예제 #1
 def test_empty_data(self):
     method = "get"
     url = "http://example.com/api/v2/list"
     data = ""
     headers = json.loads('{}')
     curlcommand = CurlCommand(url, method, data, headers)
     self.assertEqual(curlcommand.get(), "curl -XGET -H \"Content-type: application/json\" "
예제 #2
    def test_get_method(self):
        method = "get"
        url = "http://example.com/api/v2/test"
        data = "{\"id\": 1, \"name\": \"Foo\"}"
        headers = json.loads('{}')
        curlcommand = CurlCommand(url, method, data, headers)

        self.assertEqual(curlcommand.get(), "curl -XGET -H \"Content-type: application/json\" -d "
                                            "'{\"id\": 1, \"name\": \"Foo\"}' http://example.com/api/v2/test")
예제 #3
    def test_post_method(self):
        method = "pOsT"
        url = "http://example.com/api/post"
        data = "{\"id\": 2, \"name\": \"Bar\"}"
        headers = u'{}'
        curlcommand = CurlCommand(url, method, data, headers)

            "curl -XPOST -H \"Content-type: application/json\" -d "
            "'{\"id\": 2, \"name\": \"Bar\"}' http://example.com/api/post")
예제 #4
    def start(self):
        print('Fetching open API from: ' + self.url)

        # Try to find the protocol, host and basePath from the Swagger spec.
        # host and schemes can be omitted, and the "standard" says you should use the spec's URL to derive them.
        # https://swagger.io/docs/specification/2-0/api-host-and-base-path/
        schemes = []
        host = None
        basePath = None

            spec = self.get_swagger_spec(self.url)
            specURL = urlparse(self.url)
        except json.JSONDecodeError:

        if 'swagger' not in spec:
            self.log_operation(None, self.url,
                                   "status_code": "000",
                                   "documented_reason": "Specification: no version string found",
                                   "body": "Specification: no version string found in Swagger spec"
                               }, '')
            raise SchemaException

        if not spec['swagger'].startswith('2'):
            self.log_operation(None, self.url,
                                   "status_code": "000",
                                   "documented_reason": "Specification: wrong specification version",
                                   "body": "Specification: version in swagger spec not supported"
                               }, '')
            raise SchemaException

        if 'schemes' in spec:
            schemes = spec['schemes']
            # fake the array we'd find in the spec
            self.log_operation(None, self.url,
                                   "status_code": "000",
                                   "documented_reason": "Specification: no schemes entry, fallback to spec URL scheme",
                                   "body": "Specification: host entry not present in Swagger spec"}, '')

        if self.host:
            host = self.host
        elif 'host' in spec:
            host = spec['host']
            host = specURL.netloc
            self.log_operation(None, self.url,
                                   "status_code": "000",
                                   "documented_reason": "Specification: no host entry, fallback to spec URL host",
                                   "body": "Specification: schemes entry not present in Swagger spec"
                               }, '')

        # There is no nice way to derive the basePath from the spec's URL. They *have* to include it
        if 'basePath' not in spec:
            self.log_operation(None, self.url,
                                   "status_code": "000",
                                   "documented_reason": "Specification: basePath entry missing from Swagger spec",
                                   "body": "Specification Error: basePath entry missing from Swagger spec"
                               }, '')
            raise SchemaException
        basePath = self.basepath if self.basepath else spec['basePath']
        host_basepath = host + basePath

        paths = spec['paths']
        type_definitions = spec['definitions']
        # the specifcation can list multiple schemes (http, https, ws, wss) - all should be tested.
        # Each scheme is a potentially different end point
        replicator = Replicator(type_definitions, self.use_string_pattern, True, self.max_string_length)
        html_table_data = []
        for protocol in schemes:
            for path_key in paths.keys():
                path = paths[path_key]

                for op_code in path.keys():
                    operation = HttpOperation(op_code, protocol + '://' + host_basepath, path_key,
                                              replicator=replicator, op_infos=path[op_code], use_fuzzing=True,
                                              headers=self.headers, ignore_tls=self.ignore_tls)

                    for _ in range(self.iterations):
                        response = operation.execute()
                        validator = ResultValidator()
                        log = validator.evaluate(response, path[op_code]['responses'], self.log_unexpected_errors_only)
                        curlcommand = CurlCommand(response.url, operation.op_code, operation.request_body, self.headers,

                        # log to screen for now
                        self.log_operation(operation.op_code, response.url, log, curlcommand)
                        # html reports
                        status_code, documented_reason, body = self.html_log(log)
                        obj = {"op_code": op_code, "url": response.url, "status_code": status_code,
                               "response_msg": documented_reason, "body": body, "curl_command": curlcommand.get()}
        generate_html(html_table_data, self.report_dir, self.build_id)
        files = getListOfFiles(self.report_dir)
        generate_report(self.report_dir, files)
        return True