예제 #1
    def authorize(streamProvider, username, password):
        Perform authorization with Rogers

        @param streamProvider the stream provider object. Needs to handle the 
        @param username the username to authenticate with
        @param password the password to authenticate with

        uri = streamProvider.getAuthURI('Rogers')

        jar = Cookies.getCookieJar()
        opener = urllib2.build_opener(urllib2.HTTPCookieProcessor(jar))#,

            resp = opener.open(uri)
            print "Unable get OAUTH location"
            return None

        html = resp.read()

        viewstate = re.search('<input.*__VIEWSTATE.*?value=\"(.*?)\".*?>', html, re.MULTILINE)
        if not viewstate:
            return None

        validation = re.search('<input.*__EVENTVALIDATION.*?value=\"(.*?)\".*?>', html, re.MULTILINE)
        if not validation:
            return None

        return Rogers.getOAuthToken(username, password, viewstate.group(1), validation.group(1), resp.url)
예제 #2
    def authorize(streamProvider, username, password):
        Perform authorization with Telus

        @param streamProvider the stream provider object. Needs to handle the 
        @param username the username to authenticate with
        @param password the password to authenticate with

        uri = streamProvider.getAuthURI('telus_auth-gateway_net')

        jar = Cookies.getCookieJar()
        opener = urllib2.build_opener(urllib2.HTTPCookieProcessor(jar))

            resp = opener.open(uri)
            print "Unable get Telus OAUTH location"
            return None

        html = resp.read()

        values = parseForm(['SAMLRequest', 'RelayState'], html)
        action = values.pop('action')
        if values == None:
            print "Form parsing failed in authorize"
            return None

        return Telus.getBookend(username, password, values, action)
예제 #3
    def authorize(streamProvider, username, password):
        Perform authorization with Cogeco

        @param streamProvider the stream provider object.
        @param username the username to authenticate with
        @param password the password to authenticate with

        uri = streamProvider.getAuthURI("Cogeco")

        jar = Cookies.getCookieJar()
        opener = urllib2.build_opener(urllib2.HTTPCookieProcessor(jar))  #,

        # TODO: move this into a method that can be reused.. multiple calls..
            resp = opener.open(uri)
            print "Unable to redirect to auth page."
            return None

        html = resp.read()

        # TODO: this could be made a function to to parse and return the value based on an expression
        action = re.search('<form.*?action=\"(.*?)"', html, re.MULTILINE)
        if not action:
            print "Unable to find action form"
            return None
        action = action.group(1)

        saml = re.search('<input.*?name=\"SAMLRequest\".*?value=\"(.*?)\"',
                         html, re.MULTILINE)
        if not saml:
            print "Unable to find SAML requst."
            return None
        saml = saml.group(1)

        relay = re.search('<input.*?name=\"RelayState\".*?value=\"(.*?)\"',
                          html, re.MULTILINE)
        if not relay:
            print "Unable to find relay state."
            return None
        relay = relay.group(1)

        return Cogeco.postAuthSaml(username, password, saml, relay, action)
예제 #4
    def authorize(streamProvider, username, password):
        Perform authorization with ShawGo

        @param streamProvider the stream provider object. Needs to handle the 
        @param username the username to authenticate with
        @param password the password to authenticate with

        uri = streamProvider.getAuthURI('ShawGo')

        jar = Cookies.getCookieJar()
        opener = urllib2.build_opener(urllib2.HTTPCookieProcessor(jar))  #,

            resp = opener.open(uri)
            print "Unable get OAUTH location"
            return None

        html = resp.read()

        action = re.search('<form.*?action=\"(.*?)"', html, re.MULTILINE)
        if not action:
            print "Unable to find action form"
            return None
        action = action.group(1)

        saml = re.search('<input.*?name=\"SAMLRequest\".*?value=\"(.*?)\"',
                         html, re.MULTILINE)
        if not saml:
            print "Unable to find SAML requst."
            return None
        saml = saml.group(1)

        relay = re.search('<input.*?name=\"RelayState\".*?value=\"(.*?)\"',
                          html, re.MULTILINE)
        if not relay:
            print "Unable to find relay state."
            return None
        relay = relay.group(1)

        return ShawGo.getAuthn(username, password, saml, relay, action)
예제 #5
    def authorize(streamProvider, username, password):
        Perform authorization with Cogeco

        @param streamProvider the stream provider object.
        @param username the username to authenticate with
        @param password the password to authenticate with

        uri =  streamProvider.getAuthURI("Cogeco")

        jar = Cookies.getCookieJar()
        opener = urllib2.build_opener(urllib2.HTTPCookieProcessor(jar))#,

        # TODO: move this into a method that can be reused.. multiple calls..
            resp = opener.open(uri)
            print "Unable to redirect to auth page."
            return None

        html = resp.read()

        # TODO: this could be made a function to to parse and return the value based on an expression
        action = re.search('<form.*?action=\"(.*?)"', html, re.MULTILINE)
        if not action:
            print "Unable to find action form"
            return None
        action = action.group(1)

        saml = re.search('<input.*?name=\"SAMLRequest\".*?value=\"(.*?)\"', html, re.MULTILINE)
        if not saml:
            print "Unable to find SAML requst."
            return None
        saml = saml.group(1)

        relay = re.search('<input.*?name=\"RelayState\".*?value=\"(.*?)\"', html, re.MULTILINE)
        if not relay:
            print "Unable to find relay state."
            return None
        relay = relay.group(1)

        return Cogeco.postAuthSaml(username, password, saml, relay, action)
예제 #6
    def authorize(streamProvider, username, password):
        Perform authorization with ShawGo

        @param streamProvider the stream provider object. Needs to handle the 
        @param username the username to authenticate with
        @param password the password to authenticate with

        uri = streamProvider.getAuthURI('ShawGo')

        jar = Cookies.getCookieJar()
        opener = urllib2.build_opener(urllib2.HTTPCookieProcessor(jar))#,

            resp = opener.open(uri)
            print "Unable get OAUTH location"
            return None

        html = resp.read()

        action = re.search('<form.*?action=\"(.*?)"', html, re.MULTILINE)
        if not action:
            print "Unable to find action form"
            return None
        action = action.group(1)

        saml = re.search('<input.*?name=\"SAMLRequest\".*?value=\"(.*?)\"', html, re.MULTILINE)
        if not saml:
            print "Unable to find SAML requst."
            return None
        saml = saml.group(1)

        relay = re.search('<input.*?name=\"RelayState\".*?value=\"(.*?)\"', html, re.MULTILINE)
        if not relay:
            print "Unable to find relay state."
            return None
        relay = relay.group(1)

        return ShawGo.getAuthn(username, password, saml, relay, action)
예제 #7
    def checkMSOs(self):
        Check the available MSOs. We don't actually use anything from this
        request other than the cookies returned.
        jar = Cookies.getCookieJar()
        opener = urllib2.build_opener(urllib2.HTTPCookieProcessor(jar))
        opener.addheaders = [("User-Agent", urllib.quote(self.USER_AGENT))]

            resp = opener.open(self.AUTHORIZED_MSO_URI)
            print "Unable get OAUTH location"
            return None

        mso_xml = resp.read()
        return None
예제 #8
    def checkMSOs(self):
        Check the available MSOs. We don't actually use anything from this
        request other than the cookies returned.
        jar = Cookies.getCookieJar()
        opener = urllib2.build_opener(urllib2.HTTPCookieProcessor(jar))
        opener.addheaders = [('User-Agent', urllib.quote(self.USER_AGENT))]

            resp = opener.open(self.AUTHORIZED_MSO_URI)
            print "Unable get OAUTH location"
            return None

        mso_xml = resp.read()
        return None
예제 #9
class AdobePass:
    def __init__(self):
        Initialise the adobe pass.
        self.SESSION_DEVICE_URI = 'https://sp.auth.adobe.com/adobe-services/1.0/sessionDevice'
        self.PREAUTHORIZE_URI = 'https://sp.auth.adobe.com/adobe-services/1.0/preauthorize'
        self.AUTHORIZE_URI = 'https://sp.auth.adobe.com/adobe-services/1.0/authorizeDevice'
        self.DEVICE_SHORT_AUTHORIZE = 'https://sp.auth.adobe.com/adobe-services/1.0/deviceShortAuthorize'
        self.USER_AGENT = 'AdobePassNativeClient/1.8 (iPad; U; CPU iPad OS 8.3 like Mac OS X; en-us)'

    def sessionDevice(self, streamProvider):
        Session Device.
        jar = Cookies.getCookieJar()
        opener = urllib2.build_opener(urllib2.HTTPCookieProcessor(jar))  #,

        values = {
            'requestor_id': streamProvider.getRequestorID(),
            'signed_requestor_id': streamProvider.getSignedRequestorID(),
            '_method': 'GET',
            'device_id': streamProvider.getDeviceID()

        opener.addheaders = [('User-Agent', urllib.quote(self.USER_AGENT))]

            resp = opener.open(self.SESSION_DEVICE_URI,
        except urllib2.URLError, e:
            print e.args
            return False

        resp_xml = resp.read()

        dom = xml.dom.minidom.parseString(resp_xml)

        result_node = dom.getElementsByTagName('result')[0]
        tok_node = result_node.getElementsByTagName('authnToken')[0]
        meta_node = result_node.getElementsByTagName('userMeta')[0]

        token = tok_node.firstChild.nodeValue
        meta = meta_node.firstChild.nodeValue

        s = Settings.instance()
        s.store('adobe', 'AUTHN_TOKEN', token)
        s.store('adobe', 'USER_META', meta)

        return True
예제 #10
    def authorize(streamProvider, username, password):
        Perform authorization with Rogers

        @param streamProvider the stream provider object. Needs to handle the 
        @param username the username to authenticate with
        @param password the password to authenticate with

        uri = streamProvider.getAuthURI('Rogers')

        jar = Cookies.getCookieJar()
        opener = urllib2.build_opener(urllib2.HTTPCookieProcessor(jar))  #,

            resp = opener.open(uri)
            print "Unable get OAUTH location"
            return None

        html = resp.read()

        viewstate = re.search('<input.*__VIEWSTATE.*?value=\"(.*?)\".*?>',
                              html, re.MULTILINE)
        if not viewstate:
            return None

        validation = re.search(
            '<input.*__EVENTVALIDATION.*?value=\"(.*?)\".*?>', html,
        if not validation:
            return None

        return Rogers.getOAuthToken(username, password, viewstate.group(1),
                                    validation.group(1), resp.url)
예제 #11
class Rogers:
    @class Rogers
    MSO class to handle authorization with the Rogers MSO
    def getID():
        return 'Rogers'

    def authorize(streamProvider, username, password):
        Perform authorization with Rogers

        @param streamProvider the stream provider object. Needs to handle the 
        @param username the username to authenticate with
        @param password the password to authenticate with

        uri = streamProvider.getAuthURI('Rogers')

        jar = Cookies.getCookieJar()
        opener = urllib2.build_opener(urllib2.HTTPCookieProcessor(jar))  #,

            resp = opener.open(uri)
            print "Unable get OAUTH location"
            return None

        html = resp.read()

        viewstate = re.search('<input.*__VIEWSTATE.*?value=\"(.*?)\".*?>',
                              html, re.MULTILINE)
        if not viewstate:
            return None

        validation = re.search(
            '<input.*__EVENTVALIDATION.*?value=\"(.*?)\".*?>', html,
        if not validation:
            return None

        return Rogers.getOAuthToken(username, password, viewstate.group(1),
                                    validation.group(1), resp.url)

    def getOAuthToken(username, password, viewstate, validation, url):
        Perform OAuth
        @param username the username
        @param password the password
        @param viewstate the viewstate (form data)
        @param validation the validation (form data)
        @param url the OAuth URL
        jar = Cookies.getCookieJar()
        opener = urllib2.build_opener(urllib2.HTTPCookieProcessor(jar))

        values = {
            '__VIEWSTATE': viewstate,
            '__EVENTVALIDATION': validation,
            'UserName': username,
            'UserPassword': password,
            'Login': '******'

            resp = opener.open(url, urllib.urlencode(values))
        except urllib2.URLError, e:
            print e.args

        return True
예제 #12
class ShawGo:
    @class ShawGo 
    MSO class to handle authorization with the Shaw MSO
    def getID():
        return 'ShawGo'

    def authorize(streamProvider, username, password):
        Perform authorization with ShawGo

        @param streamProvider the stream provider object. Needs to handle the 
        @param username the username to authenticate with
        @param password the password to authenticate with

        uri = streamProvider.getAuthURI('ShawGo')

        jar = Cookies.getCookieJar()
        opener = urllib2.build_opener(urllib2.HTTPCookieProcessor(jar))  #,

            resp = opener.open(uri)
            print "Unable get OAUTH location"
            return None

        html = resp.read()

        action = re.search('<form.*?action=\"(.*?)"', html, re.MULTILINE)
        if not action:
            print "Unable to find action form"
            return None
        action = action.group(1)

        saml = re.search('<input.*?name=\"SAMLRequest\".*?value=\"(.*?)\"',
                         html, re.MULTILINE)
        if not saml:
            print "Unable to find SAML requst."
            return None
        saml = saml.group(1)

        relay = re.search('<input.*?name=\"RelayState\".*?value=\"(.*?)\"',
                          html, re.MULTILINE)
        if not relay:
            print "Unable to find relay state."
            return None
        relay = relay.group(1)

        return ShawGo.getAuthn(username, password, saml, relay, action)

    def getAuthn(username, password, saml, relay, url):
        Perform OAuth
        @param username the username
        @param password the password
        @param saml the SAML request (form data)
        @param relay the relay state (form data)
        @param url the entitlement URL
        jar = Cookies.getCookieJar()
        opener = urllib2.build_opener(urllib2.HTTPCookieProcessor(jar))

        values = {'SAMLRequest': saml, 'RelayState': relay}

            resp = opener.open(url, urllib.urlencode(values))
        except urllib2.URLError, e:
            print e.args
            return None

        html = resp.read()

        action = re.search('<form.*?action=\"(.*?)"', html, re.MULTILINE)
        if not action:
            print "Unable to find action form"
            return None
        action = action.group(1)

        saml = re.search(
            '<input.*?name=\"adobeRequestSaml\".*?value=\"(.*?)\"', html,
        if not saml:
            print "Unable to find SAML requst."
            return None
        saml = saml.group(1)

        relay = re.search('<input.*?name=\"relayState\".*?value=\"(.*?)\"',
                          html, re.MULTILINE)
        if not relay:
            print "Unable to find relay state."
            return None
        relay = relay.group(1)

        # ooc is username, email is shawemail, account number is shawdirect
        idp = 'shawocc'
        if username.isdigit():
            idp = 'shawdirect'
        elif "@" in username:
            idp = 'shawemail'

        # rejig the URL
        o = urlparse(url)
        newurl = o.scheme + "://" + o.netloc + action

        return ShawGo.getEntitlement(username, password, saml, relay, idp,
예제 #13
        jar = Cookies.getCookieJar()
        opener = urllib2.build_opener(urllib2.HTTPCookieProcessor(jar))

        values = {
            'adobeRequestSaml': saml,
            'relayState': relay,
            'username': username,
            'password': password,
            'IdpAdapterid': idp

            resp = opener.open(url, urllib.urlencode(values))
        except urllib2.URLError, e:
            print e.args

        html = resp.read()

        action = re.search('<form.*?action=\"(.*?)"', html, re.MULTILINE)
        if not action:
            print "Unable to find action form"
            return None
        action = action.group(1)

        relay = re.search('<input.*?name=\"RelayState\".*?value=\"(.*?)\"',
                          html, re.MULTILINE)
        if not relay:
            print "Unable to find relay state."
            return None
        relay = relay.group(1)
예제 #14
        @param url the entitlement URL
        jar = Cookies.getCookieJar()
        opener = urllib2.build_opener(urllib2.HTTPCookieProcessor(jar))

        values = {'adobeRequestSaml' : saml,
                  'relayState' : relay,
                  'username' : username,
                  'password' : password,
                  'IdpAdapterid' : idp }

            resp = opener.open(url, urllib.urlencode(values))
        except urllib2.URLError, e:
            print e.args

        html = resp.read()

        action = re.search('<form.*?action=\"(.*?)"', html, re.MULTILINE)
        if not action:
            print "Unable to find action form"
            return None
        action = action.group(1)

        relay = re.search('<input.*?name=\"RelayState\".*?value=\"(.*?)\"', html, re.MULTILINE)
        if not relay:
            print "Unable to find relay state."
            return None
        relay = relay.group(1)
예제 #15
class Telus:
    @class Telus 
    MSO class to handle authorization with the Shaw MSO.
    IMPORTANT (if you are ever trying to figure out what goes on here). The
    telus authentication does a really weird thing (well, its weird to me, but
    I'm not a webdev -- maybe this isn't weird. If you aren't me and you are 
    reading this, do you think its weird? let me know in the comments -- don't
    forget to subscribe) where it calls the SOS page, then the bookend page
    twice. Then, it calls SOS again, and then bookend twice again. Finally,
    on that fourth call to bookend, we are sent to the logon page. 
    def getID():
        return 'telus_auth-gateway_net'

    def authorize(streamProvider, username, password):
        Perform authorization with Telus

        @param streamProvider the stream provider object. Needs to handle the 
        @param username the username to authenticate with
        @param password the password to authenticate with

        uri = streamProvider.getAuthURI('telus_auth-gateway_net')

        jar = Cookies.getCookieJar()
        opener = urllib2.build_opener(urllib2.HTTPCookieProcessor(jar))

            resp = opener.open(uri)
            print "Unable get Telus OAUTH location"
            return None

        html = resp.read()

        values = parseForm(['SAMLRequest', 'RelayState'], html)
        action = values.pop('action')
        if values == None:
            print "Form parsing failed in authorize"
            return None

        return Telus.getBookend(username, password, values, action)

    def getBookend(username, password, values, url):
        Perform OAuth
        @param username the username
        @param password the password
        @param saml the SAML request (form data)
        @param relay the relay state (form data)
        @param url the entitlement URL
        jar = Cookies.getCookieJar()
        opener = urllib2.build_opener(urllib2.HTTPCookieProcessor(jar))

            resp = opener.open(url, urllib.urlencode(values))
        except urllib2.URLError, e:
            print e.args
            return None

        html = resp.read()
        values = parseForm(['AuthState', 'id', 'coeff'], html)
        if values == None:
            print "Form parsing failed in getBookend"
            return None
        values['history'] = '2'

        return Telus.getBookendAgain(username, password, values,
예제 #16
class SportsnetNow:
    def __init__(self):
        Initialize the sportsnet class
        self.CONFIG_URI = 'http://nlmobile.cdnak.neulion.com/sportsnetnow/config/config_ios_r3.xml'
        self.CHANNELS_URI = 'http://now.sportsnet.ca/service/channels?format=json'
        self.AUTHORIZED_MSO_URI = 'https://sp.auth.adobe.com/adobe-services/1.0/config/SportsnetNow'
        self.PUBLISH_POINT = 'https://now.sportsnet.ca/service/publishpoint?'
        self.USER_AGENT = 'Mozilla/5.0 (iPad; CPU OS 8_3 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/600.1.4 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile/12F69 ipad sn now 4.0912'
        self.EPG_PREFIX = 'http://smb.cdnak.nyc.neulion.com/u/smb/sportsnetnow/configs/epg/'

    def instance():
        return SportsnetNow()

    def name(self):
        return "Sportsnet Now"

    def getCategories(self):
        return ['live']

    def getRequestorID(self):
        return "SportsnetNow"

    def getSignedRequestorID(self):
        return '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'

    def getDeviceID(self):
        #return 64 hex characters
        settings = Settings.instance().get(self.getRequestorID())
        dev_id = ''
        if not settings:
            dev_id = ''
        elif 'DEV_ID' in settings.keys():
            dev_id = settings['DEV_ID']

        if not dev_id:
            print "id is empty joining crap"
            dev_id = ''.join(
                random.choice('0123456789abcdef') for _ in range(64))
            Settings.instance().store(self.getRequestorID(), 'DEV_ID', dev_id)

        return dev_id

    def getAuthURI(self, mso):
        Get the Sportsnet Now OAuth URI. This is going to be called by the MSO
        class to get the authorization URI for hte specific provider

        @param mso the multi-system operator (eg: Rogers)
        return 'https://sp.auth.adobe.com/adobe-services/1.0/authenticate/saml?domain_name=adobe.com&noflash=true&mso_id=' + mso + '&requestor_id=SportsnetNow&no_iframe=true&client_type=iOS&client_version=1.8&redirect_url=http://adobepass.ios.app/'

    def checkMSOs(self):
        Check the available MSOs. We don't actually use anything from this
        request other than the cookies returned.
        jar = Cookies.getCookieJar()
        opener = urllib2.build_opener(urllib2.HTTPCookieProcessor(jar))
        opener.addheaders = [('User-Agent', urllib.quote(self.USER_AGENT))]

            resp = opener.open(self.AUTHORIZED_MSO_URI)
            print "Unable get OAUTH location"
            return None

        mso_xml = resp.read()
        return None

    def getChannelResourceMap(self):
        Get the mapping from ID to channel abbreviation
        settings = Settings.instance().get(self.getRequestorID())
        chan_map = {}
        if settings and 'CHAN_MAP' in settings.keys():
            return settings['CHAN_MAP']

        jar = Cookies.getCookieJar()
        opener = urllib2.build_opener(urllib2.HTTPCookieProcessor(jar))
        opener.addheaders = [('User-Agent', urllib.quote(self.USER_AGENT))]

            resp = opener.open(self.CONFIG_URI)
        except urllib2.URLError, e:
            print e.args
            return None

        config_xml = resp.read()
        dom = xml.dom.minidom.parseString(config_xml)
        result_node = dom.getElementsByTagName('result')[0]
        map_node = result_node.getElementsByTagName('channelResourceMap')[0]
        for chan_node in map_node.getElementsByTagName('channel'):
            cid = chan_node.attributes['id']
            abr = chan_node.attributes['resourceId']
            chan_map[cid.value] = abr.value

        Settings.instance().store(self.getRequestorID(), 'CHAN_MAP', chan_map)

        return chan_map