예제 #1
def get_rrtxt(mfrom):

    RE_SPF = re.compile(br'^v=spf1$|^v=spf1 ', re.IGNORECASE)
    fpr('MFROM identity: %s' % mfrom)

        local_part, domain = spf.split_email(s=mfrom, h='')
        fpr('Domain: %s' % domain)

        _dns = spf.DNSLookup(domain, 'TXT', strict=True, timeout=20)

        if _dns:
            #dbginfo('debug','DNS: %s ' % dns)
            # for k, v in DNSLookup(name, qtype, self.strict, timeout):
            for k, v in _dns:
                #k = (k[0].lower(), k[1])
                if k[1] == 'TXT':
                    m = re.match(RE_SPF, v[0])
                    if m:
                        fpr('DNS RR: %s' % k[1])
                        #for i in v:
                        #    fpr.green('%s' % i )
                        fpr.green('%s' % "".join(v))
            fpr('No TXT RR was found')

    except spf.TempError, e:
        fpr.err('Error: %s' % e)
예제 #2
    def chEque():
        if r:

            # compare float
            # https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=840665
            def float_eq(a, b, epsilon=0.00000001):
                fpr.cyan('<float_eq> %s' % abs(a - b))
                if abs(a - b) < epsilon:
                    return True
                return False

            m1 = float(r) / rpm
            m2 = mpt * float(t)

            fpr.cyan('r/rpm = %s, mpt * t = %s' % (m1, m2))

            if float_eq(m1, m2):
                fpr.green('Equetion is met')
                return True
                fpr.err('Equetion is false')
                return False
예제 #3
def spfdns(domain, q):

    #local_part,domain = spf.split_email(s=dd['id'].get('mfrom'),h='')
    txt = q.dns_spf(domain)
    if txt:
        fpr.green('TXT: %s\n\n' % txt)
        fpr.err('SPF record not found or more than one record found')
예제 #4
def viewSmtpSess():

    #from core.msg.builder import msg_builder
    size = len(msg_builder().as_string(unixfrom=False))
    #from core.msg.threads import get_rcpts

    unknown = '-- undefined --'

    if cfgs['conv_logs']:
        fpr.green('Conversation Logs: ON', 'r')

    fpr.info('_' * (tc - 4))

    d = smtp['connect']['hosts'][0]

    fpr('SMTP Host             : %s:%s' %
        (d.get('host', unknown), d.get('port', unknown)))
    if d.get('smtp_auth_user'):
        fpr('SMTP Authentication   : %s:%s' % (d.get(
            'smtp_auth_user', unknown), d.get('smtp_auth_pass', unknown)))
        fpr('SMTP Authentication   : NoAuth')
    fpr('SMTP Encryption       : %s' % d.get('tls_mode', unknown))
    fpr('SMTP HELO             : %s' % d.get('helo', unknown))

    if smtp['addrlist']['mail_from']:
        fpr('Envelope Sender       : %s' % smtp['addrlist']['mail_from'])
        fpr.err('Envelope Sender       : %s' % unknown)

    # shown only 1st rcpt if more than one
    r = list(smtp['addrlist']['rcpts'])
    #if smtp['addrlist']['rcpt_to']:
    #   r.insert(0,smtp['addrlist']['rcpt_to'])
    if r:
        if len(r) > 1:
            fpr('Envelope Recipient(s) : %s .. + %d more' % (r[0], len(r) - 1))
            fpr('Envelope Recipient(s) : %s' % r[0])
        fpr.err('Envelope Recipient(s) : %s' % unknown)
    del r[:]

    fpr('Number of Recipients  : %s' % get_rcpts('NoR'))
    fpr('Message Size          : %s bytes' % size)
    fpr('Message Subject       : %s' %
        smtp['headers'].get('h_Subject', unknown))

    fpr.info('_' * (tc - 4))
예제 #5
def viewSmtpConv(s):

    #import re
    #import sys
    #from StringIO import StringIO
    #from core.ui.cless import Less

    if s:
        if raw_input(
                '  Would you like to view SMTP conversation [y/N]:> ') not in [
                    'y', 'Y'
            return True

    dl = len(s.splitlines())

    for line in s.splitlines():
        if len(line) > tc:
            dl += len(line) / tc

    if dl > tr:
        fpr('SMTP conversation logs are much bigger than your screen (%s lines)'
            % dl)
        if raw_input(
                '  Would like to use system pager to view it [y/N]:> ') in [
                    'y', 'Y'
            fpr.blue('_' * (tc - 4))
            # use Less if output is much bigger than one screen
            pager = Less(num_lines=tr)
            # fetch output from fancy print as Less input must be a string
            # make copy of original stdout han redirect stdout to string
            sto = sys.stdout
            sys.stdout = StringIO()

            for line in s.splitlines():
                if re.search('^send:', line):
                elif re.search('^reply:', line):
                elif re.search('^data:', line):

            x = sys.stdout.getvalue()
            sys.stdout = sto
            print x | pager

            return True
        #   fpr.blue( '_'*(tc-4))
        #   print
        #   fpr.blue( '_'*(tc-4))

    fpr.blue('_' * (tc - 4))
    for line in s.splitlines():
        if re.search('^send:', line):
        elif re.search('^reply:', line):
        elif re.search('^data:', line):
    fpr.blue('_' * (tc - 4))
예제 #6
파일: dha.py 프로젝트: bkzk/minja
def smtp_dha(cpt=1, rate=None, rcpts=[], method='RCPT TO',relays={} ,name='DHA-T-Single',v=False):

    dhar = dict()

    from pprint import pprint
    from core.data import cfgs,smtp,fpr,tc,DEBUG
    from core.func import dbginfo
    from core.msg.viewers import viewSmtpConv
    from core.msg.threads import get_tid

    dbginfo('DEBUG','name=%s, cpt=%s, method=%s, rate=%s, rcpts=%s' % (name,cpt,method,rate,rcpts) )




         import sys
         import smtplib

#         # log debuglevel output from smtplib
#         # redirect stderr from smtplib to string 
#         # 
#         # - from smtplib import stderr
#         if cfgs['conv_logs'] and cl:
#            ostderr = smtplib.stderr
#            smtplib.stderr = StderrLogger()

         # run smtp session
         if v:
            fpr.white('Establishing the session ..')
         s = smtplib.SMTP(dhost['host'],dhost['port'])

#         if cfgs['conv_logs'] and cl:
#            s.set_debuglevel('debug')

         # HELO - introduce yourself
         if v:
            fpr.cyan('>>> %s %s' % ('EHLO',dhost['helo']))
         (c,m) = s.ehlo(dhost['helo'])
         #r = s.helo(smtp['connect']['hosts'][0]['helo'])
         if v:
            #print (c,m)

            if 200 <= c <= 299:
                fpr.green('<<< %s %s' %(c,m))
                if s.does_esmtp:
                    fpr.white('ESMTP supported and have extn:')
                    #print s.does_esmtp
                    #print s.esmtp_features
                    for (scmd,sarg) in s.esmtp_features.items():
                        fpr.white('  * %s %s' % (scmd,sarg))
            elif 500 <= c <= 599:
                fpr.err('<<< %s %s' %(c,m))

         # STAARTTLS
         if 'starttls' in s.esmtp_features.keys():
             if dhost['tls_mode'] == 'TLS':
                 if v:
                     fpr.white('TLS supported and requested')
                     fpr.white('Establishing TLS session ..')
                     fpr.cyan('>>> %s' % ('STARTTLS'))
                 (c,m) = s.starttls()
                 if 200 <= c <= 299:
                     fpr.green('<<< %s %s' %(c,m))
                     # HELO - introducing yourself on encrypted session should be done as well
                     if v:
                         fpr.cyan('>>> %s %s' % ('EHLO',dhost['helo']))
                     (c,m) = s.ehlo(dhost['helo'])
                     if v:
                        #print (c,m)
                        if 200 <= c <= 299:
                            fpr.green('<<< %s %s' %(c,m))
                            if s.does_esmtp:
                                fpr.white('ESMTP supported and have extn:')
                                #print s.does_esmtp
                                #print s.esmtp_features
                                for (scmd,sarg) in s.esmtp_features.items():
                                    fpr.white('  * %s %s' % (scmd,sarg))
                        elif 500 <= c <= 599:
                            fpr.err('<<< %s %s' %(c,m))
                 elif 500 <= c <= 599:
                     fpr.err('<<< %s %s' %(c,m))
                 if v:
                     fpr.white('TLS supported but not requested')
                     fpr.white('Unencrypted session established')

         # SMTP AUTH
         if 'auth' in s.esmtp_features.keys():
             if dhost['smtp_auth_user'] != '':
                 if v:
                     fpr.cyan('>>> %s %s' % ('AUTH PLAIN','*********'))
                 (c,m) = s.login(dhost['smtp_auth_user'],dhost['smtp_auth_pass'])
                 if v:
                     if 200 <= c <= 299:
                         fpr.green('<<< %s %s' %(c,m))
                     elif 500 <= c <= 599:
                         fpr.err('<<< %s %s' %(c,m))
         elif dhost['smtp_auth_user'] != '':
             if v:
                 fpr.white('Authentication SET but not available (AUTH not supported)')
                 fpr.white('Trying without AUTH')

         if method.lower() == 'rcpt to':
             # MAIL FROM 
             sender = smtp['addrlist']['mail_from']
             #rcpt   = smtp['addrlist']['rcpt_to']
             if v:
                 fpr.cyan('>>> %s %s' % ('MAIL FROM:',sender))
             (c,m) = s.docmd('MAIL FROM:',sender)
             if v:
                 if 200 <= c <= 299:
                     fpr.green('<<< %s %s' %(c,m))
                 elif 500 <= c <= 599:
                     fpr.err('<<< %s %s' %(c,m))

         # number of recipients to test 
         # rpt - rcpt/thread
         # cpt - command/thread

         if cpt == None:
            cpt = 1
            rpt = len(rcpts)
            cpt = rpt 

         if v:
            fpr.white('Enumerating recipients ..')
            fpr.white('  * %s recipients to test with this thread' % len(rcpts))
            fpr.white('  * method in use: %s' % method.lower())

         #print rcpts
         for r in rcpts:

            if method.lower() == 'rcpt to':
                if v:
                    fpr.cyan('>>> %s: <%s>' % (method,r))
                (c,m) = s.docmd('%s:' % method,'<%s>' % r)
            # treat results returned from vrfy and expn similar
            # expn should have a separate condition as it could return
            # a list of recipients in case of mailing list but 
            # in modern networks you should be really lucky to find such an SMTP server
            # supporting - good luck with that
            # - it should be implemented just as proof of concept rather than for real use
                if v:
                    fpr.cyan('>>> %s <%s>' % (method,r))
                (c,m) = s.docmd('%s' % method,'<%s>' % r)

            if 200 <= c <= 299:
                if v:
                    fpr.green('<<< %s %s' %(c,m))
                       { 'valid': True, 'code': c, 'msg': m, 'method': method.lower(), 
                         'host':  dhost['host'], 'thread': name }
            elif 500 <= c <= 599:
                if v:
                    fpr.err('<<< %s %s' %(c,m))
                       { 'valid': False, 'code': c, 'msg': m, 'method': method.lower(),
                         'host':  dhost['host'], 'thread': name }
                if v:
                    fpr.err('<<< %s %s' %(c,m))
                       { 'valid': False, 'code': c, 'msg': m, 'method': method.lower(),
                         'host':  dhost['host'], 'thread': name }

            # query timeout - wait before next command

#         pprint(dhar)
         # quit smtp session
         if v:
             fpr.cyan('>>> %s' % ('QUIT:'))
         (c,m) = s.quit()
         if v:
             if 200 <= c <= 299:
                 fpr.green('<<< %s %s' %(c,m))
                 fpr.white('Session closed successfully')
             elif 500 <= c <= 599:
                 fpr.err('<<< %s %s' %(c,m))
         if v:
             fpr('To check valid recipients back to the main submenu') 

    # the exception is triggered only when all recipoient failed :(
    except smtplib.SMTPRecipientsRefused, e:
         fpr.fail('Error: unable to sent message. All recipients refused.')
         #print 'exception smtplib.SMTPRecipientsRefused',a
예제 #7
파일: dha.py 프로젝트: bkzk/minja
def enumSMTPcmd(v=None,dhost=smtp['connect']['hosts'][0]):

    #TODO: if no EHLO , use HELO 

    from pprint import pprint

    # secure extn - list of extn received after successfull STARTTLS commands
    scmds = {  'extn' : [], 'secure_extn': [],  'cmds': '', 'method': [], }  



         import sys
         import smtplib

         # run smtp session
         if v:
            fpr.white('Establishing the session with %s on port %s' % (dhost['host'],dhost['port']))
         s = smtplib.SMTP(dhost['host'],dhost['port'])

         if v:
            fpr.cyan('>>> %s' % 'HELP')
         r = s.help()
         scmds['scmds'] = r
         if v:
             fpr.green('<<< %s' % r)

#         if cfgs['conv_logs'] and cl:
#            s.set_debuglevel('debug')

         # HELO - introduce yourself
         if v:
            fpr.cyan('>>> %s %s' % ('EHLO',dhost['helo']))
         (c,m) = s.ehlo(dhost['helo'])
         #r = s.helo(smtp['connect']['hosts'][0]['helo'])

            #print (c,m)

         if 200 <= c <= 299:
             if v:
                 fpr.green('<<< %s %s' %(c,m))
             if s.does_esmtp:
                 if v:
                    fpr.white('ESMTP supported and have extn:')
                    #print s.does_esmtp
                    #print s.esmtp_features
                 for (scmd,sarg) in s.esmtp_features.items():
                    if v:
                        fpr.white('  * %s %s' % (scmd,sarg))
         elif 500 <= c <= 599:
             fpr.err('<<< %s %s' %(c,m))

         # STAARTTLS
         if 'starttls' in s.esmtp_features.keys():
             if dhost['tls_mode'] == 'TLS':
                 if v:
                     fpr.white('TLS supported and requested')
                     fpr.white('Establishing TLS session ..')
                     fpr.cyan('>>> %s' % ('STARTTLS'))
                 (c,m) = s.starttls()
                 if 200 <= c <= 299:
                     fpr.green('<<< %s %s' %(c,m))
                     # HELO - introducing yourself on encrypted session should be done as well
                     if v:
                         fpr.cyan('>>> %s %s' % ('EHLO',dhost['helo']))
                     (c,m) = s.ehlo(dhost['helo'])
                     if v:
                        #print (c,m)
                        if 200 <= c <= 299:
                            fpr.green('<<< %s %s' %(c,m))
                            if s.does_esmtp:
                                fpr.white('ESMTP supported and have extn:')
                                #print s.does_esmtp
                                #print s.esmtp_features
                                for (scmd,sarg) in s.esmtp_features.items():
                                    fpr.white('  * %s %s' % (scmd,sarg))
                        elif 500 <= c <= 599:
                            fpr.err('<<< %s %s' %(c,m))
                 elif 500 <= c <= 599:
                     fpr.err('<<< %s %s' %(c,m))
                 if v:
                     fpr.white('TLS supported but not requested')
                     fpr.white('Unencrypted session established')

#         # SMTP AUTH
#         if 'auth' in s.esmtp_features.keys():
#             if smtp['connect']['hosts'][0]['smtp_auth_user'] != '':
#                 if v:
#                     fpr.cyan('>>> %s %s' % ('AUTH PLAIN','*********'))
#                 (c,m) = s.login(smtp['connect']['hosts'][0]['smtp_auth_user'],smtp['connect']['hosts'][0]['smtp_auth_pass'])
#                 if v:
#                     if 200 <= c <= 299:
#                         fpr.green('<<< %s %s' %(c,m))
#                     elif 500 <= c <= 599:
#                         fpr.err('<<< %s %s' %(c,m))
#         else:
#             if smtp['connect']['hosts'][0]['smtp_auth_user'] != '':
#                 if v:
#                     fpr.white('Authentication SET but not available (AUTH not supported)')
#                     fpr.white('Trying without AUTH')
#             else: 
#                 if v:
#                     fpr.white('Authentication not available (AUTH not supported)')
#                     fpr.white('Trying without AUTH')

        #print rcpts
         r = 'postmaster'
         for sm in ['EXPN','VRFY']:

            if v:
                fpr.cyan('>>> %s <%s>' % (sm,r))
            (c,m) = s.docmd('%s' % sm,'<%s>' % r)
            if 200 <= c <= 299:
                if v:
                    fpr.green('<<< %s %s' %(c,m))
            elif 500 <= c <= 599:
                if v:
                    fpr.err('<<< %s %s' %(c,m))
                if v:
                    fpr.err('<<< %s %s' %(c,m))

         if 'rcpt' in scmds['scmds'].lower():

#         pprint(dhar)
         # quit smtp session
         if v:
             fpr.cyan('>>> %s' % ('QUIT:'))
         (c,m) = s.quit()
         if v:
             if 200 <= c <= 299:
                 fpr.green('<<< %s %s' %(c,m))
                 fpr.white('Session closed successfully')
             elif 500 <= c <= 599:
                 fpr.err('<<< %s %s' %(c,m))
         return scmds

    # the exception is triggered only when all recipoient failed :(
    except smtplib.SMTPRecipientsRefused, e:
         fpr.fail('Error: unable to sent message. All recipients refused.')
예제 #8
파일: dha.py 프로젝트: bkzk/minja
def chDHAThrDep(t=None,cpt=None):

#VERIFY:  In Python 2.x : int/int --> int and int/float --> float In Python 3.x : int/int can result in a float 


    if not r:
       fpr.err('Recipients not defined. Build a list of recipients first.')
       fpr.err('Flush the values if the recipient list has been modified.')

    if t:
       smtp['dha']['threads']['not'] = int(t)
    if cpt:
       smtp['dha']['threads']['cpt'] = int(cpt)

    fpr.warn('Your limits:')
    fpr.warn('t_set = %s : cpt_set = %s :  r = %s' % 
#    fpr.err('Maximum possible limits to met Essential Conditions:')
#    fpr.err('t = %s : rpm = %s : mpt = %s - r = %s' % (t,rpm,mpt,r) )
#    fpr.info('_'*(tc-4))


    def setReals(t,cpt):
        if t and cpt :

           fpr.ok('Reals were set!')

    if r:

       # count the cpt - based on r and t
       # -------------------------------------------------------------------- #
       if t:
           fpr.green('%s : %s : %s' % (t,cpt,r) )
           # cpt = r / t
           # t = r / cpt
           if t >= r:
              t_new = r
              cpt = 1
              fpr.err('realistic returns would be: t = %s, cpt = %s  for r = %s' %
           if t < r:
             # I - validate CPT - CPT < R
             cpt = float(r) / t
             fpr.green('counted cpt = %s' % cpt)
             # round up - if there is a remainder 
             if (r %  t > 0):
                 cpt = r / t + (r % t > 0)
                 fpr.green('rounding up cpt = %s' % cpt)

                 # find the lowest T for rounded CpT
                 t_new = float(r) / cpt 
                 fpr.green('counted new t = %s' % t_new)
                 #if (r % cpt > 0): # if remainder
                 #    t_new = r /  cpt + ( r % cpt > 0)
                 #    fpr.green('rounding up new t = %s' % t_new)
                 #    fpr.err('realistic returns would be: *t = %s, cpt = %s  for r = %s' %
                 #       (int(t_new),int(cpt),r))
                 #    setReals(int(t_new),int(cpt))
                 fpr.err('realistic returns would be: *t = %s, cpt = %s  for r = %s' %

                 fpr.err('realistic returns would be: t = %s, cpt = %s  for r = %s' %
       elif cpt:

           fpr.green('%s : %s : %s' % (t,cpt,r) )
           # cpt = r / t
           # t = r / cpt
           if cpt >= r:
              cpt_new = r
              t = 1
              fpr.err('realistic returns would be: t = %s, cpt = %s  for r = %s' %
           if cpt < r:
             # I - validate T - t < R
             t = float(r) / cpt
             fpr.green('counted t = %s' % t)
             # round up - if there is a remainder 
             if (r %  cpt > 0):
                 t = r / cpt + (r % cpt > 0)
                 fpr.green('rounding up t = %s' % t)

                 # find the lowest T for rounded CpT
                 cpt_new = float(r) / t 
                 fpr.green('counted new cpt = %s' % cpt_new)
                 fpr.err('realistic returns would be: *t = %s, cpt = %s  for r = %s' %

                 fpr.err('realistic returns would be: t = %s, cpt = %s  for r = %s' %

       fpr.err('Recipients not defined. Build a list of recipients first.')
       fpr.err('Flush the values if the recipient list has been modified.')
예제 #9
def splitHeaders(inputs, crlf=False):

    #TODO: split headers and parse one header per

    import email

    fpr.warn('_' * (tc - 4))
    print inputs
    fpr.warn('_' * (tc - 4))
    print '\r\n'.join(inputs)
    fpr.warn('_' * (tc - 4))

    if crlf:
        # remove empty elements from list
        # no newlines are allowed between headers
        inputs = [x for x in inputs if x != '']

    msg = email.message_from_string('\r\n'.join(inputs))

    AUTHRE = re.compile('Authentication-Results', re.IGNORECASE)
    RECSPF = re.compile('Received-SPF', re.IGNORECASE)

    hh = {
        'Received-SPF': list(),
        'Authentication-Results': list(),

    parser = email.parser.HeaderParser()
    headers = parser.parsestr(msg.as_string())

    for hn, hv in headers.items():
        if DDDEBUG: fpr.green('Found: %s\n%s' % (hn, hv))
        m1 = re.match(AUTHRE, hn)
        m2 = re.match(RECSPF, hn)
        if m1:
            if DDDEBUG: print hn, hv

        if m2:
            if DDDEBUG: print hn, hv


#    print "---------------------------------"
#    from pprint import pprint
#    pprint(hh)
#    print "---------------------------------"
#    print

#build a list
#    print len(hh['Received-SPF'])
#    print len(hh['Authentication-Results'])

    pp = {
        'Received-SPF': dict(),
        'Authentication-Results': dict(),
    for hn in ['Received-SPF', 'Authentication-Results']:
        x = 0
        for h in hh[hn]:
            p = parse_spfHeaders2('%s: ' % hn + h)
            if DDDEBUG: pprint(p)
            pp.setdefault(hn, x)
            x += 1
            pp[hn].setdefault(x, p)

    print "---------------------------------"
    print "---------------------------------"
    return pp
예제 #10
def parse_spfHeaders2(h):

    from email.message import Message
    import re

    if not h:
        return False

    #print type(h)
    #print h

    #h1 = h.replace('\n','')
    #print h1

    # re.DOTALL '.'match everything inludinf newline
    # re.IGNORECASE is used at the splitHeaders() function first
    AUTHRE = re.compile('^(Authentication-Results):(.*)', re.DOTALL)
    RECSPF = re.compile('^(Received-SPF):(.*)', re.DOTALL)

    m1 = re.match(AUTHRE, h)
    m2 = re.match(RECSPF, h)

    if DDDEBUG: fpr.purple(h)

    dd = {'hn': '', 'hv': ''}

    #""" Authentication-Results """
    if m1:
        dd['hn'] = m1.group(1)
        dd['hv'] = m1.group(2)

        fpr.info('_' * (tc - 4))
        fpr('Header-name  : %s' % m1.group(1))
        fpr('Header-value : %s' % m1.group(2))
        fpr.info('_' * (tc - 4))

            import authres

            # FIXME: fast workaround for authres module
            # remove "d=" tag from dmarc auth method as authres
            # does recognize only below ptype
            # ->  elif ptype.lower() not in ['smtp', 'header', 'body', 'policy']
            # and it raise a Syntax error for d=
            h = h.replace('\n', '')
            h = h.replace('\r', '')
            h = h.replace('\t', ' ')
            DTAG = re.compile('.*dmarc=.* \(.*\)* d=([a-z0-9\.\-]+)',
            md = re.match(DTAG, h)
            if md:
                fpr.warn('Stripping "d=" tag from dmarc method: d=%s' %
                #fpr.green( '%s ---- %s' % (md.group(1), md.group()))
                h = re.sub('d=%s' % md.group(1), '', h)
                if DDDEBUG: print h

            #    print 'no d-tag'

            arh = authres.AuthenticationResultsHeader.parse(h)

            #if DDDEBUG:
            #  from pprint import pprint
            #  pprint(str(arh))

        except Exception, e:
            fpr.err('Exception: %s' % e)

        p = {}

        if str(arh.authserv_id):
            p['authserv_id'] = str(arh.authserv_id)

        print len(arh.results)
        for i in arh.results:

            if DDDEBUG:
                fpr('method: %s' % str(i.method))

            if str(i.method) == 'spf':
                p.setdefault('spf', {})
                p['spf'].setdefault('mailfrom', {})
                p['spf'].setdefault('helo', {})
                p['spf'].setdefault('pra', {})

                if DDDEBUG:
                    fpr('result        : %s' % str(i.result))
                    if hasattr(i, 'smtp_mailfrom'):
                        fpr('smtp.mailfrom : %s' % str(i.smtp_mailfrom))
                    if hasattr(i, 'smtp_helo'):
                        fpr('smtp.helo     : %s' % str(i.smtp_helo))
                    if hasattr(i, 'smtp_pra'):
                        fpr('smtp.pra      : %s' % str(i.smtp_pra))

                for j in i.properties:
                    if j.name == 'mailfrom':
                        p['spf']['mailfrom']['result'] = str(i.result)
                        p['spf']['mailfrom']['type'] = str(j.type)
                        p['spf']['mailfrom']['name'] = str(j.name)
                        p['spf']['mailfrom']['value'] = str(j.value)
                    if j.name == 'helo':
                        p['spf']['helo']['result'] = str(i.result)
                        p['spf']['helo']['type'] = str(j.type)
                        p['spf']['helo']['name'] = str(j.name)
                        p['spf']['helo']['value'] = str(j.value)
                    if j.name == 'pra':
                        p['spf']['pra']['result'] = str(i.result)
                        p['spf']['pra']['type'] = str(j.type)
                        p['spf']['pra']['name'] = str(j.name)
                        p['spf']['pra']['value'] = str(j.value)
                    if DDDEBUG:
                        fpr.green('  type: %s' % str(j.type))
                        fpr('  name: %s' % str(j.name))
                        fpr('  value: %s' % str(j.value))

            if str(i.method) == 'dkim':
                p.setdefault('dkim', {})
                p['dkim']['result'] = str(i.result)
                if DDDEBUG:
                    fpr('result        : %s' % str(i.result))
                    fpr('header_i      : %s' % str(i.header_i))
                for j in i.properties:
                    # dkim header identity
                    p['dkim']['header_i'] = str(j.value)
                    if DDDEBUG:
                        fpr.green('  type: %s' % str(j.type))
                        fpr('  name: %s' % str(j.name))
                        fpr('  value: %s' % str(j.value))

            if str(i.method) == 'dmarc':
                p.setdefault('dmarc', {})
                p['dmarc']['result'] = str(i.result)
                if DDDEBUG:
                    fpr('result        : %s' % str(i.result))

        p['h_value'] = dd['hv']
        return p
예제 #11
        fpr.warn('Verification skipped. Missing client IP address!')

    # if SPF Policy is defined manually skip DNS and use it
    if dd.get('policy'):
        #fpr('SPF record supplied by input is found! ')
        fpr('Policy origin: User input\n\n')
        if get_yesno_input(
                '  Run validation against supplied SPF record [y/N]: > '):
            fpr('Policy origin: INPUT\n\n')
            fpr('_' * (tc - 4))
            fpr.green('%s' % dd['policy'])
            fpr('_' * (tc - 4))
            fpr('Evaluating policy mechanism ..')
            spfmech(dd['policy'], q, 1)
    if True:
        fpr('Policy origin: DNS/TXT RR\n\n')
            txt = q.dns_spf(domain)
            if txt:
                fpr('_' * (tc - 4))
예제 #12
def chThrDep(t=None, rpm=None, mpt=None):

    #VERIFY:  In Python 2.x : int/int --> int and int/float --> float In Python 3.x : int/int can result in a float

    from core.data import smtp, fpr, tc, tr
    from core.func import waitin

    r = get_rcpts('NoR')

    #Warunki Konieczne - Essential Conditions
    # to met WK1, WK2, WK3
    if not t:
        t = smtp['replay']['threads'].get('not', None)
    elif t and not (1 <= int(t) <= r):
        if r > 1:
            t = r
        if r == 1:  #special case
    if t:
        smtp['replay']['threads']['not'] = int(t)

    if not rpm:
        rpm = smtp['replay']['threads'].get('rpm', None)
    elif rpm and not (1 <= int(rpm) <= r):
        rpm = int(r)
    if rpm:
        fpr.ok('Saving RpM as %s' % rpm)
        smtp['replay']['threads']['rpm'] = int(rpm)

    if not mpt:
        mpt = smtp['replay']['threads'].get('mpt', None)
    elif mpt and not (1 <= int(mpt) <= r):
        mpt = int(r)
    if mpt:
        fpr.ok('Saving MpT as %s' % mpt)
        smtp['replay']['threads']['mpt'] = int(mpt)

    if r:

        # specific feature: the result depends from number of recipients
        # -------------------------------------------------------------------- #
        if t and not rpm and not mpt:
            fpr.warn('%s : %s : %s - %s' % (t, rpm, mpt, r))
            # allow to set t if no rpm or mpt values and number of rcpt > 1
            # but t must be <= r, so if t greater then r => it will be equal to r
            if r > 1:
                smtp['replay']['threads']['not'] = int(t)
                fpr.ok('Saving NoT as %s' % t)
                return t

            # special case when r == 1 , not related to our Equation
            # for r = 1 allow to set T > 1 but do not allow than set rpm or mpt
            # in this special case the sam message is flooding a sepcific rcpt
            # with this smae message in multiple threads/connection !
            if r == 1:
                smtp['replay']['threads']['not'] = int(t)
                fpr.ok('Saving NoT as %s' % t)
                return t

        # set initial
        elif rpm and not t and not mpt:
            fpr.warn('%s : %s : %s - %s' % (t, rpm, mpt, r))
            if r > 1:
                smtp['replay']['threads']['rpm'] = int(rpm)
                #return rpm
                #return True
            if r == 1:
                fpr.warn('It doesn\'t make sense to define RpM when NoR = 1')
                return False
        elif mpt and not t and not rpm:
            fpr.warn('%s : %s : %s - %s' % (t, rpm, mpt, r))
            if r > 1:
                smtp['replay']['threads']['mpt'] = int(mpt)
                #return mpt
                #return True
            if r == 1:
                fpr.warn('It doesn\'t make sense to define MpT when NoR = 1')
                return False

        fpr.err('Recipients not defined. Build a list of recipients first.')
        fpr.err('Flush the values if the recipient list has been modified.')

    # Some maths :)
    # rpm - recipient per message
    # r - number of recipients (all)
    # m - number of messages (all)
    # rpm = r / m ==> m = r / rpm

    # mpt - messages per thread
    # t - number of threads
    # m - number of messages (all)
    # mpt = m / t ==> m = mpt * t

    # r / rpm = mpt * t
    # ==>   t = r / (rpm * mpt)
    # ==> rpm = r / (mpt * t)
    # ==> mpt = r / (rpm * t)

    fpr.info('_' * (tc - 4))
    fpr.warn('Your limits:')
    fpr.warn('t = %s : rpm = %s : mpt = %s - r = %s' %
                 'not', None), smtp['replay']['threads'].get('rpm', None),
              smtp['replay']['threads'].get('mpt', None), r))
    fpr.err('Maximum possible limits to met Essential Conditions:')
    fpr.err('t = %s : rpm = %s : mpt = %s - r = %s' % (t, rpm, mpt, r))
    fpr.info('_' * (tc - 4))


    def chEque():
        if r:

            # compare float
            # https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=840665
            def float_eq(a, b, epsilon=0.00000001):
                fpr.cyan('<float_eq> %s' % abs(a - b))
                if abs(a - b) < epsilon:
                    return True
                return False

            m1 = float(r) / rpm
            m2 = mpt * float(t)

            fpr.cyan('r/rpm = %s, mpt * t = %s' % (m1, m2))

            if float_eq(m1, m2):
                fpr.green('Equetion is met')
                return True
                fpr.err('Equetion is false')
                return False

    def setReals(t, rpm, mpt):

        if t and rpm and mpt:
            smtp['replay']['threads']['reals'].setdefault('not', t)
            smtp['replay']['threads']['reals'].setdefault('rpm', rpm)
            smtp['replay']['threads']['reals'].setdefault('mpt', mpt)

            smtp['replay']['threads']['reals']['not'] = t
            smtp['replay']['threads']['reals']['rpm'] = rpm
            smtp['replay']['threads']['reals']['mpt'] = mpt
            fpr.ok('Reals were set!')

    if r:

        # count the mpt - based on rpm and t
        # -------------------------------------------------------------------- #
        if t and rpm and not mpt:
            fpr.green('%s : %s : %s - %s' % (t, rpm, mpt, r))

            # m = r / rpm
            # mpt = m / t

            # I - validate MPT - MPT <= R
            mpt = float(r) / (rpm * t)
            fpr.green('counting mpt = %s' % mpt)


            # round up - if there is a remainder
            if (r % (rpm * t) > 0):
                mpt = r / (rpm * t) + (r % (rpm * t) > 0)
                fpr.green('rounding up mpt = %s' % mpt)

                # find the lowest T for rounded MpT to met RpM
                t_new = float(r) / (rpm * mpt)  #+ (r % (rpm * mpt) > 0)
                fpr.green('counting new t = %s' % t_new)

                if (r % (rpm * mpt) > 0):  # if remainder
                    t_new = r / (rpm * mpt) + (r % (rpm * mpt) > 0)
                    fpr.green('rounding up new t = %s' % t_new)

                    'realistic returns would be: *t = %s, rpm = %s, mpt = %s  for r = %s'
                    % (int(t_new), rpm, int(mpt), r))
                setReals(int(t_new), rpm, int(mpt))
                    'realistic returns would be: t = %s, rpm = %s, mpt = %s  for r = %s'
                    % (t, rpm, int(mpt), r))
                setReals(t, rpm, int(mpt))

        # count the rpm - for mpt and t
        # -------------------------------------------------------------------- #
        elif t and mpt and not rpm:
            fpr.blue('%s : %s : %s - %s' % (t, rpm, mpt, r))

            # m = mpt * t
            # m = r / rpm

            # TODO
            # WK: validate RPM , RPM <= R

            rpm = float(r) / (mpt * t)
            fpr.blue('counting: rpm = %s' % rpm)


            # if there is a remainder
            if (r % (mpt * t) > 0):
                rpm = r / (mpt * t) + (r % (mpt * t) > 0)
                fpr.blue('rounding up rpm = %s' % rpm)

                # find the lowest T for rounded MpT to met RpM
                t_new = float(r) / (rpm * mpt)  #+ (r % (rpm * mpt) > 0)
                fpr.green('counting new t = %s' % t_new)

                if (r % (rpm * mpt) > 0):  # if remainder
                    t_new = r / (rpm * mpt) + (r % (rpm * mpt) > 0)
                    fpr.green('rounding up new t = %s' % t_new)

                    'realistic returns would be: *t = %s, rpm = %s, mpt = %s  for r = %s'
                    % (int(t_new), int(rpm), mpt, r))
                setReals(int(t_new), int(rpm), mpt)

                    'realistic returns would be: t = %s, rpm = %s, mpt = %s  for r = %s'
                    % (t, int(rpm), mpt, r))
                setReals(t, int(rpm), mpt)

        # count the mpt ( use t = 1 )
        # -------------------------------------------------------------------- #
        elif rpm and not t and not mpt:
            t = 1
            fpr.purple('assuming t eq 1 for equation')
            fpr.purple('%s : %s : %s - %s' % (t, rpm, mpt, r))

            mpt = float(r) / rpm
            fpr.purple('counting: mpt = %s' % mpt)


            #if there is a remainder
            if (r % rpm > 0):

                mpt = r / rpm + (r % rpm > 0)
                fpr.purple('rounding up mpt = %s' % mpt)

                # find the lowest T for rounded MpT to met RpM
                t_new = float(r) / (rpm * mpt)  #+ (r % (rpm * mpt) > 0)
                fpr.green('counting new t = %s' % t_new)

                if (r % (rpm * mpt) > 0):  # if remainder
                    t_new = r / (rpm * mpt) + (r % (rpm * mpt) > 0)
                    fpr.green('rounding up new t = %s' % t_new)

                    'realistic returns would be: *t = %s, rpm = %s, mpt = %s  for r = %s'
                    % (int(t_new), rpm, mpt, r))
                setReals(int(t_new), rpm, mpt)

                    'realistic returns would be: t = %s, rpm = %s, mpt = %s  for r = %s'
                    % (t, rpm, int(mpt), r))
                setReals(t, rpm, int(mpt))

        # count the rpm ( use t = 1 )
        # -------------------------------------------------------------------- #
        elif mpt and not t and not rpm:
            t = 1
            fpr.purple('assuming t eq 1 for equation')
            fpr.purple('%s : %s : %s - %s' % (t, rpm, mpt, r))

            rpm = float(r) / mpt
            fpr.purple('counting: rpm = %s' % rpm)
            t = 1

            #if there is a remainder
            if (r % mpt > 0):

                rpm = r / mpt + (r % mpt > 0)
                fpr.purple('rounding up rpm = %s' % rpm)

                # find the lowest T for rounded MpT to met RpM
                t_new = float(r) / (rpm * mpt)  #+ (r % (rpm * mpt) > 0)
                fpr.green('counting new t = %s' % t_new)

                if (r % (rpm * mpt) > 0):  # if remainder
                    t_new = r / (rpm * mpt) + (r % (rpm * mpt) > 0)
                    fpr.green('rounding up new t = %s' % t_new)

                    'realistic returns would be: *t = %s, rpm = %s, mpt = %s  for r = %s'
                    % (int(t_new), int(rpm), mpt, r))
                setReals(int(t_new), int(rpm), mpt)

                    'realistic returns would be: t = %s, rpm = %s, mpt = %s  for r = %s'
                    % (t, int(rpm), mpt, r))
                setReals(t, int(rpm), mpt)

        # count t - for rpm and mpt
        # -------------------------------------------------------------------- #
        elif mpt and rpm and not t:
            fpr.white('%s : %s : %s - %s' % (t, rpm, mpt, r))
            print type(mpt)

            # add 1 to round up a result
            # (r % (rpm * mpt) > 0) it will return True which is 1
            # if there is a remainder and 0 if not
            t = float(r) / (rpm * mpt)  #+ (r % (rpm * mpt) > 0)

            fpr.white('counted: t = %s' % t)


            # round up
            if (r % (rpm * mpt) > 0):
                t = r / (rpm * mpt) + (r % (rpm * mpt) > 0)
                fpr.white('rounding up t = %s' % t)

            # validate WK
            # t = <1,r>
            # if t < 1
            if (float(r) / (rpm * mpt)) < 1:
                fpr.info('Now to met equetion for t=1 it is not possible for %s (R) recipients '\
                         'to send %s (MpT) messeges in one thread with %s (RpM) recipient in message' %

                fpr.info('New RpM value can be counted based on existing MpT or new MpT ' \
                         'value can be counted based on existing RpM' )
                fpr.info('For simplicity it is assumed that RpM limits is more important so MpT ' \
                         'is going to be recounted to met an equation')

                mpt_new = float(r) / rpm
                fpr.white('New MpT to met equetion is %s' % mpt_new)
                mpt = mpt_new


                # now just round up
                mpt_new = r / rpm + (r % rpm > 0)
                fpr.white('rounding up new mpt = %s' % mpt_new)

                    'realistic returns would be: t = %s, rpm = %s, *mpt = %s  for r = %s'
                    % (int(t), rpm, int(mpt_new), r))
                setReals(int(t), rpm, int(mpt_new))
                # so if t > 1 and it was counted
                    'realistic returns would be: t = %s, rpm = %s, mpt = %s  for r = %s'
                    % (int(t), rpm, int(mpt), r))
                setReals(int(t), rpm, int(mpt))

        # only true if r / rpm = mpt * t
        # -------------------------------------------------------------------- #
        elif t and rpm and mpt:
            fpr.cyan('%s : %s : %s - %s' % (t, rpm, mpt, r))
            if not chEque():
                fpr.info('_' * (tc - 4))
                fpr.warn('It is not recommended trying to set NoT with RpM and MpT.  ' \
                         'Suggested action would be to flush these values.' )
                fpr.info('_' * (tc - 4))
                return False
                    'realistic returns would be: t = %s, rpm = %s, mpt = %s  for r = %s'
                    % (t, rpm, mpt, r))
                setReals(t_new, rpm, mpt)

    # for test