.append(obs["image"]) if has_camera_data: recording_camera.append(obs["camera"]) # Get next action (random) if not args.extract_repeat_actions or frame % repeat_action == 0: if args.extract_use_controller: action = controller.get_action(obs["features"]) else: action = np.random.rand(args.a_width) * 2.0 - 1.0 if args.extract_repeat_actions: repeat_action = np.random.randint(1, 11) # Save action recording_action.append(action) # Perform action obs, reward, done, _info = env.step(action) total_reward += reward # Save reward and done flag recording_reward.append(reward) recording_done.append(done) # Stop when done if done: ended_early = True break total_frames += (frame + 1) enough_frames = len(recording_image) >= args.min_frames # Save episode to disk (if it has required minimum length) if enough_frames: successful_trials += 1 recording_image = np.array(recording_image, dtype=np.uint8) recording_camera = np.array(recording_camera, dtype=np.float16) recording_action = np.array(recording_action, dtype=np.float16) recording_reward = np.array(recording_reward, dtype=np.float16) recording_done = np.array(recording_done, dtype=np.bool) data = { "image": recording_image, "action": recording_action, "reward": recording_reward, "done": recording_done } if has_camera_data: data["camera"] = recording_camera np.savez_compressed(str(filename), **data) print( format_str.format(success="O" if enough_frames else " ", done="Done" if ended_early else "Stop", frames=frame + 1, reward=total_reward, total_frames=total_frames, successful_trials=successful_trials, total_trials=trial + 1)) except gym.error.Error as e: print("Gym raised an error: " + str(e)) env.close() env = make_env_with_args() env.close()