예제 #1
    def toCurveGrid(self, gridid=None):
        """Convert to a curvilinear grid.
        'gridid' is the string identifier of the resulting curvilinear grid object.

        from coord import TransientVirtualAxis, TransientAxis2D
        from hgrid import TransientCurveGrid

        lat = self._lataxis_[:]
        latunits = self._lataxis_.units
        lon = self._lonaxis_[:]
        lonunits = self._lonaxis_.units
        blat, blon = self.getBounds()
        mask = self.getMask()

        nlat = len(lat)
        nlon = len(lon)
        centerLat = numpy.repeat(lat[:,numpy.newaxis], nlon, axis=1)
        centerLon = numpy.repeat(lon[numpy.newaxis,:], nlat, axis=0)

        # Create corner latitudes, ensuring counterclockwise direction
        clat = numpy.zeros((nlat, 4), numpy.float)
        if (blat[0,0]<= blat[0,1]):
            incr = 1
            incr = 0
        clat[:,0] = blat[:,1-incr]
        clat[:,1] = blat[:,1-incr]
        clat[:,2] = blat[:,incr]
        clat[:,3] = blat[:,incr]
        cornerLat = numpy.repeat(clat[:,numpy.newaxis,:], nlon, axis=1)
        # Create corner longitudes, ensuring counterclockwise direction
        clon = numpy.zeros((nlon, 4), numpy.float)
        if (blon[0,0]<= blon[0,1]):
            incr = 1
            incr = 0
        clon[:,0] = blon[:,1-incr]
        clon[:,1] = blon[:,incr]
        clon[:,2] = blon[:,incr]
        clon[:,3] = blon[:,1-incr]
        cornerLon = numpy.repeat(clon[numpy.newaxis,:,:], nlat, axis=0)

        iaxis = TransientVirtualAxis("i",nlat)
        jaxis = TransientVirtualAxis("j",nlon)

        lataxis = TransientAxis2D(centerLat, axes=(iaxis, jaxis), bounds=cornerLat,
                                  attributes={'units':latunits}, id="latitude")
        lonaxis = TransientAxis2D(centerLon, axes=(iaxis, jaxis), bounds=cornerLon,
                                  attributes={'units':lonunits}, id="longitude")
        grid = TransientCurveGrid(lataxis, lonaxis, id=gridid, tempmask=mask)

        return grid
예제 #2
def readScripCurveGrid(fileobj, dims, whichType, whichGrid):
    """Read a 'native' SCRIP grid file, returning a transient curvilinear grid.
    fileobj is an open CDMS dataset or file object.
    dims is the grid shape.
    whichType is the type of file, either "grid" or "mapping"
    if whichType is "mapping", whichGrid is the choice of grid, either "source" or "destination"
    import string
    from coord import TransientAxis2D

    if 'S' in fileobj.variables.keys():
        if whichType == "grid":
            gridCornerLatName = 'grid_corner_lat'
            gridCornerLonName = 'grid_corner_lon'
            gridMaskName = 'grid_imask'
            gridCenterLatName = 'grid_center_lat'
            gridCenterLonName = 'grid_center_lon'
            titleName = 'title'
        elif whichGrid == "destination":
            gridCornerLatName = 'yv_b'
            gridCornerLonName = 'xv_b'
            gridMaskName = 'mask_b'
            gridCenterLatName = 'yc_b'
            gridCenterLonName = 'xc_b'
            titleName = 'dest_grid'
            gridCornerLatName = 'yv_a'
            gridCornerLonName = 'xv_a'
            gridMaskName = 'mask_a'
            gridCenterLatName = 'yc_a'
            gridCenterLonName = 'xc_a'
            titleName = 'source_grid'
        if whichType == "grid":
            gridCornerLatName = 'grid_corner_lat'
            gridCornerLonName = 'grid_corner_lon'
            gridMaskName = 'grid_imask'
            gridCenterLatName = 'grid_center_lat'
            gridCenterLonName = 'grid_center_lon'
            titleName = 'title'
        elif whichGrid == "destination":
            gridCornerLatName = 'dst_grid_corner_lat'
            gridCornerLonName = 'dst_grid_corner_lon'
            gridMaskName = 'dst_grid_imask'
            gridCenterLatName = 'dst_grid_center_lat'
            gridCenterLonName = 'dst_grid_center_lon'
            titleName = 'dest_grid'
            gridCornerLatName = 'src_grid_corner_lat'
            gridCornerLonName = 'src_grid_corner_lon'
            gridMaskName = 'src_grid_imask'
            gridCenterLatName = 'src_grid_center_lat'
            gridCenterLonName = 'src_grid_center_lon'
            titleName = 'source_grid'

    vardict = fileobj.variables
    cornerLat = fileobj(gridCornerLatName)
    cornerLon = fileobj(gridCornerLonName)
    ncorners = cornerLat.shape[-1]
    ni = dims[1]
    nj = dims[0]
    gridshape = (ni, nj)
    boundsshape = (ni, nj, ncorners)
    if hasattr(cornerLat, 'units') and string.lower(
            cornerLat.units)[0:6] == 'radian':
        cornerLat = (cornerLat * (180.0 / numpy.pi)).reshape(boundsshape)
        cornerLon = (cornerLon * (180.0 / numpy.pi)).reshape(boundsshape)
        cornerLat = cornerLat.reshape(boundsshape)
        cornerLon = cornerLon.reshape(boundsshape)

    iaxis = TransientVirtualAxis("i", ni)
    jaxis = TransientVirtualAxis("j", nj)

    if vardict.has_key(gridMaskName):
        # SCRIP convention: 0 for invalid data
        # numpy.ma convention: 1 for invalid data
        mask = 1 - fileobj(gridMaskName)
        mask = mask.reshape(gridshape)
        mask = None

    if vardict.has_key(gridCenterLatName):
        centerLat = fileobj(gridCenterLatName).reshape(gridshape)
        gclat = fileobj[gridCenterLatName]
        if hasattr(gclat, "units") and string.lower(gclat.units) == 'radians':
            centerLat *= (180.0 / numpy.pi)
        centerLat = cornerLat[:, :, 0]

    if vardict.has_key(gridCenterLonName):
        centerLon = fileobj(gridCenterLonName).reshape(gridshape)
        gclon = fileobj[gridCenterLonName]
        if hasattr(gclon, "units") and string.lower(gclon.units) == 'radians':
            centerLon *= (180.0 / numpy.pi)
        centerLon = cornerLon[:, :, 0]

    if hasattr(fileobj, titleName):
        gridid = getattr(fileobj, titleName)
        gridid = string.replace(string.strip(gridid), ' ', '_')
        gridid = "<None>"

    lataxis = TransientAxis2D(centerLat,
                              axes=(iaxis, jaxis),
                              attributes={'units': 'degrees_north'},
    lonaxis = TransientAxis2D(centerLon,
                              axes=(iaxis, jaxis),
                              attributes={'units': 'degrees_east'},
    grid = TransientCurveGrid(lataxis, lonaxis, id=gridid, tempmask=mask)

    return grid
예제 #3
파일: grid.py 프로젝트: l5d1l5/uvcdat
    def toCurveGrid(self, gridid=None):
        """Convert to a curvilinear grid.
        'gridid' is the string identifier of the resulting curvilinear grid object.

        from coord import TransientVirtualAxis, TransientAxis2D
        from hgrid import TransientCurveGrid

        lat = self._lataxis_[:]
        lon = self._lonaxis_[:]

        latunits = ''
        if hasattr(self._lataxis_, 'units'):
            latunits = self._lataxis_.units

        lonunits = ''
        if hasattr(self._lonaxis_, 'units'):
            lonunits = self._lonaxis_.units

        blat, blon = self.getBounds()
        mask = self.getMask()

        nlat = len(lat)
        nlon = len(lon)

        order = self.getOrder()

        # Deal with the order of the axes
        # ax - first index, ay - second index
        if re.search(order, 'xy', re.I):
            orderXY = True
            ax, ay = lat, lon
            bx, by = blat, blon
            nx, ny = nlat, nlon
            orderXY = False
            ax, ay = lon, lat
            bx, by = blon, blat
            nx, ny = nlon, nlat

        centerX = numpy.outer(numpy.ones(ny), ax)
        centerY = numpy.outer(ay, numpy.ones(nx))

        # Create corner latitudes (in yx order), ensuring counterclockwise direction
        cy = numpy.zeros((ny, 4), numpy.float)
        if (by[0, 0] <= by[0, 1]):
            incr = 1
            incr = 0
        cy[:, 0] = by[:, 1 - incr]
        cy[:, 1] = by[:, 1 - incr]
        cy[:, 2] = by[:, incr]
        cy[:, 3] = by[:, incr]
        cornerY = numpy.repeat(cy[:, numpy.newaxis, :], nx, axis=1)

        # Create corner longitudes (in yx order), ensuring counterclockwise direction
        cx = numpy.zeros((nx, 4), numpy.float)
        if (bx[0, 0] <= bx[0, 1]):
            incr = 1
            incr = 0
        cx[:, 0] = bx[:, 1 - incr]
        cx[:, 1] = bx[:, incr]
        cx[:, 2] = bx[:, incr]
        cx[:, 3] = bx[:, 1 - incr]
        cornerX = numpy.repeat(cx[numpy.newaxis, :, :], ny, axis=0)

        iaxis = TransientVirtualAxis("i", ny)  # First axis
        jaxis = TransientVirtualAxis("j", nx)  # Second axis

        centerLat = centerY
        centerLon = centerX
        cornerLat = cornerY
        cornerLon = cornerX
        if orderXY:
            centerLat = centerX
            centerLon = centerY
            cornerLat = cornerX
            cornerLon = cornerY

        lataxis = TransientAxis2D(centerLat,
                                  axes=(iaxis, jaxis),
                                  attributes={'units': latunits},
        lonaxis = TransientAxis2D(centerLon,
                                  axes=(iaxis, jaxis),
                                  attributes={'units': lonunits},
        grid = TransientCurveGrid(lataxis, lonaxis, id=gridid, tempmask=mask)

        return grid