def __init__(self): self.menu_controller = MenuController() self.category_controller = CategoryController() self.product_controller = ProductController() self.substitute_controller = SubstituteController() self.message_controller = MessageController()
def __init__(self): self.user = MenuController.log_in() if self.user is None: sys.exit() if isinstance(self.user, Client): self.menu_controller = ClientController(self.user) elif isinstance(self.user, Mechanic): self.menu_controller = MechanicController(self.user) else: raise Exception('What!!!')
from utils.dbus_services import (DeepinMovieServie, check_multiple_instances, DeepinMovieInterface, session_bus, DBUS_PATH) if __name__ == "__main__": result = check_multiple_instances() if result: dbus_service = DeepinMovieServie(app) session_bus.registerObject(DBUS_PATH, dbus_service) else: if not config.playerMultipleProgramsAllowed: dbus_interface = DeepinMovieInterface()[1:])) os._exit(0) windowView = Window(result or len(sys.argv) > 1) menu_controller = MenuController() file_monitor = FileMonitor() findVideoThreadManager = FindVideoThreadManager() subtitleParser = Parser() settings = DMSettings() app._extra_window = weakref.ref(windowView) qml_context = windowView.rootContext() qml_context.setContextProperty("config", config) qml_context.setContextProperty("_settings", settings) qml_context.setContextProperty("_utils", utils) qml_context.setContextProperty("_findVideoThreadManager", findVideoThreadManager) qml_context.setContextProperty("_file_monitor", file_monitor) qml_context.setContextProperty("_database", database)
import pygame try: from tkinter.simpledialog import askstring import tkinter except Exception: pass from controllers.menu_controller import MenuController from constants import SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT if __name__ == "__main__": name = "" try: root = tkinter.Tk() name = askstring("Name", "What's your name?") root.withdraw() except Exception: name = "I have no tkinter" pygame.init() window = pygame.display.set_mode((SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT), 0, 32) pygame.font.init() menu_controller = MenuController(name)
class OpenFoodFacts: """ The OpenFoodFacts object initializes and runs the application. Attributes: menu_controller (menu_controller.MenuController): The menu controller. category_controller (category_controller.CategoryController): The category controller. product_controller (product_controller.ProductController): The product controller. substitute_controller (substitute_controller.SubstituteController): The substitute controller. message_controller(message_controller) The message controller. """ def __init__(self): self.menu_controller = MenuController() self.category_controller = CategoryController() self.product_controller = ProductController() self.substitute_controller = SubstituteController() self.message_controller = MessageController() def replace_product(self): ''' Replace a product by a substitute. This method processes the replacement of a product by a substitute. The user chooses a category, a product from the selected catagory and a substitute for this product. A save menu is then displayed and the user can choose to save the substitute. Finally, the substitute is saved if the user has choosen to do so. If there is no product or substitute selected, this method ends. ''' category = self.category_controller.select_category() product = self.product_controller.select_product(category) if product: substitute = self.product_controller.select_substitute( product, category) if substitute: self.substitute_controller.display_substitute( product, substitute, category) option = self.menu_controller.select_save_option() if option != 0: self.substitute_controller.set_substitute( product, substitute) def display_substitutes(self): '''Displays all the subtitutes and their substitued products.''' self.substitute_controller.display_substitutes() def reset_database(self): ''' Resets the database. This method displays a database reset message, resets the tables of the database and adds the categories and products to the database. ''' database = Database() self.message_controller.display_database_reset_message() database.reset_tables() self.category_controller.set_categories() categories = self.category_controller.get_categories() products = self.product_controller.get_products(categories) self.product_controller.set_products(products) def run(self): ''' Runs the application. This method processes the main menu. The user can choose to replace a product by a substitute, display all the substitutes and their substitued products, reset the database and exit the application. ''' option = -1 while option != 0: option = self.menu_controller.select_main_option() if option == 1: self.replace_product() elif option == 2: self.display_substitutes() elif option == 9: self.reset_database()