예제 #1
파일: test.py 프로젝트: ab9-er/TestSheriff
def run_get(test_id, run_type):
    status = StatusCore(test_id=test_id)
    run = status.should_i_run(run_type)
    if run is None:
    return run
예제 #2
 def test_add_unknown_if_none_exists(self):
     from core.Status import Status
     test_id = str(uuid.uuid4())
     status = Status(test_id)
     assert status.get() == None
     status_saved = Status(test_id).get()
     assert status_saved._id != None
     assert status_saved._last == True
     assert status_saved._status == 'UNKNOWN'
예제 #3
 def test_purge(self):
     from core.Status import Status
     from core.Base import Base
     test_id = str(uuid.uuid4())
     test_status1 = 'FAILURE'
     details = {'browser': 'Firefox'}
     test_type = str(uuid.uuid4())
     status1 = Status(test_id, test_type, test_status1, details=details)
     rv = self.app_test.get('/test/tests/{0}/purge'.format(test_id))
     assert rv.status_code == 200
     res = json.loads(rv.data.decode('utf-8'))
     assert res['result'] == 'Success'
     assert res['purge'] == {'nb_removed': 0}
     status_count = Status.list({Status._test_id: test_id})
     assert len(status_count) == 1
     Base().upsert_by_id(Status.collection, ObjectId(status1._id), {Status._on: datetime.datetime.now() - datetime.timedelta(days=8)})
     status2 = Status(test_id, test_type, test_status1, details=details)
     status_count = Status.list({Status._test_id: test_id})
     assert len(status_count) == 2
     rv = self.app_test.get('/test/tests/{0}/purge'.format(test_id))
     assert rv.status_code == 200
     res = json.loads(rv.data.decode('utf-8'))
     assert res['result'] == 'Success'
     assert res['purge'] == {'nb_removed': 1}
     status_count = Status.list({Status._test_id: test_id})
     assert len(status_count) == 1
예제 #4
 def test_filter_details(self):
     from core.Filter import Filter
     from core.Status import Status
     my_filter = Filter.from_dict({'operator': 'EQUAL', 'field': 'Status._details[\'BROWSER\']', 'value': 'Firefox'})
     assert my_filter != False
     s1 = Status(str(uuid.uuid4()), str(uuid.uuid4()), 'FAILURE', details={'BROWSER': 'Firefox'})
     s1._on = datetime.datetime.now() - datetime.timedelta(seconds=5)
     s2 = Status(str(uuid.uuid4()), str(uuid.uuid4()), 'SUCCESS', details={'BROWSER': 'Chrome'})
     s2._on = datetime.datetime.now() + datetime.timedelta(seconds=5)
     assert my_filter.check_status(s1) == True
     assert my_filter.check_status(s2) == False
     status_filter = my_filter.check_statuses([s1, s2])
     assert len(status_filter) == 1
     assert status_filter[0]._test_id == s1._test_id
예제 #5
 def test_filter_greater_than(self):
     from core.Filter import Filter
     from core.Status import Status
     my_filter = Filter.from_dict({'operator': 'GREATER THAN', 'field': 'Status._on', 'value': 'datetime.datetime.now() + datetime.timedelta(days=1)'})
     assert my_filter != False
     s1 = Status(str(uuid.uuid4()), str(uuid.uuid4()), 'FAILURE', details={})
     s1._on = datetime.datetime.now() - datetime.timedelta(seconds=5)
     s2 = Status(str(uuid.uuid4()), str(uuid.uuid4()), 'SUCCESS', details={})
     s2._on = datetime.datetime.now() + datetime.timedelta(days=1, seconds=5)
     assert my_filter.check_status(s1) == False
     assert my_filter.check_status(s2) == True
     status_filter = my_filter.check_statuses([s1, s2])
     assert len(status_filter) == 1
     assert status_filter[0]._test_id == s2._test_id
예제 #6
 def test_expand_failed(self):
     from core import Base
     from core.Status import Status
     test_id = str(uuid.uuid4())
     test_status = 'SUCCESS'
     test_type = str(uuid.uuid4())
     status = Status(test_id, test_type, test_status)
     status_id = str(Base.Base().insert(Status.collection, status.to_dict()))
     rv = self.app.get('/api/v1/statuses/{0}'.format(status_id))
     assert rv.status_code == 200
     res = json.loads(rv.data.decode('utf-8'))
     assert type(res['status']['test']) in [type('String'), type(u'Unicode')]
     rv = self.app.get('/api/v1/statuses/{0}?expand=test'.format(status_id))
     assert rv.status_code == 200
     res = json.loads(rv.data.decode('utf-8'))
     assert type(res['status']['test']) in [type('String'), type(u'Unicode')]
예제 #7
 def test_get_run(self):
     from core.Status import Status
     from core.TestType import TestType
     from core.Base import Base
     test_id = str(uuid.uuid4())
     test_status = 'SUCCESS'
     test_type = str(uuid.uuid4())
     field1 = 'browser'
     field2 = 'environment'
     tt = TestType(test_type, doc_fields_to_index=[field1, field2])
     tt.add_run_type('new', 'ANY', {'operator': 'EQUAL', 'field': 1, 'value': 1})
     details1 = {field1: 'Firefox', field2: 'master'}
     status1 = Status(test_id, test_type, test_status, details=details1)
     rv = self.app_test_type.get('/test/test_types/{0}/runs/{1}'.format(str(uuid.uuid4()), 'default'))
     assert rv.status_code == 404
     rv = self.app_test_type.get('/test/test_types/{0}/runs/{1}'.format(test_type, str(uuid.uuid4())))
     assert rv.status_code == 404
     rv = self.app_test_type.get('/test/test_types/{0}/runs/{1}'.format(test_type, 'default'))
     assert rv.status_code == 200
     res = json.loads(rv.data.decode('utf-8'))
     assert res['result'] == 'Success'
     assert res['run']['modifier'] == TestType._default_run['modifier']
     assert res['run']['condition'] == TestType._default_run['condition'].to_dict()
     rv = self.app_test_type.get('/test/test_types/{0}/runs/{1}'.format(test_type, 'new'))
     assert rv.status_code == 200
     res = json.loads(rv.data.decode('utf-8'))
     assert res['result'] == 'Success'
     assert res['run']['modifier'] == 'ANY'
     assert res['run']['condition'] == {'operator': 'EQUAL', 'field': 1, 'value': 1}
     rv = self.app_test_type.get('/test/test_types/{0}/runs'.format(str(uuid.uuid4())))
     assert rv.status_code == 404
     rv = self.app_test_type.get('/test/test_types/{0}/runs'.format(test_type))
     assert rv.status_code == 200
     res = json.loads(rv.data.decode('utf-8'))
     assert res['result'] == 'Success'
     assert res['count'] == 2
     rv = self.app_test_type.get('/test/test_types/{0}'.format(test_type))
     assert rv.status_code == 200
     res = json.loads(rv.data.decode('utf-8'))
     assert res['result'] == 'Success'
     assert 'run' not in res['test_type']
예제 #8
 def test_should_i_run_custom(self):
     from core.Status import Status
     from core.TestType import TestType
     test_type = str(uuid.uuid4())
     tt = TestType(test_type)
     tt.add_run_type('ALLOK', 'ALL', {'field': 'Status._status', 'operator': 'EQUAL', 'value': 'SUCCESS'})
     test_id = str(uuid.uuid4())
     details = {'browser': 'Firefox'}
     test_type = str(uuid.uuid4())
     test_status1 = 'SUCCESS'
     status1 = Status(test_id, test_type, test_status1, details=details)
     rv = self.app_test.get('/test/tests/{0}/run/ALLOK'.format(test_id))
     assert rv.status_code == 200
     res = json.loads(rv.data.decode('utf-8'))
     assert res['result'] == 'Success'
     assert res['run'] == True
     test_status2 = 'FAILURE'
     status2 = Status(test_id, test_type, test_status2, details=details)
     rv = self.app_test.get('/test/tests/{0}/run/ALLOK'.format(test_id))
     assert rv.status_code == 200
     res = json.loads(rv.data.decode('utf-8'))
     assert res['result'] == 'Success'
     assert res['run'] == False
     rv = self.app_test.get('/test/tests/{0}/run'.format(test_id))
     assert rv.status_code == 200
     res = json.loads(rv.data.decode('utf-8'))
     assert res['result'] == 'Success'
     assert res['run'] == False
     test_status2 = 'SUCCESS'
     status2 = Status(test_id, test_type, test_status2, details=details)
     rv = self.app_test.get('/test/tests/{0}/run/ALLOK'.format(test_id))
     assert rv.status_code == 200
     res = json.loads(rv.data.decode('utf-8'))
     assert res['result'] == 'Success'
     assert res['run'] == False
     rv = self.app_test.get('/test/tests/{0}/run'.format(test_id))
     assert rv.status_code == 200
     res = json.loads(rv.data.decode('utf-8'))
     assert res['result'] == 'Success'
     assert res['run'] == True
     rv = self.app_test.get('/test/tests/{0}/run/{1}'.format(test_id, str(uuid.uuid4())))
     assert rv.status_code == 404
예제 #9
 def post(self):
     purge_result = None
     parser = reqparse.RequestParser()
     parser.add_argument('purge', help='Do we purge ?', required=False, location='args')
     args = parser.parse_args()
     purge = True
     if args['purge'] is not None:
         if args['purge'].lower() == 'false':
             purge = False
         elif args['purge'].lower() == 'true':
             purge = True
     data = request.get_json()
     status = StatusCore(test_id=data['test_id'], test_type=data['type'],
                         status=data['status'], details=data['details'])
     if purge:
         purge_result = status.purge()
     status = prep_status(status)
     return jsonify(result='Success', status=status, purge=purge_result)
예제 #10
 def test_get_last(self):
     from core.Status import Status
     from core.Test import Test
     from core.Base import Base
     test_id = str(uuid.uuid4())
     test_status1 = 'FAILURE'
     details = {'browser': random.choice(['Firefox', 'Chrome'])}
     test_type = str(uuid.uuid4())
     status1 = Status(test_id, test_type, test_status1, details=details)
     at = Base().get_all(Test.collection, {})
     assert at.count() == 1
     assert at[0]['test_id'] == test_id
     test_status2 = 'SUCCESS'
     status2 = Status(test_id, test_type, test_status2, details=details)
     at = Base().get_all(Test.collection, {})
     assert at.count() == 1
     Base().upsert_by_id(Status.collection, bson.ObjectId(status1._id), {Status._on: datetime.datetime.now() - datetime.timedelta(seconds=3)})
     Base().upsert_by_id(Status.collection, bson.ObjectId(status2._id), {Status._on: datetime.datetime.now() - datetime.timedelta(seconds=3)})
     sl = Status(test_id).get_last()
     assert sl._status == 'SUCCESS'
     assert sl._test_id == test_id
     at = Base().get_all(Test.collection, {})
     assert at.count() == 1
     assert at[0]['last_seen'] > Status(base_id=status2._id).get()._on + datetime.timedelta(seconds=1)
예제 #11
 def test_index(self):
     from core.Index import Index
     from core.Status import Status
     from core.TestType import TestType
     from core.Base import Base
     test_id = str(uuid.uuid4())
     test_status = 'SUCCESS'
     test_type = str(uuid.uuid4())
     field1 = 'browser'
     field2 = 'environment'
     TestType(test_type, doc_fields_to_index=[field1, field2]).save()
     details1 = {field1: 'Firefox', field2: 'master'}
     status1 = Status(test_id, test_type, test_status, details=details1)
     details2 = {field1: 'Chrome', field2: 'master'}
     status2 = Status(test_id, test_type, test_status, details=details2)
     rv = self.app_test_type.get('/test/test_types/{0}/indexes/{1}'.format(str(uuid.uuid4()), field1))
     assert rv.status_code == 404
     rv = self.app_test_type.get('/test/test_types/{0}/indexes/{1}'.format(test_type, str(uuid.uuid4())))
     assert rv.status_code == 404
     rv = self.app_test_type.get('/test/test_types/{0}/indexes/{1}'.format(test_type, field1))
     assert rv.status_code == 200
     res = json.loads(rv.data.decode('utf-8'))
     assert res['index']['field'] == field1
     assert res['index']['type'] == test_type
     assert sorted(res['index']['values']) == sorted(['Firefox', 'Chrome'])
예제 #12
파일: test.py 프로젝트: ab9-er/TestSheriff
def test_get(test_id):
    test = TestCore.get_one({TestCore._test_id:test_id})
    if test is None:
    statuses = {}
    lastStatuses = StatusCore.list(query_filter={StatusCore._test_id: test._test_id,
                                                 StatusCore._last: True},
                                   sort=[(StatusCore._on, Base.DESC)])
    if len(lastStatuses) != 0:
        statuses['last_status'] = lastStatuses[0]
    lastSuccess = StatusCore.list(query_filter={StatusCore._test_id: test._test_id,
                                                StatusCore._status: 'SUCCESS'},
                                  sort=[(StatusCore._on, Base.DESC)])
    if len(lastSuccess) != 0:
        statuses['last_status_success'] = lastSuccess[0]
    lastFailure = StatusCore.list(query_filter={StatusCore._test_id: test._test_id,
                                                StatusCore._status: 'FAILURE'},
                                  sort=[(StatusCore._on, Base.DESC)])
    if len(lastFailure) != 0:
        statuses['last_status_failure'] = lastFailure[0]
    test = prep_test(test, statuses)
    return test
예제 #13
 def test_get_purge(self):
     from core.Status import Status
     from core.TestType import TestType
     from core.Base import Base
     test_id = str(uuid.uuid4())
     test_status = 'SUCCESS'
     test_type = str(uuid.uuid4())
     field1 = 'browser'
     field2 = 'environment'
     tt = TestType(test_type, doc_fields_to_index=[field1, field2])
     details1 = {field1: 'Firefox', field2: 'master'}
     status1 = Status(test_id, test_type, test_status, details=details1)
     rv = self.app_test_type.get('/test/test_types/{0}/purge'.format(str(uuid.uuid4())))
     assert rv.status_code == 404
     rv = self.app_test_type.get('/test/test_types/{0}/purge'.format(test_type))
     assert rv.status_code == 200
     res = json.loads(rv.data.decode('utf-8'))
     assert res['result'] == 'Success'
     assert res['purge']['action'] == TestType._default_purge['action']
     assert res['purge']['condition'] == TestType._default_purge['condition'].to_dict()
예제 #14
 def test_list_page(self):
     from core.Status import Status
     from core import Base
     test_id1 = str(uuid.uuid4())
     test_status = 'FAILURE'
     details = {'browser': random.choice(['Firefox', 'Chrome'])}
     test_type = str(uuid.uuid4())
     nb = 10
     statuses = {}
     for i in range(nb):
         status = Status(test_id1, test_type, test_status, details=details)
         Base.Base().upsert_by_id(Status.collection, bson.ObjectId(status._id), {Status._on: datetime.datetime.now() - datetime.timedelta(seconds=nb - i + 1)})
         statuses[i] = status
     ast = Status.list(sort=[('on', Base.ASC)], page=1, nb_item=2)
     assert len(ast) == 2
     assert ast[0].to_dict() == Status(base_id=statuses[2]._id).get().to_dict()
     assert ast[1].to_dict() == Status(base_id=statuses[3]._id).get().to_dict()
     ast = Status.list(sort=[('on', Base.DESC)], page=2, nb_item=3)
     assert len(ast) == 3
     assert ast[0].to_dict() == Status(base_id=statuses[3]._id).get().to_dict()
     assert ast[1].to_dict() == Status(base_id=statuses[2]._id).get().to_dict()
     assert ast[2].to_dict() == Status(base_id=statuses[1]._id).get().to_dict()
예제 #15
 def test_remove(self):
     from core.Status import Status
     from core.Base import Base
     test_id1 = str(uuid.uuid4())
     test_status1 = random.choice(['SUCCESS', 'FAILURE'])
     test_type = str(uuid.uuid4())
     details = {'browser': random.choice(['Firefox', 'Chrome'])}
     status1 = Status(test_id1, test_type, test_status1, details=details, last=True)
     test_id2 = str(uuid.uuid4())
     test_status2 = random.choice(['SUCCESS', 'FAILURE'])
     status2 = Status(test_id2, test_type, test_status2, details=details, last=True)
     ast = Base().get_all(Status.collection, {})
     assert ast.count() == 1
     assert ast[0]['test_id'] == test_id1
예제 #16
 def test_purge(self):
     from core.Status import Status
     from core.Base import Base
     test_id = str(uuid.uuid4())
     test_status1 = 'FAILURE'
     details = {'browser': random.choice(['Firefox', 'Chrome'])}
     test_type = str(uuid.uuid4())
     status1 = Status(test_id, test_type, test_status1, details=details)
     ast = Base().get_all(Status.collection, {})
     Base().upsert_by_id(Status.collection, bson.ObjectId(status1._id), {Status._on: datetime.datetime.now() - datetime.timedelta(days=8)})
     ast = Base().get_all(Status.collection, {})
     test_id2 = str(uuid.uuid4())
     test_status2 = 'SUCCESS'
     status2 = Status(test_id2, test_type, test_status2, details=details)
     test_status3 = 'SUCCESS'
     status3 = Status(test_id, test_type, test_status3, details=details)
     res = status3.purge()
     assert res['nb_removed'] == 1
     ast = Base().get_all(Status.collection, {})
     assert ast.count() == 2
     assert sorted([str(st['_id']) for st in ast]) == sorted([status2._id, status3._id])
예제 #17
 def test_should_i_run_default(self):
     from core.Status import Status
     test_id = str(uuid.uuid4())
     test_status1 = 'FAILURE'
     details = {'browser': 'Firefox'}
     test_type = str(uuid.uuid4())
     status1 = Status(test_id, test_type, test_status1, details=details)
     rv = self.app_test.get('/test/tests/{0}/run'.format(test_id))
     assert rv.status_code == 200
     res = json.loads(rv.data.decode('utf-8'))
     assert res['result'] == 'Success'
     assert res['run'] == False
     test_id2 = str(uuid.uuid4())
     test_status2 = 'SUCCESS'
     status2 = Status(test_id2, test_type, test_status2, details=details)
     rv = self.app_test.get('/test/tests/{0}/run'.format(test_id))
     assert rv.status_code == 200
     res = json.loads(rv.data.decode('utf-8'))
     assert res['result'] == 'Success'
     assert res['run'] == False
     test_status3 = 'SUCCESS'
     test_type = str(uuid.uuid4())
     status3 = Status(test_id, test_type, test_status3, details=details)
     rv = self.app_test.get('/test/tests/{0}/run'.format(test_id))
     assert rv.status_code == 200
     res = json.loads(rv.data.decode('utf-8'))
     assert res['result'] == 'Success'
     assert res['run'] == True
     rv = self.app_test.get('/test/tests/{0}/run'.format(str(uuid.uuid4())))
     assert rv.status_code == 200
     res = json.loads(rv.data.decode('utf-8'))
     assert res['result'] == 'Success'
     assert res['run'] == True
     rv = self.app_test.get('/test/tests/{0}/run/default'.format(test_id))
     assert rv.status_code == 200
     res = json.loads(rv.data.decode('utf-8'))
     assert res['result'] == 'Success'
     assert res['run'] == True
예제 #18
 def test_should_i_run_default(self):
     from core.Status import Status
     test_id = str(uuid.uuid4())
     test_status1 = 'FAILURE'
     details = {'browser': random.choice(['Firefox', 'Chrome'])}
     test_type = str(uuid.uuid4())
     status1 = Status(test_id, test_type, test_status1, details=details)
     res = Status(test_id).should_i_run()
     assert res == False
     test_id2 = str(uuid.uuid4())
     test_status2 = 'SUCCESS'
     status2 = Status(test_id2, test_type, test_status2, details=details)
     res = Status(test_id).should_i_run()
     assert res == False
     test_status3 = 'SUCCESS'
     status3 = Status(test_id, test_type, test_status3, details=details)
     res = Status(test_id).should_i_run()
     assert res == True
예제 #19
 def test_get(self):
     from core.Status import Status
     test_id = str(uuid.uuid4())
     test_status = 'FAILURE'
     details = {'browser': random.choice(['Firefox', 'Chrome'])}
     test_type = str(uuid.uuid4())
     status = Status(test_id, test_type, test_status, details=details)
     status_jid = Status(base_id=status._id)
     status_get = status_jid.get()
     assert status_get.to_dict() == status.to_dict()
예제 #20
 def test_index(self):
     from core.Index import Index
     from core.Status import Status
     from core.TestType import TestType
     from core.Base import Base
     test_id = str(uuid.uuid4())
     test_status = random.choice(['SUCCESS', 'FAILURE'])
     test_type = str(uuid.uuid4())
     field1 = 'browser'
     field2 = 'environment'
     details1 = {field1: 'Firefox'}
     TestType(test_type, doc_fields_to_index=[field1, field2]).save()
     status1 = Status(test_id, test_type, test_status, details=details1)
     details2 = {field1: 'Chrome'}
     status2 = Status(test_id, test_type, test_status, details=details2)
     details3 = {field2: 'master'}
     status3 = Status(test_id, test_type, test_status, details=details3)
     ast = Base().get_all(Index.collection, {})
     assert ast.count() == 1
     assert ast[0]['type'] == test_type
     assert ast[0]['field'] == field1
     assert ast[0]['values'] == ['Firefox']
     ast = Base().get_all(Index.collection, {})
     assert ast.count() == 1
     assert sorted(ast[0]['values']) == sorted(['Chrome', 'Firefox'])
     ast = Base().get_all(Index.collection, {})
     assert ast.count() == 2
     ast = Base().get_all(Index.collection, {'field': 'browser'})
     assert ast.count() == 1
     assert sorted(ast[0]['values']) == sorted(['Chrome', 'Firefox'])
     ast = Base().get_all(Index.collection, {'field': 'environment'})
     assert ast.count() == 1
     assert ast[0]['values'] == ['master']
예제 #21
 def test_update_last(self):
     from core.Status import Status
     from core.Base import Base
     test_id1 = str(uuid.uuid4())
     test_status1 = random.choice(['SUCCESS', 'FAILURE'])
     test_type = str(uuid.uuid4())
     details = {'browser': random.choice(['Firefox', 'Chrome'])}
     status1 = Status(test_id1, test_type, test_status1, details=details, last=True)
     test_id2 = str(uuid.uuid4())
     test_status2 = random.choice(['SUCCESS', 'FAILURE'])
     status2 = Status(test_id2, test_type, test_status2, details=details, last=True)
     st = Base().get_one(Status.collection, {})
     assert st['last'] == True
     ast = Base().get_all(Status.collection, {'last': True})
     assert ast.count() == 1
     st = Base().get_one(Status.collection, {'test_id': test_id2})
     assert st['last'] == False
예제 #22
 def test_list(self):
     from core.Status import Status
     from core import Base
     test_id1 = str(uuid.uuid4())
     test_status = 'FAILURE'
     details = {'browser': random.choice(['Firefox', 'Chrome'])}
     test_type = str(uuid.uuid4())
     status1 = Status(test_id1, test_type, test_status, details=details)
     Base.Base().upsert_by_id(Status.collection, bson.ObjectId(status1._id), {Status._on: datetime.datetime.now() - datetime.timedelta(seconds=1)})
     test_id2 = str(uuid.uuid4())
     status2 = Status(test_id2, test_type, test_status, details=details)
     ast = Status.list(sort=[('on', Base.DESC)])
     assert len(ast) == 2
     assert ast[0].to_dict() == Status(base_id=status2._id).get().to_dict()
     assert ast[1].to_dict() == Status(base_id=status1._id).get().to_dict()
     ast = Status.list(sort=[('on', Base.ASC)])
     assert len(ast) == 2
     assert ast[0].to_dict() == Status(base_id=status1._id).get().to_dict()
     assert ast[1].to_dict() == Status(base_id=status2._id).get().to_dict()
예제 #23
 def test_save(self):
     from core.Status import Status
     from core.Test import Test
     from core.Index import Index
     from core.TestType import TestType
     from core.Base import Base
     test_id = str(uuid.uuid4())
     test_status = random.choice(['SUCCESS', 'FAILURE'])
     test_type = str(uuid.uuid4())
     details = {'browser': random.choice(['Firefox', 'Chrome'])}
     status = Status(test_id, test_type, test_status, details=details)
     TestType(test_type, doc_fields_to_index=['browser']).save()
     now = datetime.datetime.now()
     ast = Base().get_all(Status.collection, {})
     assert ast.count() == 1
     assert ast[0]['test_id'] == test_id
     assert ast[0]['status'] == test_status
     assert ast[0]['details'] == details
     assert ast[0]['type'] == test_type
     assert ast[0]['on'] < now + datetime.timedelta(seconds=1)
     at = Base().get_all(Test.collection, {})
     assert at.count() == 1
     assert at[0]['test_id'] == test_id
     assert at[0]['type'] == test_type
     assert at[0]['last_seen'] < ast[0]['on'] + datetime.timedelta(seconds=1)
     st = Base().get_one(Index.collection, {})
     assert st['type'] == test_type
     assert st['field'] == 'browser'
     assert st['values'] == [details['browser']]
     st = Base().get_one(TestType.collection, {})
     assert st['type'] == test_type
     assert st['doc_fields'] == ['browser']
     test_id = str(uuid.uuid4())
     test_status = 'TO_RERUN'
     test_type = str(uuid.uuid4())
     status = Status(test_id, test_type, test_status)
     now = datetime.datetime.now()
     st = Base().get_one(Status.collection, {'test_id': test_id})
     assert st['status'] == 'CUSTOM'
     assert st['details']['original_status'] == test_status
예제 #24
 def test_save_and_update(self):
     from core.Status import Status
     from core.Base import Base
     test_id = str(uuid.uuid4())
     test_status1 = 'FAILURE'
     test_type = str(uuid.uuid4())
     details = {'browser': random.choice(['Firefox', 'Chrome'])}
     status1 = Status(test_id, test_type, test_status1, details=details)
     st = Base().get_one(Status.collection, {})
     assert st['last'] == True
     test_status2 = 'SUCCESS'
     status2 = Status(test_id, test_type, test_status2, details=details)
     ast = Base().get_all(Status.collection, {})
     assert ast.count() == 2
     ast = Base().get_all(Status.collection, {'last': False})
     assert ast.count() == 1
     assert ast[0]['status'] == 'FAILURE'
     ast = Base().get_all(Status.collection, {'last': True})
     assert ast.count() == 1
     assert ast[0]['status'] == 'SUCCESS'
예제 #25
 def test_should_i_run_custom_all(self):
     from core.Status import Status
     from core.TestType import TestType
     test_type = str(uuid.uuid4())
     tt = TestType(test_type)
     tt.add_run_type('default', 'ALL', {'field': 'Status._status', 'operator': 'EQUAL', 'value': 'SUCCESS'})
     test_id = str(uuid.uuid4())
     test_status1 = 'FAILURE'
     details = {'browser': random.choice(['Firefox', 'Chrome'])}
     status1 = Status(test_id, test_type, test_status1, details=details)
     res = Status(test_id).should_i_run()
     assert res == False
     test_id2 = str(uuid.uuid4())
     test_status2 = 'SUCCESS'
     status2 = Status(test_id2, test_type, test_status2, details=details)
     res = Status(test_id).should_i_run()
     assert res == False
     test_status3 = 'SUCCESS'
     status3 = Status(test_id, test_type, test_status3, details=details)
     res = Status(test_id).should_i_run()
     assert res == False
     res = Status(test_id2).should_i_run()
     assert res == True
     status2 = Status(test_id2, test_type, test_status2, details=details)
     res = Status(test_id2).should_i_run()
     assert res == True
예제 #26
 def get(self):
     parser = reqparse.RequestParser()
     parser.add_argument('test_id', type=str, help='test ID', required=False, location='args')
     parser.add_argument('status', type=str, help='status', required=False, location='args')
     parser.add_argument('type', type=str, help='test type', required=False, location='args')
     parser.add_argument('field', type=str, help='details field name', required=False, location='args')
     parser.add_argument('value', type=str, help='details field value', required=False, location='args')
     for i_field in range(10):
         parser.add_argument('field{0}'.format(i_field), type=str, help='details field name', required=False, location='args')
         parser.add_argument('value{0}'.format(i_field), type=str, help='details field value', required=False, location='args')
     parser.add_argument('nb_status', type=int, help='number of status to return, by default 100', required=False, location='args', default=100)
     parser.add_argument('page', type=int, help='page to return', required=False, location='args', default=0)
     args = parser.parse_args()
     query_filter = {}
     query = {'page': args['page'], 'nb_status': args['nb_status']}
     if args['test_id'] is not None:
         if args['test_id'][0] == '!':
             query_filter[StatusCore._test_id] = {'$ne': args['test_id'][1:]}
             query_filter[StatusCore._test_id] = args['test_id']
         query['test_id'] = args['test_id']
     if args['status'] is not None:
         if args['status'][0] == '!':
             query_filter[StatusCore._status] = {'$ne': args['status'][1:]}
             query_filter[StatusCore._status] = args['status']
         query['status'] = args['status']
     if args['type'] is not None:
         if args['type'][0] == '!':
             query_filter[StatusCore._type] = {'$ne': args['type'][1:]}
             query_filter[StatusCore._type] = args['type']
         query['type'] = args['type']
     if args['field'] is not None and args['value'] is not None:
         if args['value'][0] == '!':
             query_filter[StatusCore._details + '.' + args['field']] = {'$ne': args['value'][1:]}
             query_filter[StatusCore._details + '.' + args['field']] = args['value']
         query['field'] = args['field']
         query['value'] = args['value']
     i_field = 1
     next_field = True
     while next_field:
         if args['field{0}'.format(i_field)] is not None and args['value{0}'.format(i_field)] is not None:
             if args['value{0}'.format(i_field)][0] == '!':
                 query_filter[StatusCore._details + '.' + args['field{0}'.format(i_field)]] = {'$ne': args['value{0}'.format(i_field)][1:]}
                 query_filter[StatusCore._details + '.' + args['field{0}'.format(i_field)]] = args['value{0}'.format(i_field)]
             query['field{0}'.format(i_field)] = args['field{0}'.format(i_field)]
             query['value{0}'.format(i_field)] = args['value{0}'.format(i_field)]
             i_field += 1
             next_field = False
     statuses = StatusCore.list(query_filter=query_filter, sort=[(StatusCore._on, Base.DESC)], page=args['page'], nb_item=args['nb_status'])
     statuses_preped = [prep_status(status) for status in statuses]
     pagination = {'_links': {}}
     if statuses.count() > len(statuses):
         add_link_or_expand(pagination, 'self', 'statuses', **query)
         if args['page'] < statuses.count() // args['nb_status']:
             query['page'] = args['page'] + 1
             add_link_or_expand(pagination, 'next', 'statuses', **query)
         if args['page'] > 0:
             query['page'] = args['page'] - 1
             add_link_or_expand(pagination, 'prev', 'statuses', **query)
         query['page'] = 0
         add_link_or_expand(pagination, 'first', 'statuses', **query)
         query['page'] = statuses.count() // args['nb_status']
         add_link_or_expand(pagination, 'last', 'statuses', **query)
     return jsonify(result='Success', statuses=statuses_preped, count=len(statuses), total=statuses.count(), pagination=pagination['_links'])
예제 #27
 def test_repr_getter_setter(self):
     from core.Status import Status
     test_id = str(uuid.uuid4())
     test_status = random.choice(['SUCCESS', 'FAILURE'])
     test_type = str(uuid.uuid4())
     status = Status(test_id, test_type, test_status)
     assert '{0}'.format(status) == '<Status {0} ({1}) : {2} on the {3}>'.format(test_id, test_type, test_status, None)
     assert status.to_dict() == {'test_id': test_id, 'status': test_status, 'type': test_type}
     status._on = datetime.datetime.now()
     status._last = True
     status._details = {'browser': random.choice(['Firefox', 'Chrome'])}
     assert status.to_dict()['on'] == status._on.replace(microsecond=0)
     assert status.to_dict()['last'] == status._last
     assert status.to_dict()['details'] == status._details
     status2 = status.from_dict(status.to_dict())
     assert status2.to_dict() == status.to_dict()
예제 #28
파일: test.py 프로젝트: ab9-er/TestSheriff
 def get(self, test_id):
     status = StatusCore(test_id=test_id)
     result = status.purge()
     return jsonify(result='Success', purge=result)