예제 #1
class BMDaemon(jsonrpc.JSONRPC):
    """\brief Uses a json-rpc server on a well-known port to present a
              Blockmon API to the outside world (json is also used for 
              marshalling and demarshalling objects). All calls return a 
              core.returnvalue.ReturnValue object. Note that function
              documentation will list ReturnValue as the return type, but
              the human-readable description refers to ReturnValue.value.
              Run as root/sudo.

              The daemon works by spawning processes each running a separate
              instance of blockmon. In order to communicate with these, the
              BMDaemon uses xml-rpc and pickle. Note that core/bmprocess.py
              must be executable (u+x) in order for things to work.
    def __init__(self, config):
        """\brief Initializes class
        \param config (\c string) The path to the daemon's configuration file
        self.__bm_processes = {
        }  # [string]->BMProcessInfo (string: composition id)
        self.__config = config
        self.__parser = CompositionParser()
        self.__listening_port = None
        self.__bm_proc_exec = None
        self.__block_ext = None
        self.__blocks_path = None
        self.__logging_dir = None
        self.__bm_base_path = None
        self.__tmp_dir = None
        self.__logger = None
        self.__spawn_proc_id = 1
        self.__logger.info("starting bm daemon on port %s",

    def jsonrpc_get_blocks_list(self):
        """\brief Gets a list of the block types currently installed on the local host
        \return (\c ReturnValue) The block types (list[string])
        f = None
            f = open(self.__bm_base_path + "/daemon/core/blockinfo.py")
        except IOError as e:
            msg = "No blockinfo.py file available, please run the " + \
                  "blockinfoparser.py script to generate this file"
            r = ReturnValue(ReturnValue.CODE_FAILURE, msg, None)
            return jsonpickle.encode(r)


        from core.blockinfo import block_infos
        r = ReturnValue(ReturnValue.CODE_SUCCESS, "", block_infos.keys())
        return jsonpickle.encode(r)

    def jsonrpc_get_hw_specs(self):
        """\brief Gets a description of the local host's hardware specs
        \return (\c ReturnValue) The specs (HostSpecsInfo)
        mngr = HostSpecsManager()
        r = ReturnValue(ReturnValue.CODE_SUCCESS, "", mngr.get_host_specs())
        return jsonpickle.encode(r)

    def jsonrpc_get_blocks_info(self, block_types):
        """\brief Gets ful information about the given set of blocks
        \param  block_types (\c list[string]) The block types (e.g., ["PFQSource"])
        \return             (\c ReturnValue)  The information (list[BlockInfo])
        f = None
            f = open(self.__bm_base_path + "/daemon/core/blockinfo.py")
        except IOError as e:
            msg = "No blockinfo.py file available, please run the " + \
                  "blockinfoparser.py script to generate this file"
            r = ReturnValue(ReturnValue.CODE_FAILURE, msg, None)
            return jsonpickle.encode(r)


        from core.blockinfo import block_infos
        blocks = []
        not_found = []
        for block_type in block_types:
            if block_infos.has_key(block_type):

        msg = ""
        if len(not_found) > 0:
            msg = "not found:" + str(not_found)

        r = ReturnValue(ReturnValue.CODE_SUCCESS, msg, blocks)
        return jsonpickle.encode(r)

    def jsonrpc_start_composition(self, comp):
        """\brief Starts a new Blockmon instance based on the given 
                  composition XML. The instance will run in a newly
                  spawned process.
        \param  comp (\c string)      The composition XML
        \return      (\c ReturnValue) Value member is empty
        bmproc_id = "bmprocess" + str(self.__spawn_proc_id)
        logfile = self.__logging_dir + "/" + bmproc_id + ".log"
        compfile = self.__tmp_dir + "/" + bmproc_id + ".xml"

        commands.getstatusoutput("mkdir -p " + self.__tmp_dir)
        f = open(compfile, "w")

        port = str(self.__find_open_port())
        args = [compfile, logfile, port]
        proc = ProcessSpawner.spawn(self.__bm_proc_exec, args)
        info = BMProcessInfo(proc, comp, logfile, port)
        comp_id = self.__parser.parse_comp_id()
        self.__bm_processes[comp_id] = info
        self.__spawn_proc_id += 1
        r = ReturnValue(ReturnValue.CODE_SUCCESS, "", None)

        self.__logger.info("spawned bm process on port " + port)
        print "spawned bm process on port " + port

        return jsonpickle.encode(r)

    def jsonrpc_update_composition(self, comp):
        """\brief Updates a Blockmon instance based on the given 
                  composition XML. 
        \param  comp (\c string)      The composition XML
        \return      (\c ReturnValue) Value member is empty
        comp_id = self.__parser.parse_comp_id()
        port = self.__bm_processes[comp_id].get_port()
        url = "http://localhost:" + str(port) + "/"
        proxy = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy(url)
        r = pickle.loads(proxy.update_composition(comp))
        return jsonpickle.encode(r)

    def jsonrpc_stop_composition(self, comp_id):
        """\brief Stops a Blockmon instance identified by the given 
                  composition id.
        \param  (\c string)      The composition's id
        \return (\c ReturnValue) Value member is empty
        if not self.__bm_processes.has_key(comp_id):
            msg = "no composition with the given id exists, can't stop"
            ReturnValue(ReturnValue.CODE_SUCCESS, msg, None)
        port = self.__bm_processes[comp_id].get_port()
        url = "http://localhost:" + str(port) + "/"
        proxy = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy(url)
        r = pickle.loads(proxy.stop_composition())
        del self.__bm_processes[comp_id]
        self.__logger.info("killed bm process for composition " + comp_id)
        print "killed bm process for composition " + comp_id
        return jsonpickle.encode(r)

    def jsonrpc_get_composition_ids(self):
        """\brief Gets the ids of all compositions currently running
        \return (\c ReturnValue) The ids (list[string])
        r = ReturnValue(ReturnValue.CODE_SUCCESS, "",
        return jsonpickle.encode(r)

    def jsonrpc_get_running_compositions(self, comp_ids):
        """\brief Gets the composition XML for the given ids
        \param comp_ids (\c list[string]) The ids
        \return         (\c ReturnValue)  The compositions' XML (list[string])
        comps = []
        for comp_id in comp_ids:
            if self.__bm_processes.has_key(comp_id):
        r = ReturnValue(ReturnValue.CODE_SUCCESS, "", comps)
        return jsonpickle.encode(r)

    def jsonrpc_read_variables(self, comp_id, json_variables):
        """\brief Reads a set of block variables. Each VariableInfo object
                  needs to have the name of the block and the variable name
                  set. The access_type member should be set to "read". The
                  function returns the same list, this time with the "value"
                  member filled out.
        \param comp_id        (\c string)             The composition id
        \param json_variables (\c list[VariableInfo]) Json-encode variables
        \return               (\c ReturnValue)        The values (list[VariableInfo])
        if not self.__bm_processes.has_key(comp_id):
            msg = "no composition with the given id exists, can't read variables"
            ReturnValue(ReturnValue.CODE_SUCCESS, msg, None)
        variables = jsonpickle.decode(json_variables)
        port = self.__bm_processes[comp_id].get_port()
        url = "http://localhost:" + str(port) + "/"
        proxy = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy(url)
        pickled_variables = pickle.dumps(variables)
        r = pickle.loads(proxy.read_variables(pickled_variables))
        return jsonpickle.encode(r)

    def jsonrpc_write_variables(self, comp_id, json_variables):
        """\brief Writes to a set of block variables. Each VariableInfo object
                  needs to have the name of the block, the variable name and the
                  value set. The access_type member should be set to "write". 
        \param comp_id        (\c string)             The composition id
        \param json_variables (\c list[VariableInfo]) Json-encode variables
        \return          (\c ReturnValue)        Value member is empty
        if not self.__bm_processes.has_key(comp_id):
            msg = "no composition with the given id exists, can't write variables"
            ReturnValue(ReturnValue.CODE_SUCCESS, msg, None)
        variables = jsonpickle.decode(json_variables)
        port = self.__bm_processes[comp_id].get_port()
        url = "http://localhost:" + str(port) + "/"
        proxy = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy(url)
        pickled_variables = pickle.dumps(variables)
        r = pickle.loads(proxy.write_variables(pickled_variables))
        return jsonpickle.encode(r)

    def get_listening_port(self):
        return self.__listening_port

    def __find_open_port(self):
        port = None
        while (1):
            port = random.randint(40000, 65535)
            cmd = "netstat -a | egrep 'Proto|LISTEN' | grep " + str(
                port) + " | wc -l"
            if int(commands.getstatusoutput(cmd)[1]) == 0:
                return port

    def __parse_config(self):
        cp = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()
        self.__logging_dir = cp.get('MAIN', 'logging_dir')
        self.__tmp_dir = cp.get('MAIN', 'tmp_dir')
        self.__listening_port = int(cp.get('NETWORK', 'listening_port'))
        self.__block_ext = cp.get('BLOCKS', 'block_ext')
        self.__blocks_path = cp.get('BLOCKS', 'blocks_path')
        self.__bm_proc_exec = cp.get('MAIN', 'bm_process_exec')
        self.__bm_base_path = cp.get('DEFAULT', 'bm_basepath')

    def __init_logging(self):
        self.__logger = logging.getLogger()
        if not os.path.isdir(self.__logging_dir):
                commands.getstatusoutput("mkdir -p " + self.__logging_dir)
                print "error while trying to initialize logging!"

        hdlr = logging.FileHandler(self.__logging_dir + "/bmdaemon.log")
        formatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(message)s')
예제 #2
class BMDaemon(jsonrpc.JSONRPC):
    """\brief Uses a json-rpc server on a well-known port to present a
			  Blockmon API to the outside world (json is also used for 
			  marshalling and demarshalling objects). All calls return a 
			  core.returnvalue.ReturnValue object. Note that function
			  documentation will list ReturnValue as the return type, but
			  the human-readable description refers to ReturnValue.value.
			  Run as root/sudo.

			  The daemon works by spawning processes each running a separate
			  instance of blockmon. In order to communicate with these, the
			  BMDaemon uses xml-rpc and pickle. Note that core/bmprocess.py
			  must be executable (u+x) in order for things to work.
    def __init__(self, config):
        """\brief Initializes class
		\param config (\c string) The path to the daemon's configuration file
        self.__bm_processes = {
        }  # [string]->BMProcessInfo (string: composition id)
        self.__config = config
        self.__parser = CompositionParser()
        self.__listening_port = None
        self.__bm_proc_exec = None
        self.__block_ext = None
        self.__blocks_path = None
        self.__logging_dir = None
        self.__bm_base_path = None
        self.__tmp_dir = None
        self.__logger = None

        self.__bc_ipaddr = None
        self.__bc_listening_port = None
        self.__bc_connected = False
        self.__local_ip = None

        self.__spawn_proc_id = 1
        self.__logger.info("starting bm daemon on port %s",

        TIMEOUT = 3
        self.__MAX_ATTEMPTS = 5
        self.__attempts = 0
        self.__registration_loop = task.LoopingCall(self.__registration)

    def jsonrpc_get_blocks_list(self):
        """\brief Gets a list of the block types currently installed on the local host
		\return (\c ReturnValue) The block types (list[string])
        f = None
            f = open(self.__bm_base_path + "/daemon/core/blockinfo.py")
        except IOError as e:
            msg = "No blockinfo.py file available, please run the " + \
               "blockinfoparser.py script to generate this file"
            r = ReturnValue(ReturnValue.CODE_FAILURE, msg, None)
            return jsonpickle.encode(r)


        from core.blockinfo import block_infos
        r = ReturnValue(ReturnValue.CODE_SUCCESS, "", block_infos.keys())
        return jsonpickle.encode(r)

    def jsonrpc_get_hw_specs(self):
        """\brief Gets a description of the local host's hardware specs
		\return (\c ReturnValue) The specs (HostSpecsInfo)
        mngr = HostSpecsManager()
        r = ReturnValue(ReturnValue.CODE_SUCCESS, "", mngr.get_host_specs())
        return jsonpickle.encode(r)

    def jsonrpc_get_blocks_info(self, block_types):
        """\brief Gets ful information about the given set of blocks
		\param  block_types (\c list[string]) The block types (e.g., ["PFQSource"])
		\return			 (\c ReturnValue)  The information (list[BlockInfo])
        f = None
            f = open(self.__bm_base_path + "/daemon/core/blockinfo.py")
        except IOError as e:
            msg = "No blockinfo.py file available, please run the " + \
               "blockinfoparser.py script to generate this file"
            r = ReturnValue(ReturnValue.CODE_FAILURE, msg, None)
            return jsonpickle.encode(r)


        from core.blockinfo import block_infos
        blocks = []
        not_found = []
        for block_type in block_types:
            if block_infos.has_key(block_type):

        msg = ""
        if len(not_found) > 0:
            msg = "not found:" + str(not_found)

        r = ReturnValue(ReturnValue.CODE_SUCCESS, msg, blocks)
        return jsonpickle.encode(r)

    def jsonrpc_start_composition(self, comp, datafiles=[]):
        """\brief Starts a new Blockmon instance based on the given 
				  composition XML. The instance will run in a newly
				  spawned process.
		\param  comp (\c string)	  The composition XML
		\param  datafiles (\c list)	  The datafile to be used
		\return	  (\c ReturnValue) Value member is empty
        comp_id = self.__parser.parse_comp_id()

        if self.__bm_processes.has_key(comp_id):
                "tried to start already running composition (id=" + comp_id +
            r = ReturnValue(ReturnValue.CODE_SUCCESS,
                            "composition already running", None)

        bmproc_id = "bmprocess" + str(self.__spawn_proc_id)
        logfile = self.__logging_dir + "/" + bmproc_id + ".log"
        compfile = self.__tmp_dir + "/" + bmproc_id + ".xml"
        commands.getstatusoutput("mkdir -p " + self.__tmp_dir)

        if len(datafiles):
            for (fname, fbin) in datafiles:
                isSaved = yield threads.deferToThread(self.__save_datafile,
                                                      fname, fbin)
                if isSaved:
                    comp = comp.replace(fname, self.__tmp_dir + "/" + fname)

        f = open(compfile, "w")

        portno = yield threads.deferToThread(self.__find_open_port)
        port = str(portno)
        args = [compfile, logfile, port]
            proc = yield threads.deferToThread(ProcessSpawner.spawn,
                                               self.__bm_proc_exec, args)
        except OSError as err:
            # handle error (see below)
                "Failure when starting composition. Ensure that core/bmprocess.py is set to executable (u+x)."
                + err)
            r = ReturnValue(ReturnValue.CODE_FAILURE,
                            "error while starting composition", None)
        info = BMProcessInfo(proc, comp, logfile, port)
        self.__bm_processes[comp_id] = info
        self.__spawn_proc_id += 1
        r = ReturnValue(ReturnValue.CODE_SUCCESS, "", None)

        self.__logger.info("spawned bm process on port " + port)
        print "spawned bm process on port " + port

    def jsonrpc_update_composition(self, comp):
        """\brief Updates a Blockmon instance based on the given 
				  composition XML. 
		\param  comp (\c string)	  The composition XML
		\return	  (\c ReturnValue) Value member is empty
        comp_id = self.__parser.parse_comp_id()
        port = self.__bm_processes[comp_id].get_port()
        url = "http://localhost:" + str(port) + "/"
        proxy = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy(url)
        r = pickle.loads(proxy.update_composition(comp))
        return jsonpickle.encode(r)

    def jsonrpc_stop_composition(self, comp_id):
        """\brief Stops a Blockmon instance identified by the given 
				  composition id.
		\param  (\c string)	  The composition's id
		\return (\c ReturnValue) Value member is empty
        if not self.__bm_processes.has_key(comp_id):
            msg = "no composition with the given id exists, can't stop"
            r = ReturnValue(ReturnValue.CODE_SUCCESS, msg, None)
            return jsonpickle.encode(r)
        port = self.__bm_processes[comp_id].get_port()
        url = "http://localhost:" + str(port) + "/"
        proxy = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy(url)
        r = pickle.loads(proxy.stop_composition())
        del self.__bm_processes[comp_id]
        self.__logger.info("killed bm process for composition " + comp_id)
        print "killed bm process for composition " + comp_id
        return jsonpickle.encode(r)

    def jsonrpc_get_composition_ids(self):
        """\brief Gets the ids of all compositions currently running
		\return (\c ReturnValue) The ids (list[string])
        r = ReturnValue(ReturnValue.CODE_SUCCESS, "",
        return jsonpickle.encode(r)

    def jsonrpc_get_running_compositions(self, comp_ids):
        """\brief Gets the composition XML for the given ids
		\param comp_ids (\c list[string]) The ids
		\return		 (\c ReturnValue)  The compositions' XML (list[string])
        comps = []
        for comp_id in comp_ids:
            if self.__bm_processes.has_key(comp_id):
        r = ReturnValue(ReturnValue.CODE_SUCCESS, "", comps)
        return jsonpickle.encode(r)

    def jsonrpc_read_variables(self, comp_id, json_variables):
        """\brief Reads a set of block variables. Each VariableInfo object
				  needs to have the name of the block and the variable name
				  set. The access_type member should be set to "read". The
				  function returns the same list, this time with the "value"
				  member filled out.
		\param comp_id		(\c string)			 The composition id
		\param json_variables (\c list[VariableInfo]) Json-encode variables
		\return			   (\c ReturnValue)		The values (list[VariableInfo])
        if not self.__bm_processes.has_key(comp_id):
            msg = "no composition with the given id exists, can't read variables"
            return jsonpickle.encode(
                ReturnValue(ReturnValue.CODE_FAILURE, msg, None))

        variables = []
            variables = jsonpickle.decode(json_variables)
            # Non-jsonpickle encoding, supports non-python clients (assumes
            # a list of lists)
            for v in json_variables:
                    core.block.VariableInfo(str(v[0]), str(v[1]), str(v[2]),

        port = self.__bm_processes[comp_id].get_port()
        url = "http://localhost:" + str(port) + "/"
        proxy = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy(url)

        results = []
        for variable in variables:
            result = pickle.loads(proxy.read_variable(pickle.dumps(variable)))
        r = ReturnValue(ReturnValue.CODE_SUCCESS, "", results)
        return jsonpickle.encode(r)

    def jsonrpc_write_variables(self, comp_id, json_variables):
        """\brief Writes to a set of block variables. Each VariableInfo object
				  needs to have the name of the block, the variable name and the
				  value set. The access_type member should be set to "write". 
		\param comp_id		(\c string)			 The composition id
		\param json_variables (\c list[VariableInfo]) Json-encode variables
		\return		  (\c ReturnValue)		Value member is empty
        if not self.__bm_processes.has_key(comp_id):
            msg = "no composition with the given id exists, can't write variables"
            return ReturnValue(ReturnValue.CODE_FAILURE, msg, None)

        variables = []
            variables = jsonpickle.decode(json_variables)
            # Non-jsonpickle encoding, supports non-python clients (assumes
            # a list of lists)
            for v in json_variables:
                    core.block.VariableInfo(v[0], v[1], v[2], v[3], v[4]))

        port = self.__bm_processes[comp_id].get_port()
        url = "http://localhost:" + str(port) + "/"
        proxy = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy(url)

        results = []
        for variable in variables:
            result = pickle.loads(proxy.write_variable(pickle.dumps(variable)))
        r = ReturnValue(ReturnValue.CODE_SUCCESS, "", results)
        return jsonpickle.encode(r)

    def __save_datafile(self, fname, fbin):
        import base64
        data = base64.b64decode(fbin)
        f = open(self.__tmp_dir + '/' + fname, 'w')
            return False
        return True

    def jsonrpc_save_datafile(self, fname, fbin):
        isSaved = yield threads.deferToThread(self.__save_datafile, fname,
        if isSaved:
            r = ReturnValue(ReturnValue.CODE_SUCCESS,
                            "datafile saved successfully", None)
            r = ReturnValue(ReturnValue.CODE_FAILURE,
                            "error while saving datafile", None)

    def get_listening_port(self):
        return self.__listening_port

    def __find_open_port(self):
        port = None
        while (1):
            port = random.randint(40000, 65535)
            cmd = "netstat -lant | grep " + str(port) + " | wc -l"

            if int(commands.getstatusoutput(cmd)[1]) == 0:
                return port

    def __parse_config(self):
        cp = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()
        self.__logging_dir = cp.get('MAIN', 'logging_dir')
        self.__tmp_dir = cp.get('MAIN', 'tmp_dir')
        self.__listening_port = int(cp.get('NETWORK', 'listening_port'))
            self.__bc_ipaddr = cp.get('NETWORK', 'bc_ipaddr')
            self.__bc_listening_port = int(
                cp.get('NETWORK', 'bc_listening_port'))
            iface = cp.get('NETWORK', 'iface')
            self.__local_ip = self.__get_ip_address(iface)
        except ConfigParser.NoOptionError:
        self.__block_ext = cp.get('BLOCKS', 'block_ext')
        self.__blocks_path = cp.get('BLOCKS', 'blocks_path')
        self.__bm_proc_exec = cp.get('MAIN', 'bm_process_exec')
        self.__bm_base_path = cp.get('DEFAULT', 'bm_basepath')

    def __init_logging(self):
        self.__logger = logging.getLogger()
        if not os.path.isdir(self.__logging_dir):
                commands.getstatusoutput("mkdir -p " + self.__logging_dir)
                print "error while trying to initialize logging!"

        hdlr = logging.FileHandler(self.__logging_dir + "/bmdaemon.log")
        formatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(message)s')

    def __registration_results(self, value):
        r = jsonpickle.decode(value)
        self.__bc_connected = (True if r.get_code() is ReturnValue.CODE_SUCCESS
                               else False)
        self.__attempts = 0

    def __registration_error(self, error):
        self.__bc_connected = False
        self.__attempts += 1
        if self.__attempts == self.__MAX_ATTEMPTS:
            print "giving up registering to BC"

    def __get_ip_address(self, ifname):
        s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
        return socket.inet_ntoa(
            fcntl.ioctl(s.fileno(), 0x8915, struct.pack('256s',

    def __registration(self):
        port = self.__listening_port
        if ((self.__bc_ipaddr == None) or \
         (self.__bc_listening_port == None)):
            print "no BC ip or port specified, skipping registration"
        bc_register = Proxy('http://%s:%d/' %
                            (self.__bc_ipaddr, self.__bc_listening_port))
        if self.__bc_connected:
            d = bc_register.callRemote('keepalive', self.__local_ip, port)
            host_specs = HostSpecsManager().get_host_specs()
            specs = jsonpickle.encode(host_specs)
            from core.blockinfo import block_infos
            blocks = block_infos.keys()
            blocks_descr = [block_infos[b] for b in blocks]
            descr = jsonpickle.encode(blocks_descr)
            #blocks_descr = [str(block_infos[b]) for b in blocks]
            #d = bc_register.callRemote('register', self.__local_ip, port, specs, blocks)
            #d = bc_register.callRemote('register', self.__local_ip, port, specs, blocks, blocks_descr)
            d = bc_register.callRemote('register', self.__local_ip, port,
                                       specs, blocks, descr)
예제 #3
파일: bmdaemon.py 프로젝트: cnplab/blockmon
class BMDaemon(jsonrpc.JSONRPC):

    """\brief Uses a json-rpc server on a well-known port to present a
              Blockmon API to the outside world (json is also used for
              marshalling and demarshalling objects). All calls return a
              core.returnvalue.ReturnValue object. Note that function
              documentation will list ReturnValue as the return type, but
              the human-readable description refers to ReturnValue.value.
              Run as root/sudo.

              The daemon works by spawning processes each running a separate
              instance of blockmon. In order to communicate with these, the
              BMDaemon uses xml-rpc and pickle. Note that core/bmprocess.py
              must be executable (u+x) in order for things to work.

    def __init__(self, config):
        """\brief Initializes class
        \param config (\c string) The path to the daemon's configuration file
        self.__bm_processes = {}    # [string]->BMProcessInfo (string: composition id)
        self.__config = config
        self.__parser = CompositionParser()
        self.__listening_port = None
        self.__bm_proc_exec = None
        self.__block_ext = None
        self.__blocks_path = None
        self.__logging_dir = None
        self.__bm_base_path = None
        self.__tmp_dir = None
        self.__logger = None

        self.__bc_ipaddr = None
        self.__bc_listening_port = None
        self.__bc_connected = False
        self.__local_ip = None

        self.__spawn_proc_id = 1
        self.__logger.info("starting bm daemon on port %s", str(self.__listening_port))

        TIMEOUT = 3
        self.__MAX_ATTEMPTS = 5
        self.__attempts = 0
        self.__registration_loop = task.LoopingCall(self.__registration)

    def jsonrpc_get_blocks_list(self):
        """\brief Gets a list of the block types currently installed on the local host
        \return (\c ReturnValue) The block types (list[string])
        f = None
            f = open(self.__bm_base_path + "/daemon/core/blockinfo.py")
        except IOError as e:
            msg = "No blockinfo.py file available, please run the " + \
                  "blockinfoparser.py script to generate this file"
            r = ReturnValue(ReturnValue.CODE_FAILURE, msg, None)
            return jsonpickle.encode(r)


        from core.blockinfo import block_infos
        r = ReturnValue(ReturnValue.CODE_SUCCESS, "", block_infos.keys())
        return jsonpickle.encode(r)

    def jsonrpc_get_hw_specs(self):
        """\brief Gets a description of the local host's hardware specs
        \return (\c ReturnValue) The specs (HostSpecsInfo)
        mngr = HostSpecsManager()
        r = ReturnValue(ReturnValue.CODE_SUCCESS, "", mngr.get_host_specs())
        return jsonpickle.encode(r)

    def jsonrpc_get_blocks_info(self, block_types):
        """\brief Gets ful information about the given set of blocks
        \param  block_types (\c list[string]) The block types (e.g., ["PFQSource"])
        \return             (\c ReturnValue)  The information (list[BlockInfo])
        f = None
            f = open(self.__bm_base_path + "/daemon/core/blockinfo.py")
        except IOError as e:
            msg = "No blockinfo.py file available, please run the " + \
                  "blockinfoparser.py script to generate this file"
            r = ReturnValue(ReturnValue.CODE_FAILURE, msg, None)
            return jsonpickle.encode(r)


        from core.blockinfo import block_infos
        blocks = []
        not_found = []
        for block_type in block_types:
            if block_infos.has_key(block_type):

        msg = ""
        if len(not_found) > 0:
            msg = "not found:" + str(not_found)

        r = ReturnValue(ReturnValue.CODE_SUCCESS, msg, blocks)
        return jsonpickle.encode(r)

    def jsonrpc_start_composition(self, comp, datafiles = []):
        """\brief Starts a new Blockmon instance based on the given
                  composition XML. The instance will run in a newly
                  spawned process.
        \param  comp (\c string)      The composition XML
        \param  datafiles (\c list)      The datafile to be used
        \return      (\c ReturnValue) Value member is empty
        comp_id = self.__parser.parse_comp_id()

        if self.__bm_processes.has_key(comp_id):
            self.__logger.info("tried to start already running composition (id=" + comp_id + ")")
            r = ReturnValue(ReturnValue.CODE_SUCCESS, "composition already running", None)

        bmproc_id = "bmprocess" + str(self.__spawn_proc_id)
        logfile = self.__logging_dir + "/" + bmproc_id + ".log"
        compfile = self.__tmp_dir + "/" + bmproc_id + ".xml"
        commands.getstatusoutput("mkdir -p " + self.__tmp_dir)

        if len(datafiles):
            for (fname,fbin) in datafiles:
                isSaved = yield threads.deferToThread(self.__save_datafile, fname, fbin)
                if isSaved: comp = comp.replace(fname,self.__tmp_dir + "/" + fname)

        f = open(compfile, "w")

        portno = yield threads.deferToThread(self.__find_open_port)
        port = str(portno)
        args = [compfile, logfile, port]
            proc = yield threads.deferToThread(ProcessSpawner.spawn,self.__bm_proc_exec, args)
        except OSError as err:
            # handle error (see below)
            print("Failure when starting composition. Ensure that core/bmprocess.py is set to executable (u+x)." + err)
            r = ReturnValue(ReturnValue.CODE_FAILURE, "error while starting composition", None)
        info = BMProcessInfo(proc, comp, logfile, port)
        self.__bm_processes[comp_id] = info
        self.__spawn_proc_id += 1
        r = ReturnValue(ReturnValue.CODE_SUCCESS, "", None)

        self.__logger.info("spawned bm process on port " + port)
        print "spawned bm process on port " + port

    def jsonrpc_update_composition(self, comp):
        """\brief Updates a Blockmon instance based on the given
                  composition XML.
        \param  comp (\c string)      The composition XML
        \return      (\c ReturnValue) Value member is empty
        comp_id = self.__parser.parse_comp_id()
        port = self.__bm_processes[comp_id].get_port()
        url = "http://localhost:" + str(port) + "/"
        proxy = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy(url)
        r = pickle.loads(proxy.update_composition(comp))
        return jsonpickle.encode(r)

    def jsonrpc_stop_composition(self, comp_id):
        """\brief Stops a Blockmon instance identified by the given
                  composition id.
        \param  (\c string)      The composition's id
        \return (\c ReturnValue) Value member is empty
        if not self.__bm_processes.has_key(comp_id):
            msg = "no composition with the given id exists, can't stop"
            r = ReturnValue(ReturnValue.CODE_SUCCESS, msg, None)
            return jsonpickle.encode(r)
        port = self.__bm_processes[comp_id].get_port()
        url = "http://localhost:" + str(port) + "/"
        proxy = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy(url)
        r = pickle.loads(proxy.stop_composition())
        del self.__bm_processes[comp_id]
        self.__logger.info("killed bm process for composition " + comp_id)
        print "killed bm process for composition " + comp_id
        return jsonpickle.encode(r)

    def jsonrpc_get_composition_ids(self):
        """\brief Gets the ids of all compositions currently running
        \return (\c ReturnValue) The ids (list[string])
        r = ReturnValue(ReturnValue.CODE_SUCCESS, "", self.__bm_processes.keys())
        return jsonpickle.encode(r)

    def jsonrpc_get_running_compositions(self, comp_ids):
        """\brief Gets the composition XML for the given ids
        \param comp_ids (\c list[string]) The ids
        \return         (\c ReturnValue)  The compositions' XML (list[string])
        comps = []
        for comp_id in comp_ids:
            if self.__bm_processes.has_key(comp_id):
        r = ReturnValue(ReturnValue.CODE_SUCCESS, "", comps)
        return jsonpickle.encode(r)

    def jsonrpc_read_variables(self, comp_id, json_variables):
        """\brief Reads a set of block variables. Each VariableInfo object
                  needs to have the name of the block and the variable name
                  set. The access_type member should be set to "read". The
                  function returns the same list, this time with the "value"
                  member filled out.
        \param comp_id        (\c string)             The composition id
        \param json_variables (\c list[VariableInfo]) Json-encode variables
        \return               (\c ReturnValue)        The values (list[VariableInfo])
        if not self.__bm_processes.has_key(comp_id):
            msg = "no composition with the given id exists, can't read variables"
            return jsonpickle.encode(ReturnValue(ReturnValue.CODE_FAILURE, msg, None))

        variables = []
            variables = jsonpickle.decode(json_variables)
            # Non-jsonpickle encoding, supports non-python clients (assumes
            # a list of lists)
            for v in json_variables:
                variables.append(core.block.VariableInfo(str(v[0]), str(v[1]), str(v[2]), str(v[3])))

        port = self.__bm_processes[comp_id].get_port()
        url = "http://localhost:" + str(port) + "/"
        proxy = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy(url)

        results = []
        for variable in variables:
            result = pickle.loads(proxy.read_variable(pickle.dumps(variable)))
        r = ReturnValue(ReturnValue.CODE_SUCCESS, "", results)
        return jsonpickle.encode(r)

    def jsonrpc_write_variables(self, comp_id, json_variables):
        """\brief Writes to a set of block variables. Each VariableInfo object
                  needs to have the name of the block, the variable name and the
                  value set. The access_type member should be set to "write".
        \param comp_id        (\c string)             The composition id
        \param json_variables (\c list[VariableInfo]) Json-encode variables
        \return          (\c ReturnValue)        Value member is empty
        if not self.__bm_processes.has_key(comp_id):
            msg = "no composition with the given id exists, can't write variables"
            return ReturnValue(ReturnValue.CODE_FAILURE, msg, None)

        variables = []
            variables = jsonpickle.decode(json_variables)
            # Non-jsonpickle encoding, supports non-python clients (assumes
            # a list of lists)
            for v in json_variables:
                variables.append(core.block.VariableInfo(v[0], v[1], v[2], v[3], v[4]))

        port = self.__bm_processes[comp_id].get_port()
        url = "http://localhost:" + str(port) + "/"
        proxy = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy(url)

        results = []
        for variable in variables:
            result = pickle.loads(proxy.write_variable(pickle.dumps(variable)))
        r = ReturnValue(ReturnValue.CODE_SUCCESS, "", results)
        return jsonpickle.encode(r)

    def __save_datafile(self, fname, fbin):
        import base64
        data = base64.b64decode(fbin)
        f = open(self.__tmp_dir +'/'+fname,'w')
        try: f.write(data)
        except: return False
        return True

    def jsonrpc_save_datafile(self, fname, fbin):
        isSaved = yield threads.deferToThread(self.__save_datafile, fname, fbin)
        if isSaved: r = ReturnValue(ReturnValue.CODE_SUCCESS, "datafile saved successfully", None)
        else: r = ReturnValue(ReturnValue.CODE_FAILURE, "error while saving datafile", None)

    def get_listening_port(self):
        return self.__listening_port

    def __find_open_port(self):
        port = None
            port = random.randint(40000, 65535)
            cmd = "netstat -lant | grep " + str(port) + " | wc -l"

            if int(commands.getstatusoutput(cmd)[1]) == 0:
                return port

    def __parse_config(self):
        cp = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()
        self.__logging_dir = cp.get('MAIN', 'logging_dir')
        self.__tmp_dir = cp.get('MAIN', 'tmp_dir')
        self.__listening_port = int(cp.get('NETWORK', 'listening_port'))
            self.__bc_ipaddr = cp.get('NETWORK', 'bc_ipaddr')
            self.__bc_listening_port = int(cp.get('NETWORK', 'bc_listening_port'))
            iface = cp.get('NETWORK', 'iface')
            self.__local_ip = self.__get_ip_address(iface)
        except ConfigParser.NoOptionError: pass
        self.__block_ext = cp.get('BLOCKS', 'block_ext')
        self.__blocks_path = cp.get('BLOCKS', 'blocks_path')
        self.__bm_proc_exec = cp.get('MAIN', 'bm_process_exec')
        self.__bm_base_path = cp.get('DEFAULT', 'bm_basepath')

    def __init_logging(self):
        self.__logger = logging.getLogger()
        if not os.path.isdir(self.__logging_dir):
                commands.getstatusoutput("mkdir -p " + self.__logging_dir)
                print "error while trying to initialize logging!"

        hdlr = logging.FileHandler(self.__logging_dir + "/bmdaemon.log")
        formatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(message)s')

    def __registration_results(self, value):
        r = jsonpickle.decode(value)
        self.__bc_connected = (True if r.get_code() is ReturnValue.CODE_SUCCESS else False)
        self.__attempts = 0

    def __registration_error(self, error):
        self.__bc_connected = False
        self.__attempts += 1
        if self.__attempts == self.__MAX_ATTEMPTS:
            print "giving up registering to BC"

    def __get_ip_address(self, ifname):
        s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
        return socket.inet_ntoa(fcntl.ioctl(s.fileno(),0x8915,struct.pack('256s', ifname[:15]))[20:24])

    def __registration(self):
        port = self.__listening_port
        if ((self.__bc_ipaddr == None) or \
            (self.__bc_listening_port == None)):
            print "no BC ip or port specified, skipping registration"
        bc_register = Proxy('http://%s:%d/' % (self.__bc_ipaddr,self.__bc_listening_port))
        if self.__bc_connected:
            d = bc_register.callRemote('keepalive', self.__local_ip, port)
            host_specs = HostSpecsManager().get_host_specs()
            specs = jsonpickle.encode(host_specs)
            from core.blockinfo import block_infos
            blocks =  block_infos.keys()
            blocks_descr = [block_infos[b] for b in blocks]
            descr = jsonpickle.encode(blocks_descr)
            #blocks_descr = [str(block_infos[b]) for b in blocks]
            #d = bc_register.callRemote('register', self.__local_ip, port, specs, blocks)
            #d = bc_register.callRemote('register', self.__local_ip, port, specs, blocks, blocks_descr)
            d = bc_register.callRemote('register', self.__local_ip, port, specs, blocks, descr)