def player_bad_last_shot(self, tour_id, p_id, round_no, hole_list_text): data_frame = None try: data_frame = self.sql_helper.execute(""" SELECT season_id, tour_id, p_id, round_cn, hole_cn, shot_cn, `distance`, rest_distance FROM ( SELECT season_id, tour_id, p_id, round_cn, hole_cn, shot_cn, `distance`, rest_distance, shot_distance, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY season_id, tour_id, p_id, round_cn ORDER BY `shot_distance` ASC) AS ROW_NUM_2 FROM ( SELECT season_id, tour_id, p_id, round_cn, hole_cn, shot_cn, `distance`, rest_distance, (`distance` - rest_distance) AS shot_distance, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY season_id, tour_id, p_id, round_cn, hole_cn ORDER BY `distance` ASC) AS ROW_NUM FROM player_shot WHERE season_id = 2020 AND tour_id = {tour_id} and p_id = {p_id} AND round_cn = {round_no} AND rest_distance > 0 AND hole_cn IN ({hole_list_text}) ) AS A WHERE ROW_NUM = 1 ) AS A WHERE ROW_NUM_2 = 1 """.format(tour_id=tour_id, p_id=p_id, round_no=round_no, hole_list_text=hole_list_text)) except Exception as ex: LogHelper.instance().e( ex, file_name=sys._getframe().f_code.co_filename, func_name=sys._getframe().f_code.co_name) return data_frame
def generate_article(self): print('>>>>>>>>') print(CacheHelper.get_cache_dict()) result = super().success_result() try: result['article_type'] = 'player' article_var = PlayerArticleVariables(p_id=self.p_id, tour_id=self.tour_id, round_no=self.round_no) template_sentence = SentenceTemplate(article_var) sentence_list = template_sentence.set_sentence() contents = '' if len(sentence_list) > 0: contents = '\n\n'.join(sentence_list) result['contents'] = contents except Exception as ex: LogHelper.instance().e(ex, file_name=__name__, func_name=sys._getframe().f_code.co_name) result = super().failure_result() result['result_msg'] = str(ex) return result
def get_1st_sentence(self): """ 첫문단 :return: """ var = NamedVariable() try: start_date = self.tour_list_df.iloc[-1].start_date current = datetime.datetime.strptime(start_date, '%Y%m%d') + \ datetime.timedelta(days=self.competition_round - 1) current_date = datetime.datetime.strftime(current, '%Y%m%d') tour_place = self.tour_list_df.iloc[-1].place tour_course = self.tour_list_df.iloc[-1].course tour_total_prize = self.get_won( self.tour_list_df.iloc[-1].total_prize_money) setattr(var, '경기일자', current_date[-2:]) setattr(var, '경기장소', tour_place) setattr(var, '경기코스', tour_course) setattr(var, '상금', tour_total_prize) setattr(var, '라운드', self.competition_round) except Exception as ex: LogHelper.instance().e(ex, file_name=__name__, func_name=sys._getframe().f_code.co_name) return var
def __init__(self, p_id): try: self.p_id = p_id self.player_df = DbRecord().player_profile(p_id=self.p_id) g.define_method(self, g.method_info_player) except Exception as ex: LogHelper.instance().e(ex, file_name=__name__, func_name=sys._getframe().f_code.co_name)
def shot_dynamic_variable(self): data_frame = None try: data_frame = self.sql_helper.execute( 'SELECT T_INDEX, T_GROUP, T_NAME, T_RANK, T_USE, T_CONDITION, T_EVAL, T_SENTENCE ' 'FROM SHOT_DYNAMIC_VARIABLE') except Exception as ex: LogHelper.instance().e( ex, file_name=sys._getframe().f_code.co_filename, func_name=sys._getframe().f_code.co_name) return data_frame
def __init__(self, tour_id, round_no): try: self.tour_id = tour_id self.round_no = round_no self.tour_df = DbRecord().tour_list(tour_id=self.tour_id) self.is_first_major() g.define_method(self, g.method_info_tour) except Exception as ex: LogHelper.instance().e(ex, file_name=__name__, func_name=sys._getframe().f_code.co_name)
def base_template(self): data_frame = None try: data_frame = self.sql_helper.execute( 'SELECT T_INDEX, T_GROUP, T_NAME, T_RANK, T_USE, T_CONDITION, T_EVAL, T_SENTENCE, T_TEMPLATE_TAB ' 'FROM BASE_TEMPLATE') except Exception as ex: LogHelper.instance().e( ex, file_name=sys._getframe().f_code.co_filename, func_name=sys._getframe().f_code.co_name) return data_frame
def player_list(self): data_frame = None try: data_frame = self.sql_helper.execute( 'SELECT SEASON_ID, MEMBER_TYPE, P_ID, P_NM, REG_DT ' 'FROM PLAYER_LIST') except Exception as ex: LogHelper.instance().e( ex, file_name=sys._getframe().f_code.co_filename, func_name=sys._getframe().f_code.co_name) return data_frame
def cd_master(self): data_frame = None try: data_frame = self.sql_helper.execute( 'SELECT CD_GROUP, CD_SE, GROUP_NM, CD_ID, CD_NM ' 'FROM CD_MASTER') except Exception as ex: LogHelper.instance().e( ex, file_name=sys._getframe().f_code.co_filename, func_name=sys._getframe().f_code.co_name) return data_frame
def player_test_sentence(self): data_frame = None try: data_frame = self.sql_helper.execute( 'SELECT T_INDEX, T_GROUP, T_NAME, T_RANK, T_USE, T_CONDITION, T_EVAL, T_SENTENCE ' 'FROM PLAYER_TEST_SENTENCE') except Exception as ex: LogHelper.instance().e( ex, file_name=sys._getframe().f_code.co_filename, func_name=sys._getframe().f_code.co_name) return data_frame
def tour_player_group(self): data_frame = None try: data_frame = self.sql_helper.execute( 'SELECT SEASON_ID, TOUR_ID, ROUND_NO, GROUP_NO, P_ID, REG_DT ' 'FROM TOUR_PLAYER_GROUP') except Exception as ex: LogHelper.instance().e( ex, file_name=sys._getframe().f_code.co_filename, func_name=sys._getframe().f_code.co_name) return data_frame
def tour_participant(self): data_frame = None try: data_frame = self.sql_helper.execute( 'SELECT SEASON_ID, TOUR_ID, PARTICIPANT_TYPE, P_ID, REG_DT ' 'FROM TOUR_PARTICIPANT') except Exception as ex: LogHelper.instance().e( ex, file_name=sys._getframe().f_code.co_filename, func_name=sys._getframe().f_code.co_name) return data_frame
def get_var(self): """ 선수_테스트문장 :return: """ var = NamedVariable() try: setattr(var, '공통', self.get_common_sentence()) setattr(var, '첫문단', self.get_1st_sentence()) except Exception as ex: LogHelper.instance().e(ex, file_name=__name__, func_name=sys._getframe().f_code.co_name) return var
def get(cache_key=None, time=None): result = None if CacheHelper._dict_cache is not None and cache_key is not None: if time is None: time = CacheHelper.Time.DEFAULT try: result = CacheHelper.get_cache_dict(time).get(cache_key) except Exception as ex: LogHelper.instance().e( ex, file_name=__name__, func_name=sys._getframe().f_code.co_name) return result
def set(cache_key=None, cache_value=None, time=None): result = None if CacheHelper._dict_cache is not None and cache_key is not None: if time is None: time = CacheHelper.Time.DEFAULT CacheHelper.get_cache_dict(time).set(cache_key, cache_value) else: message = 'CacheHelper is not initialize or cache_key is None > {cache_key}'.format( cache_key=cache_key) LogHelper.instance().d(message, file_name=__name__, func_name=sys._getframe().f_code.co_name) return result
def get_common_sentence(self): var = NamedVariable() try: # 선수프로필관련 birth_date = self.player_info.get_birth_date() age = self.season - int(birth_date[0:4]) admission_date = self.player_info.get_admission_date() player_year = self.season - int(admission_date[0:4]) setattr(var, '선수나이', age) setattr(var, '선수연차', player_year) except Exception as ex: LogHelper.instance().e(ex, file_name=__name__, func_name=sys._getframe().f_code.co_name) return var
def method_info(self, name=None): data_frame = None try: if name is None: data_frame = self.sql_helper.execute( 'SELECT T_INDEX, T_NAME, T_KOR, T_METHOD FROM METHOD_INFO') else: data_frame = self.sql_helper\ .execute("SELECT T_INDEX, T_NAME, T_KOR, T_METHOD FROM METHOD_INFO " "WHERE `T_NAME` = '{name}'".format(name=name)) if len(data_frame) > 0: data_frame = data_frame.astype({'t_index': 'int'}) except Exception as ex: LogHelper.instance().e( ex, file_name=sys._getframe().f_code.co_filename, func_name=sys._getframe().f_code.co_name) return data_frame
def get_won(prize): result = None try: length = len(prize) if length >= 9: result = int(prize) // 100000000 if str(int(prize) % 100000000) != '0': result = str(result) + '억' + str( int(prize) % 100000000)[0] + '천만' else: result = str(result) + '억' elif length == 8: result = int(prize) // 10000000 result = str(result) + '천만' except Exception as ex: LogHelper.instance().e(ex, file_name=__name__, func_name=sys._getframe().f_code.co_name) return result
def player_shot(self, tour_id=None): data_frame = None try: if tour_id is None: data_frame = self.sql_helper.execute( 'SELECT SEASON_ID, TOUR_ID, P_ID, ROUND_CN, HOLE_CN, SHOT_CN, SHOT_TEXT, DISTANCE, ' 'REST_DISTANCE, REG_DT FROM PLAYER_SHOT') else: data_frame = self.sql_helper.execute( 'SELECT SEASON_ID, TOUR_ID, P_ID, ROUND_CN, HOLE_CN, SHOT_CN, SHOT_TEXT, DISTANCE, ' 'REST_DISTANCE, REG_DT FROM PLAYER_SHOT ' 'WHERE TOUR_ID={tour_id}'.format(tour_id=tour_id)) except Exception as ex: LogHelper.instance().e( ex, file_name=sys._getframe().f_code.co_filename, func_name=sys._getframe().f_code.co_name) return data_frame
def get_result_string(self, param_dict, sentence, var, final=False): result = sentence reg = r"\{(.+?)\}" param_list = re.findall(reg, result) if param_list: for param in param_list: p = param.split('.') if param == '생략': param_dict.update({param: ''}) else: param_dict.update({param: self.get_attr(var, p)}) if final and result != '{생략}': LogHelper.instance().d("{0}: {1}".format(result, param_dict)) for param in param_list: result = result.replace("{%s}" % param, "%s" % param_dict[param]) if final: LogHelper.instance().d("[Condition]: {0}: {1}".format(result, param_dict)) return result
def tour_course_hole_info(self, tour_id=None): data_frame = None try: if tour_id is None: data_frame = self.sql_helper.execute( 'SELECT SEASON_ID, TOUR_ID, HOLE_TYPE, HOLE_NO, YARD, METER, PAR, GREEN, REG_DT ' 'FROM TOUR_COURSE_HOLE_INFO') else: data_frame = self.sql_helper.execute( 'SELECT SEASON_ID, TOUR_ID, HOLE_TYPE, HOLE_NO, YARD, METER, PAR, GREEN, REG_DT ' 'FROM TOUR_COURSE_HOLE_INFO ' 'WHERE TOUR_ID={tour_id}'.format(tour_id=tour_id)) except Exception as ex: LogHelper.instance().e( ex, file_name=sys._getframe().f_code.co_filename, func_name=sys._getframe().f_code.co_name) return data_frame
def __init__(self, tour_id, p_id, round_no): try: self.tour_id = tour_id self.p_id = p_id self.round_no = round_no self.db_record = DbRecord() self.shot_df = self.db_record.player_shot(tour_id=self.tour_id) self.player_shot_df = self.shot_df[self.shot_df.p_id == self.p_id] self.hole_df = Hole(tour_id=self.tour_id).get_hole_par_no().astype( { 'hole_no': 'int64', 'par': 'int64' }) g.define_method(self, g.method_info_shot) except Exception as ex: LogHelper.instance().e(ex, file_name=__name__, func_name=sys._getframe().f_code.co_name)
def execute(self, query): data_frame = None conn = None try: # Open database connection conn = pymysql.connect(, port=self.port, user=self.user, passwd=self.password, db=self.db_name , charset="utf8", autocommit=True, cursorclass=pymysql.cursors.DictCursor) cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.execute(query) result = cursor.fetchall() data_frame = pd.DataFrame(result) data_frame.columns = map(str.lower, data_frame.columns) except Exception as e: LogHelper.instance().e(e) finally: if conn is not None: # disconnect from server conn.close() return data_frame
def tour_list(self, tour_id=None): data_frame = None try: if tour_id is None: data_frame = self.sql_helper.execute( 'SELECT SEASON_ID, TOUR_TYPE, TOUR_ID, MONTH_ID, TOUR_NAME, START_DATE, END_DATE, ' 'START_WEEK, END_WEEK, START_DATE_ORIGINAL, END_DATE_ORIGINAL, PLACE, COURSE, TOTAL_PRIZE_MONEY, ' 'TOTAL_PRIZE_MONEY_UNIT, TOTAL_PRIZE_MONEY_ORIGINAL, WINNER, REG_DT ' 'FROM TOUR_LIST') else: data_frame = self.sql_helper.execute( 'SELECT SEASON_ID, TOUR_TYPE, TOUR_ID, MONTH_ID, TOUR_NAME, START_DATE, END_DATE, ' 'START_WEEK, END_WEEK, START_DATE_ORIGINAL, END_DATE_ORIGINAL, PLACE, COURSE, TOTAL_PRIZE_MONEY, ' 'TOTAL_PRIZE_MONEY_UNIT, TOTAL_PRIZE_MONEY_ORIGINAL, WINNER, REG_DT ' 'FROM TOUR_LIST ' 'WHERE TOUR_ID = {tour_id}'.format(tour_id=tour_id)) except Exception as ex: LogHelper.instance().e( ex, file_name=sys._getframe().f_code.co_filename, func_name=sys._getframe().f_code.co_name) return data_frame
def tour_total_score(self, tour_id=None): data_frame = None try: if tour_id is None: data_frame = self.sql_helper.execute( 'SELECT SEASON_ID, TOUR_ID, P_ID, TOTAL_RANK, TOTAL_RANK_NO, TOTAL_SCORE, ROUND_1_STROKE, ' 'ROUND_1_RANK, ROUND_2_STROKE, ROUND_2_RANK, ROUND_3_STROKE, ROUND_3_RANK, ROUND_4_STROKE,' 'ROUND_4_RANK, TOTAL_STROKE, PRIZE_MONEY, REG_DT ' 'FROM TOUR_TOTAL_SCORE') else: data_frame = self.sql_helper.execute( 'SELECT SEASON_ID, TOUR_ID, P_ID, TOTAL_RANK, TOTAL_RANK_NO, TOTAL_SCORE, ROUND_1_STROKE, ' 'ROUND_1_RANK, ROUND_2_STROKE, ROUND_2_RANK, ROUND_3_STROKE, ROUND_3_RANK, ROUND_4_STROKE,' 'ROUND_4_RANK, TOTAL_STROKE, PRIZE_MONEY, REG_DT ' 'FROM TOUR_TOTAL_SCORE ' 'WHERE TOUR_ID={tour_id}'.format(tour_id=tour_id)) except Exception as ex: LogHelper.instance().e( ex, file_name=sys._getframe().f_code.co_filename, func_name=sys._getframe().f_code.co_name) return data_frame
def player_profile(self, p_id=None): data_frame = None try: if p_id is None: data_frame = self.sql_helper.execute( 'SELECT SEASON_ID, MEMBER_TYPE, P_ID, P_NM, P_NM_ENG, P_NM_CHN, BIRTH_DATE, BIRTH_DATE_ORIGINAL, ' 'HEIGHT, HEIGHT_ORIGINAL, BLOOD_TYPE, ADMISSION_DATE, ADMISSION_DATE_ORIGINAL, MEMBER_ID, ' 'SPONSOR, USE_BALL, SELF_INTRODUCTION, REG_DT ' 'FROM PLAYER_PROFILE') else: data_frame = self.sql_helper.execute( 'SELECT SEASON_ID, MEMBER_TYPE, P_ID, P_NM, P_NM_ENG, P_NM_CHN, BIRTH_DATE, BIRTH_DATE_ORIGINAL, ' 'HEIGHT, HEIGHT_ORIGINAL, BLOOD_TYPE, ADMISSION_DATE, ADMISSION_DATE_ORIGINAL, MEMBER_ID, ' 'SPONSOR, USE_BALL, SELF_INTRODUCTION, REG_DT ' 'FROM PLAYER_PROFILE ' 'WHERE P_ID = {p_id}'.format(p_id=p_id)) except Exception as ex: LogHelper.instance().e( ex, file_name=sys._getframe().f_code.co_filename, func_name=sys._getframe().f_code.co_name) return data_frame
def get_total_record(self): """ 전체기록 :return: """ var = NamedVariable() try: hole_shot_df = self.player_shot_df[ self.player_shot_df.round_cn <= self.round_no] hole_shot_df = hole_shot_df[['round_cn', 'hole_cn', 'shot_cn']] hole_shot_df = hole_shot_df.drop_duplicates( subset=['round_cn', 'hole_cn'], keep='last') hole_shot_df = pd.merge(self.hole_df, hole_shot_df, left_on='hole_no', right_on='hole_cn') hole_shot_df[ 'score'] = hole_shot_df['shot_cn'] - hole_shot_df['par'] # 스코어 score = hole_shot_df.score.values.sum() setattr(var, '스코어', score) # 스코어절대값 abs_score = abs(score) setattr(var, '절대값스코어', abs_score) # 스트로크수 stroke_cn = hole_shot_df.shot_cn.values.sum() setattr(var, '스트로크수', stroke_cn) except Exception as ex: LogHelper.instance().e(ex, file_name=__name__, func_name=sys._getframe().f_code.co_name) return var
def do_stuff(): global yourThread global callbackFunction global is_init with dataLock: if callbackFunction is not None: try: if is_init: now_hour = int('%H')) if START_TIME <= now_hour < END_TIME: callbackFunction() else: is_init = True callbackFunction() except Exception as ex: LogHelper.instance().e( ex, file_name=sys._getframe().f_code.co_filename, func_name=sys._getframe().f_code.co_name) yourThread = threading.Timer(POOL_TIME, do_stuff, ()) yourThread.start()
def initialize(): try: starttime = time.time() global MODEL_DICT global DYNAMIC_MODEL_DICT global DF_GROUP_DICT global VARIABLE_DICT global method_info_common global method_info_player global method_info_tour global method_info_round global method_info_shot global major_competition # region Clear Values MODEL_DICT = {} DYNAMIC_MODEL_DICT = {} DF_GROUP_DICT = {} VARIABLE_DICT = {} method_info_common = None method_info_player = None method_info_tour = None method_info_round = None method_info_shot = None major_competition = [] # endregion Clear Values MODEL_DICT = { 'method_info': DbTemplate().method_info(), 'base_template': DbTemplate().base_template(), 'player_test_sentence': DbTemplate().player_test_sentence(), } DYNAMIC_MODEL_DICT = { 'common_dynamic_variable': DbTemplate().common_dynamic_variable(), 'shot_dynamic_variable': DbTemplate().shot_dynamic_variable(), 'round_dynamic_variable': DbTemplate().round_dynamic_variable(), } for (name, model) in DYNAMIC_MODEL_DICT.items(): VARIABLE_DICT[name] = init_dynamic_variable(model) method_info_common = get_dict_method( DbTemplate().method_info('common')) method_info_player = get_dict_method( DbTemplate().method_info('player')) method_info_tour = get_dict_method(DbTemplate().method_info('tour')) method_info_round = get_dict_method(DbTemplate().method_info('round')) method_info_shot = get_dict_method(DbTemplate().method_info('shot')) major_competition = [ '한국여자오픈', '한화 클래식', 'KLPGA 챔피언십', 'KB금융 스타챔피언십', '하이트진로 챔피언십' ] LogHelper.instance().d('globals initialize') endtime = time.time() print('초기화 걸리는 시간 : ', endtime - starttime) except Exception as ex: LogHelper.instance().e(ex, file_name=sys._getframe().f_code.co_filename, func_name=sys._getframe().f_code.co_name)
@app.route("/") def index(): return render_template("index.html") @app.errorhandler(404) def page_not_found(error): return render_template('404.html') # KLPGA 선수별 기사 @app.route("/player_article/<tour_id>/<p_id>/<round_no>") def player_test(p_id, tour_id, round_no): g.initialize() # <TODO> 개발때만 쓰고 지워라! result = PlayerArticle(p_id=int(p_id), tour_id=tour_id, round_no=int(round_no)).generate_article() return ResponseHelper().write(result) if __name__ == '__main__': try: LogHelper.instance().i('Server Start') g.initialize(), host='', port=21215) except Exception as ex: LogHelper.instance().e(ex)