예제 #1
    def _analyze_echo(self, mutant, response):
        Analyze results of the _send_mutant method that was sent in the _with_echo method.
        #   I will only report the vulnerability once.
        if self._has_no_bug(mutant):

            for file_pattern_match in self._multi_in.query(response.get_body()):

                if file_pattern_match not in mutant.get_original_response_body():
                    # Search for the correct command and separator
                    sentOs, sentSeparator = self._get_os_separator(mutant)

                    desc = 'OS Commanding was found at: %s' % mutant.found_at()
                    # Create the vuln obj
                    v = Vuln.from_mutant('OS commanding vulnerability', desc,
                                         severity.HIGH, response.id,
                                         self.get_name(), mutant)

                    v['os'] = sentOs
                    v['separator'] = sentSeparator
                    self.kb_append_uniq(self, 'os_commanding', v)
예제 #2
    def _with_time_delay(self, freq):
        Tests an URL for OS Commanding vulnerabilities using time delays.

        :param freq: A FuzzableRequest
        fake_mutants = create_mutants(freq, ['', ])

        for mutant in fake_mutants:

            if self._has_bug(mutant):

            for delay_obj in self._get_wait_commands():

                ed = ExactDelayController(mutant, delay_obj, self._uri_opener)
                success, responses = ed.delay_is_controlled()

                if success:
                    desc = 'OS Commanding was found at: %s' % mutant.found_at()
                    v = Vuln.from_mutant('OS commanding vulnerability', desc,
                                         severity.HIGH, [r.id for r in responses],
                                         self.get_name(), mutant)

                    v['os'] = delay_obj.get_OS()
                    v['separator'] = delay_obj.get_separator()

                    self.kb_append_uniq(self, 'os_commanding', v)
예제 #3
    def _with_time_delay(self, freq):
        Tests an URL for OS Commanding vulnerabilities using time delays.

        :param freq: A FuzzableRequest
        fake_mutants = create_mutants(freq, [

        for mutant in fake_mutants:

            if self._has_bug(mutant):

            for delay_obj in self._get_wait_commands():

                ed = ExactDelayController(mutant, delay_obj, self._uri_opener)
                success, responses = ed.delay_is_controlled()

                if success:
                    desc = 'OS Commanding was found at: %s' % mutant.found_at()

                    v = Vuln.from_mutant('OS commanding vulnerability', desc,
                                         [r.id for r in responses],
                                         self.get_name(), mutant)

                    v['os'] = delay_obj.get_OS()
                    v['separator'] = delay_obj.get_separator()

                    self.kb_append_uniq(self, 'os_commanding', v)
예제 #4
    def _confirm_file_upload(self, path, mutant, http_response):
        Confirms if the file was uploaded to path

        :param path: The URL where we suspect that a file was uploaded to.
        :param mutant: The mutant that originated the file on the remote end
        :param http_response: The HTTP response asociated with sending mutant
        get_response = self._uri_opener.GET(path, cache=False)

        if not is_404(get_response) and self._has_no_bug(mutant):
            # This is necessary, if I don't do this, the session
            # saver will break cause REAL file objects can't
            # be picked

            desc = "A file upload to a directory inside the webroot" " was found at: %s" % mutant.found_at()

            v = Vuln.from_mutant(
                "Insecure file upload",
                [http_response.id, get_response.id],

            v["file_dest"] = get_response.get_url()
            v["file_vars"] = mutant.get_file_vars()

            self.kb_append_uniq(self, "file_upload", v)
예제 #5
    def is_injectable(self, mutant):
        Check if this mutant is delay injectable or not.

        @mutant: The mutant object that I have to inject to
        :return: A vulnerability object or None if nothing is found
        for delay_obj in self._get_delays():

            ed = ExactDelayController(mutant, delay_obj, self._uri_opener)
            success, responses = ed.delay_is_controlled()

            if success:
                # Now I can be sure that I found a vuln, we control the response
                # time with the delay
                desc = "Blind SQL injection using time delays was found at: %s"
                desc = desc % mutant.found_at()

                response_ids = [r.id for r in responses]

                v = Vuln.from_mutant(
                    "Blind SQL injection vulnerability", desc, severity.HIGH, response_ids, "blind_sqli", mutant


                return v

        return None
예제 #6
    def _analyze_result(self, mutant, response):
        Analyze results of the _send_mutant method.
        #   I will only report the vulnerability once.
        if self._has_no_bug(mutant):

            if self._header_was_injected(mutant, response):
                desc = 'Response splitting was found at: %s' % mutant.found_at()
                v = Vuln.from_mutant('Response splitting vulnerability', desc,
                                     severity.MEDIUM, response.id,
                                     self.get_name(), mutant)

                self.kb_append_uniq(self, 'response_splitting', v)
            # When trying to send a response splitting to php 5.1.2 I get :
            # Header may not contain more than a single header, new line detected
            for error in self.HEADER_ERRORS:

                if error in response:
                    desc = 'The variable "%s" at URL "%s" modifies the HTTP'\
                           ' response headers, but this error was sent while'\
                           ' testing for response splitting: "%s".'
                    desc = desc % (mutant.get_var(), mutant.get_url(), error)
                    i = Info.from_mutant('Parameter modifies response headers',
                                         desc, response.id, self.get_name(),
                    self.kb_append_uniq(self, 'response_splitting', i)

예제 #7
 def _report_vuln(self, mutant, response, mod_value):
     Create a Vuln object and store it in the KB.
     :return: None
     csp_protects = site_protected_against_xss_by_csp(response)
     vuln_severity = severity.LOW if csp_protects else severity.MEDIUM
     desc = 'A Cross Site Scripting vulnerability was found at: %s'
     desc = desc % mutant.found_at()
     if csp_protects:
         desc += 'The risk associated with this vulnerability was lowered'\
                 ' because the site correctly implements CSP. The'\
                 ' vulnerability is still a risk for the application since'\
                 ' only the latest versions of some browsers implement CSP'\
                 ' checking.'
     v = Vuln.from_mutant('Cross site scripting vulnerability', desc,
                          vuln_severity, response.id, self.get_name(),
     self.kb_append_uniq(self, 'xss', v)
예제 #8
파일: file_upload.py 프로젝트: weisst/w3af
    def _confirm_file_upload(self, path, mutant, http_response):
        Confirms if the file was uploaded to path

        :param path: The URL where we suspect that a file was uploaded to.
        :param mutant: The mutant that originated the file on the remote end
        :param http_response: The HTTP response asociated with sending mutant
        get_response = self._uri_opener.GET(path, cache=False)

        if not is_404(get_response) and self._has_no_bug(mutant):
            # This is necessary, if I don't do this, the session
            # saver will break cause REAL file objects can't
            # be picked

            desc = 'A file upload to a directory inside the webroot' \
                   ' was found at: %s' % mutant.found_at()

            v = Vuln.from_mutant('Insecure file upload', desc, severity.HIGH,
                                 [http_response.id, get_response.id],
                                 self.get_name(), mutant)

            v['file_dest'] = get_response.get_url()
            v['file_vars'] = mutant.get_file_vars()

            self.kb_append_uniq(self, 'file_upload', v)
예제 #9
    def _analyze_result(self, mutant, response):
        Analyze results of the _send_mutant method.
        if self._has_bug(mutant):
        dom = response.get_dom()

        if response.is_text_or_html() and dom is not None:

            elem_list = self._tag_xpath(dom)

            for element in elem_list:

                if 'src' not in element.attrib:
                    return []

                src_attr = element.attrib['src']

                for url in self._test_urls:
                    if src_attr.startswith(url):
                        # Vuln vuln!
                        desc = 'A phishing vector was found at: %s'
                        desc = desc % mutant.found_at()
                        v = Vuln.from_mutant('Phishing vector', desc,
                                             severity.LOW, response.id,
                                             self.get_name(), mutant)
                        self.kb_append_uniq(self, 'phishing_vector', v)
예제 #10
파일: redos.py 프로젝트: Adastra-thw/w3af
    def audit(self, freq, orig_response):
        Tests an URL for ReDoS vulnerabilities using time delays.

        :param freq: A FuzzableRequest
        if self.ignore_this_request(freq):

        fake_mutants = create_mutants(freq, ['', ])

        for mutant in fake_mutants:
            for delay_obj in self.get_delays():
                adc = AproxDelayController(mutant, delay_obj, self._uri_opener,
                success, responses = adc.delay_is_controlled()
                if success:
                    # Now I can be sure that I found a vuln, we control the
                    # response time with the delay
                    desc = 'ReDoS was found at: %s' % mutant.found_at()
                    response_ids = [r.id for r in responses]
                    v = Vuln.from_mutant('ReDoS vulnerability', desc,
                                         severity.MEDIUM, response_ids,
                                         self.get_name(), mutant)
                    self.kb_append_uniq(self, 'redos', v)
예제 #11
    def test_from_mutant(self):
        dc = DataContainer()
        url = URL('http://moth/')
        payloads = ['abc', 'def']

        dc['a'] = ['1', ]
        dc['b'] = ['2', ]
        freq = FuzzableRequest(url, dc=dc)
        fuzzer_config = {}
        created_mutants = Mutant.create_mutants(freq, payloads, [], False,
        mutant = created_mutants[0]
        inst = Vuln.from_mutant('TestCase', 'desc' * 30, 'High', 1,
                                'plugin_name', mutant)
        self.assertIsInstance(inst, Vuln)
        self.assertEqual(inst.get_uri(), mutant.get_uri())
        self.assertEqual(inst.get_url(), mutant.get_url())
        self.assertEqual(inst.get_method(), mutant.get_method())
        self.assertEqual(inst.get_dc(), mutant.get_dc())
        self.assertEqual(inst.get_var(), mutant.get_var())
예제 #12
파일: rfi.py 프로젝트: Adastra-thw/w3af
    def _analyze_result(self, rfi_data, mutant, response):
        Analyze results of the _send_mutant method.
        if rfi_data.rfi_result in response:
            desc = 'A remote file inclusion vulnerability that allows remote' \
                  ' code execution was found at: %s' % mutant.found_at()
            v = Vuln.from_mutant('Remote code execution', desc,
                                 severity.HIGH, response.id, self.get_name(),


        elif rfi_data.rfi_result_part_1 in response \
        and rfi_data.rfi_result_part_2 in response:
            # This means that both parts ARE in the response body but the
            # rfi_data.rfi_result is NOT in it. In other words, the remote
            # content was embedded but not executed
            desc = 'A remote file inclusion vulnerability without code' \
                  ' execution was found at: %s' % mutant.found_at()
            v = Vuln.from_mutant('Remote file inclusion', desc,
                                 severity.MEDIUM, response.id, self.get_name(),


            #   Analyze some errors that indicate that there is a RFI but
            #   with some "configuration problems"
            for error in self.RFI_ERRORS:
                if error in response and not error in mutant.get_original_response_body():
                    desc = 'A potential remote file inclusion vulnerability' \
                           ' was identified by the means of application error' \
                           '  messages at: %s' % mutant.found_at()
                    v = Vuln.from_mutant('Potential remote file inclusion',
                                         desc, severity.LOW, response.id,
                                         self.get_name(), mutant)

예제 #13
    def _analyze_result(self, mutant, response):
        Analyze results of the _send_mutant method.
        if self._find_redirect(response):
            desc = 'Global redirect was found at: ' + mutant.found_at()
            v = Vuln.from_mutant('Insecure redirection', desc, severity.MEDIUM,
                                 response.id, self.get_name(), mutant)

            self.kb_append_uniq(self, 'global_redirect', v)
예제 #14
 def _analyze_result(self, mutant, response):
     Analyze results of the _send_mutant method.
     for error_str in self._multi_in.query(response.body):
         # And not in the original response
         if error_str not in mutant.get_original_response_body() and \
             desc = 'A potential buffer overflow (accurate detection is' \
                    ' hard...) was found at: %s' % mutant.found_at()
             v = Vuln.from_mutant('Buffer overflow vulnerability', desc,
                                  severity.MEDIUM, response.id,
                                  self.get_name(), mutant)
             self.kb_append_uniq(self, 'buffer_overflow', v)
예제 #15
파일: ssi.py 프로젝트: Adastra-thw/w3af
    def _analyze_result(self, mutant, response):
        Analyze the result of the previously sent request.
        :return: None, save the vuln to the kb.
        if self._has_no_bug(mutant):
            e_res = self._extract_result_from_payload(mutant.get_mod_value())
            if e_res in response and not e_res in mutant.get_original_response_body():
                desc = 'Server side include (SSI) was found at: %s'
                desc = desc % mutant.found_at()
                v = Vuln.from_mutant('Server side include vulnerability', desc,
                                     severity.HIGH, response.id, self.get_name(),

                self.kb_append_uniq(self, 'ssi', v)
예제 #16
파일: eval.py 프로젝트: Adastra-thw/w3af
    def _analyze_echo(self, mutant, response):
        Analyze results of the _send_mutant method that was sent in the
        _fuzz_with_echo method.
        eval_error_list = self._find_eval_result(response)
        for eval_error in eval_error_list:
            if not re.search(eval_error,
                             mutant.get_original_response_body(), re.I):

                desc = 'eval() input injection was found at: %s'
                desc = desc % mutant.found_at()

                v = Vuln.from_mutant('eval() input injection vulnerability',
                                     desc, severity.HIGH, response.id,
                                     self.get_name(), mutant)

                self.kb_append_uniq(self, 'eval', v)
예제 #17
파일: ssi.py 프로젝트: Adastra-thw/w3af
        def analyze_persistent(freq, response):

            for matched_expected_result in multi_in_inst.query(response.get_body()):
                # We found one of the expected results, now we search the
                # self._persistent_data to find which of the mutants sent it
                # and create the vulnerability
                mutant = self._expected_res_mutant[matched_expected_result]
                desc = 'Server side include (SSI) was found at: %s' \
                       ' The result of that injection is shown by browsing'\
                       ' to "%s".' 
                desc = desc % (mutant.found_at(), freq.get_url())
                v = Vuln.from_mutant('Persistent server side include vulnerability',
                                     desc, severity.HIGH, response.id,
                                     self.get_name(), mutant)
                self.kb_append(self, 'ssi', v)
예제 #18
    def _analyze_result(self, mutant, response):
        Analyze results of the _send_mutant method.
        # I will only report the vulnerability once.
        if self._has_no_bug(mutant):

            mx_error_list = self._multi_in.query(response.body)
            for mx_error in mx_error_list:
                if mx_error not in mutant.get_original_response_body():
                    desc = 'MX injection was found at: %s' % mutant.found_at()
                    v = Vuln.from_mutant('MX injection vulnerability', desc,
                                         severity.MEDIUM, response.id,
                                         self.get_name(), mutant)
                    self.kb_append_uniq(self, 'mx_injection', v)
예제 #19
파일: xpath.py 프로젝트: Adastra-thw/w3af
    def _analyze_result(self, mutant, response):
        Analyze results of the _send_mutant method.
        #   I will only report the vulnerability once.
        if self._has_no_bug(mutant):

            xpath_error_list = self._find_xpath_error(response)
            for xpath_error in xpath_error_list:
                if xpath_error not in mutant.get_original_response_body():
                    desc = 'XPATH injection was found at: %s' % mutant.found_at()
                    v = Vuln.from_mutant('XPATH injection vulnerability', desc,
                                         severity.MEDIUM, response.id,
                                         self.get_name(), mutant)
                    self.kb_append_uniq(self, 'xpath', v)
예제 #20
파일: generic.py 프로젝트: Adastra-thw/w3af
    def end(self):
        This method is called when the plugin wont be used anymore.
        all_vulns_and_infos = kb.kb.get_all_vulns()

        for url, variable, mutant, id_list in self._potential_vulns:
            for info in all_vulns_and_infos:
                if info.get_var() == variable and info.get_url() == url:
                desc = 'An unidentified vulnerability was found at: %s'
                desc = desc % mutant.found_at()
                v = Vuln.from_mutant('Unidentified vulnerability', desc,
                                     severity.MEDIUM, id_list, self.get_name(),
                self.kb_append_uniq(self, 'generic', v)
예제 #21
    def _analyze_result(self, mutant, response):
        Analyze results of the _send_mutant method.
        #   I will only report the vulnerability once.
        if self._has_no_bug(mutant):

            for preg_error_string in self._find_preg_error(response):
                if preg_error_string not in mutant.get_original_response_body():
                    desc = 'Unsafe usage of preg_replace was found at: %s'
                    desc = desc % mutant.found_at()
                    v = Vuln.from_mutant('Unsafe preg_replace usage', desc,
                                         severity.HIGH, response.id,
                                         self.get_name(), mutant)

                    self.kb_append_uniq(self, 'preg_replace', v)
예제 #22
파일: ldapi.py 프로젝트: Adastra-thw/w3af
    def _analyze_result(self, mutant, response):
        Analyze results of the _send_mutant method.
        #   I will only report the vulnerability once.
        if self._has_no_bug(mutant):

            ldap_error_list = self._find_ldap_error(response)
            for ldap_error_string in ldap_error_list:
                if ldap_error_string not in mutant.get_original_response_body():
                    desc = 'LDAP injection was found at: %s' % mutant.found_at()
                    v = Vuln.from_mutant('LDAP injection vulnerability', desc,
                                         severity.HIGH, response.id,
                                         self.get_name(), mutant)
                    self.kb_append_uniq(self, 'ldapi', v)
예제 #23
파일: sqli.py 프로젝트: Adastra-thw/w3af
    def _analyze_result(self, mutant, response):
        Analyze results of the _send_mutant method.
        sql_error_list = self._findsql_error(response)
        orig_resp_body = mutant.get_original_response_body()

        for sql_regex, sql_error_string, dbms_type in sql_error_list:
            if not sql_regex.search(orig_resp_body):
                if self._has_no_bug(mutant):
                    # Create the vuln,
                    desc = 'SQL injection in a %s was found at: %s'
                    desc = desc % (dbms_type, mutant.found_at())
                    v = Vuln.from_mutant('SQL injection', desc, severity.HIGH,
                                         response.id, self.get_name(), mutant)

                    v['error'] = sql_error_string
                    v['db'] = dbms_type
                    self.kb_append_uniq(self, 'sqli', v)
예제 #24
    def _report_persistent_vuln(self, mutant, response, mutant_response_id,
                                mod_value, fuzzable_request):
        Report a persistent XSS vulnerability to the core.
        :return: None, a vulnerability is saved in the KB.
        response_ids = [response.id, mutant_response_id]
        name = 'Persistent Cross-Site Scripting vulnerability'
        desc = 'A persistent Cross Site Scripting vulnerability'\
               ' was found by sending "%s" to the "%s" parameter'\
               ' at %s, which is echoed when browsing to %s.'
        desc = desc % (mod_value, mutant.get_var(), mutant.get_url(),
        csp_protects = site_protected_against_xss_by_csp(response)
        vuln_severity = severity.MEDIUM if csp_protects else severity.HIGH
        if csp_protects:
            desc += 'The risk associated with this vulnerability was lowered'\
                    ' because the site correctly implements CSP. The'\
                    ' vulnerability is still a risk for the application since'\
                    ' only the latest versions of some browsers implement CSP'\
                    ' checking.'
        v = Vuln.from_mutant(name, desc, vuln_severity,
                             response_ids, self.get_name(),
        v['persistent'] = True
        v['write_payload'] = mutant
        v['read_payload'] = fuzzable_request

        self.kb_append_uniq(self, 'xss', v)
예제 #25
파일: eval.py 프로젝트: Adastra-thw/w3af
    def _test_delay(self, mutant):
        Try to delay the response and save a vulnerability if successful
        if self._has_bug(mutant):

        for delay_obj in self.WAIT_OBJ:

            ed_inst = ExactDelayController(mutant, delay_obj, self._uri_opener)
            success, responses = ed_inst.delay_is_controlled()

            if success:
                desc = 'eval() input injection was found at: %s'
                desc = desc % mutant.found_at()
                response_ids = [r.id for r in responses]
                v = Vuln.from_mutant('eval() input injection vulnerability',
                                     desc, severity.HIGH, response_ids,
                                     self.get_name(), mutant)

                self.kb_append_uniq(self, 'eval', v)
예제 #26
    def _find_bsql(self, mutant, statement_tuple, statement_type):
        Is the main algorithm for finding blind SQL injections.

        :return: A vulnerability object or None if nothing is found
        true_statement = statement_tuple[0]
        false_statement = statement_tuple[1]

        _, body_true_response = self.send_clean(mutant)

        _, body_false_response = self.send_clean(mutant)

        if body_true_response == body_false_response:
            #    There is NO CHANGE between the true and false responses.
            #    NO WAY I'm going to detect a blind SQL injection using
            #    response diffs in this case.
            return None

        compare_diff = False

        om.out.debug('Comparing body_true_response and body_false_response.')
        if self.equal_with_limit(body_true_response, body_false_response,
            #    They might be equal because of various reasons, in the best
            #    case scenario there IS a blind SQL injection but the % of the
            #    HTTP response body controlled by it is so small that the equal
            #    ratio is not catching it.
            compare_diff = True

        syntax_error = "d'z'0"
        syntax_error_response, body_syntax_error_response = self.send_clean(

            'Comparing body_true_response and body_syntax_error_response.')
        if self.equal_with_limit(body_true_response,
            return None
        # Verify the injection!
        statements = self._get_statements(mutant)
        second_true_stm = statements[statement_type][0]
        second_false_stm = statements[statement_type][1]

        second_true_response, body_second_true_response = self.send_clean(

        second_false_response, body_second_false_response = self.send_clean(mutant)

            'Comparing body_second_true_response and body_true_response.')
        if not self.equal_with_limit(body_second_true_response,
            return None
        self.debug('Comparing body_second_false_response and body_false_response.')
        if self.equal_with_limit(body_second_false_response,
            response_ids = [second_false_response.id,
            desc = 'Blind SQL injection was found at: "%s", using'\
                   ' HTTP method %s. The injectable parameter is: "%s"'
            desc = desc % (mutant.get_url(),
            v = Vuln.from_mutant('Blind SQL injection vulnerability', desc,
                                 severity.HIGH, response_ids, 'blind_sqli',

            v['type'] = statement_type
            v['true_html'] = second_true_response.get_body()
            v['false_html'] = second_false_response.get_body()
            v['error_html'] = syntax_error_response.get_body()
            return v

        return None
예제 #27
파일: lfi.py 프로젝트: Adastra-thw/w3af
    def _analyze_result(self, mutant, response):
        Analyze results of the _send_mutant method.
        Try to find the local file inclusions.
        # I analyze the response searching for a specific PHP error string
        # that tells me that open_basedir is enabled, and our request triggered
        # the restriction. If open_basedir is in use, it makes no sense to keep
        # trying to read "/etc/passwd", that is why this variable is used to
        # determine which tests to send if it was possible to detect the usage
        # of this security feature.
        if not self._open_basedir:
            basedir_warning = 'open_basedir restriction in effect'
            if basedir_warning in response and \
            basedir_warning not in mutant.get_original_response_body():
                self._open_basedir = True

        #   I will only report the vulnerability once.
        if self._has_bug(mutant):

        #   Identify the vulnerability
        file_content_list = self._find_file(response)
        for file_pattern_match in file_content_list:
            if file_pattern_match not in mutant.get_original_response_body():
                desc = 'Local File Inclusion was found at: %s'
                desc = desc % mutant.found_at()
                v = Vuln.from_mutant('Local file inclusion vulnerability',
                                     desc, severity.MEDIUM, response.id,
                                     self.get_name(), mutant)

                v['file_pattern'] = file_pattern_match
                self.kb_append_uniq(self, 'lfi', v)

        #   If the vulnerability could not be identified by matching strings that commonly
        #   appear in "/etc/passwd", then I'll check one more thing...
        #   (note that this is run if no vulns were identified)
        #   http://host.tld/show_user.php?id=show_user.php
        if mutant.get_mod_value() == mutant.get_url().get_file_name():
            match, lang = is_source_file(response.get_body())
            if match:
                # We were able to read the source code of the file that is
                # vulnerable to local file read
                desc = 'An arbitrary local file read vulnerability was'\
                       ' found at: %s' % mutant.found_at()
                v = Vuln.from_mutant('Local file inclusion vulnerability',
                                     desc, severity.MEDIUM, response.id,
                                     self.get_name(), mutant)

                #    Set which part of the source code to match
                match_source_code = match.group(0)
                v['file_pattern'] = match_source_code

                self.kb_append_uniq(self, 'lfi', v)

        #   Check for interesting errors (note that this is run if no vulns were
        #   identified)
        for regex in self.get_include_errors():

            match = regex.search(response.get_body())

            if match and not regex.search(mutant.get_original_response_body()):
                desc = 'A file read error was found at: %s'
                desc = desc % mutant.found_at()
                i = Info.from_mutant('File read error', desc, response.id,
                                     self.get_name(), mutant)
                self.kb_append_uniq(self, 'error', i)