예제 #1
def vuln(web):
    from core.Core.build_menu import buildmenu
    menu = { # '#' : ['module', 'description', 'function']
        '1':['Basic Bugs & Misconfigurations','(Low Priority [P0x3-P0x4])','webbugs'],\
        '2':['Critical Vulnerabilities','(High Priority [P0x1-P0x2])','serbugs'],\
        '3':['Others','(Bruter Force Tools)','othbugs'],\
    buildmenu(web, menu, 'Vulnerability Analysis', vulnban_art)  # build menu
예제 #2
def footprint(web):
    from core.Core.build_menu import buildmenu
    menu = { # '#' : ['module', 'description', 'function']
        '1':['Passive Footprinting','(Open Source Intelligence)','passiveo'],\
        '2':['Active Reconnaissance','(Gather via Interaction)','activeo'],\
        '3':['Information Disclosure','(Errors, Emails, etc)','infodisc'],\
    buildmenu(web, menu, 'Footprinting', footprintban_art)  # build menu
예제 #3
def auxil(web):
    from core.Core.build_menu import buildmenu
    menu = { # '#' : ['module', 'description', 'function']
        '1':['Generate Hashes','','hashes'],\
        '2':['Encode Strings','','encodeall'],\
        '3':['Extract Metadata','','imgext'],\
        '4':['Honeypot Detector','','honeypot'],\
    buildmenu(web,menu,'Auxillaries',auxilban_art)          # build menu
예제 #4
    def tidosmain(target): # this is to be iterated repeatedly
        while True:
                buildmenu(target,menu,'Main Menu',main_menu_art)          # build main menu

            except KeyboardInterrupt: # Incase user wants to quit
                print(RED+"\n [-] " + color.UNDERLINE+ "User Interruption detected!"+color.END)
                print(CYAN+' [+] Alvida, see ya!\n')
예제 #5
def infodisc(web):
    from core.Core.build_menu import buildmenu
    print(GREEN+'\n     +-------------------+')
    print(GREEN+'     |  '+ORANGE+'INFO DISCLOSURE'+GREEN+'  |')
    print(GREEN+'     +-------------------+\n')
    menu = { # '#' : ['module', 'description', 'function']
        '1':['Credit Card Enumeration','(If disclosed in plain text)','creditcards'],\
        '2':['Extract All Emails','(Absolute)','emailext'],\
        '3':['Enumerate Errors + FPD','(Includes Full Path Disclosure)','errors'],\
        '4':['Internal IP disclosure','(Find out any leaks of internal IP addresses)','internalip'],\
        '5':['Extract out all Phone Numbers','(If plaintext disclosure)','phone'],\
        '6':['Extract out all Social Security Numbers','(US Based)','ssn']
    buildmenu(web,menu,'Information Disclosure','')          # build menu
예제 #6
def scanenum(web):
    from core.Core.build_menu import buildmenu
    menu = { # '#' : ['module', 'description', 'function']
        '1':['WAF Analysis','(Web Application Firewall)','waf'],\
        '2':['Port Scanning','','portscan'],\
        '3':['Interactive NMap','','nmapmain'],\
        '4':['WebTech Fingerprinting','','webtech'],\
        '5':['SSL Enumeration','','ssltlsscan'],\
        '6':['OS Fingerprinting','','osdetect'],\
        '7':['Banner Grab','','bannergrab'],
        '8':['IP Crawler','','webscan'],
        '9':['Web Crawlers','','crawlers'],
    buildmenu(web, menu, 'Scanning and Enumeration',
              scanenumban_art)  # build menu
예제 #7
def portscan(web):
    from core.Core.build_menu import buildmenu
    print(ORANGE + '\n     +--------------+')
    print(ORANGE + '     |  ' + WHITE + 'SCAN TYPES' + ORANGE + '  |')
    print(ORANGE + '     +--------------+\n')
    menu = { # '#' : ['module', 'description', 'function']
        '1':['A Simple Port Scan','','simpleport'],\
        '2':['TCP Connect Scan','(Highly Reliable)','tcpconnectscan'],\
        '3':['TCP Stealth Scan','(Highly Reliable)','tcpstealthscan'],\
        '4':['XMAS Flag Scan','(Reliable only on LANS)','xmasscan'],\
        '5':['FIN Flag Scan','(Reliable only on LANS)','finscan'],\
        '6':['Open Ports Services Detector','','servicedetect'],\
    buildmenu(web, menu, 'Port Scanning', '')  # build menu
    raw_input(O + ' [#] Press ' + GREEN + 'Enter' + ORANGE + ' to continue...')
예제 #8
def exploits(web):
    from core.Core.build_menu import buildmenu
    menu = { # '#' : ['module', 'description', 'function']
        '1':['Shellshock Exploit','','shellshock_exp'],\
    buildmenu(web, menu, 'Exploitation', exploitsban_art)  # build menu