def findvideos(item): itemlist = [] templist = [] video_list = [] data = httptools.downloadpage(item.url).data data = re.sub(r'"|\n|\r|\t| |<br>|\s{2,}', "", data) patron = '<li data-quality=(.*?) data-lang=(.*?)><a href=(.*?) title=.*?' matches = matches = re.compile(patron, re.DOTALL).findall(data) for quality, lang, scrapedurl in matches: url = host + scrapedurl title = item.title + ' (' + lang + ') (' + quality + ')' templist.append(item.clone(title=title, language=lang, url=url)) for videoitem in templist: data = httptools.downloadpage(videoitem.url).data urls_list = scrapertools.find_single_match( data, 'var.*?_SOURCE\s+=\s+\[(.*?)\]') urls_list = urls_list.split("},") for element in urls_list: if not element.endswith('}'): element = element + '}' json_data = jsontools.load(element) if 'id' in json_data: id = json_data['id'] sub = '' if 'srt' in json_data: sub = json_data['srt'] url = json_data['source'].replace('\\', '') server = json_data['server'] quality = json_data['quality'] if 'http' not in url: new_url = '' \ '=%s&srt=%s' % (url, sub) data = httptools.downloadpage(new_url).data data = re.sub(r'\\', "", data) video_list.extend(servertools.find_video_items(data=data)) for urls in video_list: if urls.language == '': urls.language = videoitem.language urls.title = item.title + urls.language + '(%s)' for video_url in video_list: = video_url.action = 'play' video_url.quality = quality video_url.server = "" video_url.infoLabels = item.infoLabels else: title = '%s [%s]' % (server, quality) video_list.append( item.clone(title=title, url=url, action='play', quality=quality, server=server, subtitle=sub)) tmdb.set_infoLabels(video_list) if config.get_videolibrary_support( ) and len(video_list) > 0 and item.extra != 'findvideos': video_list.append( Item(, title= '[COLOR yellow]Añadir esta pelicula a la videoteca[/COLOR]', url=item.url, action="add_pelicula_to_library", extra="findvideos", contentTitle=item.contentTitle)) return video_list
def listado(item): itemlist = [] item.category = categoria #logger.debug(item) curr_page = 1 # Página inicial last_page = 99999 # Última página inicial last_title = 99999 # Última línea inicial cnt_matches = 0 # Contador de líneas insertadas en Itemlist if item.curr_page: curr_page = int( item.curr_page) # Si viene de una pasada anterior, lo usamos del item.curr_page # ... y lo borramos if item.last_page: last_page = int( item.last_page) # Si viene de una pasada anterior, lo usamos del item.last_page # ... y lo borramos if item.cnt_matches: cnt_matches = int( item.cnt_matches) # Si viene de una pasada anterior, lo usamos item.cnt_matches = 0 del item.cnt_matches # ... y lo borramos cnt_tot = 40 # Poner el num. máximo de items por página cnt_pct = 0.625 #% de la página a llenar cnt_title = 0 # Contador de líneas insertadas en Itemlist inicio = time.time( ) # Controlaremos que el proceso no exceda de un tiempo razonable fin = inicio + 10 # Después de este tiempo pintamos (segundos) timeout_search = timeout # Timeout para descargas if item.extra == 'search': timeout_search = timeout * 2 # Timeout un poco más largo para las búsquedas if timeout_search < 5: timeout_search = 5 # Timeout un poco más largo para las búsquedas item.tmdb_stat = True # Este canal no es ambiguo en los títulos #Sistema de paginado para evitar páginas vacías o semi-vacías en casos de búsquedas con series con muchos episodios title_lista = [ ] # Guarda la lista de series que ya están en Itemlist, para no duplicar lineas if item.title_lista: # Si viene de una pasada anterior, la lista ya estará guardada title_lista.extend( item.title_lista) # Se usa la lista de páginas anteriores en Item del item.title_lista # ... limpiamos if not item.extra2: # Si viene de Catálogo o de Alfabeto item.extra2 = '' next_page_url = item.url #Máximo num. de líneas permitidas por TMDB. Máx de 10 segundos por Itemlist para no degradar el rendimiento while cnt_title < cnt_tot * cnt_pct and cnt_matches + 1 < last_title and fin > time.time( ): # Descarga la página data = '' try: data = httptools.downloadpage(next_page_url, timeout=timeout_search).data data = unicode(data, "utf-8", errors="replace").encode("utf-8") pos = data.find('[') if pos > 0: data = data[pos:] except: pass if not data: #Si la web está caída salimos sin dar error logger.error( "ERROR 01: LISTADO: La Web no responde o ha cambiado de URL: " + item.url + " / DATA: " + data) itemlist.append( item.clone( action='', + ': ERROR 01: LISTADO:. La Web no responde o ha cambiado de URL. Si la Web está activa, reportar el error con el log' )) break #si no hay más datos, algo no funciona, pintamos lo que tenemos matches = jsontools.load(data) #cargamos lo datos como dict. if not matches and data[1] != ']': #error item = generictools.web_intervenida( item, data) #Verificamos que no haya sido clausurada if item.intervencion: #Sí ha sido clausurada judicialmente item, itemlist = generictools.post_tmdb_episodios( item, itemlist) #Llamamos al método para el pintado del error return itemlist #Salimos logger.error( "ERROR 02: LISTADO: Ha cambiado la estructura de la Web " + data) itemlist.append( item.clone( action='', + ': ERROR 02: LISTADO: Ha cambiado la estructura de la Web. Reportar el error con el log' )) return itemlist #si no hay más datos, algo no funciona, pintamos lo que tenemos last_title = len(matches) #Tamaño de total matches matches = matches[cnt_matches:] #avanzamos hasta la página actual #logger.debug(matches) #logger.debug(data) if last_page == 99999: #Si es el valor inicial, cargamos el num. de items last_page = int((last_title / (cnt_tot * cnt_pct))) curr_page = 1 #Empezamos el procesado de matches for titulo in matches: cnt_title += 1 #Sumamos 1 a los títulos tratados if cnt_title > cnt_tot * cnt_pct: cnt_title += last_title break cnt_matches += 1 #Sumamos 1 a total títulos tratados title = titulo.get("nom", "") #nombre del título title = title.replace("á", "a").replace("é", "e").replace( "í", "i").replace("ó", "o").replace("ú", "u").replace( "ü", "u").replace("�", "ñ").replace("ñ", "ñ").replace( "ã", "a").replace("&etilde;", "e").replace( "ĩ", "i").replace("õ", "o").replace( "ũ", "u").replace("ñ", "ñ").replace("’", "'") item_local = item.clone() #Creamos copia de Item para trabajar if item_local.tipo: #... y limpiamos del item_local.tipo if item_local.totalItems: del item_local.totalItems if item_local.post_num: del item_local.post_num if item_local.intervencion: del item_local.intervencion if item_local.viewmode: del item_local.viewmode item_local.text_bold = True del item_local.text_bold item_local.text_color = True del item_local.text_color if titulo.get("posterurl", ""): item_local.thumbnail = "" % titulo.get( "posterurl", "") #thumb if titulo.get("backurl", ""): item_local.fanart = "" % titulo.get( "backurl", "") #Fanart url = titulo.get("magnets", {}) #magnet de diversas calidades year = titulo.get("year", "") #año if titulo.get("id", ""): item_local.infoLabels["tmdb_id"] = titulo.get("id", "") #TMDB id title_subs = [] #creamos una lista para guardar info importante item_local.language = [] #iniciamos Lenguaje item_local.quality = '' #inicialmos la calidad item_local.context = "['buscar_trailer']" item_local.contentType = "movie" #por defecto, son películas item_local.action = "findvideos" #Analizamos los formatos de series if item_local.extra == 'series': item_local.contentType = "tvshow" item_local.action = "episodios" item_local.season_colapse = True #Muestra las series agrupadas por temporadas item_local.url = "%s?id=%s" % (api_temp, titulo.get( "id", "")) #Salvamos la url special para series #Revisamos para peliculas todos los magnets, extrayendo dirección y calidad if item_local.contentType == "movie": item_local.url = [] #iniciamos dict. de magnets for etiqueta, magnet in titulo.get("magnets", {}).iteritems(): if magnet.get("magnet"): #buscamos los magnets activos url = magnet.get("magnet") #salvamos el magnet quality = magnet.get( "quality", "") #salvamos la calidad del magnet item_local.url += [ (url, quality) ] #guardamos todo como url para findvideos item_local.quality += "%s, " % quality.strip( ) #agregamos a la calidad del título item_local.quality = re.sub(r', $', '', item_local.quality) if not item_local.url: #si no hay magnets, no seguimos continue if item_local.language == []: item_local.language = ['CAST'] #Detectamos info interesante a guardar para después de TMDB if scrapertools.find_single_match(title, '[m|M].*?serie'): title = re.sub(r'[m|M]iniserie', '', title) title_subs += ["Miniserie"] if scrapertools.find_single_match(title, '[s|S]aga'): title = re.sub(r'[s|S]aga', '', title) title_subs += ["Saga"] if scrapertools.find_single_match(title, '[c|C]olecc'): title = re.sub(r'[c|C]olecc...', '', title) title_subs += ["Colección"] if "duolog" in title.lower(): title_subs += ["[Saga]"] title = title.replace(" Duologia", "").replace( " duologia", "").replace(" Duolog", "").replace(" duolog", "") if "trilog" in title.lower(): title_subs += ["[Saga]"] title = title.replace(" Trilogia", "").replace( " trilogia", "").replace(" Trilog", "").replace(" trilog", "") if "extendida" in title.lower() or "v.e." in title.lower( ) or "v e " in title.lower(): title_subs += ["[V. Extendida]"] title = title.replace("Version Extendida", "").replace( "(Version Extendida)", "").replace("V. Extendida", "").replace("VExtendida", "").replace( "V Extendida", "").replace("V.Extendida", "").replace( "V Extendida", "").replace("V.E.", "").replace( "V E ", "").replace("V:Extendida", "") #Analizamos el año. Si no está claro ponemos '-' try: yeat_int = int(year) if yeat_int >= 1950 and yeat_int <= 2040: item_local.infoLabels["year"] = yeat_int else: item_local.infoLabels["year"] = '-' except: item_local.infoLabels["year"] = '-' #Empezamos a limpiar el título en varias pasadas title = re.sub(r'[s|S]erie', '', title) title = re.sub(r'- $', '', title) #Limpiamos el título de la basura innecesaria title = re.sub( r'TV|Online|Spanish|Torrent|en Espa\xc3\xb1ol|Español|Latino|Subtitulado|Blurayrip|Bluray rip|\[.*?\]|R2 Pal|\xe3\x80\x90 Descargar Torrent \xe3\x80\x91|Completa|Temporada|Descargar|Torren', '', title, flags=re.IGNORECASE) #Terminamos de limpiar el título title = re.sub(r'\??\s?\d*?\&.*', '', title) title = re.sub(r'[\(|\[]\s+[\)|\]]', '', title) title = title.replace('()', '').replace('[]', '').strip().lower().title() item_local.from_title = title.strip().lower().title( ) #Guardamos esta etiqueta para posible desambiguación de título #Salvamos el título según el tipo de contenido if item_local.contentType == "movie": item_local.contentTitle = title.strip().lower().title() else: item_local.contentSerieName = title.strip().lower().title() item_local.title = title.strip().lower().title() #Guarda la variable temporal que almacena la info adicional del título a ser restaurada después de TMDB item_local.title_subs = title_subs #Ahora se filtra por idioma, si procede, y se pinta lo que vale if config.get_setting( 'filter_languages', channel) > 0: #Si hay idioma seleccionado, se filtra itemlist = filtertools.get_link(itemlist, item_local, list_language) else: itemlist.append(item_local.clone()) #Si no, pintar pantalla #logger.debug(item_local) #Pasamos a TMDB la lista completa Itemlist tmdb.set_infoLabels(itemlist, __modo_grafico__) #Llamamos al método para el maquillaje de los títulos obtenidos desde TMDB item, itemlist = generictools.post_tmdb_listado(item, itemlist) # Si es necesario añadir paginacion if cnt_title >= cnt_tot * cnt_pct: title = '%s' % curr_page if cnt_matches + 1 >= last_title: #Si hemos pintado ya todo lo de esta página... cnt_matches = 0 #... la próxima pasada leeremos otra página next_page_url = re.sub( r'page=(\d+)', r'page=' + str(int('\d+', next_page_url).group()) + 1), next_page_url) itemlist.append( Item(, action="listado", title=">> Página siguiente " + title, url=next_page_url, extra=item.extra, extra2=item.extra2, last_page=str(last_page), curr_page=str(curr_page + 1), cnt_matches=str(cnt_matches))) return itemlist
def findvideos(item): itemlist = [] data = get_source(item.url) selector_url = scrapertools.find_multiple_matches( data, 'id="reproductor\d+".*?src="([^"]+)"') for lang in selector_url: data = get_source('https:' + lang) urls = scrapertools.find_multiple_matches(data, 'data-playerid="([^"]+)">') subs = '' lang = scrapertools.find_single_match(lang, 'lang=(.*)?') language = IDIOMAS[lang] if item.contentType == 'episode': quality = 'SD' else: quality = item.quality for url in urls: final_url = httptools.downloadpage('https:' + url).data if language == 'VOSE': sub = scrapertools.find_single_match(url, 'sub=(.*?)&') subs = 'https:%s' % sub if 'index' in url: try: file_id = scrapertools.find_single_match( url, 'file=(.*?)&') post = {'link': file_id} post = urllib.urlencode(post) hidden_url = '' data_url = httptools.downloadpage(hidden_url, post=post).data dict_vip_url = jsontools.load(data_url) url = dict_vip_url['link'] except: pass else: try: if 'openload' in url: file_id = scrapertools.find_single_match( url, 'h=(\w+)') post = {'h': file_id} post = urllib.urlencode(post) hidden_url = '' data_url = httptools.downloadpage( hidden_url, post=post, follow_redirects=False).data json_data = jsontools.load(data_url) url = scrapertools.find_single_match( data_url, "VALUES \('[^']+','([^']+)'") if not url: url = json_data['url'] if not url: continue else: new_data = httptools.downloadpage('https:' + url).data file_id = scrapertools.find_single_match( new_data, 'value="([^"]+)"') post = {'url': file_id} post = urllib.urlencode(post) hidden_url = '' data_url = httptools.downloadpage( hidden_url, post=post, follow_redirects=False) url = data_url.headers['location'] except: pass url = url.replace(" ", "%20") itemlist.append( item.clone(title='[%s] [%s]', url=url, action='play', subtitle=subs, language=language, quality=quality, infoLabels=item.infoLabels)) itemlist = servertools.get_servers_itemlist( itemlist, lambda x: x.title % (x.server.capitalize(), x.language)) # Requerido para FilterTools itemlist = filtertools.get_links(itemlist, item, list_language) # Requerido para AutoPlay autoplay.start(itemlist, item) itemlist = sorted(itemlist, key=lambda it: it.language) if item.contentType != 'episode': if config.get_videolibrary_support( ) and len(itemlist) > 0 and item.extra != 'findvideos': itemlist.append( Item(, title= '[COLOR yellow]Añadir esta pelicula a la videoteca[/COLOR]', url=item.url, action="add_pelicula_to_library", extra="findvideos", contentTitle=item.contentTitle)) return itemlist
def entradas(item): itemlist = [] data = httptools.downloadpage(item.url).data data = jsontools.load(data) if "Destacados" in item.title: itemlist.append( item.clone( title= "Aviso: Si una película no tiene (imagen/carátula) NO va a funcionar", action="", text_color=color4)) for child in data["a"]: infolabels = {} infolabels['originaltitle'] = child['originalTitle'] infolabels['plot'] = child['description'] infolabels['year'] = child['year'] if child.get('tags'): infolabels['genre'] = ', '.join([x.strip() for x in child['tags']]) infolabels['rating'] = child['rateHuman'].replace(',', '.') infolabels['votes'] = child['rateCount'] if child.get('runtime'): try: infolabels['duration'] = int(child['runtime'].replace( " min.", "")) * 60 except: pass if child.get('cast'): infolabels['cast'] = child['cast'].split(",") infolabels['director'] = child['director'] url = host % "movie/%s/movie.js" % child["id"] # Fanart fanart = host % "movie/%s/background_480.jpg" % child["id"] if child.get("episode"): thumbnail = host % "movie/%s/thumbnail_200x112.jpg" % child["id"] else: thumbnail = host % "movie/%s/poster_167x250.jpg" % child["id"] if child['height'] < 720: quality = "SD" elif child['height'] < 1080: quality = "720p" elif child['height'] >= 1080: quality = "1080p" contentTitle = unicodedata.normalize('NFD', unicode(child['name'], 'utf-8')).encode('ASCII', 'ignore') \ .decode("utf-8") if child['name'] == "": title = child['id'].rsplit(".", 1)[0] else: title = child['name'] #if child['year']: # title += " (" + child['year'] + ")" #title += quality thumbnail += "|User-Agent=%s" % httptools.get_user_agent video_urls = [] for k, v in child.get("video", {}).items(): for vid in v: video_urls.append([ "" % (vid["server"], vid["url"]) + "?%s", vid["height"] ]) itemlist.append( Item(, action="findvideos", server="", title=title, url=url, thumbnail=thumbnail, fanart=fanart, contentTitle=contentTitle, infoLabels=infolabels, contentTitle=contentTitle, video_urls=video_urls, text_color=color3, quality=quality)) return itemlist
def episodios(item): itemlist = [] data = httptools.downloadpage(item.url).data data = jsontools.load(data) capitulos = [] if data.get("b"): for child in data["b"]: for child2 in child["a"]: capitulos.append([child["season"], child2, child["id"]]) else: for child in data.get("a", []): capitulos.append(['', child, '']) for season, child, id_season in capitulos: infoLabels = item.infoLabels.copy() if child.get('runtime'): try: infoLabels['duration'] = int(child['runtime'].replace( " min.", "")) * 60 except: pass if not season or not season.isdigit(): season = scrapertools.find_single_match(child['name'], '(\d+)x\d+') try: infoLabels['season'] = int(season) except: infoLabels['season'] = 0 if not child['episode']: episode = scrapertools.find_single_match(child['name'], '\d+x(\d+)') if not episode: episode = "0" infoLabels['episode'] = int(episode) else: infoLabels['episode'] = int(child['episode']) infoLabels['mediatype'] = "episode" url = host % "movie/%s/movie.js" % child["id"] thumbnail = host % "movie/%s/thumbnail_200x112.jpg" % child["id"] if id_season: fanart = host % "list/%s/background_1080.jpg" % id_season else: fanart = item.fanart video_urls = [] for k, v in child.get("video", {}).items(): for vid in v: video_urls.append([ "" % (vid["server"], vid["url"]) + "?%s", vid["height"] ]) try: title = contentTitle = child['name'].rsplit( " ", 1)[0] + " - " + child['name'].rsplit(" ", 1)[1] except: title = contentTitle = child['id'].replace("-", " ") thumbnail += "|User-Agent=%s" % httptools.get_user_agent itemlist.append( Item(, action="findvideos", title=title, url=url, thumbnail=thumbnail, fanart=fanart, contentTitle=contentTitle, viewmode="movie",, infoLabels=infoLabels, video_urls=video_urls, extra="episodios", text_color=color3)) itemlist.sort(key=lambda it: (it.infoLabels["season"], it.infoLabels["episode"]), reverse=True) if itemlist and config.get_videolibrary_support(): itemlist.append( Item(, title="Añadir esta serie a la videoteca", text_color=color5, url=item.url, action="add_serie_to_library", infoLabels=item.infoLabels,, extra="episodios")) return itemlist
def search_themoviedb(ShowName): scrapedurl = "" + key_tmdb + "&language=es-ES&query=" + ShowName.encode( "utf-8", "ignore").replace(" ", "+") data = tools.getUrl(scrapedurl) dict_data = jsontools.load(data) return dict_data
def seasons(item): itemlist = [] seasons = [] # Obtenemos el HTML y cargamos el JSON soup = create_soup(item.url) json = jsontools.load(soup.find('script', id='__NEXT_DATA__').text) # Buscamos el "content_id", requerido para búsqueda en la API de la página content_id = json['props']['pageProps'].get('id') if not content_id: id_ = item.url.replace(host, '').split('/')[2].split('-', 1) content_id = '{}-{}'.format(id_[0], id_[1].replace('-', '%20')) # Obtenemos el JSON con los episodios desde la API para clasificar temporadas (vienen en lotes) episodios = httptools.downloadpage( '{}'.format( content_id)).json # Recorremos la lista de episodios y obtenemos las temporadas según haya diferencias entre c/ep for episodio in episodios['temporadas']: if len(seasons) > 0 and seasons[-1]['temporada'] == int( episodio['temporada']): seasons[-1]['episodios'].append(episodio) else: seasons.append({ 'temporada': int(episodio['temporada']), 'episodios': [] }) seasons[-1]['episodios'].append(episodio) # Recorremos la lista de temporadas para procesamiento for season in seasons: title, language = set_lang(episodios.get('titulo')) infoLabels = {'year': episodios.get('año')} ogtitle = title # Determinación del idioma if item.language: language = item.language if episodios.get('categorias'): if 'Audio Latino' in episodios.get('categorias'): language = 'LAT' # Determinación dinámica del contentType if episodios.get('tipo'): if episodios.get('tipo') in ['pelicula']: contentType = 'movie' else: contentType = 'tvshow' else: contentType = '' it = Item(action='episodesxseason',, contentType=contentType, infoLabels=infoLabels, json_episodios=season['episodios'], language=language, plot=episodios.get('descripcion'), thumbnail=item.thumbnail, title=unify.add_languages( (config.get_localized_string(60027) % str(season['temporada'])), language), url=item.url) # Asignamos valores al item según su contentType if contentType == 'movie': it.contentTitle = ogtitle else: it.contentSeason = season['temporada'] it.contentSerieName = ogtitle itemlist.append(it) # Asignamos las infoLabels (si aplica) if not item.videolibrary: tmdb.set_infoLabels(itemlist, True, force_no_year=True) # Si solo hay una temporada, retornamos directamente los episodios if len(itemlist) == 1: itemlist = episodesxseason(itemlist[0]) # Agregamos elemento "Agregar a videoteca" if len(itemlist) > 0 and config.get_videolibrary_support( ) and not itemlist[0].contentType == 'movie' and not item.videolibrary: itemlist.append( Item(action="add_serie_to_library",, contentType='tvshow', contentSerieName=item.contentSerieName, extra="episodios", title='[COLOR yellow]{}[/COLOR]'.format( config.get_localized_string(60352)), url=item.url)) return itemlist
def findvideos(item): itemlist = [] it1 = [] it2 = [] ## Carga estados status = jsontools.load(httptools.downloadpage(host + '/a/status/all').data) url_targets = item.url ## Vídeos id = "" type = "" if "###" in item.url: id = item.url.split("###")[1].split(";")[0] type = item.url.split("###")[1].split(";")[1] item.url = item.url.split("###")[0] if type == "2" and account and item.category != "Cine": title = " ( [COLOR orange][B]Agregar a Favoritos[/B][/COLOR] )" if "Favorito" in item.title: title = " ( [COLOR red][B]Quitar de Favoritos[/B][/COLOR] )" if config.get_videolibrary_support(): title_label = " ( [COLOR gray][B]" + + "[/B][/COLOR] )" it1.append(Item(, action="findvideos", title=title_label, fulltitle=title_label, url=url_targets, thumbnail=item.thumbnail,, folder=False)) title_label = " ( [COLOR green][B]Tráiler[/B][/COLOR] )" it1.append( item.clone(channel="trailertools", action="buscartrailer", title=title_label,, url=item.url, thumbnail=item.thumbnail, it1.append(Item(, action="set_status", title=title, fulltitle=title, url=url_targets, thumbnail=item.thumbnail,, folder=True)) data_js = httptools.downloadpage("%s/templates/hdfull/js/jquery.hdfull.view.min.js" % host).data key = scrapertools.find_single_match(data_js, 'JSON.parse\(atob.*?substrings\((.*?)\)') data_js = httptools.downloadpage("%s/js/providers.js" % host).data try: data_js = jhexdecode(data_js) except: from lib.aadecode import decode as aadecode data_js = data_js.split(";゚ω゚") decode_aa = "" for match in data_js: decode_aa += aadecode(match) data_js = re.sub(r':(function.*?\})', r':"\g<1>"', decode_aa) data_js = re.sub(r':(var[^,]+),', r':"\g<1>",', data_js) data = agrupa_datos(httptools.downloadpage(item.url).data) data_obf = scrapertools.find_single_match(data, "var ad\s*=\s*'([^']+)'") data_decrypt = jsontools.load(obfs(base64.b64decode(data_obf), 126 - int(key))) infolabels = {} year = scrapertools.find_single_match(data, '<span>Año:\s*</span>.*?(\d{4})') infolabels["year"] = year matches = [] for match in data_decrypt: prov = eval(scrapertools.find_single_match(data_js, 'p\[%s\]\s*=\s*(\{.*?\}[\']\})' % match["provider"])) server_url = scrapertools.find_single_match(prov['l'], 'return\s*"(.*?)"') url = '%s%s' % (server_url, match['code']) url = re.sub(r'\'|"|\s|\+', '', url) url = re.sub(r'var_\d+\[\d+\]', '', url) embed = prov["e"] matches.append([match["lang"], match["quality"], url, embed]) for idioma, calidad, url, embed in matches: mostrar_server = True option = "Ver" option1 = 1 if'return ([\'"]{2,}|\})', embed): option = "Descargar" option1 = 2 calidad = unicode(calidad, "utf8").upper().encode("utf8") title = option + ": %s (" + calidad + ")" + " (" + idioma + ")" thumbnail = item.thumbnail plot = item.title + "\n\n" + scrapertools.find_single_match(data, '<meta property="og:description" content="([^"]+)"') plot = scrapertools.htmlclean(plot) fanart = scrapertools.find_single_match(data, '<div style="background-image.url. ([^\s]+)') if account: url += "###" + id + ";" + type it2.append( item.clone(, action="play", title=title, url=url, thumbnail=thumbnail, plot=plot, fanart=fanart,, folder=True, infoLabels=infolabels,, contentType=item.contentType, tipo=option, tipo1=option1, idioma=idioma)) it2 = servertools.get_servers_itemlist(it2, lambda i: i.title % i.server.capitalize()) it2.sort(key=lambda it: (it.tipo1, it.idioma, it.server)) for item in it2: if "###" not in item.url: item.url += "###" + id + ";" + type itemlist.extend(it1) itemlist.extend(it2) ## 2 = película if type == "2" and item.category != "Cine": if config.get_videolibrary_support(): itemlist.append(Item(, title="Añadir a la videoteca", text_color="green", action="add_pelicula_to_library", url=url_targets, thumbnail = item.thumbnail, fulltitle = item.contentTitle )) return itemlist
def check_addon_updates(verbose=False): ADDON_UPDATES_JSON = '' ADDON_UPDATES_ZIP = '' try: get_ua_list() except: pass try: last_fix_json = os.path.join( config.get_runtime_path(), 'last_fix.json') # información de la versión fixeada del usuario # Se guarda en get_runtime_path en lugar de get_data_path para que se elimine al cambiar de versión try: localfilename = os.path.join(config.get_data_path(), '') if os.path.exists(localfilename): os.remove(localfilename) except: pass # Descargar json con las posibles actualizaciones # ----------------------------------------------- data = httptools.downloadpage(ADDON_UPDATES_JSON, timeout=5).data if data == '':'No se encuentran actualizaciones del addon') if verbose: platformtools.dialog_notification( 'Alfa ya está actualizado', 'No hay ninguna actualización urgente') check_update_to_others( verbose=verbose ) # Comprueba las actualuzaciones de otros productos return False data = jsontools.load(data) if 'addon_version' not in data or 'fix_version' not in data:'No hay actualizaciones del addon') if verbose: platformtools.dialog_notification( 'Alfa ya está actualizado', 'No hay ninguna actualización urgente') check_update_to_others( verbose=verbose ) # Comprueba las actualuzaciones de otros productos return False # Comprobar versión que tiene instalada el usuario con versión de la actualización # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- current_version = config.get_addon_version(with_fix=False) if current_version != data['addon_version']:'No hay actualizaciones para la versión %s del addon' % current_version) if verbose: platformtools.dialog_notification( 'Alfa ya está actualizado', 'No hay ninguna actualización urgente') check_update_to_others( verbose=verbose ) # Comprueba las actualuzaciones de otros productos return False if os.path.exists(last_fix_json): try: lastfix = {} lastfix = jsontools.load(open(last_fix_json, "r").read()) if lastfix['addon_version'] == data[ 'addon_version'] and lastfix['fix_version'] == data[ 'fix_version']: 'Ya está actualizado con los últimos cambios. Versión %s.fix%d' % (data['addon_version'], data['fix_version'])) if verbose: platformtools.dialog_notification( 'Alfa ya está actualizado', 'Versión %s.fix%d' % (data['addon_version'], data['fix_version'])) check_update_to_others( verbose=verbose ) # Comprueba las actualuzaciones de otros productos return False except: if lastfix: logger.error('last_fix.json: ERROR en: ' + str(lastfix)) else: logger.error('last_fix.json: ERROR desconocido') lastfix = {} # Descargar zip con las actualizaciones # ------------------------------------- downloadtools.downloadfile(ADDON_UPDATES_ZIP, localfilename, silent=True) # Descomprimir zip dentro del addon # --------------------------------- try: unzipper = ziptools.ziptools() unzipper.extract(localfilename, config.get_runtime_path()) except: import xbmc xbmc.executebuiltin('Extract("%s", "%s")' % (localfilename, config.get_runtime_path())) time.sleep(1) # Borrar el zip descargado # ------------------------ try: os.remove(localfilename) except: pass # Guardar información de la versión fixeada # ----------------------------------------- if 'files' in data: data.pop('files', None) open(last_fix_json, "w").write(jsontools.dump(data))'Addon actualizado correctamente a %s.fix%d' % (data['addon_version'], data['fix_version'])) if verbose: platformtools.dialog_notification( 'Alfa actualizado a', 'Versión %s.fix%d' % (data['addon_version'], data['fix_version'])) check_update_to_others( verbose=verbose ) # Comprueba las actualuzaciones de otros productos return True except: logger.error('Error al comprobar actualizaciones del addon!') logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) if verbose: platformtools.dialog_notification( 'Alfa actualizaciones', 'Error al comprobar actualizaciones') check_update_to_others( verbose=verbose ) # Comprueba las actualuzaciones de otros productos return False
def get_server_setting(name, server, default=None, caching_var=True): global alfa_caching, alfa_servers """ Retorna el valor de configuracion del parametro solicitado. Devuelve el valor del parametro 'name' en la configuracion propia del servidor 'server'. Busca en la ruta \addon_data\\settings_servers el archivo server_data.json y lee el valor del parametro 'name'. Si el archivo server_data.json no existe busca en la carpeta servers el archivo server.json y crea un archivo server_data.json antes de retornar el valor solicitado. Si el parametro 'name' tampoco existe en el el archivo server.json se devuelve el parametro default. @param name: nombre del parametro @type name: str @param server: nombre del servidor @type server: str @param default: valor devuelto en caso de que no exista el parametro name @type default: any @return: El valor del parametro 'name' @rtype: any """ # Creamos la carpeta si no existe if not filetools.exists( filetools.join(config.get_data_path(), "settings_servers")): filetools.mkdir( filetools.join(config.get_data_path(), "settings_servers")) file_settings = filetools.join(config.get_data_path(), "settings_servers", server + "_data.json") dict_settings = {} dict_file = {} if kodi and caching_var: alfa_caching = bool(window.getProperty("alfa_caching")) alfa_servers = json.loads(window.getProperty("alfa_servers")) if alfa_caching and caching_var and alfa_servers.get(server): dict_settings = alfa_servers[server].copy() if dict_settings.get(name, ''): dict_settings[name] = config.decode_var(dict_settings[name]) #logger.error('%s, %s: A: %s - D: %s' % (name, server, [alfa_servers[server][name]], [config.decode_var(dict_settings[name])])) elif filetools.exists(file_settings): # Obtenemos configuracion guardada de ../settings/channel_data.json try: dict_file = jsontools.load( if isinstance(dict_file, dict) and 'settings' in dict_file: dict_settings = dict_file['settings'] if alfa_caching and caching_var: alfa_servers[server] = dict_settings.copy() window.setProperty("alfa_servers", json.dumps(alfa_servers)) except EnvironmentError:"ERROR al leer el archivo: %s" % file_settings) if not dict_settings or name not in dict_settings: # Obtenemos controles del archivo ../servers/server.json try: list_controls, default_settings = get_server_controls_settings( server) except: default_settings = {} if name in default_settings: # Si el parametro existe en el server.json creamos el server_data.json default_settings.update(dict_settings) dict_settings = default_settings if alfa_caching and caching_var: alfa_servers[server] = dict_settings.copy() window.setProperty("alfa_servers", json.dumps(alfa_servers)) dict_file['settings'] = dict_settings # Creamos el archivo ../settings/channel_data.json if not filetools.write(file_settings, jsontools.dump(dict_file)):"ERROR al salvar el archivo: %s" % file_settings) # Devolvemos el valor del parametro local 'name' si existe, si no se devuelve default return dict_settings.get(name, default)
def add_channel(item): logger.debug() channel_to_add = {} json_file = '' result = platformtools.dialog_select(config.get_localized_string(70676), [ config.get_localized_string(70678), config.get_localized_string(70679) ]) if result == -1: return if result == 0: file_path = xbmcgui.Dialog().browseSingle( 1, config.get_localized_string(70680), 'files') try: channel_to_add['path'] = file_path channel_to_add['url'] = file_path json_file = jsontools.load(open(file_path, "r").read()) channel_to_add['channel_name'] = json_file['channel_name'] except: pass elif result == 1: url = platformtools.dialog_input("", config.get_localized_string(70681), False) try: if url[:4] != 'http': url = 'http://' + url channel_to_add['path'] = url json_file = jsontools.load(httptools.downloadpage(url).data) except: pass if len(json_file) == 0: return if "episodes_list" in json_file: platformtools.dialog_ok(config.get_localized_string(20000), config.get_localized_string(70682)) return channel_to_add['channel_name'] = json_file['channel_name'] if 'thumbnail' in json_file: channel_to_add['thumbnail'] = json_file['thumbnail'] if 'fanart' in json_file: channel_to_add['fanart'] = json_file['fanart'] path = filetools.join(config.get_data_path(), 'community_channels.json') community_json = open(path, "r") community_json = jsontools.load( id = 1 while str(id) in community_json['channels']: id += 1 community_json['channels'][str(id)] = (channel_to_add) with open(path, "w") as file: file.write(jsontools.dump(community_json)) file.close() platformtools.dialog_notification( config.get_localized_string(20000), config.get_localized_string(70683) % json_file['channel_name']) import xbmc xbmc.sleep(1000) platformtools.itemlist_refresh() return
def get_server_parameters(server): """ Obtiene los datos del servidor @param server: Nombre del servidor @type server: str @return: datos del servidor @rtype: dict """ #"server %s" % server) global dict_servers_parameters server = server.split('.')[0] if not server: return {} if server not in dict_servers_parameters: try: # Servers if filetools.isfile( filetools.join(config.get_runtime_path(), "servers", server + ".json")): path = filetools.join(config.get_runtime_path(), "servers", server + ".json") # Debriders elif filetools.isfile( filetools.join(config.get_runtime_path(), "servers", "debriders", server + ".json")): path = filetools.join(config.get_runtime_path(), "servers", "debriders", server + ".json") # #Cuando no está bien definido el server en el canal (no existe conector), muestra error por no haber "path" y se tiene que revisar el canal # dict_server = jsontools.load( # Imagenes: se admiten url y archivos locales dentro de "resources/images" if dict_server.get( "thumbnail") and "://" not in dict_server["thumbnail"]: dict_server["thumbnail"] = filetools.join( config.get_runtime_path(), "resources", "media", "servers", dict_server["thumbnail"]) for k in ['premium', 'id']: dict_server[k] = dict_server.get(k, list()) if isinstance(dict_server[k], str): dict_server[k] = [dict_server[k]] if "find_videos" in dict_server: dict_server['find_videos']["patterns"] = dict_server[ 'find_videos'].get("patterns", list()) dict_server['find_videos']["ignore_urls"] = dict_server[ 'find_videos'].get("ignore_urls", list()) if "settings" in dict_server: dict_server['has_settings'] = True else: dict_server['has_settings'] = False dict_servers_parameters[server] = dict_server except: mensaje = config.get_localized_string(59986) % server import traceback logger.error(mensaje + traceback.format_exc()) return {} return dict_servers_parameters[server]
def findvideos(item): import time itemlist = [] urls = [] # resp = support.match(get_data(item), headers=headers, patron=r'data-name="(\d+)">([^<]+)<') resp = support.match(item, headers=headers, patron=r'data-name="(\d+)">([^<]+)<') data = for ID, name in resp.matches: if not item.number: item.number = support.match(item.title, patron=r'(\d+) -').match match = support.match( data, patronBlock=r'data-name="' + ID + r'"[^>]+>(.*?)(?:<div class="(?:server|download)|link)', patron=r'data-id="([^"]+)" data-episode-num="' + (item.number if item.number else '1') + '"' + r'.*?href="([^"]+)"').match if match: epID, epurl = match if 'vvvvid' in name.lower(): urls.append( support.match(host + '/api/episode/serverPlayer?id=' + epID, headers=headers, patron=r'<a.*?href="([^"]+)"').match) elif 'streamtape' in name.lower(): urls.append( support.match( data, patron=r'<a href="(https://streamtape[^"]+)"').match) elif 'beta' in name.lower(): urls.append( support.match( data, patron=r'<a href="(https://animeworld[^"]+)"').match) elif 'server 2' in name.lower(): dataJson = support.match(host + '/api/episode/info?id=' + epID + '&alt=0', headers=headers).data json = jsontools.load(dataJson) title = support.match(json['grabber'], patron=r'server2.([^.]+)', string=True).match itemlist.append( item.clone(action="play", title=title, url=json['grabber'], server='directo')) elif 'animeworld' in name.lower(): url = support.match( data, patron=r'href="([^"]+)"\s*id="alternativeDownloadLink"', headers=headers).match title = support.match(url, patron=r'http[s]?://(?:www.)?([^.]+)', string=True).match itemlist.append( item.clone(action="play", title=title, url=url, server='directo')) return support.server(item, urls, itemlist)
def findvideos(item): itemlist = [] headers = default_headers.copy() cookies = {} proxies = config.get_setting('proxies',, default='').replace(' ', '') if ';' in proxies: # Si los proxies estan separados por ; orden aleatorio proxies = proxies.replace(',', ';').split(';') import random random.shuffle(proxies) else: proxies = proxies.split(',') proxy_ok = False for n, proxy in enumerate(proxies): use_proxy = None if proxy == '' else {'http': proxy} # 1- /film/... (obtener cookies __cfduid y __cflb) resp = httptools.downloadpage(item.referer, headers=headers, only_headers=True, cookies=False, use_proxy=use_proxy, raise_weberror=False) if (type(resp.code) == int and (resp.code < 200 or resp.code > 399)) or not resp.sucess:'El proxy %s NO responde adecuadamente. %s' % (proxy, resp.code)) else: proxy_ok = True'El proxy %s parece válido.' % proxy) if n > 0: # guardar el proxy que ha funcionado como primero de la lista si no lo está del proxies[n] new_proxies = proxy + ', ' + ', '.join(proxies) config.set_setting('proxies', new_proxies, break if not proxy_ok: platformtools.dialog_notification('Sin respuesta válida', 'Ninguno de los proxies ha funcionado.') return itemlist cks = httptools.get_cookies_from_headers(resp.headers) cookies.update(cks) # 2- /video2-prod/s/c (obtener cookie c) headers['Referer'] = item.referer headers['Cookie'] = '; '.join([ck_name + '=' + ck_value for ck_name, ck_value in cookies.items()]) resp = httptools.downloadpage('', headers=headers, cookies=False, use_proxy=use_proxy) cks = httptools.get_cookies_from_headers(resp.headers) cookies.update(cks) # 3- /json/repo/... headers['X-Requested-With'] = 'XMLHttpRequest' headers['Cookie'] = '; '.join([ck_name + '=' + ck_value for ck_name, ck_value in cookies.items()]) try: data = jsontools.load(httptools.downloadpage(item.url, headers=headers, cookies=False, use_proxy=use_proxy).data) except: return itemlist if 'profiles' not in data: return itemlist # 4- /vendors/font-awesome/ (por cf_clearance !? required !?) url = '' headers['Referer'] = '' headers['Accept-Encoding'] = 'identity' del headers['X-Requested-With'] resp = httptools.downloadpage(url, headers=headers, only_headers=True, cookies=False, use_proxy=use_proxy) for perfil, datos in data['profiles'].items(): for servidor in datos['servers']: if servidor['id'] == 's2': continue # con s2 parece que siempre falla el vídeo itemlist.append(Item( channel =, action = 'play', server = 'directo', title = '', videoUri = datos['videoUri'], videoServer = servidor['id'], referer = item.referer, cookies = headers['Cookie'], use_proxy = use_proxy, language = '', quality = datos['videoResolution'], quality_num = datos['height'], other = datos['sizeHuman'] + ', ' + servidor['id'] )) # ~ return sorted(itemlist, key=lambda it: it.quality_num) # ordenar por calidad ascendente return itemlist
def get_server_setting(name, server, default=None): """ Retorna el valor de configuracion del parametro solicitado. Devuelve el valor del parametro 'name' en la configuracion propia del servidor 'server'. Busca en la ruta \addon_data\\settings_servers el archivo server_data.json y lee el valor del parametro 'name'. Si el archivo server_data.json no existe busca en la carpeta servers el archivo server.json y crea un archivo server_data.json antes de retornar el valor solicitado. Si el parametro 'name' tampoco existe en el el archivo server.json se devuelve el parametro default. @param name: nombre del parametro @type name: str @param server: nombre del servidor @type server: str @param default: valor devuelto en caso de que no exista el parametro name @type default: any @return: El valor del parametro 'name' @rtype: any """ # Creamos la carpeta si no existe if not os.path.exists( os.path.join(config.get_data_path(), "settings_servers")): os.mkdir(os.path.join(config.get_data_path(), "settings_servers")) file_settings = os.path.join(config.get_data_path(), "settings_servers", server + "_data.json") dict_settings = {} dict_file = {} if os.path.exists(file_settings): # Obtenemos configuracion guardada de ../settings/channel_data.json try: dict_file = jsontools.load(open(file_settings, "rb").read()) if isinstance(dict_file, dict) and 'settings' in dict_file: dict_settings = dict_file['settings'] except EnvironmentError:"ERROR al leer el archivo: %s" % file_settings) if not dict_settings or name not in dict_settings: # Obtenemos controles del archivo ../servers/server.json try: list_controls, default_settings = get_server_controls_settings( server) except: default_settings = {} if name in default_settings: # Si el parametro existe en el server.json creamos el server_data.json default_settings.update(dict_settings) dict_settings = default_settings dict_file['settings'] = dict_settings # Creamos el archivo ../settings/channel_data.json json_data = jsontools.dump(dict_file) try: open(file_settings, "wb").write(json_data) except EnvironmentError:"ERROR al salvar el archivo: %s" % file_settings) # Devolvemos el valor del parametro local 'name' si existe, si no se devuelve default return dict_settings.get(name, default)
def items_usuario(item): itemlist = [] ## Carga estados status = jsontools.load( httptools.downloadpage(host + '/a/status/all').data) ## Fichas usuario url = item.url.split("?")[0] post = item.url.split("?")[1] old_start = scrapertools.get_match(post, 'start=([^&]+)&') limit = scrapertools.get_match(post, 'limit=(\d+)') start = "%s" % (int(old_start) + int(limit)) post = post.replace("start=" + old_start, "start=" + start) next_page = url + "?" + post ## Carga las fichas de usuario data = httptools.downloadpage(url, post=post).data fichas_usuario = jsontools.load(data) for ficha in fichas_usuario: try: title = ficha['title']['es'].strip() except: title = ficha['title']['en'].strip() try: title = title.encode('utf-8') except: pass show = title try: thumbnail = host + "/thumbs/" + ficha['thumbnail'] except: thumbnail = host + "/thumbs/" + ficha['thumb'] try: url = urlparse.urljoin( host, '/serie/' + ficha['permalink']) + "###" + ficha['id'] + ";1" action = "episodios" str = get_status(status, 'shows', ficha['id']) if "show_title" in ficha: action = "findvideos" try: serie = ficha['show_title']['es'].strip() except: serie = ficha['show_title']['en'].strip() temporada = ficha['season'] episodio = ficha['episode'] serie = "[COLOR whitesmoke][B]" + serie + "[/B][/COLOR]" if len(episodio) == 1: episodio = '0' + episodio try: title = temporada + "x" + episodio + " - " + serie + ": " + title except: title = temporada + "x" + episodio + " - " + serie.decode( 'iso-8859-1') + ": " + title.decode('iso-8859-1') url = urlparse.urljoin( host, '/serie/' + ficha['permalink'] + '/temporada-' + temporada + '/episodio-' + episodio) + "###" + ficha['id'] + ";3" except: url = urlparse.urljoin(host, '/pelicula/' + ficha['perma']) + "###" + ficha['id'] + ";2" action = "findvideos" str = get_status(status, 'movies', ficha['id']) if str != "": title += str itemlist.append( Item(, action=action, title=title, fulltitle=title, url=url, thumbnail=thumbnail, show=show, folder=True)) if len(itemlist) == int(limit): itemlist.append( Item(, action="items_usuario", title=">> Página siguiente", url=next_page, folder=True)) return itemlist
def findvideos(item): import time support.log(item) itemlist = [] matches, data = support.match(item, r'class="tab.*?data-name="([0-9]+)">', headers=headers) videoData = '' for serverid in matches: if not item.number: item.number = support.scrapertools.find_single_match( item.title, r'(\d+) -') block = support.scrapertools.find_multiple_matches( data, 'data-id="' + serverid + '">(.*?)<div class="server') ID = support.scrapertools.find_single_match( str(block), r'<a data-id="([^"]+)" data-base="' + (item.number if item.number else '1') + '"') support.log('ID= ', serverid) if id: if serverid == '26': matches = support.match( item, r'<a href="([^"]+)"', url='%s/ajax/episode/serverPlayer?id=%s' % (host, item.url.split('/')[-1]))[0] for url in matches: videoData += '\n' + url else: try: dataJson = support.httptools.downloadpage( '%s/ajax/episode/info?id=%s&server=%s&ts=%s' % (host, ID, serverid, int(time.time())), headers=[['x-requested-with', 'XMLHttpRequest']]).data json = jsontools.load(dataJson) support.log(json) if 'keepsetsu' in json['grabber']: matches = support.match(item, r'<iframe\s*src="([^"]+)"', url=json['grabber'])[0] for url in matches: videoData += '\n' + url else: videoData += '\n' + json['grabber'] if serverid == '28': itemlist.append( support.Item(, action="play", title='diretto', quality='', url=json['grabber'], server='directo', fulltitle=item.fulltitle,, contentType=item.contentType, folder=False)) except: pass return support.server(item, videoData, itemlist)
def fichas(item): itemlist = [] textoidiomas = '' infoLabels = dict() ## Carga estados status = jsontools.load( httptools.downloadpage(host + '/a/status/all').data) if item.title == "Buscar...": data = agrupa_datos( httptools.downloadpage(item.url, post=item.extra).data) s_p = scrapertools.get_match( data, '<h3 class="section-title">(.*?)<div id="footer-wrapper">').split( '<h3 class="section-title">') if len(s_p) == 1: data = s_p[0] if 'Lo sentimos</h3>' in s_p[0]: return [ Item(, title="[COLOR gold][B]HDFull:[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR blue]" + texto.replace('%20', ' ') + "[/COLOR] sin resultados") ] else: data = s_p[0] + s_p[1] else: data = agrupa_datos(httptools.downloadpage(item.url).data) data = re.sub( r'<div class="span-6[^<]+<div class="item"[^<]+' + \ '<a href="([^"]+)"[^<]+' + \ '<img.*?src="([^"]+)".*?' + \ '<div class="left"(.*?)</div>' + \ '<div class="right"(.*?)</div>.*?' + \ 'title="([^"]+)".*?' + \ 'onclick="setFavorite.\d, (\d+),', r"'url':'\1';'image':'\2';'langs':'\3';'rating':'\4';'title':\5;'id':'\6';", data ) patron = "'url':'([^']+)';'image':'([^']+)';'langs':'([^']+)';'rating':'([^']+)';'title':([^;]+);'id':'([^']+)';" matches = re.compile(patron, re.DOTALL).findall(data) for scrapedurl, scrapedthumbnail, scrapedlangs, scrapedrating, scrapedtitle, scrapedid in matches: thumbnail = scrapedthumbnail language = '' title = scrapedtitle.strip() show = title contentTitle = scrapedtitle.strip() if scrapedlangs != ">": textoidiomas, language = extrae_idiomas(scrapedlangs) #Todo Quitar el idioma title += " ( [COLOR teal][B]" + textoidiomas + "[/B][/COLOR])" if scrapedrating != ">": valoracion = re.sub(r'><[^>]+>(\d+)<b class="dec">(\d+)</b>', r'\1,\2', scrapedrating) infoLabels['rating'] = valoracion title += " ([COLOR orange]" + valoracion + "[/COLOR])" url = urlparse.urljoin(item.url, scrapedurl) if "/serie" in url or "/tags-tv" in url: action = "episodios" url += "###" + scrapedid + ";1" type = "shows" contentType = "tvshow" else: action = "findvideos" url += "###" + scrapedid + ";2" type = "movies" contentType = "movie" str = get_status(status, type, scrapedid) if str != "": title += str if item.title == "Buscar...": bus = host[-4:] tag_type = scrapertools.find_single_match(url, '%s/([^/]+)/' % bus) title += " - [COLOR blue]" + tag_type.capitalize() + "[/COLOR]" if "/serie" in url or "/tags-tv" in url: itemlist.append( Item(, action=action, title=title, url=url, thumbnail=thumbnail, contentSerieName=show, folder=True, contentType=contentType, language=language, infoLabels=infoLabels)) else: itemlist.append( Item(, action=action, title=title, url=url, fulltitle=contentTitle, thumbnail=thumbnail, folder=True, contentType=contentType, contentTitle=contentTitle, language=language, infoLabels=infoLabels)) ## Paginación next_page_url = scrapertools.find_single_match( data, '<a href="([^"]+)">.raquo;</a>') if next_page_url != "": itemlist.append( Item(, action="fichas", title=">> Página siguiente", url=urlparse.urljoin(item.url, next_page_url), folder=True)) return itemlist
def list_all(item): itemlist = [] matches = [] if item.list_type in [ 'pais', 'pelicula', 'categorias', 'data', 'buscar', 'novedades' ]: # Si es de este tipo de página (títulos en html) if item.list_type in ['pais', 'pelicula', 'categorias', 'data']: # Descargamos la página (contiene el JSON) soup = create_soup(item.url) # Cargamos el JSON (contiene la info de episodios, imág., url) json = jsontools.load( soup.find( 'script', id='__NEXT_DATA__').text)['props']['pageProps']['data'] # Criterios de determinación de contentType if item.list_type in ['pelicula']: contentType = 'movie' elif item.list_type in ['categorias', 'pais', 'data']: contentType = 'tvshow' # Obtenemos el listado de elementos (contiene los títulos) container = soup.find('div', class_='container wrapper').find( 'div', class_='row') if item.list_type in ['categorias', 'pais', 'data']: items = container.find_all('div', class_='mb-3') else: items = container.find_all('a', class_='mb-3') # Recorremos los títulos for i, it in enumerate(items): j = json[i] # No. de elem. en el JSON action = 'seasons' status = j['estado'] title, language = set_lang( it.find('span', class_='text-dark').text) thumb = '{}-high.webp'.format( j['img']) url = '{}/v/{}'.format(host, j.get('uniqid', '')) # Criterios de determinación de contentType, parte 2 if contentType == 'movie': contentSerieName = None contentTitle = title else: contentSerieName = title contentTitle = None matches.append([ action, contentSerieName, contentTitle, contentType, language, status, title, thumb, url ]) # Si es de este tipo de página (todos los datos en JSON) elif item.list_type in ['buscar', 'novedades']: # El JSON viene desde el API, la mayoría de info ya vendrá en el JSON json = httptools.downloadpage(item.url).json for j in json: action = 'seasons' status = j['estado'] title, language = set_lang(j['uniqid'].split('-', 1)[1]) contentSerieName = title contentTitle = None contentType = '' thumb = '{}-high.webp'.format( j['img']) id_ = j['uniqid'].split('-', 1) url = '{}/v/{}'.format( host, '{}-{}'.format(id_[0], id_[1].replace('-', '%20'))) matches.append([ action, contentSerieName, contentTitle, contentType, language, status, title, thumb, url ]) else: # La sección cambió drásticamente, requiere reconstrucción logger.debug("\n" + str(soup.prettify())) raise Exception('Item malformado, list_type no válido') return # Recorremos la lista construída de matches for action, contentSerieName, contentTitle, contentType, language, status, title, thumb, url in matches: it = Item(action=action, contentType=contentType,, language=language, title=unify.add_languages(title, language), thumbnail=thumb, url=url) # Determinación dinámica de contentType if contentSerieName: it.contentSerieName = contentSerieName elif contentTitle: it.contentTitle = contentTitle itemlist.append(it) return itemlist
def episodios(item): id = "0" itemlist = [] ## Carga estados status = jsontools.load( httptools.downloadpage(host + '/a/status/all').data) url_targets = item.url if "###" in item.url: id = item.url.split("###")[1].split(";")[0] type = item.url.split("###")[1].split(";")[1] item.url = item.url.split("###")[0] ## Temporadas data = agrupa_datos(httptools.downloadpage(item.url).data) if id == "0": ## Se saca el id de la serie de la página cuando viene de listado_series id = scrapertools.get_match(data, "<script>var sid = '([^']+)';</script>") url_targets = url_targets.replace('###0', '###' + id) str = get_status(status, "shows", id) if str != "" and account and item.category != "Series" and "XBMC" not in item.title: if config.get_videolibrary_support(): title = " ( [COLOR gray][B]" + item.contentSerieName + "[/B][/COLOR] )" itemlist.append( Item(, action="episodios", title=title, url=url_targets, thumbnail=item.thumbnail, contentSerieName=item.contentSerieName, folder=False)) title = str.replace('green', 'red').replace('Siguiendo', 'Abandonar') itemlist.append( Item(, action="set_status", title=title, url=url_targets, thumbnail=item.thumbnail, contentSerieName=item.contentSerieName, folder=True)) elif account and item.category != "Series" and "XBMC" not in item.title: if config.get_videolibrary_support(): title = " ( [COLOR gray][B]" + + "[/B][/COLOR] )" itemlist.append( Item(, action="episodios", title=title, url=url_targets, thumbnail=item.thumbnail, contentSerieName=item.contentSerieName, folder=False)) title = " ( [COLOR orange][B]Seguir[/B][/COLOR] )" itemlist.append( Item(, action="set_status", title=title, url=url_targets, thumbnail=item.thumbnail, contentSerieName=item.contentSerieName, folder=True)) patron = "<li><a href='([^']+)'>[^<]+</a></li>" matches = re.compile(patron, re.DOTALL).findall(data) for scrapedurl in matches: data = agrupa_datos(httptools.downloadpage(scrapedurl).data) sid = scrapertools.get_match(data, "<script>var sid = '(\d+)'") ssid = scrapertools.get_match(scrapedurl, "temporada-(\d+)") post = "action=season&start=0&limit=0&show=%s&season=%s" % (sid, ssid) url = host + "/a/episodes" data = httptools.downloadpage(url, post=post).data episodes = jsontools.load(data) for episode in episodes: thumbnail = host + "/thumbs/" + episode['thumbnail'] language = episode['languages'] temporada = episode['season'] episodio = episode['episode'] if len(episodio) == 1: episodio = '0' + episodio if episode['languages'] != "[]": idiomas = "( [COLOR teal][B]" for idioma in episode['languages']: idiomas += idioma + " " idiomas += "[/B][/COLOR])" idiomas = idiomas else: idiomas = "" if episode['title']: try: title = episode['title']['es'].strip() except: title = episode['title']['en'].strip() if len(title) == 0: title = "Temporada " + temporada + " Episodio " + episodio try: title = temporada + "x" + episodio + " - " + title.decode( 'utf-8') + ' ' + idiomas except: title = temporada + "x" + episodio + " - " + title.decode( 'iso-8859-1') + ' ' + idiomas str = get_status(status, 'episodes', episode['id']) if str != "": title += str try: title = title.encode('utf-8') except: title = title.encode('iso-8859-1') url = urlparse.urljoin( scrapedurl, 'temporada-' + temporada + '/episodio-' + episodio) + "###" + episode['id'] + ";3" itemlist.append( Item(, action="findvideos", title=title, url=url, thumbnail=thumbnail, contentSerieName=item.contentSerieName, folder=True, contentType="episode", language=language)) if config.get_videolibrary_support() and len(itemlist) > 0: itemlist.append( Item(, title="Añadir esta serie a la videoteca", url=url_targets, action="add_serie_to_library", extra="episodios", contentSerieName=item.contentSerieName)) itemlist.append( Item(, title="Descargar todos los episodios de la serie", url=url_targets, action="download_all_episodes", extra="episodios")) return itemlist
def findvideos(item): duplicated = [] data = get_source(item.url) video_info = scrapertools.find_single_match( data, "load_player\('(.*?)','(.*?)'\);") movie_info = scrapertools.find_single_match( item.url, 'http:\/\/ver-peliculas\.org\/peliculas\/(\d+)-(.*?)-\d{' '4}-online\.') movie_id = movie_info[0] movie_name = movie_info[1] sub = video_info[1] url_base = '' % ( movie_id, movie_name) data = httptools.downloadpage(url_base).data json_data = jsontools.load(data) video_list = json_data['lista'] itemlist = [] for videoitem in video_list: video_base_url = '' if video_list[videoitem] != None: video_lang = video_list[videoitem] languages = ['latino', 'spanish', 'subtitulos'] for lang in languages: if video_lang[lang] != None: if not isinstance(video_lang[lang], int): video_id = video_lang[lang][0]["video"] post = {"video": video_id, "sub": sub} post = urllib.urlencode(post) data = httptools.downloadpage(video_base_url, post=post).data playlist = jsontools.load(data) sources = playlist[['playlist'][0]] server = playlist['server'] for video_link in sources: url = video_link['sources'] # if 'onevideo' in url: # data = get_source(url) # g_urls = servertools.findvideos(data=data) # url = g_urls[0][1] # server = g_urls[0][0] if url not in duplicated and server != 'drive': lang = lang.capitalize() if lang == 'Spanish': lang = 'Español' title = '(%s) %s (%s)' % (server, item.title, lang) thumbnail = servertools.guess_server_thumbnail( server) itemlist.append( item.clone(title=title, url=url, server=server, thumbnail=thumbnail, action='play')) duplicated.append(url) if config.get_videolibrary_support( ) and len(itemlist) > 0 and item.extra != 'findvideos': itemlist.append( Item(, title= '[COLOR yellow]Añadir esta pelicula a la videoteca[/COLOR]', url=item.url, action="add_pelicula_to_library", extra="findvideos", contentTitle=item.contentTitle)) return itemlist
def novedades_episodios(item): itemlist = [] ## Carga estados status = jsontools.load( httptools.downloadpage(host + '/a/status/all').data) ## Episodios url = item.url.split("?")[0] post = item.url.split("?")[1] old_start = scrapertools.get_match(post, 'start=([^&]+)&') start = "%s" % (int(old_start) + 24) post = post.replace("start=" + old_start, "start=" + start) next_page = url + "?" + post data = httptools.downloadpage(url, post=post).data episodes = jsontools.load(data) for episode in episodes: thumbnail = host + "/thumbs/" + episode['thumbnail'] temporada = episode['season'] episodio = episode['episode'] if len(episodio) == 1: episodio = '0' + episodio if episode['languages'] != "[]": idiomas = "( [COLOR teal][B]" for idioma in episode['languages']: idiomas += idioma + " " idiomas += "[/B][/COLOR])" idiomas = idiomas else: idiomas = "" try: contentSerieName = episode['show']['title']['es'].strip() except: contentSerieName = episode['show']['title']['en'].strip() show = "[COLOR whitesmoke][B]" + contentSerieName + "[/B][/COLOR]" if episode['title']: try: title = episode['title']['es'].strip() except: title = episode['title']['en'].strip() if len(title) == 0: title = "Temporada " + temporada + " Episodio " + episodio try: title = temporada + "x" + episodio + " - " + show.decode( 'utf-8') + ": " + title.decode('utf-8') + ' ' + idiomas except: title = temporada + "x" + episodio + " - " + show.decode( 'iso-8859-1') + ": " + title.decode( 'iso-8859-1') + ' ' + idiomas str = get_status(status, 'episodes', episode['id']) if str != "": title += str try: title = title.encode('utf-8') except: title = title.encode('iso-8859-1') url = urlparse.urljoin( host, '/serie/' + episode['permalink'] + '/temporada-' + temporada + '/episodio-' + episodio) + "###" + episode['id'] + ";3" itemlist.append( Item(, action="findvideos", title=title, contentSerieName=contentSerieName, url=url, thumbnail=thumbnail, folder=True, contentType="episode")) if len(itemlist) == 24: itemlist.append( Item(, action="novedades_episodios", title=">> Página siguiente", url=next_page, folder=True)) return itemlist
def entradasconlistas(item): itemlist = [] data = httptools.downloadpage(item.url).data data = jsontools.load(data) # Si hay alguna lista contentSerie = False contentList = False if data.get('b'): for child in data['b']: infolabels = {} infolabels['originaltitle'] = child['originalTitle'] infolabels['plot'] = child['description'] infolabels['year'] = data['year'] if child.get('tags'): infolabels['genre'] = ', '.join( [x.strip() for x in child['tags']]) infolabels['rating'] = child['rateHuman'].replace(',', '.') infolabels['votes'] = child['rateCount'] if child.get('runtime'): try: infolabels['duration'] = int(child['runtime'].replace( " min.", "")) * 60 except: pass if child.get('cast'): infolabels['cast'] = child['cast'].split(",") infolabels['director'] = child['director'] season = child.get('season', '') if season.isdigit() and not contentList: contentSerie = True action = "episodios" else: contentSerie = False contentList = True action = "entradasconlistas" url = host % "list/%s" % child["id"] + ext title = re.sub(r"(\w)-(\w)", '\g<1> \g<2>', child['name']) contentTitle = re.sub(r"(\w)-(\w)", '\g<1> \g<2>', child['name']) if not title: title = re.sub(r"(\w)-(\w)", '\g<1> \g<2>', child['id']) contentTitle = re.sub(r"(\w)-(\w)", '\g<1> \g<2>', child['id']) title = unicode(title, "utf-8").capitalize().encode("utf-8") contentTitle = unicode(contentTitle, "utf-8").capitalize().encode("utf-8") show = "" if contentSerie: title += " (Serie TV)" show = contentTitle thumbnail = host % "list/%s/thumbnail_167x250.jpg" % child["id"] fanart = host % "list/%s/background_1080.jpg" % child["id"] thumbnail += "|User-Agent=%s" % httptools.get_user_agent itemlist.append( Item(, action=action, title=title, url=url, thumbnail=thumbnail, fanart=fanart, contentTitle=contentTitle, show=show, infoLabels=infolabels, viewmode="movie_with_plot", text_color=color3)) else: contentList = True if contentSerie and itemlist: itemlist.sort(key=lambda it: it.infoLabels['season'], reverse=True) if itemlist: itemlist.insert( 0, Item(, title="**LISTAS**", action="", text_color=color4, text_bold=True, thumbnail=item.thumbnail, fanart=item.fanart)) if data.get("a") and itemlist: itemlist.append( Item(, title="**VÍDEOS**", action="", text_color=color6, text_bold=True, thumbnail=item.thumbnail, fanart=item.fanart)) for child in data.get("a", []): infolabels = {} infolabels['originaltitle'] = child['originalTitle'] infolabels['plot'] = child['description'] infolabels['year'] = data['year'] if child.get('tags'): infolabels['genre'] = ', '.join([x.strip() for x in child['tags']]) infolabels['rating'] = child['rateHuman'].replace(',', '.') infolabels['votes'] = child['rateCount'] if child.get('runtime'): try: infolabels['duration'] = int(child['runtime'].replace( " min.", "")) * 60 except: pass if child.get('cast'): infolabels['cast'] = child['cast'].split(",") infolabels['director'] = child['director'] url = host % "movie/%s/movie.js" % child["id"] # Fanart fanart = host % "movie/%s/background_1080.jpg" % child["id"] if child.get("episode"): thumbnail = host % "movie/%s/thumbnail.jpg" % child["id"] else: thumbnail = host % "movie/%s/poster_167x250.jpg" % child["id"] if child['height'] < 720: quality = "[B] [SD][/B]" elif child['height'] < 1080: quality = "[B] [720p][/B]" elif child['height'] >= 1080: quality = "[B] [1080p][/B]" contentTitle = unicodedata.normalize('NFD', unicode(child['name'], 'utf-8')).encode('ASCII', 'ignore') \ .decode("utf-8") if not child['name']: title = child['id'].rsplit(".", 1)[0] else: title = child['name'] if child['year']: title += " (" + child['year'] + ")" title += quality video_urls = [] for k, v in child.get("video", {}).items(): for vid in v: video_urls.append([ "" % (vid["server"], vid["url"]) + "?%s", vid["height"] ]) thumbnail += "|User-Agent=%s" % httptools.get_user_agent itemlist.append( Item(, action="findvideos", title=title, url=url, video_urls=video_urls, thumbnail=thumbnail, fanart=fanart, contentTitle=contentTitle, infoLabels=infolabels, contentTitle=contentTitle, viewmode="movie_with_plot", text_color=color3)) # Se añade item para añadir la lista de vídeos a la videoteca if data.get( 'a' ) and itemlist and contentList and config.get_videolibrary_support(): itemlist.append( Item(, text_color=color5, title="Añadir esta lista a la videoteca", url=item.url, action="listas")) elif contentSerie and config.get_videolibrary_support(): itemlist.append( Item(, title="Añadir esta serie a la videoteca", text_color=color5, url=item.url, action="add_serie_to_library",, contentTitle=item.contentTitle, extra="episodios")) return itemlist
def findvideos(item): itemlist = [] it1 = [] it2 = [] ## Carga estados status = jsontools.load( httptools.downloadpage(host + '/a/status/all').data) url_targets = item.url ## Vídeos id = "" type = "" if "###" in item.url: id = item.url.split("###")[1].split(";")[0] type = item.url.split("###")[1].split(";")[1] item.url = item.url.split("###")[0] if type == "2" and account and item.category != "Cine": title = " ( [COLOR orange][B]Agregar a Favoritos[/B][/COLOR] )" if "Favorito" in item.title: title = " ( [COLOR red][B]Quitar de Favoritos[/B][/COLOR] )" if config.get_videolibrary_support(): title_label = " ( [COLOR gray][B]" + + "[/B][/COLOR] )" it1.append( Item(, action="findvideos", title=title_label, fulltitle=title_label, url=url_targets, thumbnail=item.thumbnail,, folder=False)) title_label = " ( [COLOR green][B]Tráiler[/B][/COLOR] )" it1.append( Item(channel="trailertools", action="buscartrailer", title=title_label,, url=item.url, thumbnail=item.thumbnail, it1.append( Item(, action="set_status", title=title, fulltitle=title, url=url_targets, thumbnail=item.thumbnail,, language=item.language, folder=True)) data_js = httptools.downloadpage( "%s/templates/hdfull/js/jquery.hdfull.view.min.js" % host).data key = scrapertools.find_single_match( data_js, 'JSON.parse\(atob.*?substrings\((.*?)\)') data_js = httptools.downloadpage("%s/js/providers.js" % host).data try: from lib import alfaresolver provs = alfaresolver.hdfull_providers(data_js) if provs == '': return [] except: return [] data = agrupa_datos(httptools.downloadpage(item.url).data) data_obf = scrapertools.find_single_match(data, "var ad\s*=\s*'([^']+)'") data_decrypt = jsontools.load( obfs(base64.b64decode(data_obf), 126 - int(key))) infolabels = {} year = scrapertools.find_single_match( data, '<span>Año:\s*</span>.*?(\d{4})') infolabels["year"] = year matches = [] for match in data_decrypt: if match['provider'] in provs: try: embed = provs[match['provider']][0] url = eval(provs[match['provider']][1].replace( '_code_', "match['code']")) matches.append([match['lang'], match['quality'], url, embed]) except: pass for idioma, calidad, url, embed in matches: if embed == 'd': option = "Descargar" option1 = 2 else: option = "Ver" option1 = 1 calidad = unicode(calidad, "utf8").upper().encode("utf8") title = option + ": %s (" + calidad + ")" + " (" + idioma + ")" thumbnail = item.thumbnail plot = item.title + "\n\n" + scrapertools.find_single_match( data, '<meta property="og:description" content="([^"]+)"') plot = scrapertools.htmlclean(plot) fanart = scrapertools.find_single_match( data, '<div style="background-image.url. ([^\s]+)') if account: url += "###" + id + ";" + type it2.append( Item(, action="play", title=title, url=url, thumbnail=thumbnail, plot=plot, fanart=fanart,, folder=True, infoLabels=infolabels, language=idioma, contentTitle=item.contentTitle, contentType=item.contentType, tipo=option, tipo1=option1, idioma=idioma)) it2 = servertools.get_servers_itemlist( it2, lambda i: i.title % i.server.capitalize()) it2.sort(key=lambda it: (it.tipo1, it.idioma, it.server)) for item in it2: if "###" not in item.url: item.url += "###" + id + ";" + type itemlist.extend(it1) itemlist.extend(it2) ## 2 = película if type == "2" and item.category != "Cine": if config.get_videolibrary_support(): itemlist.append( Item(, title="Añadir a la videoteca", text_color="green", action="add_pelicula_to_library", url=url_targets, thumbnail=item.thumbnail, fulltitle=item.contentTitle)) return itemlist
def nuevos_cap(item): itemlist = [] data = httptools.downloadpage(item.url).data data = jsontools.load(data) logger.debug(data) capitulos = [] if "Nuevas" in item.title: for child in data["b"]: capitulos.append([child["season"], child]) else: for child in data["a"]: capitulos.append(['', child]) for season, child in capitulos: infoLabels = item.infoLabels if child.get('runtime'): try: infoLabels['duration'] = int(child['runtime'].replace( " min.", "")) * 60 except: pass if not season: season = scrapertools.find_single_match(child['name'], '(\d+)x\d+') try: infoLabels['season'] = int(season) except: infoLabels['season'] = 0 if "Nuevos" in item.title: if not child['episode']: episode = scrapertools.find_single_match( child['name'], '\d+x(\d+)') if not episode: episode = "0" infoLabels['episode'] = int(episode) elif "al" in child['episode']: episode = "0" infoLabels['episode'] = int(episode) else: infoLabels['episode'] = int(child['episode']) infoLabels['mediatype'] = "episode" if "Nuevos" in item.title: url = host % "movie/%s/movie.js" % child["id"] action = "findvideos" thumbnail = host % "movie/%s/thumbnail_200x112.jpg" % child["id"] fanart = item.fanart else: url = host % "list/%s" % child["season"] + ext action = "episodios" thumbnail = host % "list/%s/thumbnail_167x250.jpg" % child["id"] fanart = host % "list/%s/background_1080.jpg" % child["id"] video_urls = [] for k, v in child.get("video", {}).items(): for vid in v: video_urls.append([ "" % (vid["server"], vid["url"]) + "?%s", vid["height"] ]) if "Nuevos" in item.title: title = contentTitle = child['name'].rsplit( " ", 1)[0] + " - " + child['name'].rsplit(" ", 1)[1] else: title = contentTitle = child['name'] thumbnail += "|User-Agent=%s" % httptools.get_user_agent itemlist.append( Item(, action=action, title=title, url=url, thumbnail=thumbnail, fanart=fanart, contentTitle=contentTitle, viewmode="movie", show=item.contentTitle, infoLabels=infoLabels, video_urls=video_urls, extra="nuevos", text_color=color3)) return itemlist
def findvideos(item): itemlist = [] data = get_source(item.url) data = scrapertools.find_single_match(data, '<div id="marco-post">.*?<div id="sidebar">') data = scrapertools.unescape(data) data = scrapertools.decodeHtmlentities(data) options_regex = '<a href="#tab.*?">.*?<b>(.*?)</b>' option_matches = re.compile(options_regex, re.DOTALL).findall(data) video_regex = '<iframe.*?src="(.*?)".*?</iframe>' video_matches = re.compile(video_regex, re.DOTALL).findall(data) # for option, scrapedurl in matches: for option, scrapedurl in map(None, option_matches, video_matches): if scrapedurl is None: continue scrapedurl = scrapedurl.replace('"','').replace('&','&') try: data_video = get_source(scrapedurl) except Exception as e:'Error en url: ' + scrapedurl) continue # # Este sitio pone multiples páginas intermedias, cada una con sus reglas. source_headers = dict() source_headers["Content-Type"] = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8" source_headers["X-Requested-With"] = "XMLHttpRequest" if scrapedurl.find("https://repro") != 0:"Caso 0: url externa") url = scrapedurl itemlist.append(Item(, title=option, url=url, action='play', language=IDIOMA)) elif scrapedurl.find("pi76823.php") > 0:"Caso 1") source_data = get_source(scrapedurl) source_regex = 'post\( "(.*?)", { acc: "(.*?)", id: \'(.*?)\', tk: \'(.*?)\' }' source_matches = re.compile(source_regex, re.DOTALL).findall(source_data) for source_page, source_acc, source_id, source_tk in source_matches: source_url = scrapedurl[0:scrapedurl.find("pi76823.php")] + source_page source_result = httptools.downloadpage(source_url, post='acc=' + source_acc + '&id=' + source_id + '&tk=' + source_tk, headers=source_headers) if source_result.code == 200: source_json = jsontools.load( itemlist.append(Item(, title=option, url=source_json['urlremoto'], action='play', language=IDIOMA)) elif scrapedurl.find("pi7.php") > 0:"Caso 2") source_data = get_source(scrapedurl) source_regex = 'post\( "(.*?)", { acc: "(.*?)", id: \'(.*?)\', tk: \'(.*?)\' }' source_matches = re.compile(source_regex, re.DOTALL).findall(source_data) for source_page, source_acc, source_id, source_tk in source_matches: source_url = scrapedurl[0:scrapedurl.find("pi7.php")] + source_page source_result = httptools.downloadpage(source_url, post='acc=' + source_acc + '&id=' + source_id + '&tk=' + source_tk, headers=source_headers) if source_result.code == 200: source_json = jsontools.load( itemlist.append(Item(, title=option, url=source_json['urlremoto'], action='play', language=IDIOMA)) elif scrapedurl.find("reproducir120.php") > 0:"Caso 3") source_data = get_source(scrapedurl) videoidn = scrapertools.find_single_match(source_data, 'var videoidn = \'(.*?)\';') tokensn = scrapertools.find_single_match(source_data, 'var tokensn = \'(.*?)\';') source_regex = 'post\( "(.*?)", { acc: "(.*?)"' source_matches = re.compile(source_regex, re.DOTALL).findall(source_data) for source_page, source_acc in source_matches: source_url = scrapedurl[0:scrapedurl.find("reproducir120.php")] + source_page source_result = httptools.downloadpage(source_url, post='acc=' + source_acc + '&id=' + videoidn + '&tk=' + tokensn, headers=source_headers) if source_result.code == 200: source_json = jsontools.load( urlremoto_regex = "file:'(.*?)'" urlremoto_matches = re.compile(urlremoto_regex, re.DOTALL).findall(source_json['urlremoto']) if len(urlremoto_matches) == 1: itemlist.append(Item(, title=option, url=urlremoto_matches[0], action='play', language=IDIOMA)) elif scrapedurl.find("reproducir14.php") > 0:"Caso 4") source_data = get_source(scrapedurl) source_regex = '<div id="player-contenido" vid="(.*?)" name="(.*?)"' source_matches = re.compile(source_regex, re.DOTALL).findall(source_data) videoidn = source_matches[0][0] tokensn = source_matches[0][1] source_regex = 'post\( "(.*?)", { acc: "(.*?)"' source_matches = re.compile(source_regex, re.DOTALL).findall(source_data) for source_page, source_acc in source_matches: source_url = scrapedurl[0:scrapedurl.find("reproducir14.php")] + source_page source_result = httptools.downloadpage(source_url, post='acc=' + source_acc + '&id=' + videoidn + '&tk=' + tokensn, headers=source_headers) if source_result.code == 200: source_json = jsontools.load( itemlist.append(Item(, title=option, url=source_json['urlremoto'], action='play', language=IDIOMA)) else:"Caso nuevo") itemlist = servertools.get_servers_itemlist(itemlist) # Requerido para FilterTools itemlist = filtertools.get_links(itemlist, item, list_language) # Requerido para AutoPlay autoplay.start(itemlist, item) if config.get_videolibrary_support() and len(itemlist) > 0 and item.extra != 'findvideos': itemlist.append( Item(, title='[COLOR yellow]Añadir esta pelicula a la videoteca[/COLOR]', url=item.url, action="add_pelicula_to_library", extra="findvideos", contentTitle=item.contentTitle)) return itemlist
def episodios(item): itemlist = [] item.category = categoria #logger.debug(item) if item.from_title: item.title = item.from_title item.extra2 = 'xyz' del item.extra2 #Limpiamos num. Temporada y Episodio que ha podido quedar por Novedades season_display = 0 if item.contentSeason: if item.season_colapse: #Si viene del menú de Temporadas... season_display = item.contentSeason #... salvamos el num de sesión a pintar item.from_num_season_colapse = season_display del item.season_colapse item.contentType = "tvshow" if item.from_title_season_colapse: item.title = item.from_title_season_colapse del item.from_title_season_colapse if item.infoLabels['title']: del item.infoLabels['title'] del item.infoLabels['season'] if item.contentEpisodeNumber: del item.infoLabels['episode'] if season_display == 0 and item.from_num_season_colapse: season_display = item.from_num_season_colapse # Obtener la información actualizada de la Serie. TMDB es imprescindible para Videoteca if not item.infoLabels['tmdb_id']: tmdb.set_infoLabels(item, True) # Descarga la página data = '' #Inserto en num de página en la url try: data = httptools.downloadpage(item.url, timeout=timeout).data data = unicode(data, "utf-8", errors="replace").encode("utf-8") except: #Algún error de proceso, salimos pass if not data: logger.error( "ERROR 01: EPISODIOS: La Web no responde o la URL es erronea" + item.url) itemlist.append( item.clone( action='', + ': ERROR 01: EPISODIOS:. La Web no responde o la URL es erronea. Si la Web está activa, reportar el error con el log' )) return itemlist #Buscamos los episodios matches = jsontools.load(data) if not matches: #error item = generictools.web_intervenida( item, data) #Verificamos que no haya sido clausurada if item.intervencion: #Sí ha sido clausurada judicialmente item, itemlist = generictools.post_tmdb_episodios( item, itemlist) #Llamamos al método para el pintado del error return itemlist #Salimos logger.error( "ERROR 02: EPISODIOS: Ha cambiado la estructura de la Web: " + data) itemlist.append( item.clone( action='', + ': ERROR 02: EPISODIOS: Ha cambiado la estructura de la Web. Reportar el error con el log' )) return itemlist #si no hay más datos, algo no funciona, pintamos lo que tenemos #logger.debug(matches) # Recorremos todos los episodios generando un Item local por cada uno en Itemlist for temporada in matches.get("temporadas", []): if season_display > 0 and temporada.get( "numerotemporada", 0) != season_display: #si no es nuestra temp., pasamos continue #Si hay más de una temporada, solo las enumeramos if len(matches.get("temporadas", [])) > 1 and item.season_colapse: item_local = item.clone() #creo una copia de Item item_local.action = "findvideos" #y lo preparo para la reproducción item_local.contentType = "episode" item_local.extra = "episodios" item_local.contentSeason = temporada.get( "numerotemporada", 1) #Guardo el num. de temporada item_local.contentEpisodeNumber = 1 #relleno el num. de episodio por compatibilidad itemlist.append(item_local.clone()) #lo pinto continue #Paso a la siguiente temporada #Aquí tratamos todos los episodios de una temporada season = temporada.get("numerotemporada", 1) for episodio in temporada.get("capituls", []): item_local = item.clone() #creo una copia de Item item_local.action = "findvideos" #y lo preparo para la reproducción item_local.contentType = "episode" item_local.extra = "episodios" if item_local.library_playcounts: del item_local.library_playcounts if item_local.library_urls: del item_local.library_urls if item_local.path: del item_local.path if item_local.update_last: del item_local.update_last if item_local.update_next: del item_local.update_next if item_local.channel_host: del item_local.channel_host if del if item_local.contentTitle: del item_local.infoLabels['title'] if item_local.season_colapse: del item_local.season_colapse if item_local.tmdb_stat: del item_local.tmdb_stat item_local.title = '' item_local.context = "['buscar_trailer']" title = episodio.get("nomcapitul", "") #título del episodio info_epi = episodio.get("infocapitul", "") #información adicional del episodio item_local.language = [] item_local.url = [] if episodio.get("links", {}).get("magnet"): #buscamos los magnets activos url = episodio.get("links", {}).get("magnet") #salvamos el magnet quality = episodio.get("links", {}).get( "calitat", "") #salvamos la calidad del magnet item_local.url += [(url, quality) ] #guardamos todo como url para findvideos item_local.quality = quality.strip( ) #agregamos a la calidad del título if not item_local.language: item_local.language += ['CAST'] #Castellano por defecto #Buscamos la Temporada y el Episodio try: item_local.contentSeason = int( season) #Copiamos el num. de Temporada except: item_local.contentSeason = 1 #Si hay error, lo dejamos en 1 try: item_local.contentEpisodeNumber = int( episodio.get("numerocapitul", 1)) #Copiamos el num. de Episodio except: item_local.contentEpisodeNumber = 1 #Si hay error, lo dejamos en 1 if 'miniserie' in title.lower( ): #Si es una Miniserie, lo ajustamos if not item_local.contentSeason: item_local.contentSeason = 1 title = title.replace('miniserie', '').replace('MiniSerie', '') #Si son episodios múltiples, lo extraemos patron1 = '\d+[x|X]\d{1,2}.?(?:y|Y|al|Al)?.?(?:(?:\d+[x|X])?(\d{1,2}))?' epi_rango = scrapertools.find_single_match(info_epi, patron1) if epi_rango: item_local.infoLabels['episodio_titulo'] = 'al %s ' % epi_rango item_local.title = '%sx%s al %s -' % ( str(item_local.contentSeason), str(item_local.contentEpisodeNumber).zfill(2), str(epi_rango).zfill(2)) else: item_local.title = '%sx%s -' % ( str(item_local.contentSeason), str(item_local.contentEpisodeNumber).zfill(2)) item.infoLabels['episodio_titulo'] = '%s' % title itemlist.append(item_local.clone()) #logger.debug(item_local) if len(itemlist) > 1: itemlist = sorted(itemlist, key=lambda it: (int(it.contentSeason), int(it.contentEpisodeNumber) )) #clasificamos if item.season_colapse and not item.add_videolibrary: #Si viene de listado, mostramos solo Temporadas item, itemlist = generictools.post_tmdb_seasons(item, itemlist) if not item.season_colapse: #Si no es pantalla de Temporadas, pintamos todo # Pasada por TMDB y clasificación de lista por temporada y episodio tmdb.set_infoLabels(itemlist, True) #Llamamos al método para el maquillaje de los títulos obtenidos desde TMDB item, itemlist = generictools.post_tmdb_episodios(item, itemlist) #logger.debug(item) return itemlist
def get_server_parameters(server): """ Obtiene los datos del servidor @param server: Nombre del servidor @type server: str @return: datos del servidor @rtype: dict """ #"server %s" % server) global dict_servers_parameters server = server.split('.')[0] if not server: return {} if server not in dict_servers_parameters: try: # Servers if os.path.isfile( os.path.join(config.get_runtime_path(), "servers", server + ".json")): path = os.path.join(config.get_runtime_path(), "servers", server + ".json") # Debriders elif os.path.isfile( os.path.join(config.get_runtime_path(), "servers", "debriders", server + ".json")): path = os.path.join(config.get_runtime_path(), "servers", "debriders", server + ".json") import filetools data = dict_server = jsontools.load(data) # Imagenes: se admiten url y archivos locales dentro de "resources/images" if dict_server.get( "thumbnail") and "://" not in dict_server["thumbnail"]: dict_server["thumbnail"] = os.path.join( config.get_runtime_path(), "resources", "media", "servers", dict_server["thumbnail"]) for k in ['premium', 'id']: dict_server[k] = dict_server.get(k, list()) if type(dict_server[k]) == str: dict_server[k] = [dict_server[k]] # if not dict_server.has_key(k) or dict_server[k] == "": # dict_server[k] = [] # elif type(dict_server[k]) == dict: # dict_server[k] = dict_server[k]["value"] # if type(dict_server[k]) == str: # dict_server[k] = [dict_server[k]] if "find_videos" in dict_server: dict_server['find_videos']["patterns"] = dict_server[ 'find_videos'].get("patterns", list()) dict_server['find_videos']["ignore_urls"] = dict_server[ 'find_videos'].get("ignore_urls", list()) if "settings" in dict_server: dict_server['has_settings'] = True else: dict_server['has_settings'] = False dict_servers_parameters[server] = dict_server except: mensaje = "Error al cargar el servidor: %s\n" % server import traceback logger.error(mensaje + traceback.format_exc()) return {} return dict_servers_parameters[server]
try: req = urllib2.Request(url, data=jsontools.dump(params), headers=DEFAULT_HEADERS) response = urllib2.urlopen(req) html = response.close() except Exception, ex: message = "An exception of type %s occured. Arguments:\n%s" % ( type(ex).__name__, repr(ex.args)) logger.error("error en: %s" % message) else: dict_html = jsontools.load(html) # logger.debug("dict_html %s" % dict_html) if "token" in dict_html: token = dict_html["token"] DEFAULT_HEADERS["Authorization"] = "Bearer " + token TOKEN = config.set_setting("tvdb_token", token) @classmethod def __refresh_token(cls): # global TOKEN is_success = False url = HOST + "/refresh_token"
def jayhap_search(item): itemlist = [] if item.extra != "jayhap": item.contentTitle += " trailer" texto = item.contentTitle post = urllib.urlencode({ 'q': texto, 'yt': 'true', 'vm': 'true', 'dm': 'true', 'v': 'all', 'l': 'all', 'd': 'all' }) # Comprueba si es una búsqueda de cero o viene de la opción Siguiente if != "": post += urllib.urlencode( data = scrapertools.downloadpage( "", post=post) else: data = scrapertools.downloadpage( "", post=post) data = jsontools.load(data) for video in data['videos']: url = video['url'] server = video['source'].lower() duration = " (" + video['duration'] + ")" title = video['title'].decode( "utf-8") + duration + " [" + server.capitalize() + "]" thumbnail = video['thumbnail'] if item.contextual: title = "[COLOR white]%s[/COLOR]" % title itemlist.append( item.clone(action="play", server=server, title=title, url=url, thumbnail=thumbnail, text_color="white")) if not itemlist: itemlist.append( item.clone(title="La búsqueda no ha dado resultados (%s)" % item.contentTitle, action="", thumbnail="", text_color="")) else: tokens = data['tokens'] tokens['yt_token'] = tokens.pop('youtube') tokens['vm_token'] = tokens.pop('vimeo') tokens['dm_token'] = tokens.pop('dailymotion') itemlist.append( item.clone(title=">> Siguiente", page=tokens, action="jayhap_search", extra="jayhap", thumbnail="", text_color="")) if keyboard: if item.contextual: title = "[COLOR green]%s[/COLOR]" else: title = "%s" itemlist.append( item.clone(title=title % "Búsqueda Manual en Jayhap", action="manual_search", text_color="green", thumbnail="", extra="jayhap")) return itemlist