def __newEstimate(xMean: np.ndarray, zMean: np.ndarray, Pxx: np.ndarray, Pxz: np.ndarray, Pzz: np.ndarray, measurements: np.ndarray, R: np.ndarray, dynamicsOnly=False) -> TrajectoryEstimateOutput: """ Calculates new state given weighted sums of expected measurements and propogated sigmas (dynamics model) Returns: [xNew]: New state (6x1) [pNew]: New covariance matrix (6x6) [K]: Kalman gain """ # Moore-Penrose Pseudoinverse if not dynamicsOnly: K = else: K = np.zeros((6, 6)) # To test dynamics Model xNew = xMean + - zMean) pNew = Pxx - return TrajectoryEstimateOutput( new_state=TrajectoryStateVector.from_numpy_array(state=xNew), new_P=CovarianceMatrix(matrix=pNew), K=Matrix6x6(matrix=K))
def __get_covariance_matrix_from_state(state_entry) -> CovarianceMatrix: """ Obtains 6x6 covariance matrix from state entry. Column names should be in the following format: r#c# where 1 <= # <= 6 """ a_P = [ [state_entry.r1c1, state_entry.r1c2, state_entry.r1c3, state_entry.r1c4, state_entry.r1c5, state_entry.r1c6], [state_entry.r2c1, state_entry.r2c2, state_entry.r2c3, state_entry.r2c4, state_entry.r2c5, state_entry.r2c6], [state_entry.r3c1, state_entry.r3c2, state_entry.r3c3, state_entry.r3c4, state_entry.r3c5, state_entry.r3c6], [state_entry.r4c1, state_entry.r4c2, state_entry.r4c3, state_entry.r4c4, state_entry.r4c5, state_entry.r4c6], [state_entry.r5c1, state_entry.r5c2, state_entry.r5c3, state_entry.r5c4, state_entry.r5c5, state_entry.r5c6], [state_entry.r6c1, state_entry.r6c2, state_entry.r6c3, state_entry.r6c4, state_entry.r6c5, state_entry.r6c6], ] return CovarianceMatrix(matrix=np.array(a_P, dtype=float).reshape(6, 6))
def sixhours_direct_test(visual_analysis, state_error, part_start, part_end, timestep): """ Calls ukf directly without database overhead [part_start, part_end): start (inclusive) and end (exclusive) indices of trajectory [timestep]: interval in minutes """ from tests.const import TEST_6HOURS_meas, TEST_6HOURS_moonEph, TEST_6HOURS_sunEph, TEST_6HOURS_traj d_camMeas, d_moonEph, d_sunEph, d_traj, totalIntegrationTime = get6HoursBatch(part_start, part_end, part_start, timestep, np.array([1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]), np.array([1, 1, 1]), np.array([1, 1, 1, 1]), 1, 1, 1, att_meas=False) P = np.diag(np.array([100, 100, 100, 1e-5, 1e-6, 1e-5], dtype=float)) # Initial Covariance Estimate of State state = ( np.array([d_traj['x'][0], d_traj['y'][0], d_traj['z'][0], d_traj['vx'][0], d_traj['vy'][0], d_traj['vz'][0]], dtype=float)).reshape(6, 1) last_estimate_dt_seconds = 200 state[0:3] = state[0:3] - last_estimate_dt_seconds * state[3:6] R = np.diag(np.array(state_error, dtype=float)) error = np.random.multivariate_normal(np.zeros((6,)), R).reshape(6, 1) state = state + error liveTraj = None if visual_analysis == "True": print("Visual Analysis on") liveTraj = LiveTrajectoryPlot() first = true dt = last_estimate_dt_seconds # print(int(trajTruthdf.shape[0]*1 - 1)) for t in tqdm(range( len(d_traj['x']) ), desc ='Trajectory Completion'): # if t == 0: continue moonEph = (np.array( [d_moonEph['x'][t], d_moonEph['y'][t], d_moonEph['z'][t], d_moonEph['vx'][t], d_moonEph['vy'][t], d_moonEph['vz'][t]], dtype=float)).reshape(1, 6) sunEph = (np.array([d_sunEph['x'][t], d_sunEph['y'][t], d_sunEph['z'][t], d_sunEph['vx'][t], d_sunEph['vy'][t], d_sunEph['vz'][t]], dtype=float)).reshape(1, 6) meas = (np.array( [d_camMeas['z1'][t], d_camMeas['z2'][t], d_camMeas['z3'][t], d_camMeas['z4'][t], d_camMeas['z5'][t], d_camMeas['z6'][t]], dtype=float)).reshape(6, 1) traj_out = runTrajUKF( EphemerisVector(moonEph[0, 0], moonEph[0, 1], moonEph[0, 2], moonEph[0, 3], moonEph[0, 4], moonEph[0, 5]), EphemerisVector(sunEph[0, 0], sunEph[0, 1], sunEph[0, 2], sunEph[0, 3], sunEph[0, 4], sunEph[0, 5]), CameraMeasurementVector(meas[0, 0], meas[1, 0], meas[2, 0], meas[3, 0], meas[4, 0], meas[5, 0]), TrajectoryStateVector.from_numpy_array(state), dt, CovarianceMatrix(matrix=P), MatlabTestCameraParameters, dynamicsOnly=False) # used to have this, not sure why it's gone orientation=orientation state = P = K = traj_out.K # Per iteration error traj = (np.array( [d_traj['x'][t], d_traj['y'][t], d_traj['z'][t], d_traj['vx'][t], d_traj['vy'][t], d_traj['vz'][t]], dtype=float)).reshape(6, 1) traj = traj.flatten() fstate = state.flatten() posError = math.sqrt( np.sum((traj[:3] - fstate[:3])**2) ) velError = math.sqrt( np.sum((traj[3:6] - fstate[3:6])**2) ) # plot if liveTraj: liveTraj.updateEstimatedTraj(fstate[0], fstate[1], fstate[2]) liveTraj.updateTrueTraj(traj[0], traj[1], traj[2]) liveTraj.renderUKF(text="Iteration {} - Pos Error {} - Vel Error {}".format(t, round(posError), round(velError))) if first: dt=timestep*60 if liveTraj: liveTraj.close() t = int((part_end - part_start)/timestep - 1) traj = (np.array([d_traj['x'][t], d_traj['y'][t], d_traj['z'][t], d_traj['vx'][t], d_traj['vy'][t], d_traj['vz'][t]], dtype=float)).reshape(6, 1) traj = traj.flatten() state = state.flatten() print(f'true_state: {traj}') print(f'est_state: {state}') posError = math.sqrt( np.sum((traj[:3] - state[:3])**2) ) velError = math.sqrt( np.sum((traj[3:6] - state[3:6])**2) ) print(f'Position error: {posError}\nVelocity error: {velError}') assert posError <= POS_ERROR_6HOURS, 'Position error is too large' assert velError <= VEL_ERROR_6HOURS, 'Velocity error is too large'
def run_attitude_ukf_mock(*args, **kwargs): return AttitudeEstimateOutput(new_state=AttitudeStateVector(0,0,0,0,0,0), new_P=CovarianceMatrix(matrix=np.zeros((6,6))), new_quat=QuaternionVector(0, 0, 0, 0))
def test_attitude_6_hours(): secPerMin = 60 minPerHour = 60 cameraDt = 1 omegaInit = [0., 0.001, 6., 0., 0., 0.] biasInit = [0., 0., 0.] quat = np.array([[ np.random.randn(), np.random.randn(), np.random.randn(), np.random.randn() ]]).T gyroSampleCount = 4 coldGasKickTime = 200 gyro_noise_sigma = 1.e-7 gyro_sigma = 1.e-10 gyro_t = 1.0 / gyroSampleCount meas_sigma = 8.7e-4 # timeNoiseSigma=2 startTime = 0 # numberOfMeasForTest = 100 endTime = 700 q1, q2, q3, q4, omegax, omegay, omegaz, biasx, biasy, biasz, d_camMeas, d_moonEph, d_sunEph, d_traj, earthVectors, moonVectors, sunVectors, totalIntegrationTime = \ generator.get6HoursBatch(startTime, endTime, coldGasKickTime, cameraDt, omegaInit, biasInit, quat, gyroSampleCount, gyro_sigma, gyro_noise_sigma, att_meas=True) numberOfMeasForTest = len(d_camMeas['z1']) P0 = np.array([[1.e-1, 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.], [0., 1.e-1, 0., 0., 0., 0.], [0., 0., 1.e-1, 0., 0., 0.], [0., 0., 0., 9.7e-10, 0., 0.], [0., 0., 0., 0., 9.7e-10, 0.], [0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 9.7e-10]]) * 10. Q = np.array([[ gyro_noise_sigma**2. - (1. / 6.) * gyro_sigma**2. * gyro_t**2., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0. ], [ 0., gyro_noise_sigma**2. - (1. / 6.) * gyro_sigma**2. * gyro_t**2., 0., 0., 0., 0. ], [ 0., 0., gyro_noise_sigma**2. - (1. / 6.) * gyro_sigma**2. * gyro_t**2., 0., 0., 0. ], [0., 0., 0., gyro_sigma**2., 0., 0.], [0., 0., 0., 0., gyro_sigma**2., 0.], [0., 0., 0., 0., 0., gyro_sigma**2.]]) * .5 * gyro_t R = np.eye(9) * meas_sigma**2. x0 = np.array([[0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.]]).T gyroVars = GyroVars() gyroVars.gyro_noise_sigma = gyro_noise_sigma gyroVars.gyro_sample_rate = gyro_t gyroVars.gyro_sigma = gyro_sigma gyroVars.meas_sigma = meas_sigma # Create dummy position UKF outputs estimatedSatStates = np.zeros( (len(d_camMeas['time'] * gyroSampleCount), 3)) moonEph = np.zeros((len(d_camMeas['time'] * gyroSampleCount), 3)) sunEph = np.zeros((len(d_camMeas['time'] * gyroSampleCount), 3)) omegaMeasurements = np.zeros((len(d_camMeas['time'] * gyroSampleCount), 3)) # assuming biases can be measured. # biasMeasurements = np.zeros((len(d_camMeas['time']*gyroSampleCount), 3)) count = 0 results = [] resultsTimeline = [] # For each camera measurement for i in tqdm(range(numberOfMeasForTest), desc='Trajectory Estimates'): # Sat pos = np.array([d_traj['x'][i], d_traj['y'][i], d_traj['z'][i] ]) + np.random.normal(scale=0, size=3) vel = np.array([d_traj['vx'][i], d_traj['vy'][i], d_traj['vz'][i]]) start_t = d_traj['time'][i] times = start_t + gyro_t * np.arange(0, gyroSampleCount) resultsTimeline.append(times[-1]) # time corresponding to new estimate tempCount = count for i_, t in enumerate(times): pos = pos + t * vel # propogate position estimate to gyro measurement time estimatedSatStates[tempCount, :] = pos tempCount += 1 # Moon pos = np.array([ d_moonEph['x'][i], d_moonEph['y'][i], d_moonEph['z'][i] ]) + np.random.normal(scale=100, size=3) vel = np.array( [d_moonEph['vx'][i], d_moonEph['vy'][i], d_moonEph['vz'][i]]) tempCount = count for i_, t in enumerate(times): pos = pos + t * vel # propogate position estimate to gyro measurement time moonEph[tempCount, :] = pos tempCount += 1 # Sun pos = np.array([d_sunEph['x'][i], d_sunEph['y'][i], d_sunEph['z'][i] ]) + np.random.normal(scale=100, size=3) vel = np.array( [d_sunEph['vx'][i], d_sunEph['vy'][i], d_sunEph['vz'][i]]) tempCount = count for i_, t in enumerate(times): pos = pos + t * vel # propogate position estimate to gyro measurement time sunEph[tempCount, :] = pos tempCount += 1 # omegas and biases tempCount = count omegasMeasurementVectors: List[GyroMeasurementVector] = [] for i_, t in enumerate(times): omegaMeasurements[tempCount, :] = np.array( [float(omegax(t)), float(omegay(t)), float(omegaz(t))]) # biasMeasurements[tempCount, :] = np.array([float(x0[3]), float(x0[4]), float(x0[5])]) omegasMeasurementVectors.append( GyroMeasurementVector(omega_x=float(omegax(t)), omega_y=float(omegay(t)), omega_z=float(omegaz(t)))) tempCount += 1 count = tempCount timeline = [] for i, t in enumerate(times): if i == 0: timeline.append(0) else: timeline.append(t - timeline[-1]) timeline[0] = sum(timeline) / (gyroSampleCount - 1.) # run ukf gyroVarsTup = (gyroVars.gyro_sigma, gyroVars.gyro_sample_rate, gyroVars.get_Q_matrix(), gyroVars.get_R_matrix()) estimate: AttitudeEstimateOutput = runAttitudeUKF( cameraDt, gyroVarsTup, CovarianceMatrix(matrix=P0), AttitudeStateVector.from_numpy_array(state=x0), QuaternionVector.from_numpy_array(quat=quat), omegasMeasurementVectors, estimatedSatStates, moonEph, sunEph, timeline) results.append(estimate) P0 = x0 = quat = print(resultsTimeline) print(len(results), len(resultsTimeline)) generator.plotResults(results, q1, q2, q3, q4, biasx, biasy, biasz, resultsTimeline)
def runTrajUKF(moonEph: EphemerisVector, sunEph: EphemerisVector, measurements: CameraMeasurementVector, initState: TrajectoryStateVector, dt: np.float, P: CovarianceMatrix, cameraParams: CameraParameters, main_thrust_info: MainThrustInfo = None, dynamicsOnly: bool = False) -> TrajectoryEstimateOutput: """ Propogates dynamics model with instantaneous impulse from the main thruster. Due to the processing delays of the system and the short impulse duration, the thrust is modeled as an instantenous acceleration on the spacecraft. [moonEph]: Moon ephemeris vector (1,6) Format: [x pos (km), y pos (km), z pos (km), vx (km/s), vy (km/s), vz (km/s)] (J2000 ECI) [sunEph]: Sun ephemeris vector (1,6) Format: [x pos (km), y pos (km), z pos (km), vx (km/s), vy (km/s), vz (km/s)] (J2000 ECI) [measurements]: measurement vector (6x1) Format: [z1, z2, z3, z4, z5, z6] z1 = pixel distance E-M z2 = pixel distance E-S z3 = pixel distance S-M z4, z5, z6 = pixel widths of E, M, S Can be None if running dynamics model only [initEstimate]: state vector from previous execution (or start state) (6x1) Format: [x pos (km), y pos (km), z pos (km), vx (km/s), vy (km/s), vz (km/s)] (J2000 ECI) [dt]: time elapsed since last execution (seconds) [P]: initial covariance matrix for state estimate [main_thrust_info]: Dictionary representing main thrust data (4x1 quaternion 'kick_orientation', float 'acceleration_magnitude', float 'kick_duration') [dynamicsOnly]: trust the dynamics model over measurements (helpful for testing) Returns: [xNew, pNew, K]: (6x1) new state vector, (6x6) new state covariance estimate, kalman gain """ #measurements[3] = 0 #measurements[4] = 0 #measurements[5] = 0 # print(f'moonEph: {}') # print(f'sunEph: {}') # print(f'measurements: {}') # print(f'initState: {}') # print(f'dt: {dt}') # print(f'P: {}') if measurements is None: measurements = CameraMeasurementVector(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) =, 6) =, 6) =, 1) =, 1) =, 6) if main_thrust_info is not None: main_thrust_info.get_kick_orientation( ).data = main_thrust_info.get_kick_orientation().data.reshape(4, 1) nx = __length( nv = __length(Const.Q) k = 3 - nx lmbda = Const.alpha**2 * (nx + k) - nx # tunable constant = np.sqrt(nx + nv + lmbda) centerWeight = lmbda / (nx + nv + lmbda) otherWeight = 1 / (2 * (nx + nv + lmbda)) const = cameraParams.hPix / ( cameraParams.hFov * np.pi / 180 ) # camera constant: PixelWidth/FOV [pixels/radians] # TODO: Remove test pixel to angle conversion # measurements /= const Sx = np.linalg.cholesky( # Generate Sigma Points sigmas, noise = __makeSigmas(, Sx, Const.Sv, nx, nv, constant) # Propogate Sigma Points propSigmas = np.zeros_like(sigmas) # Initialize # Proprogate Sigma Points by running through dynamics model/function for j in range(__length(sigmas)): propSigmas[:, j] = __dynamics_model(sigmas[:, j] + noise[:, j], dt,,, main_thrust_info=main_thrust_info) sigmaMeasurements = np.zeros((6, __length(propSigmas))) # Sigma measurements are the expected measurements calculated from # running the propagated sigma points through measurement model for j in range(__length(sigmas)): sigmaMeasurements[:, j] = __measModel( propSigmas[:, j] + np.random.multivariate_normal(np.zeros( (6, )), Const.R).T,,, const) # a priori estimates xMean, zMean = __getMeans(propSigmas, sigmaMeasurements, centerWeight, otherWeight) # Calculates the covariances as weighted sums Pxx, Pxz, Pzz = __findCovariances(xMean, zMean, propSigmas, sigmaMeasurements, centerWeight, otherWeight, Const.alpha, Const.beta, Const.R) # a posteriori estimates return __newEstimate(xMean, zMean, Pxx, Pxz, Pzz,, 1) + np.random.multivariate_normal(np.zeros( (6)), Const.R).reshape(6, 1), Const.R, dynamicsOnly=dynamicsOnly)
def UKFSingle(cameradt: float, gyroVars: GyroVars, P0: np.ndarray, x0: np.ndarray, q0: np.ndarray, omegas, estimatedSatState, moonEph: np.ndarray, sunEph: np.ndarray, timeline: List[float]) -> AttitudeEstimateOutput: """ NOTE: Does not make any assumptions about gyroSampleCount let n = # of camera measurements in batch let gyroSampleCount = 1/gyro_sample_rate [gyroVars]: (gyro_sigma, gyro_sample_rate, Q, R) [omegas]: (x, y, z) components of measured angular velocity (n x gyroSampleCount, 3) [estimatedSatState]: trajectory UKF outputs from t = 0 to t = totalIntegrationTime (n x gyroSampleCount, 3) [moonEph]: moon position/vel from ephemeris table (n x gyroSampleCount, 3) [sunEph]: sun position/vel from ephemeris table (n x gyroSampleCount, 3) [timeline]: time deltas of gyro readings: [avg delta t, 2nd-1st, 3rd-2nd, ...] See runAttitudeUKF() for remaining parameters and return type info. """ # assert(omegas[0].shape[0] == biases.shape[0] == estimatedSatState.shape[0] == moonEph.shape[0] == sunEph.shape[0]) n = moonEph.shape[0] # (gyro_sigma, gyro_sample_rate, Q, R) = gyroVars # Not sure if the following lines are what the above line meant to be: gyro_sigma = gyroVars.gyro_sigma gyro_sample_rate = gyroVars.gyro_sample_rate Q = gyroVars.get_Q_matrix() R = gyroVars.get_R_matrix() # Phist = np.zeros((int(n/gyroSampleCount), 6, 6)) # qhist = np.zeros((int(n/gyroSampleCount), 4, 1)) # xhist = np.zeros((int(n/gyroSampleCount), 6, 1)) Phatkp = P0 xhatkp = x0 qhatkp = q0 # Calculate position vectors # satPos, moonPos, sunPos = estimatedSatState[i:i+gyroSampleCount,:], moonEph[i:i+gyroSampleCount,:], sunEph[i:i+gyroSampleCount,:] # earthVec, moonVec, sunVec = np.zeros((gyroSampleCount, 3)), np.zeros((gyroSampleCount, 3)), np.zeros((gyroSampleCount, 3)) # for g_sample in range(gyroSampleCount): # earthVec[i+g_sample] = (-1*satPos[i+g_sample])/np.linalg.norm(satPos[i+g_sample]) # moonVec[i+g_sample] = (moonPos[i+g_sample] - satPos[i+g_sample])/np.linalg.norm(moonPos[i+g_sample] - satPos[i+g_sample]) # sunVec[i+g_sample] = (sunPos[i+g_sample] - satPos[i+g_sample])/np.linalg.norm(sunPos[i+g_sample] - satPos[i+g_sample]) satPos, moonPos, sunPos = estimatedSatState[0, :], moonEph[0, :], sunEph[ 0, :] earthVec = (-1 * satPos) / np.linalg.norm(satPos) moonVec = (moonPos - satPos) / np.linalg.norm(moonPos - satPos) sunVec = (sunPos - satPos) / np.linalg.norm(sunPos - satPos) sigma_points = generateSigmas(xhatkp, Phatkp, Q) err_quats = makeErrorQuaternion(sigma_points) pert_quats = perturbQuaternionEstimate(err_quats, qhatkp) prop_quats = propagateQuaternion(pert_quats, sigma_points, timeline, gyro_sigma, gyro_sample_rate, omegas, x0[3:], cameradt) qhatkp1m = prop_quats[0] prop_err = propagatedQuaternionError(prop_quats) prop_sigmas = recoverPropSigma(prop_err, sigma_points) x_mean = predictedMean(prop_sigmas) p_mean = predictedCov(prop_sigmas, x_mean, Q) h_list = hFromSigs(prop_quats, earthVec, moonVec, sunVec) z_mean = meanMeasurement(h_list) Pzz_kp1 = Pzz(h_list, z_mean, R) Pxz_kp1 = Pxz(prop_sigmas, x_mean, h_list, z_mean) K = getGain(Pxz_kp1, Pzz_kp1) meas = np.concatenate((earthVec, moonVec, sunVec), axis=0).reshape(9, 1) assert (z_mean.shape == meas.shape) xhat_kp1 = updateXhat(x_mean, K, meas, z_mean) Phat_kp1 = updatePhat(p_mean, K, Pzz_kp1) qhat_kp1 = updateQuaternionEstimate(xhat_kp1, qhatkp1m) # Phist[counter] = Phat_kp1 # qhist[counter] = qhat_kp1 # xhist[counter] = xhat_kp1 # Phatkp = Phat_kp1 # xhatkp = resetSigmaSeed(xhat_kp1) # qhatkp = qhat_kp1 return AttitudeEstimateOutput( new_state=AttitudeStateVector.from_numpy_array(state=xhat_kp1), new_P=CovarianceMatrix(matrix=Phat_kp1), new_quat=QuaternionVector.from_numpy_array(quat=qhat_kp1))
def cislunar1_timestep(visual_analysis, state_error, kickTime=None): """ [part_start, part_end): start (inclusive) and end (exclusive) indices of trajectory """ from tests.const import TEST_CISLUNAR_meas, TEST_CISLUNAR_moonEph, TEST_CISLUNAR_sunEph, \ TEST_CISLUNAR_traj # d_camMeas, d_moonEph, d_sunEph, d_traj, totalIntegrationTime = get6HoursBatch(part_start, part_end, part_start, timestep, np.array([1,1,1,1,1,1]), np.array([1,1,1]), np.array([1,1,1,1]), 1, 1, 1, att_meas=False) d_traj = pd.read_csv(TEST_CISLUNAR_traj).to_dict() d_moonEph = pd.read_csv(TEST_CISLUNAR_moonEph).to_dict() d_sunEph = pd.read_csv(TEST_CISLUNAR_sunEph).to_dict() d_camMeas = pd.read_csv(TEST_CISLUNAR_meas).to_dict() iterations = min(len(d_traj['x']), len(d_moonEph['x']), len(d_sunEph['x']), len(d_camMeas['Z1'])) P = np.diag(np.array([100, 100, 100, 1e-5, 1e-6, 1e-5], dtype=float)) # Initial Covariance Estimate of State state = (np.array([ d_traj['x'][0], d_traj['y'][0], d_traj['z'][0], d_traj['vx'][0], d_traj['vy'][0], d_traj['vz'][0] ], dtype=float)).reshape(6, 1) R = np.diag(np.array(state_error, dtype=float)) error = np.random.multivariate_normal(np.zeros((6, )), R).reshape(6, 1) state = state + error liveTraj = None if visual_analysis == "True": liveTraj = LiveTrajectoryPlot() # print(int(trajTruthdf.shape[0]*1 - 1)) for t in tqdm(range(iterations), desc='Trajectory Completion'): moonEph = EphemerisVector(x_pos=d_moonEph['x'][t], y_pos=d_moonEph['y'][t], z_pos=d_moonEph['z'][t], x_vel=d_moonEph['vx'][t], y_vel=d_moonEph['vy'][t], z_vel=d_moonEph['vz'][t]) sunEph = EphemerisVector(x_pos=d_sunEph['x'][t], y_pos=d_sunEph['y'][t], z_pos=d_sunEph['z'][t], x_vel=d_sunEph['vx'][t], y_vel=d_sunEph['vy'][t], z_vel=d_sunEph['vz'][t]) meas = CameraMeasurementVector(ang_em=d_camMeas['Z1'][t], ang_es=d_camMeas['Z2'][t], ang_ms=d_camMeas['Z3'][t], e_dia=d_camMeas['Z4'][t], m_dia=d_camMeas['Z5'][t], s_dia=d_camMeas['Z6'][t]) orientation = None if kickTime is not None and t > kickTime: orientation = [0, 0, 0, 1] stateEstimate: TrajectoryEstimateOutput = runTrajUKF( moonEph, sunEph, meas, TrajectoryStateVector.from_numpy_array(state=state), 60, CovarianceMatrix(matrix=P), CesiumTestCameraParameters, dynamicsOnly=False ) # used to have this, not sure why it's gone orientation=orientation state = P = K = # Per iteration error traj = (np.array([ d_traj['x'][t], d_traj['y'][t], d_traj['z'][t], d_traj['vx'][t], d_traj['vy'][t], d_traj['vz'][t] ], dtype=float)).reshape(6, 1) traj = traj.flatten() fstate = state.flatten() posError = math.sqrt(np.sum((traj[:3] - fstate[:3])**2)) velError = math.sqrt(np.sum((traj[3:6] - fstate[3:6])**2)) # plot if liveTraj: liveTraj.updateEstimatedTraj(fstate[0], fstate[1], fstate[2]) liveTraj.updateTrueTraj(traj[0], traj[1], traj[2]) liveTraj.renderUKF( text="Iteration {} - Pos Error {} - Vel Error {}".format( t, round(posError), round(velError))) if liveTraj: liveTraj.close() t = iterations - 1 traj = (np.array([ d_traj['x'][t], d_traj['y'][t], d_traj['z'][t], d_traj['vx'][t], d_traj['vy'][t], d_traj['vz'][t] ], dtype=float)).reshape(6, 1) traj = traj.flatten() state = state.flatten() posError = math.sqrt(np.sum((traj[:3] - state[:3])**2)) velError = math.sqrt(np.sum((traj[3:6] - state[3:6])**2)) print(f'Position error: {posError}\nVelocity error: {velError}') assert posError <= POS_ERROR, 'Position error is too large' assert velError <= VEL_ERROR, 'Velocity error is too large'