def get_drop(self, passed_time=None, multi=1): ae = ActivityEntry(self.char_id, 60001) ho = self.get_hang_obj() battle_data = BATTLES[self.mongo_affairs.hang_city_id] if not passed_time: passed_time = ho.passed_time percent = passed_time / float(ho.max_time) * 100 for _pre, _add in HANG_REWARD_ADDITIONAL: if percent >= _pre: break else: _add = 1 char = Char(self.char_id) vip_level = vip_add = VIP_FUNCTION[vip_level].hang_addition passed_time = int(passed_time * _add * (1 + vip_add / 100.0)) reward_gold = passed_time / 15 * battle_data.normal_gold reward_gold = self.get_real_gold(reward_gold, self.mongo_affairs.logs) if ae and ae.is_valid(): reward_gold *= 2 reward_exp = passed_time / 15 * battle_data.normal_exp if battle_data.normal_drop: # 模拟损失物品 drop_time = passed_time for log in self.mongo_affairs.logs: if == 1: drop_time -= PLUNDER_GET_DROPS_MINUTES * 60 drop_time_adjusted = max(int(passed_time * 0.25), drop_time) multi = int(drop_time_adjusted/15*multi) if ae and ae.is_valid(): multi *= 2 drops = get_drop([int(i) for i in battle_data.normal_drop.split(',')], multi=multi) else: drops = make_standard_drop_from_template() drops['exp'] = reward_exp drops['gold'] = reward_gold return drops
def _vip_change(char_id, old_vip, new_vip, **kwargs): Prison(char_id).vip_changed(new_vip) m = Mail(char_id) m.add(name=MAIL_VIP_CHANGED_TITLE, content=MAIL_VIP_CHANGED_CONTENT.format(new_vip)) # 增加掠夺次数 plunder_times_change_value = VIP_FUNCTION[new_vip].plunder - VIP_FUNCTION[old_vip].plunder if plunder_times_change_value: plunder = Plunder(char_id) plunder.change_current_plunder_times(plunder_times_change_value, allow_overflow=True) vip_activies = [] if has_activity(22001): vip_activies.append(22001) if has_activity(40007): vip_activies.append(40007) if has_activity(40008): vip_activies.append(40008) if has_activity(50006): vip_activies.append(50006) if vip_activies: ActivityStatic(char_id).send_update_notify(activity_ids=vip_activies) ae = ActivityEntry(char_id, 50006) if ae and ae.is_valid(): ae.enable(new_vip) ActivityStatic(char_id).send_update_notify(activity_ids=[50006])
def _get_prisoner(): prison = 0 heros = [hid for hid in hero_original_ids if hid] while heros: hid = random.choice(heros) heros.remove(hid) if hid in PRISONER_POOL: prison = hid break ac = ActivityEntry(self.char_id, 30005) """@type: core.activity.Activity30005""" if not ac: _prob = PLUNDER_GET_PRISONER_PROB else: _prob = ac.get_prisoner_prob() ae = ActivityEntry(self.char_id, 50005) if ae and ae.is_valid(): _vip = ae.get_current_value(self.char_id) if _vip == 6: _prob = 50 elif _vip >= 7: _prob = 100 if random.randint(1, 100) <= _prob: return prison return 0
def get_hang_reward(self, auto_start=True): """立即保存掉落,并且返回attachment消息""" # if not self.mongo_affairs.hang_city_id: # raise SanguoException( # errormsg.HANG_NOT_EXIST, # self.char_id, # "Get Hang Reward", # "hang not exist" # ) drops = self.get_drop() ac = ActivityEntry(self.char_id, 30004) if ac and ac.is_valid(): drops['gold'] *= 2 resource = Resource(self.char_id, "Hang Reward") standard_drop = resource.add(**drops) if auto_start: # 领取奖励后自动开始 self.start_hang(self.mongo_affairs.hang_city_id, get_reward=False) achievement = Achievement(self.char_id) achievement.trig(28, self.get_hang_obj().passed_time / 3600) achievement.trig(29, drops['exp']) return standard_drop_to_attachment_protomsg(standard_drop)
def _get(): got = False prob = self.p.prisoners[str_id].prob + treasures_prob ae = ActivityEntry(self.char_id, 40008) if ae and ae.is_ok(): prob += 80 ae = ActivityEntry(self.char_id, 50005) if ae and ae.is_valid(): _vip = ae.get_current_value(self.char_id) if _vip == 4: prob += 30 elif _vip == 5: prob += 50 elif _vip == 6: prob += 60 elif _vip >= 7: prob += 100 if prob >= random.randint(1, 100): # got it save_hero(self.char_id, self.p.prisoners[str_id].oid) got = True self.p.prisoners.pop(str_id) msg = protomsg.RemovePrisonerNotify() msg.ids.append(_id) publish_to_char(self.char_id, pack_msg(msg)) else: self.p.prisoners[str_id].active = False msg = protomsg.UpdatePrisonerNotify() p = msg.prisoner.add() p_obj = self.p.prisoners[str_id] self._fill_up_prisoner_msg(p, _id, p_obj.oid, p_obj.prob, publish_to_char(self.char_id, pack_msg(msg)) return got
def send_vip_reward(signum): logger = Logger("send_vip_reward.log") logger.write("Start") try: docs = MongoCharacter._get_collection().find({'vip': { '$gte': 6 }}, {'_id': 1}) for doc in docs: char_id = doc['_id'] ac = ActivityEntry(char_id, 22001) if ac and ac.is_valid(): ac.send_mail() except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) else: logger.write("Done") finally: logger.close()
def send_vip_reward(signum): logger = Logger("send_vip_reward.log") logger.write("Start") try: docs = MongoCharacter._get_collection().find( {'vip': {'$gte': 6}}, {'_id': 1} ) for doc in docs: char_id = doc['_id'] ac = ActivityEntry(char_id, 22001) if ac and ac.is_valid(): ac.send_mail() except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) else: logger.write("Done") finally: logger.close()
def battle(self): need_sycee = 0 counter = Counter(self.char_id, 'arena') if counter.remained_value <= 0: counter = Counter(self.char_id, 'arena_buy') if counter.remained_value <= 0: char = Char(self.char_id).mc if < VIP_MAX_LEVEL: raise SanguoException( errormsg.ARENA_NO_TIMES, self.char_id, "Arena Battle", "arena no times. vip current: {0}, max {1}".format(, VIP_MAX_LEVEL) ) raise SanguoException( errormsg.ARENA_NO_TIMES_FINAL, self.char_id, "Arena Battle", "arena no times. vip reach max level {0}".format(VIP_MAX_LEVEL) ) else: need_sycee = ARENA_COST_SYCEE rival_id = self.choose_rival() if not rival_id: raise SanguoException( errormsg.ARENA_NO_RIVAL, self.char_id, "Arena Battle", "no rival." ) if need_sycee: resource = Resource(self.char_id, "Arena Battle", "battle for no free times") resource.check_and_remove(sycee=-need_sycee) counter.incr() # set battle cd redis_client.setex(REDIS_ARENA_BATTLE_CD_KEY(rival_id), 1, ARENA_CD) msg = protomsg.Battle() b = PVP(self.char_id, rival_id, msg) b.start() t = Task(self.char_id) t.trig(2) drop = make_standard_drop_from_template() adding_score = 0 if msg.self_win: achievement = Achievement(self.char_id) achievement.trig(11, 1) # 只有打赢才设置积分 self_score = self.score rival_arena = Arena(rival_id) rival_score = rival_arena.score new_score = calculate_score(self_score, rival_score, msg.self_win) self.set_score(new_score) adding_score = new_score - self_score rival_arena.be_beaten(rival_score, self_score, not msg.self_win, self.char_id) TimesLogArenaWin(self.char_id).inc() ae = ActivityEntry(self.char_id, 50004) if ae and ae.is_valid(): drop = ae.get_additional_drop() Resource(self.char_id, "Arena Win").add(**drop) TimesLogArena(self.char_id).inc() ae = ActivityEntry(self.char_id, 40006) if ae: ae.trig() self.send_notify() drop['stuffs'].append((1001, adding_score)) return msg, drop
def login_notify(char_id): message_clean(char_id) function_open = FunctionOpen(char_id) function_open.send_notify() hero_objs = char_heros_obj(char_id) Char(char_id).send_notify() VIP(char_id).send_notify() hero_notify(char_id, hero_objs) Item(char_id).send_notify() f = Formation(char_id) f.send_socket_notify() f.send_formation_notify() Plunder(char_id).send_notify() p = Prison(char_id) p.send_prisoners_notify() a = Arena(char_id) a.send_notify() a.login_process() f = Friend(char_id) f.send_friends_notify() f.send_friends_amount_notify() CheckIn(char_id).send_notify() stage = Stage(char_id) stage.send_already_stage_notify() stage.send_new_stage_notify() stage_elite = EliteStage(char_id) stage_elite.send_notify() stage_elite.send_times_notify() stage_activity = ActivityStage(char_id) stage_activity.check(send_notify=False) stage_activity.send_notify() stage_activity.send_remained_times_notify() HeroPanel(char_id).send_notify() Task(char_id).send_notify() Achievement(char_id).send_notify() HeroSoul(char_id).send_notify() Levy(char_id).send_notify() Attachment(char_id).send_notify() BasePurchaseAction(char_id).send_notify() SystemBroadcast(char_id).send_global_broadcast() ChatMessagePublish(char_id).send_notify() affairs = Affairs(char_id) affairs.send_city_notify() affairs.send_hang_notify() HorseFreeTimesManager(char_id).send_notify() Horse(char_id).send_notify() union.send_notify(char_id) ae = ActivityEntry(char_id, 50006) if ae and ae.is_valid(): ae.enable(ae.get_current_value(char_id)) ActivityStatic(char_id).send_notify() # mail notify 要放在最后,因为 其他功能初始化时可能会产生登录邮件 Mail(char_id).send_notify()