def process(data, session_dt_string=None):
    # print(data)
    # print(session_dt_string)
    # drop target table (or comment the two lines below to append data into an existing table)
    #conn_str = "DRIVER={ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server};SERVER=EHL5CD8434KLM;PORT=1443;DATABASE=ARTG;UID=tester1;PWD=password;"

    # start writing a simple programmable copy
    # define a dict that holds paths from different group in json (think this as schema)
    paths_dict = {}
    colmap_dict = {}

    # define if there is any data injection required
    data_injection_lod = []
        "table_name": "artg_entry",
        "column_name": "created_on",
        "value": session_dt_string
        "table_name": "artg_entry",
        "column_name": "data_source",
        "value": ""

    ##### prepare artg_entry table #############
    # create artg_entry paths
    artg_entry = ['/Results/#/ApprovalArea'\
    # add the path dict
    paths_dict['artg_entry'] = artg_entry
    #colmap for artg_entry
    colmap_artg_entry_dict = {
        'ApprovalArea': 'ApprovalArea',
        'EntryType': 'EntryType',
        'LicenceClass': 'LicenceClass',
        'LicenceId': 'LicenceId',
        'Name': 'Name',
        'ProductCategory': 'ProductCategory',
        'DocumentLink': 'DocumentLink',
        'StartDate': 'StartDate',
        'Status:': 'Status',
        'created_on': 'created_on'  #injected
        'data_source': 'data_source'
    # add colmap_artg_entry_dict
    colmap_dict['artg_entry'] = colmap_artg_entry_dict

    ##### prepare manufacturers table #############
    # create manufacturers paths
    manufacturers = [
    # add manufacturers paths
    paths_dict['manufacturers'] = manufacturers
    # create manufacturers colmap
    colmap_manufacturers_dict = {
        'LicenceId': 'LicenceId',
        'AddressLine1': 'AddressLine1',
        'AddressLine2': 'AddressLine2',
        'Country': 'Country',
        'Postcode': 'Postcode',
        'State': 'State',
        'Suburb': 'Suburb',
        'Name': 'Name'
    # add manufacturers colmap
    colmap_dict['manufacturers'] = colmap_manufacturers_dict

    ##### prepare sponsor table #############
    # create products paths
    products = ['/Results/#/LicenceId'
    # add products paths
    paths_dict['products'] = products
    #  create products colmap
    colmap_products_dict = {
        'LicenceId': 'LicenceId',
        'EffectiveDate': 'EffectiveDate',
        'GMDNCode': 'GMDNCode',
        'GMDNTerm': 'GMDNTerm',
        'Name': 'Name',
        'Type': 'Type'

    ##### prepare sponsor table #############
    # create sponsor paths
    sponsor = [
        '/Results/#/LicenceId', '/Results/#/Sponsor/Address/AddressLine1',
        '/Results/#/Sponsor/Address/Suburb', '/Results/#/Sponsor/Name'
    # add sponsor path
    paths_dict['sponsor'] = sponsor
    # create sponsor colmap
    colmap_sponsor_dict = {
        'LicenceId': 'LicenceId',
        'AddressLine1': 'AddressLine1',
        'AddressLine2': 'AddressLine2',
        'Country': 'Country',
        'Postcode': 'Postcode',
        'State': 'State',
        'Suburb': 'Suburb',
        'Name': 'Name'
    # add sponsor colmap
    colmap_dict['sponsor'] = colmap_sponsor_dict

    #path = r"C:\Users\60145210\Documents\ARTG\test2.json"
    #data = json.load(open(path))
    # for k,v in data.items():
    #     print("{} type {}".format(k,type(v)))

    tab_with_records = get_tables_with_record(
        data, paths_dict, data_injection_lod=data_injection_lod)

    # inject timestamp
    ##### test debug here #######
    # for tab in tab_with_records:
    #     print(tab,tab_with_records[tab])
    # for k,v in colmap_dict.items():
    #     print(k,':',v)
    #     for src,trg in v.items():
    #         print(src,trg)
    #tab_with_records['artg_entry']['created_on'] = timestamp
    # print(tab_with_records['artg_entry'])
    # print('hello')
    # print(timestamp)

    ###### start interfacing to copython
    # create a CopyConf object with None arg (no config file passed in) and fill up its attributes
    cc = copyconf.CopyConf()
    cc.description = "copy a list of dictionary (LOD) into mssql"  # description of this copy

    # for each table create an instance of copypthon copy
    for tab in tab_with_records:

        # create a Copy object and define its source/target type
        c = copyconf.Copy("artg_entry_copy")
        c.source_type = "lod"
        c.target_type = "sql_table"

        # create a source object (in this case a csv object) and fill up its attributes
        src_obj = copyconf.LODConf()
        src_obj.lod = tab_with_records[tab]

        # assign this object to copy object as source
        c.source = src_obj

        # creat target object (in this case a sql table)
        trg_obj = copyconf.SQLTableConf()
        trg_obj.conn_str = "DRIVER={ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server};SERVER=EHL5CD8434KLM;PORT=1443;DATABASE=ARTG;UID=tester1;PWD=password;"
        trg_obj.schema_name = "dbo"
        trg_obj.table_name = tab
        # assign this object to copy object as target = trg_obj

        # define column mapping.
        # in this simple example we need to create colmap objects and add them to the copy
        # of course there is better way to do this eg. get a list fo column mapping pair
        # and create a for-loop process to add any colmap.
        # colmap = copyconf.ColMapConf("EntryType","EntryType")
        # c.colmap_list.append(colmap)
        # colmap = copyconf.ColMapConf("LicenceClass","LicenceClass")
        # c.colmap_list.append(colmap)
        # colmap = copyconf.ColMapConf("LicenceId","LicenceId")
        # c.colmap_list.append(colmap)

        for k, v in colmap_dict.items():
            if k == tab:
                for src, trg in v.items():
                    colmap = copyconf.ColMapConf(src, trg)

        #add this c (Copy instance) into cc (a CopyConf above)

    # end

    # call copython.copy_data and pass the cc as argument
    PRINT_RESULT = False
    res = copython.copy_data(cc, debug=False)
예제 #2
def process(data,session_dt_string = None):
    # print(data)
    # print(session_dt_string)
    # drop target table (or comment the two lines below to append data into an existing table)
    #conn_str = "DRIVER={ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server};SERVER=EHL5CD8434KLM;PORT=1443;DATABASE=ARTG;UID=tester1;PWD=password;"

    # start writing a simple programmable copy
    path = r"C:\Users\60145210\Documents\Projects\copython\test\artg_project\_cf_path_totable.json"
    jc = jsontabs.JSONPath_Tables_Conf(path)

    #define if there is any data injection required
    data_injection_lod = []
    # for tab in jc.tables:
    #     print(
    #     print(' ',tab.referencing_columns)
    #     print(' ',tab.referencing_tables)
    # quit()
    # for tab in jc.tables:
    #     print(' tab',
    #     print(' isprimary', tab.is_primary)
    # quit(0)

    #print('---start debugging...')
    # traverse the entire key & value and any sub key & value
    jc = jsontabs.gen_json_tables(jc,data,data_injection_lod = data_injection_lod)

    # print('\n--- debugging CURRENT ROW .....')
    # for tab in jc.tables:
    #     print(
    #     print('-----------')
    #     print(' ',[str(x) for x in tab.current_row])
    #     print('-----------')
    #     # for i,row in enumerate(tab.rows):
    #     #     print(' ',i,row)
    # print('--- end debugging CURRENT ROW .....\n')

    # print('--- debugging FINAL ROWS')
    # for tab in jc.tables:
    #     print(
    #     print('-----------')
    #     #print(' ',tab.rows)
    #     for k,v in tab.rows.items():
    #         print(' ',k,v.print_kv())
    #     print('-----------')
    # print('--- end debugging FINAL ROWS....\n')
    # quit()

    # for tab in jc.tables:
    #     print(
    #     print(' ',len(tab.rows))
    #     print(' counter:',tab.counter)
    # for rowid,row in jc.tables[0].rows.items():
    #     print(rowid,row)
    #     for dc in row.datarow:
    #         print('--->',dc)

    ##### test debug here #######
    # for tab in jc.tables:
    #     print(
    # for k,v in colmap_dict.items():
    #     print(k,':',v)
    #     for src,trg in v.items():
    #         print(src,trg)
    #tab_with_records['artg_entry']['created_on'] = timestamp
    # print(tab_with_records['artg_entry'])
    # print('hello')
    # print(timestamp)

    ###### start interfacing to copython
    # create a CopyConf object with None arg (no config file passed in) and fill up its attributes
    cc = copyconf.CopyConf()
    cc.description = "copy a flytab into mssql"      # description of this copy

    # for each table create an instance of copypthon copy
    for tab in jc.tables:

        # create a Copy object and define its source/target type
        c = copyconf.Copy("artg_entry_copy")
        c.source_type = "flytab"
        c.target_type = "sql_table"

        # create a source object (in this case a csv object) and fill up its attributes
        src_obj = copyconf.FlyTableConf()
        src_obj.flytab = tab

        # assign this object to copy object as source
        c.source =src_obj

        # creat target object (in this case a sql table)
        trg_obj = copyconf.SQLTableConf()
        trg_obj.conn_str = "DRIVER={ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server};SERVER=EHL5CD8434KLM;PORT=1443;DATABASE=Test;UID=tester1;PWD=password;"
        trg_obj.schema_name = "dbo"
        trg_obj.table_name =
        # assign this object to copy object as target = trg_obj

        # define column mapping.
        # in this simple example we need to create colmap objects and add them to the copy
        # of course there is better way to do this eg. get a list fo column mapping pair
        # and create a for-loop process to add any colmap.
        # colmap = copyconf.ColMapConf("EntryType","EntryType")
        # c.colmap_list.append(colmap)
        # colmap = copyconf.ColMapConf("LicenceClass","LicenceClass")
        # c.colmap_list.append(colmap)
        # colmap = copyconf.ColMapConf("LicenceId","LicenceId")
        # c.colmap_list.append(colmap)

        for src,trg in tab.colmap.items():
            colmap = copyconf.ColMapConf(src,trg)

        #add this c (Copy instance) into cc (a CopyConf above)

    # end

    # call copython.copy_data and pass the cc as argument
    PRINT_RESULT = False
    res = copython.copy_data(cc,debug=False)
To improve my testing productivity, i need to organise all testing files in test folder.
I create var use_package to control what kind of codes i'm testing, for eg.
if the value is False, I'm executing copython codes from my working folder, while True
I'm executing copython codes from the site_packages
You should remove the four lines below .
use_package = False
if use_package is False:
    import sys
    sys.path.insert(0, r"e:\documents\visual studio 2017\projects\copython")

import copython

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # drop target table (or comment the two lines below to append data into an existing table)
    conn_str = "DRIVER={ODBC Driver 11 for SQL Server};SERVER=LATITUDE;PORT=1443;DATABASE=Test;UID=user_name;PWD=password;"
    copython.drop_table(conn_str, "dbo", "countries")

    config_path = r"E:\Documents\Visual Studio 2017\Projects\copython\test\_cf_load_oracle_table_into_mssql.xml"
    # call copython.copy_data
    res = copython.copy_data(config_path, debug=True)
    # define column mapping.
    # in this simple example we need to create colmap objects and add them to the copy
    # of course there is better way to do this eg. get table's columns from database
    # and create a for-loop process to add any colmap.
    colmap = copyconf.ColMapConf("route_id", "route_id")
    colmap = copyconf.ColMapConf("route_short_name", "route_short_name")
    colmap = copyconf.ColMapConf("route_long_name", "route_long_name")
    colmap = copyconf.ColMapConf("route_desc", "route_desc")
    colmap = copyconf.ColMapConf("route_type", "route_type")
    colmap = copyconf.ColMapConf("route_url", "route_url")
    colmap = copyconf.ColMapConf("route_color", "route_color")
    colmap = copyconf.ColMapConf("route_text_color", "route_text_color")
    # add this c (Copy instance) into cc (a CopyConf above)

    # end

    # call copython.copy_data and pass the cc as argument
    res = copython.copy_data(cc, debug=True)