예제 #1
def z_strategy(x):

    s = phy_to_thtd(x)

    phi_1 = -pi / 2
    phi_2 = pi / 2

    cpsi = s[1] * sin(s[2])
    spsi = -(s[0] - s[1] * cos(s[2]))

    psi = atan2(spsi, cpsi)

    # return e_strateby(s, np.array([phi_1, phi_2, psi]))
    return np.array([phi_1, phi_2, psi])
예제 #2
def i_strategy(x):
    s = phy_to_thtalpha(x)
    ds = phy_to_thtd(x)

    phi_2 = pi / 2 - s[1]
    psi = -(pi / 2 - LB / 2 + s[1])
    d = ds[1] * (sin(phi_2) / sin(LB / 2))
    l1 = sqrt(ds[0]**2 + d**2 - 2 * ds[0] * d * cos(s[2] + psi))

    cA = (d**2 + l1**2 - ds[0]**2) / (2 * d * l1)
    sA = sin(s[2] + psi) * (ds[0] / l1)
    A = atan2(sA, cA)

    phi_1 = -(pi - (s[2] + psi) - A)
    return np.array([phi_1, phi_2, psi])
예제 #3
def natural_barrier_state(t, delta, gmm):
    x = np.zeros(6, )
    x[0] = -(vd * t + r) * cos(gmm)
    x[1] = -(vd * t + r) * sin(gmm)
    x[2] = -(vd * t + r) * cos(gmm)
    x[3] = (vd * t + r) * sin(gmm)
    x[4] = -vi * t * cos(delta)
    x[5] = -vi * t * sin(delta)

    angles = phy_to_thtalpha(x)
    ds = phy_to_thtd(x)
    if (0 < angles[0] <= pi / 2) and (0 < angles[1] <=
                                      pi / 2) and (0 < angles[2] < 2 * pi):
        return x, angles, ds
        return x, None, ds
예제 #4
def s_strategy(x):

    s = phy_to_thtalpha(x)
    ds = phy_to_thtd(x)

    phi_1 = -(pi / 2 - s[0])
    psi_ = s[2] - (s[0] + pi / 2 - LB / 2)

    d = (ds[0] / sin(LB / 2)) * sin(-phi_1)
    l2 = sqrt(d**2 + ds[1]**2 - 2 * d * ds[1] * cos(psi_))
    s_B = (sin(psi_) / l2) * d
    c_B = (ds[1]**2 + l2**2 - d**2) / (2 * ds[1] * l2)
    B = atan2(s_B, c_B)
    A = pi - B - psi_
    psi = -psi_

    def get_K(Omega):
        K = 2 * pi - pi / 2 - A - (pi - Omega) / 2
        return K

    def delta(Omega):
        K = get_K(Omega)
        l0 = 2 * r / sin(LB / 2) * sin(Omega / 2)
        dI = d + Omega / (tan(LB / 2) / r)
        dD = sqrt(l2**2 + l0**2 - 2 * l0 * l2 * cos(K)) - r
        err = dI * (Config.VD / Config.VI) - dD
        # err = (d*(Config.VD/Config.VI) + Omega/(tan(LB/2)/r) + r) - (l2/sin(LB/2 + Omega/2)*sin(K))
        # err = (l2/sin(LB/2 + Omega/2)*sin(K))
        return err**2

    if (s[2] -
        (s[0] + s[1]) <= pi - LB) and (d * (Config.VD / Config.VI) < l2 - r):
        res = minimize_scalar(delta, bounds=[0.01, pi / 1.5], method='bounded')
        Omega = res.x
        # print(Omega)
        phi_2 = pi - get_K(Omega) - (LB / 2 + Omega / 2) + B
        phi_2 = B

    return np.array([phi_1, phi_2, psi])
예제 #5
def evelope_barrier_state(t, T=1, gmm=LB / 2):

    assert t >= 0

    if t >= T:
        t1 = T
        t2 = t - T
        t1 = t
        t2 = 0

    x0 = -r / tan(LB / 2)
    y0 = -r
    rd = r / tan(LB / 2)
    ri = r / sin(LB / 2)

    xd1 = x0 + rd * cos(A * t1 + LB) - vd * sin(A * t1 + LB) * t2
    yd1 = y0 + rd * sin(A * t1 + LB) + vd * cos(A * t1 + LB) * t2
    xi = x0 + ri * cos(A * t1 + LB / 2) - vi * sin(A * t1 + LB / 2) * t2
    yi = y0 + ri * sin(A * t1 + LB / 2) + vi * cos(A * t1 + LB / 2) * t2
    xd2 = 0
    yd2 = r + vd * t

    d = yd2
    xd2 = d * sin(2 * gmm - LB)
    yd2 = d * cos(2 * gmm - LB)

    x = np.array([xd1, yd1, xd2, yd2, xi, yi])

    angles = phy_to_thtalpha(x)
    ds = phy_to_thtd(x)
    if (0 < angles[0] <= pi / 2) and (0 < angles[1] <=
                                      pi / 2) and (0 < angles[2] < 2 * pi):
        return x, angles, ds
        return x, None, None
예제 #6
def iwin_SS_straight_traj(tht, delta=0., L=300., nT=50, length=0.5):
    def get_init(tht, delta, L):

        P1 = np.array([-L, 0.])
        P2 = np.array([L, 0.])

        r = L / sin(tht)
        Y = L / tan(tht)
        x = r * cos(delta)
        y = r * sin(delta) + Y
        P = np.array([x, y])

        l1 = np.linalg.norm(P - P1)
        l2 = np.linalg.norm(P - P2)
        cpsi = sin(tht)
        spsi = cos(tht) - l1 / l2
        psi = atan2(spsi, cpsi)

        P1_P = P - P1
        P2_P = P - P2
        P_P2 = P2 - P
        phi_1 = atan2(P1_P[1], P1_P[0]) - pi / 2
        phi_2 = atan2(P2_P[1], P2_P[0]) + pi / 2
        psi = atan2(P_P2[1], P_P2[0]) + psi

        return P1, P2, P, phi_1, phi_2, psi

    p1, p2, p, phi_1, phi_2, psi = get_init(tht, delta, L)

    xs = [np.concatenate((p1, p2, p))]
    ss = [phy_to_thtalpha(xs[0])]
    ds = [phy_to_thtd(xs[0])]
    times = [0]

    dt_s = L * length / vd / nT

    dt_l = 0.98 * L / vd

    for t in range(nT):
        if t == 0:
            dt = dt_l
            dt = dt_s

        p1 += vd * np.array([cos(phi_1), sin(phi_1)]) * dt
        p2 += vd * np.array([cos(phi_2), sin(phi_2)]) * dt
        p += vi * np.array([cos(psi), sin(psi)]) * dt

        x = np.concatenate((p1, p2, p))

        angles = phy_to_thtalpha(x)
        if (0 < angles[0] < pi / 2) and (0 < angles[1] <
                                         pi / 2) and (0 < angles[2] < 2 * pi):
            times.append(times[-1] + dt)

#        print('[%.2f, %.2f], [%.2f, %.2f], [%.2f, %.2f], %.2f'%(p1[0], p1[1], p2[0], p2[1], p[0], p[1], ss[-1][-1]))
    outid = []
    return np.asarray(xs[3:-3]), np.asarray(ss[3:-3]), np.asarray(
        ds[3:-3]), np.asarray(times[3:-3]) - times[3]
예제 #7
def barrier_state(phi, tau, gmm):
    """ trajectory under opitmal play, initial locations should be on SS,
        reference frame: physical 6D frame, y is along ID_2 upon capture
            phi: phi_1 in [lb, ub]                                      float
            tau: time spent on the straight line trajectory             float
            lb:  lower bound of phi.                                    float
                 lb=LB: at barrier,
                 lb>LB: other SS
            x: 6D trajectory, order: D1, D2, I,                         np.array

    assert 0 <= gmm <= pi

    def consts(phi):
        s, c = sin(phi / 2), cos(phi / 2)
        A, B = l / (w**2 - 1), sqrt(1 - w**2 * c**2)
        return s, c, A, B

    def xtau(phi):
        out = np.zeros((6, ))
        s, c, A, B = consts(phi)
        E = ellipe(asin(w * c), 1 / w)
        F = ellipf(asin(w * c), 1 / w)
        out[0] = -2 * A * (s**2 * B + w * s**3)  # x_D1
        out[1] = A * (w * E + 3 * w * c + 2 * s * c * B - 2 * w * c**3)  # y_D1
        out[3] = 2 * l * F / w - 3 * w * E * A - 3 * w * c * A  # y_D2
        out[4] = A * (B *
                      (2 * w**2 * c**2 - w**2 - 1) - 2 * w**3 * s**3 + 2 * w *
                      (w**2 - 1) * s)  # x_I
        out[5] = A * (w * E + 2 * w**2 * s * c * B - 2 * w**3 * c**3 + w * c *
                      (2 + w**2))  # y_I
        return out

    s, c, A, B = consts(phi)

    xtemp = np.zeros((6, ))
    xtemp[0] = -l * sin(LB) - 2 * s * c * tau  # x_D1
    xtemp[1] = l * cos(LB) + (2 * c**2 - 1) * tau  # y_D1
    xtemp[3] = l + tau  # y_D2
    xtemp[4] = -(w**2 * s * c + w * c * B) * tau  # x_I
    xtemp[5] = +(w**2 * c**2 - w * s * B) * tau  # y_I

    dx = xtau(phi) - xtau(LB)
    if dx[3] < 0:
        dx[3] = 0
    dt = dx[3]
    x = dx + xtemp
    t = dt + tau

    d = sqrt(x[2]**2 + x[3]**2)
    x[2] = d * sin(2 * gmm - LB)
    x[3] = d * cos(2 * gmm - LB)

    x = x * vd

    s = phy_to_thtalpha(x)
    d = phy_to_thtd(x)

    return x, s, d, t