def __init__(self, parent, title, err): """ Open a child dialog of a tkinter application to present the user to an unhandled exception. Can be used to report issue to github. Args: parent: the tkinter parent view to use for this window construction. title: A title for the new windows err: the error that occured causing this window to appear """ self.rvalue = None self.parent = parent = tk.Toplevel(parent) appFrame = ttk.Frame( self.form = FormPanel() self.err = err self.form.addFormLabel( "An error occured. Please make an issue with the below stack trace and when it occured.", side=tk.TOP) self.form.addFormText("Error", ".+", self.err, None, side=tk.TOP) self.form.addFormButton("Report bug", self.onOk, side=tk.RIGHT) self.form.addFormButton("Close", self.onError, side=tk.RIGHT) self.rvalue = None self.form.constructView(appFrame) appFrame.pack(ipadx=10, ipady=10) try: except tk.TclError: pass
class ChildDialogException: """ Open a child dialog of a tkinter application to present the user to an unhandled exception. Can be used to report issue to github. """ def __init__(self, parent, title, err): """ Open a child dialog of a tkinter application to present the user to an unhandled exception. Can be used to report issue to github. Args: parent: the tkinter parent view to use for this window construction. title: A title for the new windows err: the error that occured causing this window to appear """ self.rvalue = None self.parent = parent = tk.Toplevel(parent) appFrame = ttk.Frame( self.form = FormPanel() self.err = err self.form.addFormLabel( "An error occured. Please make an issue with the below stack trace and when it occured.", side=tk.TOP) self.form.addFormText("Error", ".+", self.err, None, side=tk.TOP) self.form.addFormButton("Report bug", self.onOk, side=tk.RIGHT) self.form.addFormButton("Close", self.onError, side=tk.RIGHT) self.rvalue = None self.form.constructView(appFrame) appFrame.pack(ipadx=10, ipady=10) try: except tk.TclError: pass def onOk(self, _event=None): """ Called when the user clicked the validation button. Set the rvalue attributes to the value selected and close the window. Args: _event: not used but mandatory """ # send the data to the parent postIssue(self.err) def onError(self, _event=None): """ Close the dialog and set rvalue to None Args: _event: not used but mandatory """ self.rvalue = False
def __init__(self, appTw, appViewFrame, mainApp, controller): """Constructor Args: appTw: a PollenisatorTreeview instance to put this view in appViewFrame: an view frame to build the forms in. mainApp: the Application instance controller: a CommandController for this view. """ self.appliTw = appTw self.appliViewFrame = appViewFrame self.mainApp = mainApp self.controller = controller self.form = FormPanel()
def __init__(self, parent, default): """ Open a child dialog of a tkinter application to ask details about the new pentest. Args: parent: the tkinter parent view to use for this window construction. """ = tk.Toplevel(parent), False) self.rvalue = None self.parent = parent mainFrame = ttk.Frame( self.form = FormPanel() form1 = self.form.addFormPanel(grid=True, side=tk.TOP, fill=tk.X) form1.addFormLabel("Database name") form1.addFormStr("Database name", r"^\S+$", default=default.get("name", ""), width=50, column=1) types = list(Settings.getPentestTypes().keys()) if types: form1.addFormLabel("Pentest type", row=1) form1.addFormCombo( "Pentest type", types, default=default.get("type", types[0]), row=1, column=1) form1.addFormLabel("Starting", row=2) form1.addFormDate("startd", parent, default.get("start", datetime.strftime(, "%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S")), "%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S", row=2, column=1) form1.addFormLabel("Ending", row=3) form1.addFormDate("endd", parent, default.get("end", "31/12/2099 00:00:00"), "%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S", row=3, column=1) form2 = self.form.addFormPanel(grid=True, side=tk.TOP, fill=tk.X, pady=5) form2.addFormLabel("Scope", pady=5) form2.addFormText( "Scope", "", default.get("scope", ""), height=5, column=1, sticky=tk.E, pady=5) form2.addFormHelper( "You can declare network ip as IP/MASKSIZE, ips or domains", column=2, sticky=tk.W) form2.addFormLabel("Pentester names", row=1, sticky=tk.E) form2.addFormText( "Pentester names", "", default.get("pentesters", ""), row=1, column=1, sticky=tk.W, height=3, pady=5) form3 = self.form.addFormPanel(side=tk.TOP, fill=tk.X, pady=5) default_settings = [] for key, val in default.get("settings", {}).items(): if val == 1: default_settings.append(key) form3.addFormChecklist("Settings", ["Add domains whose IP are in scope", "Add domains who have a parent domain in scope", "Add all domains found"], default_settings, side=tk.TOP, fill=tk.X, pady=5) form3.addFormButton("Create", self.onOk, side=tk.BOTTOM) self.form.constructView(mainFrame) self.form.setFocusOn("Database name") mainFrame.pack(fill=tk.BOTH, ipadx=10, ipady=10)
def __init__(self, parent): """ Open a child dialog of a tkinter application to ask details about existing files parsing. Args: parent: the tkinter parent view to use for this window construction. """ = tk.Toplevel(parent)"Upload result file") self.rvalue = None self.parent = parent appFrame = ttk.Frame( self.form = FormPanel() self.form.addFormLabel("Import one file or choose a directory", "", side=tk.TOP) self.form.addFormFile("File", ".+", width=50, side=tk.TOP, mode="file|directory") self.form.addFormLabel("Plugins", side=tk.TOP) self.form.addFormCombo("Plugin", ["auto-detect"] + listPlugin(), "auto-detect", side=tk.TOP) self.form.addFormLabel("Wave name", side=tk.TOP) wave_list = Wave.listWaves() if "Imported files" not in wave_list: wave_list.append("Imported files") self.form.addFormCombo("Wave", wave_list, "Imported files", side=tk.TOP) self.form.addFormButton("Parse", self.onOk, side=tk.TOP) self.form.constructView(appFrame) appFrame.pack(ipadx=10, ipady=10)
def __init__(self, parent, keys): """ Open a child dialog of a tkinter application to ask details about an export of treeview items. Args: parent: the tkinter parent view to use for this window construction. keys: The keys to export """ self.rvalue = None self.parent = parent = tk.Toplevel(parent)"Export selection") appFrame = ttk.Frame( self.form = FormPanel() self.form.addFormChecklist("Fields", sorted(keys), []) self.form.addFormButton("Export", self.onOk) self.rvalue = None self.form.constructView(appFrame) appFrame.pack(ipadx=10, ipady=10)
def __init__(self, parent, displayMsg="Choose a database to open:", default=None): """ Open a child dialog of a tkinter application to ask a combobox option. Args: parent: the tkinter parent view to use for this window construction. options: A list of string correspondig to options of the combobox displayMsg: The message that will explain to the user what he is choosing. default: Choose a default selected option (one of the string in options). default is None """ = tk.Toplevel(parent)"Upload result file") self.rvalue = None self.parent = parent appFrame = ttk.Frame( self.form = FormPanel() self.form.addFormLabel(displayMsg, side=tk.TOP) optionsFrame = self.form.addFormPanel(grid=True) optionsFrame.addFormLabel("Remote bin path", row=0, column=0) optionsFrame.addFormStr("bin", r".+", row=0, column=1) optionsFrame.addFormLabel("Plugin", row=1, column=0) optionsFrame.addFormCombo("plugin", tuple(listPlugin()), row=1, column=1) self.form.addFormButton("Cancel", self.onError) self.form.addFormButton("OK", self.onOk) self.form.constructView(appFrame) appFrame.pack(ipadx=10, ipady=10) try: except tk.TclError: pass
class ChildDialogExportSelection: """ Open a child dialog of a tkinter application to ask the user to select fields between many. """ def __init__(self, parent, keys): """ Open a child dialog of a tkinter application to ask details about an export of treeview items. Args: parent: the tkinter parent view to use for this window construction. keys: The keys to export """ self.rvalue = None self.parent = parent = tk.Toplevel(parent)"Export selection") appFrame = ttk.Frame( self.form = FormPanel() self.form.addFormChecklist("Fields", sorted(keys), []) self.form.addFormButton("Export", self.onOk) self.rvalue = None self.form.constructView(appFrame) appFrame.pack(ipadx=10, ipady=10) def onOk(self, _event=None): """Called the the Export button is pressed. return a list of strings corresponding to the selected fields. Args: _event: not used but mandatory""" res, msg = self.form.checkForm() if res: form_values = self.form.getValue() form_values_as_dicts = ViewElement.list_tuple_to_dict(form_values) mfields = form_values_as_dicts["Fields"] fields = [k for k, v in mfields.items() if v == 1] self.rvalue = fields else: tk.messagebox.showwarning("Form not validated", msg,
class ChildDialogEditCommandSettings: """ Open a child dialog of a tkinter application to fill settings for a command """ def __init__(self, parent, displayMsg="Choose a database to open:", default=None): """ Open a child dialog of a tkinter application to ask a combobox option. Args: parent: the tkinter parent view to use for this window construction. options: A list of string correspondig to options of the combobox displayMsg: The message that will explain to the user what he is choosing. default: Choose a default selected option (one of the string in options). default is None """ = tk.Toplevel(parent)"Upload result file") self.rvalue = None self.parent = parent appFrame = ttk.Frame( self.form = FormPanel() self.form.addFormLabel(displayMsg, side=tk.TOP) optionsFrame = self.form.addFormPanel(grid=True) optionsFrame.addFormLabel("Remote bin path", row=0, column=0) optionsFrame.addFormStr("bin", r".+", row=0, column=1) optionsFrame.addFormLabel("Plugin", row=1, column=0) optionsFrame.addFormCombo("plugin", tuple(listPlugin()), row=1, column=1) self.form.addFormButton("Cancel", self.onError) self.form.addFormButton("OK", self.onOk) self.form.constructView(appFrame) appFrame.pack(ipadx=10, ipady=10) try: except tk.TclError: pass def onOk(self, _event): """ Called when the user clicked the validation button. Set the rvalue attributes to the value selected and close the window. """ # send the data to the parent res, msg = self.form.checkForm() if not res: tk.messagebox.showwarning("Form not validated", msg, return form_values = self.form.getValue() form_values_as_dicts = ViewElement.list_tuple_to_dict(form_values) self.rvalue = (form_values_as_dicts["bin"], form_values_as_dicts["plugin"]) def onError(self, _event=None): """ Close the dialog and set rvalue to None """ self.rvalue = None
class ViewElement(object): """ Defines a basic view to be inherited. Those functions are generic entry points to models. Most of them should not be redefined in other Views. Attributes: icon: icon name to show in treeview. Icon filename must be in icon directory cachedClassIcon: a cached loaded PIL image icon of ViewElement.icon. Starts as None. """ icon = 'undefined.png' cachedClassIcon = None def __init__(self, appTw, appViewFrame, mainApp, controller): """Constructor Args: appTw: a PollenisatorTreeview instance to put this view in appViewFrame: an view frame to build the forms in. mainApp: the Application instance controller: a CommandController for this view. """ self.appliTw = appTw self.appliViewFrame = appViewFrame self.mainApp = mainApp self.controller = controller self.form = FormPanel() @classmethod def getClassIcon(cls): """ Load the class icon in cache if it is not yet done, and returns it Return: Returns the ImageTk.PhotoImage icon representing this class . """ from PIL import Image, ImageTk if cls.cachedClassIcon == None: abs_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) path = os.path.join(abs_path, "../../icon/"+cls.icon) cls.cachedClassIcon = ImageTk.PhotoImage( return cls.cachedClassIcon def getIcon(self): """ Load the object icon in cache if it is not yet done, and returns it Return: Returns the icon representing this object. """ return self.__class__.getClassIcon() def addChildrenBaseNodes(self, newNode): """ Add to the given node from a treeview the mandatory childrens. Will be redefined in children. Args: newNode: the newly created node we want to add children to. """ # pass def delete(self, _event=None, showWarning=True): """ Entry point to the model doDelete function. Args: _event: automatically filled if called by an event. Not used showWarning: a boolean. If true, the user will be asked a confirmation before supression. Default to True. """ ret = True if showWarning: ret = tkinter.messagebox.askokcancel( "Delete", "You are going to delete this element, do you want to continue?") if(ret): self.controller.doDelete() def update(self, event=None): """ Entry point to the model doUpdate function. Args: event: automatically filled if called by an event. Holds info on update clicked widget. Returns: * a boolean to shwo success or failure * an empty message on success, an error message on failure """ res, msg = self.form.checkForm() if(res): form_values = self.form.getValue() form_values_as_dicts = ViewElement.list_tuple_to_dict(form_values) self.controller.doUpdate(form_values_as_dicts) if event is not None: caller = event.widget toast = ChildDialogToast(self.appliViewFrame, "Done" , x=caller.winfo_rootx(), y=caller.winfo_rooty()+caller.winfo_reqheight(), width=caller.winfo_reqwidth()) return True, "" else: tkinter.messagebox.showwarning( "Form not validated", msg, parent=self.appliViewFrame) return False, msg def insert(self, _event=None): """ Entry point to the model doInsert function. Args: _event: automatically filled if called by an event. Not used Returns: * a boolean to shwo success or failure * an empty message on success, an error message on failure """ res, msg = self.form.checkForm() if(res): form_values = self.form.getValue() form_values_as_dicts = ViewElement.list_tuple_to_dict(form_values) res, nbErrors = self.controller.doInsert(form_values_as_dicts) if not res: msg = "This element cannot be inserted, check for conflicts with existings elements." tkinter.messagebox.showerror( "Insertion failed", msg, parent=self.appliViewFrame) return False, msg else: if nbErrors > 0: msg = str(len( res))+" were inserted, "+str(nbErrors)+" were not to avoid conflicts or out of wave elements." tkinter.messagebox.showwarning( "Insertion succeeded with warnings", msg, parent=self.appliViewFrame) return True, msg else: return True, "" else: tkinter.messagebox.showwarning( "Form not validated", msg, parent=self.appliViewFrame) return False, msg def tagClicked(self, name): """Callback intermediate for tag clicked Ensure that the tag name clicked is added to View item Args: name: a tag name """ return lambda _event: self.tagButtonClicked(name) def tagButtonClicked(self, name): """Callback for tag button clicked Ensure that the tag name clicked is set to View item Args: name: a tag name """ self.controller.setTags([name]) def completeModifyWindow(self): """ Add the buttons for an update window. -Submit button that validates the form with the update function. -Delete button that asks the user to delete the object with the delete function. """ pan = self.form.addFormPanel() pan.addFormButton("Submit", self.update) pan.addFormButton("Delete", self.delete) registeredTags = Settings.getTags() keys = list(registeredTags.keys()) column = 0 item_no = 0 listOfLambdas = [self.tagClicked(keys[i]) for i in range(len(keys))] for registeredTag, color in registeredTags.items(): if not hasattr(self.mainApp, "parent"): break if column == 0: panTags = self.form.addFormPanel(pady=0) s = ttk.Style(self.mainApp.parent) s.configure(""+color+".TButton", background=color, foreground="black")""+color+".TButton", foreground=[('active', "dark gray")], background=[('active', color)]) btn_tag = panTags.addFormButton(registeredTag, listOfLambdas[item_no], side="left", padx=0, pady=0) btn_tag.configure(style=""+color+".TButton") column += 1 item_no += 1 if column == 4: column = 0 self.showForm() def showForm(self): """Resets the application view frame and start displaying the form in it """ for widget in self.appliViewFrame.winfo_children(): widget.destroy() self.form.constructView(self.appliViewFrame) def completeInsertWindow(self): """ Add the button for an insert window. -Insert button that validate the form with the insert function. """ pan = self.form.addFormPanel() pan.addFormButton("Insert", self.insert) for widget in self.appliViewFrame.winfo_children(): widget.destroy() self.form.constructView(self.appliViewFrame) def hide(self): """Tells the application treeview to hide this node """ self.appliTw.hide(str(self.controller.getDbId())) def unhide(self): """Tells the application treeview to unhide this node """ self.appliTw.unhide(self) def __str__(self): """ Return the __str__ method of the model """ return str(self.controller.getModelRepr()) @classmethod def DbToTreeviewListId(cls, parent_db_id): """Converts a mongo Id to a unique string identifying a list of view elemnt given its parent Args: parent_db_id: the parent node mongo ID Returns: A string that should be unique to describe the parent list of viewelement node """ return str(parent_db_id) def getParent(self): """ Return the id of the parent node in treeview. Returns: return the model parent id DbToTreeviewListId """ return self.__class__.DbToTreeviewListId(self.controller.getParent()) def updateReceived(self): """Called when any view element update is received by notification. Resets the node tags according to database and hide it if "hidden" is in tags """ if self.controller.getDbId() is None: return tags = self.controller.getTags() try: self.appliTw.item(str(self.controller.getDbId()), tags=tags) except TclError: pass if "hidden" in tags: self.hide() def insertReceived(self): """Called when any view element insert is received by notificaiton To be overriden """ pass def key(self): """Returns a key for sorting this node Returns: string, basic key: string so alphanumerical sorting will be used """ return str(self.controller.getModelRepr()) @classmethod def list_tuple_to_dict(cls, list_of_tuple): """Transforms a list of 2-tuple to a dictionnary Args: list_of_tuple: a 2-tuple with (key, value) Returns: A dictionnary with all key-values pair inserted """ ret = dict() for key, value in list_of_tuple: ret[key] = value return ret
class ChildDialogFileParser: """ Open a child dialog of a tkinter application to ask details about existing files parsing. """ def __init__(self, parent): """ Open a child dialog of a tkinter application to ask details about existing files parsing. Args: parent: the tkinter parent view to use for this window construction. """ = tk.Toplevel(parent)"Upload result file") self.rvalue = None self.parent = parent appFrame = ttk.Frame( self.form = FormPanel() self.form.addFormLabel("Import one file or choose a directory", "", side=tk.TOP) self.form.addFormFile("File", ".+", width=50, side=tk.TOP, mode="file|directory") self.form.addFormLabel("Plugins", side=tk.TOP) self.form.addFormCombo("Plugin", ["auto-detect"] + listPlugin(), "auto-detect", side=tk.TOP) self.form.addFormLabel("Wave name", side=tk.TOP) wave_list = Wave.listWaves() if "Imported files" not in wave_list: wave_list.append("Imported files") self.form.addFormCombo("Wave", wave_list, "Imported files", side=tk.TOP) self.form.addFormButton("Parse", self.onOk, side=tk.TOP) self.form.constructView(appFrame) appFrame.pack(ipadx=10, ipady=10) def onOk(self, _event=None): """ Called when the user clicked the validation button. launch parsing with selected parser on selected file/directory. Close the window. Args: _event: not used but mandatory """ res, msg = self.form.checkForm() if not res: tk.messagebox.showwarning("Form not validated", msg, return notes = None tags = None form_values = self.form.getValue() form_values_as_dicts = ViewElement.list_tuple_to_dict(form_values) file_path = form_values_as_dicts["File"] plugin = form_values_as_dicts["Plugin"] wave = form_values_as_dicts["Wave"] files = [] if os.path.isdir(file_path): # r=root, d=directories, f = files for r, _d, f in os.walk(file_path): for fil in f: files.append(os.path.join(r, fil)) else: files.append(file_path) results = {} dialog = ChildDialogProgress( self.parent, "Importing files", "Importing " + str(len(files)) + " files. Please wait for a few seconds.", 200, "determinate") # LOOP ON FOLDER FILES for f_i, file_path in enumerate(files): md5File = md5(file_path) toolName = os.path.splitext( os.path.basename(file_path))[0] + md5File[:6] dialog.update(f_i) if plugin == "auto-detect": # AUTO DETECT foundPlugin = "Ignored" for pluginName in listPlugin(): if foundPlugin != "Ignored": break mod = loadPlugin(pluginName) if mod.autoDetectEnabled(): with, 'r', encoding="utf-8") as f: notes, tags, lvl, targets = mod.Parse(f) if notes is not None and tags is not None: foundPlugin = pluginName results[foundPlugin] = results.get(foundPlugin, []) + [file_path] else: # SET PLUGIN mod = loadPlugin(plugin) with, 'r', encoding="utf-8") as f: notes, tags, lvl, targets = mod.Parse(f) results[plugin] = results.get(plugin, []) + [file_path] # IF PLUGIN FOUND SOMETHING if notes is not None and tags is not None: # ADD THE RESULTING TOOL TO AFFECTED for target in targets.values(): date = datetime.fromtimestamp(os.path.getmtime( file_path)).strftime("%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S") if target is None: scope = None ip = None port = None proto = None else: scope = target.get("scope", None) ip = target.get("ip", None) port = target.get("port", None) proto = target.get("proto", None) Wave().initialize(wave, []).addInDb() tool_m = Tool().initialize(toolName, wave, scope=scope, ip=ip, port=port, proto=proto, lvl=lvl, text="", dated=date, datef=date, scanner_ip="Imported file", status="done", notes=notes, tags=tags) tool_m.addInDb() mongoInstance = MongoCalendar.getInstance() outputRelDir = tool_m.getOutputDir( mongoInstance.calendarName) abs_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) outputDir = os.path.join(abs_path, "../../../results", outputRelDir) mod.centralizeFile(file_path, outputDir) tool_m.update({ "resultfile": os.path.join(outputRelDir, os.path.basename(file_path)) }) dialog.destroy() # DISPLAY RESULTS presResults = "" filesIgnored = 0 for key, value in results.items(): presResults += str(len(value)) + " " + str(key) + ".\n" if key == "Ignored": filesIgnored += 1 if plugin == "auto-detect": if filesIgnored > 0: tk.messagebox.showwarning("Auto-detect ended", presResults, else: tk.messagebox.showinfo("Auto-detect ended", presResults, else: if filesIgnored > 0: tk.messagebox.showwarning("Parsing ended", presResults, else: tk.messagebox.showinfo("Parsing ended", presResults, self.rvalue = None
class ChildDialogNewCalendar: """ Open a child dialog of a tkinter application to ask details about a new pentest database to create. """ def __init__(self, parent, default): """ Open a child dialog of a tkinter application to ask details about the new pentest. Args: parent: the tkinter parent view to use for this window construction. """ = tk.Toplevel(parent), False) self.rvalue = None self.parent = parent mainFrame = ttk.Frame( self.form = FormPanel() form1 = self.form.addFormPanel(grid=True, side=tk.TOP, fill=tk.X) form1.addFormLabel("Database name") form1.addFormStr("Database name", r"^\S+$", default=default.get("name", ""), width=50, column=1) types = list(Settings.getPentestTypes().keys()) if types: form1.addFormLabel("Pentest type", row=1) form1.addFormCombo( "Pentest type", types, default=default.get("type", types[0]), row=1, column=1) form1.addFormLabel("Starting", row=2) form1.addFormDate("startd", parent, default.get("start", datetime.strftime(, "%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S")), "%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S", row=2, column=1) form1.addFormLabel("Ending", row=3) form1.addFormDate("endd", parent, default.get("end", "31/12/2099 00:00:00"), "%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S", row=3, column=1) form2 = self.form.addFormPanel(grid=True, side=tk.TOP, fill=tk.X, pady=5) form2.addFormLabel("Scope", pady=5) form2.addFormText( "Scope", "", default.get("scope", ""), height=5, column=1, sticky=tk.E, pady=5) form2.addFormHelper( "You can declare network ip as IP/MASKSIZE, ips or domains", column=2, sticky=tk.W) form2.addFormLabel("Pentester names", row=1, sticky=tk.E) form2.addFormText( "Pentester names", "", default.get("pentesters", ""), row=1, column=1, sticky=tk.W, height=3, pady=5) form3 = self.form.addFormPanel(side=tk.TOP, fill=tk.X, pady=5) default_settings = [] for key, val in default.get("settings", {}).items(): if val == 1: default_settings.append(key) form3.addFormChecklist("Settings", ["Add domains whose IP are in scope", "Add domains who have a parent domain in scope", "Add all domains found"], default_settings, side=tk.TOP, fill=tk.X, pady=5) form3.addFormButton("Create", self.onOk, side=tk.BOTTOM) self.form.constructView(mainFrame) self.form.setFocusOn("Database name") mainFrame.pack(fill=tk.BOTH, ipadx=10, ipady=10) def onOk(self, _event): """ Called when the user clicked the validation button. Set the rvalue attributes to the value selected and close the window. Args: _event: not used but mandatory """ # send the data to the parent res, msg = self.form.checkForm() if res: form_values = self.form.getValue() form_values_as_dicts = ViewElement.list_tuple_to_dict(form_values) self.rvalue = {"name": form_values_as_dicts["Database name"], "type": form_values_as_dicts.get("Pentest type", ""), "start": form_values_as_dicts["startd"], "end": form_values_as_dicts["endd"], "settings": form_values_as_dicts["Settings"], "scope": form_values_as_dicts["Scope"], "pentesters": form_values_as_dicts["Pentester names"]} else: tk.messagebox.showwarning( "Form not validated", msg,