예제 #1
파일: ls.py 프로젝트: bboyGit/linearAlgebra
def ols(x, y, const=True):
    Desc: Do linear regression by OLS method.
      x: A matrix contain explanatory variables
      y: A column vector contain dependent variable
      const: A bool, indicating whether we add constant or not. Default True, which means add constant.
    Return: A dict contain fitted values, coefficients and errors.

    # (1) Handle Exceptions
    type_array = type(np.array([[0]]))
    if not isinstance(x, type_array) or not isinstance(y, type_array):
        raise TypeError("Both x and y must be array.")
    if x.ndim != 2 or y.ndim != 2:
        raise Exception("Dimension of x and y must be 2.")
    if x.shape[0] != y.shape[0]:
        raise Exception("The number of observations of x and y must be the same.")

    # (2) Calculate coefficients, errors and fitted values.
    if const:
        c = np.array([[1] * x.shape[0]]).T
        x = np.concatenate([c, x], axis=1)
    if rank(x) < x.shape[1]:
        raise Exception("Columns of x are linearly dependent.")

    mat1 = inverse(x.T @ x) @ x.T
    beta = mat1 @ y
    y_hat = x @ beta
    error = y - y_hat

    # (3) Tidy results
    result = {'coef': beta, 'fitted_value': y_hat, 'resid': error}

    return result
예제 #2
def one_side_inverse(mat):
    Desc: Calculate right or left inverse matrix
      mat: A given matrix
    Return: The one side inverse matrix
        inv = inverse(mat)
        warn("The matrix mat has two-side inverse")
        return {"two_side": inv}

    except Exception:
        r = rank(mat)
        nrow, ncol = mat.shape
        if r < min(nrow, ncol):
            raise Exception(
                "Matrix mat are neither row full rank nor col full rank. One-side inverse doesn't exist."

        elif r == nrow and r < ncol:
            # Best right-inverse: A' @ inverse(AA'). We can see, if AA' is non-singular, then AA' @ inverse(AA') = I.
            tt = mat @ mat.T
            inv = mat.T @ inverse(tt)
            return {'right': inv}

        elif r == ncol and r < nrow:
            # Best left-inverse: inverse(A'A) @ A'. We can see, if A'A is non-singular, then inverse(A'A) @ A'A = I.
            tt = mat.T @ mat
            inv = inverse(tt) @ mat.T
            return {'left': inv}
예제 #3
파일: ls.py 프로젝트: bboyGit/linearAlgebra
def wls(x, y, const=True, weight=None):
    Desc: Do linear regression by WLS method.
      x: A matrix contain explanatory variables
      y: A column vector contain dependent variable
      const: A bool, indicating whether we add constant or not. Default True, which means add constant.
      weight: An 1 dimensional array. Default None.
    Return: A dict contain fitted values, coefficients, errors, weight, transfer x and transfer y.

    # (1) Handle Exceptions
    type_array = type(np.array([[0]]))
    if not isinstance(x, type_array) or not isinstance(y, type_array):
        raise TypeError("Both x and y must be array.")
    if x.ndim != 2 or y.ndim != 2:
        raise Exception("Dimension of x and y must be 2.")
    if x.shape[0] != y.shape[0]:
        raise Exception("The number of observations of x and y must be the same.")

    # (2) Deal weight
    if weight == None:
        # 用户不填权重时我们默认用残差绝对值的倒数作为权重
        ols_fit = ols(x, y, const)
        error= np.abs(ols_fit['resid'][:, 0])
        weight = np.diag(error)
        weight = np.sqrt(weight)

    elif isinstance(weight, type_array):
        if (weight < 0).any():
            raise Exception("Negative weight is forbidden")
        elif weight.ndim != 1:
            raise Exception("The dimension of weight must be 1")
            weight = np.diag(weight)
            weight = np.sqrt(weight)
        raise TypeError("Type of weight must be array")

    # (3) Calculate coef, fitted value and error
    if const:
        c = np.array([[1] * x.shape[0]]).T
        x = np.concatenate([c, x], axis=1)
    if rank(x) < x.shape[1]:
        raise Exception("Columns of x are linearly dependent.")

    X = weight @ x
    Y = weight @ y
    mat1 = inverse(X.T @ X) @ X.T
    beta = mat1 @ Y
    Y_hat = X @ beta
    error = Y - Y_hat

    # (3) Tidy results
    result = {'coef': beta, 'fitted_value': Y_hat,
              'resid': error, 'weight': weight.diagonal(),
              'transfer_x': X, 'transfer_y': Y}

    return result
예제 #4
def coord_exchange(coordinate, current_basis, object_basis):
    # Desc: Get coordinate in object_basis in the given coordinate of current_basis. Note that the object_basis
    #       and current_basis are the same basis of a space.
    # Args:
    #   coordinate: An array represent the coordinate in the basis of current_basis.
    #   current_basis: An array whose columns represent the current basis.
    #   object_basis: An array whose columns represent the object basis.
    # Return: An array represent the coordinate in the basis of object basis.

    # (1) Deal Exception
    rank_current = rank(current_basis)
    rank_object = rank(object_basis)
    mat = np.concatenate([current_basis, object_basis], axis=1)
    rank_both = rank(mat)
    if current_basis.shape != object_basis.shape:
        raise Exception(
            "The number of columns and rows in current_basis and object_basis must be equal."
    if coordinate.shape[0] != object_basis.shape[1]:
        raise Exception(
            "The number of rows of coordinate must equal to columns of object_basis"
    if rank_object != object_basis.shape[1]:
        raise Exception(
            "Columns of object_basis is linear dependent and it's not a basis")
    if rank_current != current_basis.shape[1]:
        raise Exception(
            "Columns of current_basis is linear dependent and it's not a basis"
    if rank_both > rank_current:
        raise Exception(
            "current_basis and object_basis aren't in the same space")

    # (2) Get basis-change-matrix
    inv = one_side_inverse(object_basis)
        inv = inv['two_side']
    except KeyError:
        inv = inv['left']
    basis_change = inv @ current_basis

    # (3) Get coordinate of object_basis from coord
    object_coord = basis_change @ coordinate

    return object_coord
예제 #5
def project_mat(mat):
    Desc: Generate projection matrix of given matrix.
     mat: A matrix 
    return: The projection matrix. 
    r = rank(mat)
    if r != mat.shape[1]:
        raise Exception("The columns of mat is not linear independent")
    inv = inverse(mat.T @ mat)
    proj = mat @ inv @ mat.T

    return proj
예제 #6
def ortho(mat, unit):
    Desc: Orthogonalize by Gram-Schmidt process.
      mat: A matrix
      unit: A bool indicating whether to scale each column to unit or not
    Return: The matrix Q. If unit is False return a orthogonal matrix, else return a orthonormal matrix.

    # (1) Deal exceptions
    if not isinstance(mat, type(np.array([0]))):
        raise Exception('mat must be an array')
    if mat.ndim != 2:
        raise Exception("Dimension of mat must be 2")

    nrow, ncol = mat.shape
    r = rank(mat)
    if r < ncol:
        warn("Columns of mat are not linearly independent.")

    # (2) Do Gram-schmidt process to obtain Q
    Q = []
    for i in range(ncol):
        col = mat[:, [i]]
        if i == 0:
            q = col
            qi = np.concatenate(Q, axis=1)
            proj = qi @ inverse(qi.T @ qi) @ qi.T
            orthogonal = col - proj @ col
            q = orthogonal.round(10)

        if unit and np.abs(q).sum() > 10**(-10):
            q = q/np.sqrt(np.dot(q.T, q))

    Q = np.concatenate(Q, axis=1)

    return Q
예제 #7
def getNullSpace(mat):
    Desc: Solve equation Ax=0 by Gaussian elimination.
      mat: An 2-D array.
        null space: A Dataframe whose columns are the basis of null space of mat
        column space: A Dataframe whose columns are the basis of column space of mat
        pivot_idx: A list of int indicating the column location of pivot variable of mat
        free_idx: A list of int indicating the column location of free variable of mat

    # (1) Get the simplest reduced row echelon form matrix
    ref = rref(mat)['rref']
    r = rank(ref)
    # (2) Find column space and null space of ref
    nrow, ncol = ref.shape
    if nrow == ncol and (ref == np.identity(nrow)).all():
        colspace = np.identity(nrow)
        nullspace = np.array([[0] * ref.shape[0]]).T
        pivot_col = list(range(ncol))
        free_col = []
    elif r == ncol:
        colspace = mat
        nullspace = np.array([[0] * ref.shape[0]]).T
        pivot_col = list(range(ncol))
        free_col = []
        col_bool = []
        df = pd.DataFrame(ref)
        # (2.1) Get the columns index of pivot_variable and free_variable
        for col in df:
            the_col = df[col].round(6)
            cond1 = set(the_col.unique()) == set([1, 0])
            cond2 = the_col[the_col == 1].shape[0] == 1
            if col == 0 and cond1 and cond2:
            elif col != 0 and cond1 and cond2:
                equal_or_not = pd.Series([(the_col == df[i]).all()
                                          for i in range(col)])
                    False) if equal_or_not.any() else col_bool.append(True)

        col_bool = pd.Series(col_bool)
        colspace = mat[:, col_bool]
        pivot_col = list(col_bool[col_bool].index)
        free_col = list(col_bool[~col_bool].index)

        # (2.2) Iter each free variable to set it to 1 and Numerical free variables to 0.

        for sp_idx in range(len(free_col)):
            pivot_free1 = [
                1 if i in pivot_col or i == free_col[sp_idx] else 0
                for i in range(df.shape[1])
            make_zero = np.array([pivot_free1])
            r = np.multiply(ref, make_zero)
            drop_all_zero_row = [
                False if (r[i, :] == 0).all() else True
                for i in range(r.shape[0])
            r = r[drop_all_zero_row, :]

            free_solution = {}
            for idx, value in enumerate(free_col):
                if idx == sp_idx:
                    free_solution[value] = 1
                    free_solution[value] = 0
            free_solution = pd.DataFrame(free_solution,
                                         index=['solution' + str(sp_idx + 1)])

            pivot_solution = {}
            for j in range(r.shape[0]):
                this_row = r[j, :]
                free_var_col_nonzero = free_col[sp_idx]
                free = this_row[free_var_col_nonzero]
                pivot = this_row[this_row != 0][0]
                pivot_idx = np.where(this_row != 0)[0][0]
                pivot_solution[pivot_idx] = -free / pivot
            pivot_solution = pd.DataFrame(pivot_solution,
                                          index=['solution' + str(sp_idx + 1)])

            special_solution = pd.concat([pivot_solution, free_solution],
            special_solution = special_solution.reindex(

            if 'nullspace' not in locals():
                nullspace = special_solution.T
                nullspace = pd.concat([nullspace, special_solution.T], axis=1)

    return {
        'null_space': nullspace,
        'column_space': colspace,
        'pivot_idx': pivot_col,
        'free_idx': free_col