예제 #1
 def dumb_value_function(node):
     board = node['board']
     move = node['move']
     value = -node['to_move'] * inf if check_victory(board, move - 1) else 0
     player_logger.debug('evaluated move %s on board %s: value %s', move,
                         board, value)
     return value
예제 #2
 def process_turn_input(self, inp):
     a = self.available_moves = []
     for r, row in zip('ABC', inp):
         for c, cell in zip('123', row.split()):
             if cell == EMPTY:
                 a.append(r + c)
     player_logger.debug('available_moves: %s', self.available_moves)
예제 #3
 def compute_available_moves(self):
         each pawn to last row movement accounts for 4 different promotions
         if I really cared about the random player, probably I'd rescale the probabilities
     am = list(get_available_moves_from_game(self.game, self.id))
     player_logger.debug('available moves: %s', am)
     return am
예제 #4
 def process_turn_input(self, inp):
     b = self.board = {}
     a = self.available_moves = []
     for r, row in zip('ABC', inp):
         for c, cell in zip('123', row.split()):
             k = r + c
             b[k] = cell
             if cell == EMPTY:
     player_logger.debug('board state: %s; available moves: %s;', b, a)
예제 #5
 def _compute_move(self):
     while True:
         move = IOPlayer.compute_move(self)  # using super here would create a loop
         if self.algebraic:
                 move = self.parse_algebraic(move)
             except (ValueError, IndexError, StopIteration):
                 print('invalid move!')
         if move in get_available_moves_from_game(self.game, self.id):
         print('invalid move!')
     return move
예제 #6
 def to_algebraic(self, mov):
         converts a valid move in coordinates notation to algebraic notation
     g = self.game
     b = g.board
     starting = XCOORD.index(mov[0]), YCOORD.index(mov[1])
     target = XCOORD.index(mov[2]), YCOORD.index(mov[3])
     spiece = b[starting][1]
     if spiece == 'K':
         # check for castle
         d = abs(starting[0] - target[0])
         if d == 2:
             return '0-0'
         elif d == 3:
             return '0-0-0'
         otherpieces = ()
         otherpieces = [t for t in g.player_pieces[self.id] if t != starting and b[t] == spiece]
         # in case of promotion, can be more than 1
     tpart = mov[2:]  # pawn promotion is managed as well this way
     if b[target] != EMPTY:
         tpart = 'x' + tpart
     elif b[starting] == 'P' and starting[0] != target[0]:
         tpart = 'x' + tpart + 'e.p.'
     if spiece == 'P':
         spart = mov[0] if 'x' in tpart else ''
         spart = spiece
         player_logger.debug('checking available moves for using proper algebraic notation')
         if any(target in available_piece_moves(b, op) for op in otherpieces):
             # disambiguation needed
             if all(op[0] != starting[0] for op in otherpieces):
                 spart = spart + mov[0]
             elif all(op[1] != starting[1] for op in otherpieces):
                 spart = spart + mov[1]
                 spart += mov[:2]
     kingpos = g.kings[self.id]
     player_logger.debug('checking if it is a king check to signal it')
     check = g.check_menace(kingpos, (self.id % 2) + 1, free_cell=starting, block_cell=target)
     if check:
         player_logger.debug('king in %s menaced by %s after move %s%s', kingpos, check, spart, tpart)
         tpart += '+'
     return spart + tpart
예제 #7
 def compute_move(self):
     move = self._compute_move()
     player_logger.debug('updating internal state for player move %s', move)
     self.game.execute_turn(self.id, move)
     return move
예제 #8
 def process_turn_input(self, inp):
     inp = inp[0]
     if inp != NULLMOVE:
         player_logger.debug('updating internal state for opponent move %s', inp)
         self.game.execute_turn((self.id % 2) + 1, inp)
예제 #9
 def process_turn_input(self, inp):
     a = self.available_moves = []
     for i, col in enumerate(inp):
         if col[-1] == '0':
             a.append(str(i + 1))
     player_logger.debug('available_moves: %s', self.available_moves)
예제 #10
 def compute_move(self):
     outp = self.nn(self.network_input)
     player_logger.debug('nn output: %s', outp)
     move = max((el, i) for i, el in enumerate(outp)
                if self.network_input[i] == 0)[1]
     return 'ABC'[move // 3] + '123'[move % 3]