예제 #1
    def test_add_HTTPQSRequest(self):
        ds = disk_set()
        uri = url_object('http://w3af.org/?id=2')
        qsr1 = HTTPQSRequest(uri, method='GET', headers={'Referer': 'http://w3af.org/'})

        uri = url_object('http://w3af.org/?id=3')
        qsr2 = HTTPQSRequest(uri, method='GET', headers={'Referer': 'http://w3af.com/'})
        uri = url_object('http://w3af.org/?id=7')
        qsr3 = HTTPQSRequest(uri, method='FOO', headers={'Referer': 'http://w3af.com/'})
        ds.add( qsr1 )
        ds.add( qsr2 )
        ds.add( qsr2 )
        ds.add( qsr1 )
        self.assertEqual( ds[0] , qsr1)
        self.assertEqual( ds[1] , qsr2)
        self.assertFalse( qsr3 in ds )
        self.assertTrue( qsr2 in ds )
        self.assertEqual( len(ds) , 2)
        # This forces an internal change in the URL object
        self.assertTrue( qsr2 in ds )
예제 #2
    def fastExploit( self ):
        Exploits a web app with [blind] sql injections vulns.
        The options are configured using the plugin options and setOptions() method.
        om.out.debug( 'Starting sql_webshell fastExploit.' )
        if any(
             lambda attr: attr is None,
             (self._url, self._method, self._data, self._injvar)
            raise w3afException('You have to configure the plugin parameters')
            if self._method == 'POST':
                freq = httpPostDataRequest(self._url)
            elif self._method == 'GET':
                freq = HTTPQSRequest(self._url)
                raise w3afException('Method not supported.')

            bsql = blind_sqli_response_diff(self._uri_opener)
            fake_mutants = createMutants(freq, [''], fuzzableParamList=[self._injvar,])
            for mutant in fake_mutants:            
                vuln_obj = bsql.is_injectable(mutant)
                if vuln_obj is not None:
                    om.out.console('SQL injection verified, trying to create the DB driver.')
                    # Try to get a shell using all vuln
                    msg = 'Trying to exploit using vulnerability with id: ' + str(vuln_obj.getId())
                    msg += '. Please wait...'
                    shell_obj = self._generateShell(vuln_obj)
                    if shell_obj is not None:
                        kb.kb.append(self, 'shell', shell_obj)
                        return [shell_obj, ]
                raise w3afException('No exploitable vulnerabilities found.')