def get_all(self): """Gets the complete list of colors.""" if self._collection is None: file_path = self.get_data_path() # read the colors.json file (this simulates the data access, without data access layer) file_data = self._collection = json.loads(file_data) return self._collection
def load_resources_config(): """ Loads the resources configuration. """ try: base_path = path.abspath(path.join(path.dirname(__file__), pardir)) scripts_config = path.join(base_path, "configuration", "scripts.js") contents = # extract the information that we care about contents = remove_comments(contents).replace("module.exports = {", "{") contents = Text.remove_line_breaks(contents) contents = re.sub(";\s*$", "", contents) data = json.loads(contents) return data except Exception as ex: print("ERROR: while loading the scripts configuration for the resources helper.") print(str(ex)) raise
def load_resources_config(): """ Loads the resources configuration. :rtype : object """ try: base_path = path.abspath(path.join(path.dirname(__file__), pardir)) scripts_config = path.join(base_path, "configuration", "scripts.js") contents = # extract the information that we care about contents = remove_comments(contents).replace("module.exports = {", "{") contents = Text.remove_line_breaks(contents) contents = re.sub(";\s*$", "", contents) data = json.loads(contents) return data except Exception as ex: print("ERROR: while loading the scripts configuration for the resources helper.") print(ex.message) raise
def get_templates_for_angular(path, all_html_files, appname, underscore_js_compile, comment): """ Creates templates.js files for AngularJs """ f = [] pat = r"<!--template=\"([a-zA-Z0-9\\-]+)\"-->" f.append("//") f.append("//Knight generated templates file.") if comment is not None: f.append("// * ") f.append("// * " + comment) f.append("// * ") f.append("//") f.append("(function () {") f.append(" var o = {") k = len(all_html_files) i = 0 for h in all_html_files: i += 1 # get file content txt = # check if the rx matches the contents m =, txt) if m: # get the template name from the group name = # remove the template name comment txt = re.sub(pat, "", txt) else: # get the filename with extension name = os.path.basename(h) # remove extension name = os.path.splitext(name)[0] # escape single quotes txt = re.sub("'", "\\'", txt) # condensate txt = Text.condensate(txt) f.append(" \'{0}\': \'{1}\'{2}".format(name, txt, "," if i < k else "")) f.append(" };") f.append(" var f = function(a) {") if underscore_js_compile is None or underscore_js_compile == "": #plain templates f.append(" var x;") f.append(" for (x in o) {") f.append(" a.put(x, o[x]);") f.append(" }") else: #templates run into UnderscoreJs template function f.append(" var ctx = {};".format(underscore_js_compile)) f.append(" _.each(o, function (v, k) {") f.append(" a.put(k, _.template(v, ctx));") f.append(" });") f.append(" };") f.append(" f.$inject = ['$templateCache'];") f.append(" {0}.run(f);".format(appname)) f.append("})();") code = "\n".join(f) # save templates.js outputPath = os.path.join(path, "templates.js") print("...saving file {}".format(outputPath)) Scribe.write(code, outputPath)
def get_templates(path, all_html_files, underscore_js_compile, templates_variable, comment): """ Creates templates.js files for KnockOut """ f = [] pat = r"<!--template=\"([a-zA-Z0-9\\-]+)\"-->" f.append("//") f.append("//Knight generated templates file.") if comment is not None: f.append("// * ") f.append("// * " + comment) f.append("// * ") f.append("//") f.append("if (!" + templates_variable + ") " + templates_variable + " = {};") f.append("(function (templates) {") f.append(" var o = {") k = len(all_html_files) i = 0 for h in all_html_files: i += 1 # get file content txt = # check if the rx matches the contents m =, txt) if m: # get the template name from the group name = # remove the template name comment txt = re.sub(pat, "", txt) else: # get the filename with extension name = os.path.basename(h) # remove extension name = os.path.splitext(name)[0] # escape single quotes txt = re.sub("'", "\\'", txt) # condensate txt = Text.condensate(txt) f.append(" '{}': '{}'{}".format(name, txt, "," if i < k else "")) f.append(" };") if underscore_js_compile is None or underscore_js_compile == "": # plain templates f.append(" var x;") f.append(" for (x in o) {") f.append(" templates[x] = o[x];") f.append(" }") else: # templates run into UnderscoreJs template function f.append(" var ctx = {};".format(underscore_js_compile)) f.append(" _.each(o, function (v, k) {") f.append(" x[k] = _.template(v, ctx);") f.append(" });") f.append("})(" + templates_variable + ");") code = "\n".join(f) # save templates.js outputPath = os.path.join(path, "templates.js") print("...saving file {}".format(outputPath)) Scribe.write(code, outputPath)